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1、高考英语书面表达练习高考英语书面表达练习(1)2006年10月,山西省方山县一夜之间关闭了全县所有的网吧,此事在各地引起极大反响。为此,你校组织了由部分教师、家长和学生参加的讨论会。请以Should all the Internet bars be closed?为题,写一篇短文反映下表所列讨论会内容,并发表你自己的看法。支持关闭网吧的理由反对关闭网吧的理由你的个人观点进网吧的大多数是青少年,进网吧多为打电脑游戏等游戏充满暴力,容易上瘾影响学习,影响身心健康网吧是了解新信息,新技术的场所。通过上网聊天可与人沟通结交朋友。在网吧打电脑游戏是一种娱乐形式,可缓解学习压力注意:1. 词数:120左右

2、(不包括已给部分)2. 短文应包括所给主要信息。可适当发挥,使行文连贯3. 开头已经写好Should all the Internet bars be closed? In October, 2006, all the Internet bars were closed up overnight in Fangshan County, Shanxi Province, which caused a lot of attention around the country. Hence our school held a discussion over the issue among the te

3、achers, parents and students. However, opinions differ.(1)Should all the Internet bars be closed In October, 2006, all the Internet bars were closed up overnight in Fangshan County, Shanxi Province, which caused a lot of attention around the country. Hence our school held a discussion over the issue

4、 among the teachers, parents and students. However, opinions differ. Some people in the discussion think all the Internet bars should be closed. They argue that the majority of the people in the bars are teenagers, who go there mainly for the pleasure of playing games. But computer games are usually

5、 full of violence, so teenagers may easily become addicted, which has a bad effect both mentally and physically. Others hold different opinions, saying that the Internet bar is a place where teenagers can learn the latest information and technology. Chatting online, they may make more friends. Besid

6、es, playing pc games is also a way of entertainment, and it helps reduce the pressure of studies. In my opinion, we cant solve the problem simply by closing all the Internet bars. Teenagers should be guided to make good use of the Internet. (2)孤身一人的李女士养了一条宠物狗。这狗不仅给她看护家门,而且善解人意,帮她做事,陪她做伴。可最近李女士忧心忡忡,因

7、为小区颁布了禁狗令,原因是狗带来诸多问题。如扰民,粪便污染,传播疾病等。请写一篇短文反映此事,并谈谈你的看法(不少于2点)。注意:1. 词数:120左右2. 短文应包括所给主要信息。可适当发挥,使行文连贯(2) Ms Li, who lives alone, keeps a pet dog. The dog not only helps watch the door, but also is understanding and helpful, making a good companion. But recently, Ms Li has been worried that she will

8、 soon lose it. A ban on keeping dogs has been put out in the neighborhood because dogs bring many problems. For example, they make noises disturbing the neighbors; when walked, they leave waste everywhere, which pollutes the environment Whats worse, dogs may spread diseases to people. In my opinion,

9、 its not a good idea to forbid keeping all the dogs in the neighborhood. After all, dogs are good friends of humans. Small dogs should be allowed to stay with their owners as long as they dont bring trouble to people. Nor to the environment.(3)有报道说浙江一名大学女生拼命减肥,每天只吃苹果,终于导致其肝脏衰竭而死亡!的确,如今很多女孩子都梦想拥有苗条的身

10、材,他们想尽各种方法来达到来减肥。例如:1. 有的通过服药(很多减肥药有很大的副作用)2. 有的通过手术(如去医院抽脂)3. 有的通过节食来来控制体重请你描述这一现象,并就此发表你的观点(不少于3点)(3)It was reported that a university girl in Zhejiang province lived only on apples every day and that she suffered from liver failure and died eventually. Actually, this girl is only one of the many

11、who dream of having slim figures. They try every means to achieve this goal. For example, some take weigh-loss pills which have great side effect; some turn to hospitals to have the fat taken out; others even skip meals to control weight. Personally, looking good is important, but feeling good is al

12、so important. Beauty shouldnt be gained at the cost of health. Health is more important than wealth. Once health is gone, it will never recover. If you exercise regularly, and eat the right food, you will look better, feel better and live better.(4)上周五下午,高二(1)班和(2)班进行了一场足球友谊赛。结果一直被看好的明星云集的(2)班竟然输了。为

13、此(2)班进行了一场讨论。有的人认为:要想赢球就要靠个人技术好,没有个人技术是不行的。有的人认为:足球是一场团队活动,单靠个人技术是不够的,重要的是靠团结协作。假如你是(2)班的一名学生,请你就此事的讨论作个总结,发表自己的看法,写一篇120字左右的英语作文。注意:不要简单翻译,可以使用合乎情理的过度性语言适当发挥。参考范文:Last Friday afternoon, a friendship football match was held between Class 1 and Class 2. Unfortunately, our class, the so-called star-ga

14、thered class was defeated by Class 1, which disappointed everyone. As a result, a discussion took place afterwards.Some of us think it is very important for each player to have very good skills if we want to win, while others think football is a team game and that its impossible to win only dependin

15、g on individual skills. What really matters is to cooperate and work together.Personally speaking, the key to victory is that all members of the team are well aware of their own roles and the importance of helping and supporting each other to make an equal contribution. Only in this way can we win t

16、he match one after another. (133 words)(5)日常生活中越来越多的广告出现在电视、广播、网络和报纸上,人们对此有不同的看法。请你以Advertisements为题,根据以下提供的信息,谈谈自己的观点。AdvantagesDisadvantages1 广告在现代社会中,确实扮演了重要角色。2 它们告诉大众新产品,并且有助销售。3货物卖得越多,产量就越高,结果价格也就越便宜。1广告太多,惹人讨厌。2虚假广告骗人,浪费时间。3利用名人来吸引顾客买些自己不需要的东西。你的观点注意: 1词数120左右。 2不要简单翻译,可以使用合乎情理的过度性语言适当发挥。参考范文

17、:AdvertisementsAdvertisements are found almost everywhere in our daily life. People react to them in different ways.It is true that advertising plays an important role in modern society. It keeps us informed of new products and helps increase product sales, which means an increase in production. As

18、a result, the price may be reduced.However, advertisements are not always helpful. Very often we find so many advertisements around that we feel annoyed to be interrupted, especially when watching TV. Sometimes we are even cheated by false advertisements, on which we waste a great deal of time. Besi

19、des, advertising encourages us to buy what we really do not need with the influence of famous people.大部分学生少部分学生记者的评论1业余生活较丰富。1业余生活匮乏。2能更高效地投入学习。2把全部精力都投入了学习。3适量的业余生活有利于身心健康。3沉溺于某些活动,会影响高考。In my opinion, advertising can be damaging, as it is. However, it is also one of the ways in which our economy k

20、eeps growing. (138字)(6)业余生活和学习的关系最近,某英文报纸对高三学生的业余生活进行了调查。请你以该报某记者的身份用英文报道这次调查结果,并对此发表一些评论。报道须包括下表中的内容。注意:1. 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥。2词数120 左右。文章开头已为你写好,不计入词数。3参考词汇:沉溺 indulge (vt.) ; 高效 efficient (adj.) A possible version: Recently our local newspaper has done a survey on “How Senior 3 Students Spend Th

21、eir Free Time”. Here are the details.The majority of the students interviewed are enjoying their colorful life in their spare time. By taking part in some free time activities, like taking regular exercise, they can refresh themselves and learn their subjects more efficiently. Besides, they believe

22、that occasional free time activities help them to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. However, quite a few students lack free time activities. They are devoted to their studies wholeheartedly. Moreover, they are afraid they would not give as good a performance in the national entrance examin

23、ation if they got indulged in some activities like playing computer games. From this interview, we cannot deny the fact that study should comes first for Senior 3 students, but to relax themselves once in a while might bring them high efficiency in their studies. (131 words)(7)发展城市小汽车的利弊假如你是李华,住在江城。

24、当前江城市私人小汽车发展势头迅猛,但它带来许多便利的同时,也带来了一些弊端。请你就“私人小汽车在江城的发展”情况向市长写一封信,反映它给江城带来的好处与弊端,并就此向市长提出你的建议。你的书信必须包括以下要点。好处弊端 建议1. 价位合理,普通家庭拥有汽车不再是一个梦想。1.消耗太多能源, 尾气带来污染。2. 给人们的生活带来便利,提高了生活质量。 2.道路不够, 高峰时交通拥堵。3带动相关行业的发展,解决许多人的就业问题。3.停车困难。注意:1. 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥。2词数120 左右。书信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。 3参考词汇:相关的related (adj.

25、); 消耗consume (vt.); 尾气 the waste gasA possible version: Dear Mayor, How are you! I am a citizen of Jiangcheng. Currently, private cars are developing quickly in our city. I am really concerned about this issue, so I am writing to tell you my opinion about it. Firstly, car prices are reasonable, so o

26、wning a private car is no longer a dream for ordinary families. Secondly, people are enjoying its convenience and better life quality as well. Whats more, some related industries have also been brought about, which contributes to more employment. However, besides the advantages mentioned above, ther

27、e also exist some disadvantages. Cars consume too much energy, and the waste gas from cars pollutes the environment. Whats worse, there are not enough roads and traffic jams occur in the rush hours. Apart from that, people find it hard to park their cars due to the lack of parking lots. I strongly r

28、ecommend the number of private cars be limited and public bus service be improved. The government should also take measures to reduce pollution. Dear Mayor, I hope you will consider my suggestion. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Wishes! Yours faithfully, Lihua (128 words)(8)你叫李华,在一

29、所国际学校就读。经过反复考虑后,你决定参加学校学生会主席的竞选。为了获得来自各个国家的广大学生的支持,你用英文准备了一份大约120词的竞选演讲稿。在你的讲稿中,你主要讲了三层意思。一、 你介绍了你是一个怎样的人(性格:如随和、开朗、充满活力、乐于助人;(爱好:如体育、阅读;)二、 你强调了你能胜任这工作的能力(如:能说一口流利的英语,善于沟通等)三、 你表示如果当选将会为广大学生做什么(至少列举两点)竞选演讲稿的开头已经写好。(不计算字数)Good afternoon, boys and girls! First of all, thank you for giving me this opp

30、ortunity. Now allow me to introduce myself. Im Lihua from China. As an energetic boy, I love sports, and Im captain of the school football team. Im open and easy-going, maybe thats why everyone wants to make friends with me. Im warm-hearted and always ready to help others. I like reading, both for f

31、un and for knowledge. I speak good English, which helps me to communicate easily with all of you. If you choose me to be chairman of the Students Union, I will organize various activities to make your life more colorful. Firstly I will set up an international club where students can learn about diff

32、erent cultures from each other. Also the Students Union will regularly collect ideas and opinions from you and pass them on to the teachers in charge.(9)周笔畅宣布退出“超女”演唱会的巡演,重返校园。对此你和同学们展开了激烈的讨论。一部分同学不赞成“超女”重返学校,认为这是对她的一次锻炼,可以获得更多的演出机会,而且可以更早地实现当歌星的梦想。但也有一部分同学赞同“超女”的做法,认为学习比演出更重要,良好的教育才是将来成功的保证。而且,频繁的演出也是一件很劳累的事情。如果你是她,你会选择退出还是留下?

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