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仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit 2 复习题.docx

1、仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit 2 复习题八年级上Unit 2专项训练复习题一. 把下列短语翻译成英语或按要求完成。1. 患重感冒 _ 2. 去看牙医_3. 睡个好觉_. 4.保持健康_5. 头疼_ 6. 大量的_7. 发烧_ 8. 卧床休息_9. 一个好主意_ 10. 背疼_11. .日日夜夜_ 12. 躺下_13.太多的糖_ 14. 刷牙_15.照顾好眼睛_16. 嗓子疼_17.看起来苍白_18. 加蜂蜜的热茶_19.直到.才_20.为。担心_21.返回。_ 22.接受某人的建议_23. 既。又。_ 24. 仔细检查_25. 看起来很疲倦_ 26. 饭前洗手_27. 做运动 _ 28. 熬夜

2、_29. 太少 _ 30. 做早操_31. 留长指甲_ 32. 对健康有好处_33. 放弃 _ 34. 对。是必要的_35. 使你保持活力_ 36. 在白天_37. 乱扔垃圾_ 38. 在阳光下看书_39.健康的习惯 _ 40. 将垃圾扔进垃圾箱_41. 提供能量 _ 42. 践踏草坪_43.空腹运动_ 44.进入_45.充足的睡眠_ 46保持空气清新_47.在公共场所吐痰_ 48. 扫地 . _49. 总所周知_ 50. 超过,多于_51.太多或太少_ 52. 炸薯条_53.在各个方面_ 54. 少于,不到_55.健康的饮食习惯_ 56.litte(比较级/最高级) _57.many /mu

3、ch (比较级) _ 58. ill (名词) _59. difference (形容词) _ 60 .healthy(反义词) _61. choose (过去式) _ 62. fish(复数) _63. potato (复数) _ 64. with(反义词) _65. sick(同义词)_ 66. 赶快_67. 与某人交谈 _ 68. 接受某人的意见_69. 强身健体_ 70. 辛辣食物_71.一直. _ 72. 拥挤的地方_73. 远离_ 74. 预防流感_75. 多做运动_ 76. 给病人做检查_77.捎口信_ 78. 留个口信_79.照顾_ 80. 告诉某人做某事_81. 给某人回电话

4、_ 82. 保持强壮_83.目前,现在_ 84. 去滑旱冰_85.做报告_ 86. 打电话_87.听报告_ 88.积极参加_89 求救 _ 90. 爆发_91 整日整夜_ 92. 在电话里聊天_93 挽救病人_ 94. 自学_95 害怕做某事_二:根据首字母和汉语提示补全单词和句子。1. Dont read in the sun for too long ,or youll have s_ eyes .2.We have the f_ easily in spring.3. His temperature is too high, he must have a f_ .4. You look

5、too tired, you should take a r_.5. My mother is always tired, so she usually has a b_.6. 听到那件事,我感到很难过。Im sorry _ _ that.7.你发烧了,应该好好的休息。 You _ _ _, so you should _ _ _ _.8.妈妈背疼,因此她不能搬太重的东西。 Mum has a_, so she cant _ _ _ .9.你感冒了,应该多喝开水。 You _ _ _so you should _ _ _ _ _.10. 当你生病了,应该卧床睡个好觉。 When you _ _

6、,you should _ _ _and _ _- _ _.11. I have a t_ cold .I cough day and night.12. Now my t_ is still very painful . I cant speak aloud .13. I always have s_ eyes after I play computer too long.14.Eatting too m_ candy is not good for your teeth .15.Lie down and rest. Youll feel b_ .16.You should brush yo

7、ur t_ every day .17. You must stay in bed and not m_ too much.18. I feel much better today. Thank you, d_ .19. He is a good boy . He always looks a_ his younger sister at home .20. Im t_ . I want to lie down and have a good rest .21. Thanks very much for your b_ flowers.22.Your X-rays s_its nothing

8、serious .23. Please take these p_, then you will get well soon .24. The doctor is c_ over the girl .25. -你今天感觉如何? 不算太糟。 _are you _today? Not_ _.26. 我吃下这些药片,你会感觉好些。_ these _, you will feel _.27. 我今天好多了。Im feeling _ _ today .28. 你最好每次吃俩片安眠药。Youd better take two sleeping pills _ _.29.朋友给我买了花。My friend

9、_some flowers _me .30.要我带你去医院吗?_I take you_ the hospital ?31.我直到昨天才听说这件事。 I_ hear about this _yesterday.32.别为我担心,我会照顾自己的。Dont _ _ me, Ill _ _ myself.33.生病的孩子越来越多。_ _ more and more _ children.34.得知你的妈妈生病了,我很难过。Im _ _ hear _ your mother is ill.35. 你最好别睡得太晚。Youd _ _ sleep _ _.36. 你不应该这么晚才回家。You _ come

10、_ _ so late.37. 我昨天夜里没睡好,希望今夜会好。 I didnt sleep well _ _and I hope to sleep well _.38. 看太多的电视对你的眼睛有害。 _ _ _TV is _ _-your eyes .39.熬夜是一种坏习惯 。_ _ late is a bad _.40. 饭前吃个苹果有助于健康。 _an apple _ _helps to keep slim.41. 你锻炼的太少了。 You exercise_- _.42. Breakfast give you e_ for the morning .43Eating too much

11、is an u_ habit .44. Mary boys a new MP4, she s _it to us .45.Where did you go d_the summer holiday? I went to England .46.Air and water are n_ for all living things.47.Students do morning e_before the third class in our school .48.Dont t_ away the old clothes. We can give them to the poor children i

12、n the country.49. You must r_your password (密码) because it is very important.50. Look, the bottle is e_, Could you give me another bottle of drink ?51.A headache is not a d_, but it shows that you are not very healthy .52.The heavy rain c_ the traffic accident .53.A fever or some other i_may cause h

13、eadaches.54.When you eat bad food, the germs get into your body t_your mouth .55.You must s_ your ticket before you go into the cinema .56 Youd better take e_ food with you if youre going for a picnic .57. Are h_ cleverer than all the other animals ?58.Lets t_ our bedrooms and s_the floor every day

14、.59. You must not drink s_milk .60.头痛表明你的身体有可能出现了问题。 _may show that _ in your body is _.61.睡眠不足时,你可能头疼。 You may _a headache when you cant get _ _.62.细菌能够通过皮肤进入人体。 Germs can _ _ the human body _ _ _.63.散步是很好的锻炼。_is good _.64.我们应该在饭前洗手。We should _ _before _.65.我们不应该在公共场所吐痰。 We shouldnt _ _ _.66.那男孩一直哭

15、你能让他停下来吗?The boy is _ _. Can you stop him?67.每天看电视少于两个小时对健康有好处。 Watching TV _ _ 2 hours a day is _ _health.68.我们每个人都应该养成良好的饮食习惯。 We each should have healthy _ _.69.众所周知, 锻炼身体健康是必不可少的。 _ we know, exercise is _ _ good health.70.汤姆今天没吃早饭就上学去了。Tom went to school _ _ today .71.告诉我还应该做什么。Tell me what othe

16、r things _ _ _.72.早上床睡觉对你的健康有益还是有害? _ _ to bed early good _ bad _ your health?73. 这两个包都好,我该选哪个? _the two bags are nice , which one should I _?74. 不同的食物在不同的地方帮助我们。 _ foods help us _ _ _.75. 每一杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋可使我们的身体更强壮。 A cup _ _and _ egg a day can help _ us _.76 .SARS is dangerous . it can s_ easily among u

17、s .77. We must h_ up or well be late .78. May I ask you some questions ? Yes, go a_ .79.If you c_ clothes often . You are easy to catch a cold .80.Tom doesnt like to go c_ places like stations markets and cinemas .81. The English teacher is standing a_ his children on the playground .82.我能留个口信给李先生吗?

18、May I_ _ _ for Mr. Li?83.妈妈叫我多交朋友。Mum told me _ _ _ friends .84.我目前没考虑出国。 Im not thinking about going abroad _ _.85.彼得让我给他回电话。Peter asked me to _ _ _.86.我可以和怀特先生说话吗? May I _ _Mr. White?87. Dr.Lee took an a_ part in the battle a_ SARS.88. Its our d_ to teach our students and help them when they are i

19、n trouble.89.The man is a good doctor . He s_ many patients Lives in his life.90.Both the parents and children should c_ for each other. 91. Xu Xiao caught himself on the _ (互联网).92. Could I take a _ (口信)? Sure, go ahead.93. I often help my mom (打扫卫生) at home on Sunday.94. I have a fever. You should

20、 _ (停留) at home .95. 让我们订在五点半吧。 Lets half past five.96. 多吃蔬菜水果对你的健康有好处。 a lot of vergetables and fruit good your .97. CBA代表什么? What does CBA ?98. 今天我感到不舒服,我大概感冒了。Today I . Maybe I .99.The flood b_ our in my hometown in 1998.100. November is the e_month of a year. 101. Miss Zhao c_ day and night but

21、her x-rays shows theres nothing serious.102. You should drink p_ of water in spring.103. You should take some m_ and see how it goes.104. I have a pain (痛) in my teeth. You should go to see a d_. 105. She coughs (日日夜夜). 106. You should stay in bed and (好好休息).107. She is a nurse, so she sometimes is on duty (在晚上).108. I am feeling bad today. You should (看医生).109. Many d _ are caused by germs.110. Somethin

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