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1、级华政商院期末范围整理之金融英语Chapter 1 Finance3. fill in the blanks(1) The primary goal of corporate finance is to maximize (is maximizing) corporate value while managing the firms financial risks.公司金融的主要目的是在管理公司金融风险的同时最大化公司价值。(2) Financial mathematics is the study of financial data with the tools of mathematics

2、, mainly statistics.金融数学是使用数学工具,主要是统计,来研究金融数据。(3) Capital, in the financial sense, is the money that gives the business the power to buy goods to be used in the production of other goods or the offering of a service.按照金融学的观点,资本就是企业购买商品以生产其他商品或提供服务的货币资金。(4) A cash budget is extremely important, espec

3、ially for small business, because it allows a company to determine how much credit it can extend to customers before it begins to have liquidity problems.现金预算是十分重要的,尤其是对于小企业,因为现金预算能够让一个公司知道自己能够向客户提供多少贷款而不至于发生流动性风险。(5) A bank aggregates the activities of many borrowers and lenders. A bank accepts dep

4、osits from lenders, on which it pays the interest.银行聚集了许多借方和贷方的活动。银行从借方接受存款并支付利息。(6) Capital investment decisions are long-term choices about which projects receive investment, whether to finance that investment with equity or debt, and when or whether to pay dividends to shareholders.资本投资决策时关于投资哪些项

5、目、是否以股票或债券注资投资,以及何时或是否向股东支付红利的长期选择。4. translation (C TO E)(1)金融管理是商业管理的重要方面之一,没有合适的金融计划,企业是不可能成功的。Financial management is one of the most important aspects of business management. Without proper financial planning a new enterprise is unlikely to be successful.(2)金融中介机构的基本宗旨是把不受公众欢迎的金融资产转变为他们能够接受的金融资

6、产。The basic purpose of financial intermediaries is to transform the unwelcome financial assets into what the public can accept.(3)企业经营是有风险的,因此财务经理必须对风险进行评估和管理。The enterprise operation can have many risks, so the financial manager must assess and manage them.(4)投资决策首先是指投资机会,常常指资本投资项目。Investment decis

7、ions first refer to investment opportunities, often referring to capital investment programs.(5)现金预算常常被用来评估企业是够有足够的现金来维持企业的日常经营运转和(或)是否有太多现金富余。Cash budgets are often used to assess whether the business has sufficient cash to fulfill daily operation and/or whether too much cash is being left.(6)按照金融学

8、的观点,资本就是企业购买商品以生产其他商品或提供服务的货币资金。Capital, in the financial sense, is the money that gives the business the power to buy goods to be used in the production of other goods or the offering of a service.5. translation (E TO C)(1)A cash budget is extremely important, especially for small business, because

9、 it allows a company to determine how much credit it can extend to customers before it begins to have liquidity problems.现金预算是十分重要的,尤其是对于小企业,因为现金预算能够让一个公司知道自己在出现流动性问题之前能够向客户提供多少贷款。(2)Financial intermediaries include depository institutions (commercial banks and credit union) who acquired the bulk of

10、 their funds by offering their liabilities to the public mostly form of deposit.金融中介机构包括存款机构(商业银行和信用社),主要通过存款的形式向公众借款,从而获得大部分资金。(3)A corporation is a legally distinct from its owners, who are called shareholders or stock holders.公司在法律上独立于其所有者,即股东。(4)Long-term financial planning focus on the firms go

11、als, the investment that will be needed to meet those goals, and the financing that must be raised.长期财务计划是关于企业的长期目标,为实现目标所需要的投资以及因此必须筹集的资金的计划。(5)Businesses are classified into nonfinancial and financial business. These entities borrow funds in the debt market and raise funds in the equity market.企业可

12、被分成金融企业和非金融企业两类,这些公司在债务市场上借款,在股票市场上融资。(6)Finance is the set of activities dealing with the management of funds. More specifically, it is the decision of collection and use of funds. It is a branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets.金融是涉及资金管理的一系列活动。更确切的说,金融是关于筹集和使用资金的决

13、策。它是经济学的一个研究货币和其它资产管理的分枝。 3. fill in the blanks(1)Jobs in banking can be exciting and offer excellent opportunities to learn about business interact with people and build up a clientele. Todays commercial banks are more diverse than ever. Youll find a tremendous range of opportunities in commercial

14、banking, starting at the branch level where you might start out as a teller to a wide variety of other services such as leasing, credit card banking, international finance and trade credit.(2)Banking is going through a period of tremendous consolidation with frequent mergers and layoffs.(3)Mergers a

15、bound such as those of Citibank and Travelers into Citigroup or NationasBank and BankAmerica.(4) Because commercial banks remain profitable and are more involved than ever in the financial markets, they are competing with Wall Street for “high-tech finance jock” involved in foreign exchange derivati

16、ves and financial engineering.(5)Your job will be to make mortgage loans to homebuyers and business. This involves heavy contact with real estate professionals, credit checks, and dealing with new buyers.(6)If you are internet savvy and familiar with computers you will have an edge in banking.4. tra

17、nslation (C TO E)(1).花旗提供公平且具有竞争力的薪资福利,并根据业绩给予奖励,衡量标准与业务目标相对应。Citigroup provides equitable and competitive compensation and benefits. Moreover, it offers rewards based on the performance and its measure standards respond to objectives.(2).花旗希望所有员工都能奉行高度的个人与职业道德。Citigroup has a hope that all of the e

18、mployees hold high standards of personal and professional ethic.(3).为客户提供优质的金融服务,最大限度地为银行争取综合效益,完善与同业在银团业务领域的合作框架、模式与机制。Providing high-quality financial service for clients, maximizing comprehensive benefits for the bank , improving and perfecting the cooperation frame, model and mechanism with the

19、same occupation in the field of Syndicate business. (4)良好的个人修养和职业道德、正直、敬业、遵纪守法是对银行职员的基本要求The basic requirements for the bank clerks are good personal cultivation and professional ethic, upright, dedicated and legal-compliance.(5)全日制本科及以上学历,经济、金融类相关专业毕业,具有较好的金融学、管理学以及商业银行经营管理理论方面的基础,是对银行管理者的基本条件和能力的要

20、求。These are some basic requirements of conditions and abilities for bank managers: full-time bachelor degree or above in economics, finance and related majors, having good foundation of finance, management and commercial bank management theory.(6)具有较强的客户需求理解、市场营销策划能力和能够根据不同市场客户的特点有针对性地进行产品规划,是对银行管理者

21、的能力要求。The ability request of bank manager is the strong understanding of customer needs, the ability of marketing planning and targeted products planning according to the characteristic of customers in different markets. 5. translation (E TO C)(1)Many college graduates start in investment banking in

22、 an analyst position. To succeed in these positions you need to be extremely dedicated, have good spreadsheet skills and be analytically fluent. Your next step will be to become an associate. Same skills, just raise the volume.许多大学毕业生毕业后会在投资银行谋到分析师的职位。要想在这个职位上获得成功,你必须十分敬业、有良好的处理电子表格的能力并且能够自如的进行分析。你的

23、下一步是要成为合伙人,同样的能力要求,只不过更加严格。(2)Some jobs in investment banking call for very strong mathematical ability. If you are good at math, think about getting an advanced degree in a technical field(studying areas such as stochastic calculus and differential equations), then take some advanced finance course

24、s in options pricing or bond valuation and apply to a research department on Wall Street(Carnegie-Mellons FAST program is a leading in training mathematicians and physicists for Wall Street jobs).一些投行的工作需要较强的数学能力。如果你数学较好,可以考虑在技术领域进修一个更高的学位(学习的领域可以是随机计算或者微分方程),然后进修一些高端的金融课程,如期权定价或债券国家,再申请一个华尔街的职位(卡耐基

25、.梅隆的FAST项目就是为华尔街培训数学家和物理学家的)。(3)The number one attribute most corporate employers are looking for is initiative. If you can give examples in interviews of situations where you did something plain useful even though no one asked you to, you will be a hot commodity.公司要寻找的员工的第一特质是主动性。即使没有人问你,但如果你能够在面试中

26、举例说明你在某些情况下做的一些有用的事情,你将成为最优候选人。(4)Have you ever started a business? Or put together a social event that brought people together? Or started a new organization?你是否曾经开创自己的事业?或者组织一个社会活动将人们聚集起来?或者创立一个组织?(5)Banking is going through a period of tremendous consolidation with frequent mergers and layoffs.银行

27、业正经历着一个经常性的兼并和裁员的合并热潮周期。 (6)Your job will be to make mortgage loans to homebuyers and business. This involves heavy contact with real estate professionals, credit checks, and dealing with new buyers.你的工作是使房屋购买者和公司借入按揭单款。这要求你经常与不动产专家接触,做信用核实和接待新的购买者。 3. fill in the blanks(1)One of the main difference

28、s between the money market and the stock market is that most money market securities trade in awfully high denominations.货币市场和股票市场的主要区别之一就是大多数货币市场证券都以非常高的面额交易。(2) The money market is better known as a place for large institutions and government to manage their short-term cash needs.(3)There are seve

29、ral different instruments in the money market, offering different returns and different risks.(4)CDs are generally issued by commercial banks but they can be bought through brokerages. They bear a specific maturity date(from 3 months to 5 years), a specified interest rate, and can be issued in any d

30、enomination, very similar to bonds.(5)The biggest reasons that T-bills are so popular is because they are one of the few money market instruments that are affordable to the individual investors.(6)A bankers acceptance is a short-term credit investment created by a non-financial firm and guaranteed b

31、y a bank to make payment. Acceptances are traded at discounts from face value in the secondary market.4. translation (C TO E)(1)货币市场上的金融工具包括短期的、可交易的、流动的、低风险的债券。货币市场工具有时被称作是现金的等同物,或简称现金。Financial instruments in money market include short-term, tradable, liquidity, low risk bonds. Money market instrum

32、ents are sometimes call the equivalence of cash, or cash for short.(2)国库券是货币市场上所有金融工具中流动性最强的一种。国库券是最简单的借钱形式:政府通过向公众出售债券而筹集到资金,投资者则按低于面值折价购买,在债券到期日债券持有人从政府获得等额于债券面值的回报。Treasury bill has the strongest liquidity among all kinds of financial instruments in money market. Treasury bill is the simplest form to borrow money: the government raise money from selling bills(bonds) to the public, investors buy them at a discount from the face value, and bond holders get the return that is equal to the face value from the govern

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