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1、广西秋季干旱成因分析中山大学硕士学位论文广 西 秋 季 干 旱 成 因 分 析学位申请人: 导师姓名及职称: 专业名称: 气象学答辩委员会成员(签名):主席:成员:中山大学大气科学系二八年十二月三日学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期:2008年10月9日学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解中山大学有关保留、使用学位论

2、文的规定,即:学校有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版,有权将学位论文用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允许论文进入学校图书馆、院系资料室被查阅,有权将学位论文的内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用复印、缩印或其他方法保存学位论文。学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日论文题目:广西秋季干旱成因分析 摘 要本工作利用均匀分布在广西境内的89个气象观测台站19612006年逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR全球月平均要素场再分析资料、NOAA/NCEP/CPC ONI指数资料、月平均ERSST.v2海温资料、WHOI全球海气通量分析资料(OAF





7、作用分析,则可以弥补上述不足,发现更多的有价值的低纬度影响因子信息。 2004年是广西秋旱极端严重的一年,分析显示:该年秋季影响广西降水的海洋热力异常主要以太平洋海域的热力异常为主,其中中纬度东太平洋和赤道中、东太平洋海域是异常变化最明显的两个区域;而日本列岛周边海域的海气交换通量变化幅度也异常明显;该年秋季自南海北部北部湾区域到台湾海峡一带的广阔海域上空还出现了历年同期罕见的大片水汽输送负偏差区;这些结果表明,太平洋区域海洋热力和环流异常变化可能是造成2004年秋季广西异常严重旱情发生的主要原因。关键词:秋旱,副高,海气交换通量,太阳黑子,突变,成因Title:Cause Analysis

8、of the Autumn Drought in GuangxiMajor: MeteorologyName: Li YuzhongSupervisor: Prof. Li WeibiaoAbstractBased on the precipitations from 89 stations in Guangxi offered by Guangxi meteorological observatory, NCEP/NCAR global monthly mean reanalyses, NOAA/NCEP/CPC ONI index data, ERSST.v2 SST data, WHOI

9、 OAFlux data,and Belgium SIDC sunspot activities data, using objective and quantitative analysis such as wavelet analysis, trend analysis, composition analysis, correlation analysis, moisture channel analysis, the text analyzes the space-time abnormal distributing characteristic and transformation c

10、haracteristic, synoptic and climate background, conceivable infection genes and cause of formation for the exceptional drought event at autumn in Guangxi area, then open out same new observation and reality, the results show that:The autumn precipitation in Guangxi has the character that the rainfal

11、l at the southern part is more than that at the northern part, and the drought event has a high frequency. Using the precipitation anomaly percent index to analyze the frequency of the drought event, we find that the autumn drought frequency in each area of Guangxi is between 30% and 40%, and the so

12、utheastern of Guangxi is the area that the autumn drought happen most and the ravages of a drought is going to serious at the recent year.The autumn precipitation in Guangxi has two notable oscillation characteristics which are decadal change (which cycle is 1012years) and interannual change (which

13、cycle is 46years), and both of them have important effect to the autumn precipitation in Guangxi. At the near 20 years, The autumn precipitation in Guangxi is going to be reduce and maybe has a climate break that the rainfall is reducing obviously since 2003.At the years that the autumn precipitatio

14、n in Guangxi is less, both of the Pacific subtropical high and Asia and Europe continent high are stronger, while the departure field at Asia and pacific area in middle latitude distribute as “+”,and the meridionality of the season average circulation is being smaller. The cold air activity is more

15、northern so it affects the south China less. On the effect of the strong Continent High, the moisture from the Pacific and the South Sea can not go to the inland of South China which leads to the moisture transportation of the area being low, and the autumn drought is more serious.The analysis of ai

16、r-sea interaction shows: there is a negative correlation between the autumn precipitation of Guangxi province and the air-sea transportation in South China Sea, Bay of Bengal And east of Indian ocean; positive correlation with the air-sea transportation in middle-east pacific ocean. It is found that

17、 subtropical high may affect the changing of wind speed in South China and west Pacific ocean, which will lead to the abnormal of air-sea flux transportation. Whats more, the air-sea interaction in Bay of Bengal And east of Indian ocean can also affect the abnormal circulation in autumn then lead to

18、 autumn draught in Guangxi province. At the year that the autumn precipitation in Guangxi is more, the departure field at Asia and Pacific area in middle latitude distribute as east high and west low. On the one hand, it leads to the East trough deepening and the meridionality of general circulation

19、 become bigger which steering the cold air effect the South China more continually. On the other hand, the Pacific subtropical high move southernly and westernly leads to the Continent High and the West Pacific subtropical high connect and the South China is affected by the east air current on the s

20、outh side of the subtropical high, which make the moisture easier transport to the inland of South China. The cold air activity and the favorable water condition make the autumn precipitation in Guangxi more and the serious drought event hard to happen.The thermal condition of the Pacific is correla

21、ted nearly with circulation pattern change of the autumn precipitation in Guangxi. The ENSO interannual oscillation has good relation with the autumn precipitation in Guangxi, which indicate that the thermal oscillation of the Pacific such as ENSO maybe the most important factor of the autumn precip

22、itation interannual change of Guangxi; and the interannual change of sunspot has obviously relationship with the autumn precipitation interannual oscillation of Guangxi which explain that the seasonal change of sun maybe the pivotal effect factor for the autumn precipitation decadal change of Guangx

23、i. Its deadly serious drought in 2004 in Guangxi.The analysis shows that the abnormal thermal condition of the Pacific is the most important effect factor to this year.Key Words: Autumn Drought; Subtropical High; Air-Sea Heat Fluxes; Sunspot; Abrupt Change;Cause 原创性声明 ( I )使用授权声明 ()中文摘要 (III)ABSTRAC

24、T ()目 录 ()第 1 章 前言 (1)1.1 有关干旱的描述和对干旱特征的研究(2)1.2 有关干旱成因的研究(3)1.3 有关广西干旱的研究(4)1.4 存在的问题以及本论文的研究内容(5)第 2 章 资料和分析方法 (7)2.1 资料来源 (7)2.2 主要概念定义和研究方法简介 (7)第 3 章 广西秋季干旱的气候特征及近期极端干旱个例介绍(13)3.1 广西秋季气候概况(13)3.2 广西秋季降水的时空变化特征(14)3.3 广西秋季干旱的分布和变化特征(20)3.4 广西近期秋季极端干旱个例介绍(22)3.5 小结 (24)第 4 章 广西秋季干旱(降水)年际、年代际变化的相关

25、因子特征分析(25)4.1 广西秋季干旱(降水)与同期海洋热力变化的相互关系(25)4.2 广西秋季干旱(降水)与热带气旋系统的相互关系(25)4.3 广西秋季干旱(降水)与海-气交换通量变化的相互关系(29)4.4 广西秋季干旱(降水)与ENSO的联系(36)4.5 广西秋季干旱(降水)与太阳黑子活动的联系 (37)4.6 小结(38)第 5 章 广西秋季干旱的环流特征分析(40)5.1 广西秋季中低层位势高度场的变化特征分析(40)5.2 广西秋季近地面层流场的变化特征分析(45)5.3 广西秋季海平面气压场和温度场的变化特征分析(46)5.4 广西秋季水汽输送通量特征分析(46)5.5 广西秋季干旱的成因分析(50)5.6 小结(51)第 6 章 2004年广西秋季异常干旱个例分析

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