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1、英语专业四级语法重点汇总推荐文档English英语专八专四学习复习资料英语专四语法重点汇总版权所有,违者必究,未经协议授权,禁止下载使用。注:如恶意泄漏该资料,或通过该资料作为任何盈利的手段,作者有权追究其法律责任。本资料为过来人的考试经验所整理,也需结合其他复习书籍一起备考哦这份资料集结历年专四的考试重点,按考试经验已经过筛选一、 非谓语动词的主要考点1. 有些典型动词后面可以接上不定式或动名词来做宾语的,但是在意思上是有区别的,主要常考到的动词罗列如下:mean to do想要(做某事)VS mean doing意味(做某事) propose to do 打算(做某事)VS propose

2、 doing建议(做某事)forget to do忘记(要做的事)VS forget doing忘记(已做的事) remember to do记得(要做某事)VS remember doing记得(做过)go on to do继而(做另一件事)VS go on doing继续(做原来的事)stop to do停下来去做另一件事VS stop doing停止正在做的事regret to do(对将要做的事)遗憾VS regret doing(对已做过的事)后悔2. 不定式的习惯用法典型句型整理如下:如:“cannot help but do”“不得不做某事”如:“cannot but do” “

3、不禁做某事”如:“cannot choose but do” “不由自主地做某事”如:“can do nothing but do” “不能不做某事”如:“have no choice but to do” “只能做某事”如:“have no alternative but to do” “只能做某事”例句:The boy cannot help but be greatly influenced by the useful instruction given by his family tutor.When I start my job career, I cannot choose but

4、 look back upon the beautiful days I spent on campus.3. 动名词的习惯用法 典型动名词的习惯句型整理罗列如下:如:be busy/active doing sth. 如:Its no good/use doing sth. 如:spend/waste time doing sth.如:have difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth. 如:have a good/great/wonderful time doing sth. 如:There is no point/sense/harm/ use doing

5、 sth. 例句:There is no use crying over spilt milk.(典型例句)牛奶洒了,哭也没用;后悔是没有用的;覆水难受I really have problem solving these mathematic questions since I am not major in science after all.二、 形容词与副词及其比较级1. 形容词的句法功能 形容词通常在句子中用做定语、表语与主语的语法成分,通常考到的知识点总结如下:(1) 以 “a” 开头的形容词如“alone”、“alike”、“asleep”、“awake”等一般不能做前置定语,通

6、常是做表语或后置定语的例句:Jerry didnt pass the important final exam, please let him alone for the time being.Michael came back from job just now, and his eyes were shut and he seemed to have fallen asleep.(2) 某些以副词词缀 “-ly” 结尾的词其实是形容词,不能看错是副词,例如“friendly”、“leisurely”、“lovely”等(3) 下列动词既是实义动词又是系动词,注意用做系动词时,要求形容词做表

7、语这些典型单词罗列如下:“remain”、“keep”、“become”、“get”、“grow”、“go”、“come”、“turn”、“stay”、“stand”、“run”、“prove”、“seem”、“appear”、“look”等例句:The situation remains tense between the two countries at this juncture. 在这个节骨眼上,两国形势仍然持续紧张。There is strong possibility that such a style of mutual cooperation will prove unwork

8、able. 这种合作模式大有可能行不通。2. 某些词虽然不用比较级形式却自身带有比较概念这些典型词汇总结如下:“inferior”、“minor”、“senior”、“prior”、“prefer to”、“superior”、“major”、“junior”、“preferable”、“differ from”、“compared with”、“in comparison with”、“different from”、“rather than”等例句:After visiting at weekends, I think their villa is superior to all the

9、other villas in the countryside.3. 有关比较级的特殊句型(1) not so muchas 与其说还不如说 例句:The major reason for his suicide isnt so much his negative emotions as his incapacity to take care of himself.(2) no/not any morethan 两者一样都不例句:It is well acknowledged by the public that the heart is no any more intelligent tha

10、n the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain altogether. (3) no /not any lessthan 两者一样都例句:I was good at almost all subjects when I was in the junior high school, and particularly speaking, mathematics was no any less good than physics at that time.(4) just asso 正如,也(会使用到倒装结构)例如:Just as c

11、hocolate is a part of my favorite food, so is the ice cream.三、 虚拟语气简明概述:虚拟语气是指说话人讲话的内容与现实或事实相反,是一种主观假想的情况。时态:可表示过去、现在和将来,特征是时态相应退后。1. 与现在事实相反的主观假设:条件从句主句一般现在时 改为 一般过去时 注:be动词一律改为wereshould/would/could/might + 动词原形例句:If there were an English dictionary, we could consult it for this difficult word.If

12、my bigger brother were here, he would do us a favor to move the heavy box.2. 与过去事实相反的主观假设:条件从句主句一般过去时 改为 过去完成时 should/would/could/might + have + 过去分词例句:If he had studied more diligently, he would have passed the exam undoubtedly. If my favorite teacher had been here yesterday, I would have paid more

13、 attention to the lesson.If the child had been more careful, he would not have made such a foolish mistake. 3. 与将来事实相反的主观假设:条件从句主句一般过去时注:be动词一律改为were should/would/could/might + 动词原形 were + to do sth should + 动词原形例句:If you made great progress in the near future, you should not forget your teachers.If

14、 you were to make great progress in the near future, you should not forget your teachers.If you should make great progress in the near future, you should be grateful to your teachers.混合条件句:主句和条件从句所发生的时间点不一致,这个时候就需要根据各自的时态进行倒退来做相应修改。例句:If you had finished your homework by yourself yesterday(过去), you

15、would not copy others answers in a hurry(现在).If you had asked your mother how to cook last week(过去), you would know clearly each cooking step of the dish(现在).虚拟语气的倒装如果从句中有were,should,had,则需要倒装。倒装方法:将if省略,再把were,should,had挪到从句的句首。 注:如果从句中没有were,should,had,则不能省略if,也不可倒装。例句:原句:If my bigger brother were

16、 here, he would help us to move the heavy box.倒装:Were my bigger brother here, he would help us to move the heavy box.原句:If the child had been more careful, he would not have made such a foolish mistake.倒装:Had the child been more careful, he would not have made such a foolish mistake.原句:If you should

17、 make great progress in the near future, you should be grateful to your teachers.倒装:Should you make great progress in the near future, you should be grateful to your teachers.虚拟语气词:should很简单,三种形式(1) It is suggested/requested/ordered, etc.(具有命令,建议,要求等口吻的动词过去分词) + that sb should (should可省略) do (动词原形)

18、sth. 注:这类动词还可以有其他三种从句形式来代替。例如:原句:It is suggested that students (should) use dictionary in exam.宾语从句: I suggest that students (should) use dictionary in exam. 表语从句: My suggestion is that students (should) use dictionary in exam. 同位语从句: I provided a suggestion that students (should) use dictionary in

19、exam.(2) It is necessary/important/indispensable, etc. (带有主观色彩的形容词)+ that sb (should) do sth. (3) It is a pity/a shame, etc. (名词性词组)+ that sb (should) do sth.虚拟语气特殊句型:It is high (high可省略) time that 该是的时候了“that ”从句动词可以用(1) 过去时(2) should(不能省略)+ 动词原形例句:It is (high) time that we should draw up a contrac

20、t. It is (high) time that we drew up a contract.(草拟合同)含蓄虚拟语气除了常规的连词if以外,还可以借助其他介词、介词词组、句子来引导虚拟语气从句。1. Without “要是没有”例句:Without the rescue of firefighters timely, our lives would not have been saved.2. But for “要不是”例句:But for your professional help, I could not have achieved such a big progress in me

21、dical community.3. Under “在某种情况下”例句:Under such circumstances, the criminal would not have perpetrated acts of violence upon children.4. With “有的前提下”例句:With the data collected one month earlier, we could finish the project more efficiently. 5. In the absence of “如果没有”例句:In the absence of law, women w

22、ould continue to lack their rights to vote on their own.6. Otherwise “否则”例句:We didnt know his educational background and achievement in this field, otherwise we would have fired him. 7. If it were not for “要不是 (用于现在的情况)”例句:If it were not for the brilliant guidance of the Communist Party of China, we

23、 could not lead a happy life.8. If it had not been for “要不是 (用于过去/已经发生的情况)” 例句:If it had not been for my illness, I would have attended this important meeting last Monday. 倒装:Had it not been for my illness, I would have attended this important meeting last Monday. 9. as if/as though“好像似的”按照具体的语境,既可以

24、用虚拟语气(表示与实际情况相反、主观臆断)、也可以用陈述语气(表示实现的可能性较大或所说情况即是事实)例句:Time can take away our happiness and sadness as if/though it was endowed with magic power.(与现在事实相反的虚拟语气)My teacher has contributed herself a lot as if/though she was a candle, which lights others and consumes itself.(与现在事实相反的虚拟语气)The student stud

25、ied industriously as if/though he had never felt tired and exhausted.(与过去事实相反的虚拟语气) The boy still stays calm as if/though he has known the beginning and the end of the matter already.(就是事实,按实际的时态即可)四、定语从句简明概述:定语从句在句中充当定语的角色,修饰句中前面所提到的名/代词。被修饰的名/代词称为先行词。关系代词 (who, whom, whose, which, that):注:没有what关系

26、代词所代替的主要是人或物的名/代词,在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。who, whom, that 都可代替人例句:Is the boy who/that cheated in the examination? (who/that作为从句主语,代替the boy)He is the man whom/that we wont recruit due to his criminal records. (who/that作为从句宾语,代替the man)whose 可指代人或物注:如果whose指物的话,也可以用of which来代替。例句:Our conversation was stoppe

27、d by a man whose hair is blonde.I lent him this book whose pages curled up due to my constant use. =I lent him this book the pages of which curled up due to my constant use.which, that 代替事物例句:Well never forget the atrocious violence which/that was committed by Japanese soldiers.Is that fashion show

28、(which/that) you were talking about just now?(作宾语时可省)关系副词 (when, where, why):关系副词分别代替的先行词为时间、地点和原因,在从句中充当状语的角色。注:when, where, why 也可用“介词 + which”来代替。例句:This was the moment when/at which the two sides reached a deadlock again and terminated their negotiation.Xian is one of the most famous cultural ci

29、ties where/in which millions of worldwide tourists will choose to make a tour.Is this the reason why/for which there is a severe shortage of funds for our research?注:that 是可以代替关系副词的,即that可取代“when, where, why”和“介词+which”的形式。(在口语中that可省略)注:介词后面的关系词不能省略,而且that前不能有介词例句转换:This was the moment that the two

30、 sides reached a deadlock again and terminated their negotiation.Xian is one of the most famous cultural cities that millions of worldwide tourists will choose to make a tour.Is this the reason that there is a severe shortage of funds for our research?限制性/非限制性定语从句重点概括整理:限制性定语从句先行词是不能省略的,因为省了先行词的话,句子

31、的意思就会变得不完整和不明确,缺少必要的说明解释。而非限制性定语从句是先行词的额外说明,是可以省略的,省了也不会影响句子的意思和整体性,并且与主句之间常用“,”隔开。比较例句:This is the book (which/that) I bought yesterday. (限制性)This book, I bought yesterday, is very inspiring. (非限制性)通常是非限制性定语从句的情况分析:Steven Spielberg, (whom) I admire very much in Hollywood movie-making field, won another Oscar Award this year. (专有名词/人名)My beloved dog, (which) I bought 5 years ago, has caught a bad cold recently. (有物主代词的时候) This experiment, which was conducted last weekends, proves to be a big success. (有指示代词的时候)

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