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2、的回报比,例如,在海洋应用,会发现相反的效果。在内陆地区,大型风力发电塔的高度为80米,是一个经济使用风能潜力的决定性因素。 塔的第二个重要的设计参数是其刚度。建立第一自然弯曲频率的正确方法是一个重要的设计任务。这决定了所需要的材料和最终建设费用。塔的设计目标是在尽可能最低的建筑成本下实现理想的塔的高度和刚度要求。运输和安装程序的发展成为最新一代的兆瓦级风机一个日益严重的问题。塔的高度超过100米和塔头重量几百吨需要一个在塔基五米以上的直径,其后果是公路运输将不再方便。这成为一个强大的激励寻求创新的解决塔设计的方案。材料可用结构钢或混凝土。设计范围从拉索晶格结构或独立的钢管塔到大体积混凝土结构



5、力机。混凝土塔最近获得高度超过80米的塔的青睐。独立钢管塔最常见的塔型目前使用的是独立的钢管塔。掌握振动状况,使它更容易使用,因此,非常低的设计刚度可以被实施。它已成为可能降低结构质量,降低成本,因此,大量使用 “软”设计。钢管塔结构下风型转子有必要使用细钢管塔来保持尽可能小的塔影效应。这些塔被钢缆锚定或在某些情况下用刚性桁架确保所需的弯曲刚度。尽管较低的整体质量,桅杆还是很不划算。塔和附加锚固基础所需的总成本膨胀。此外,塔被认为是农业区的障碍。2、独立的钢管塔今天,独立的钢管塔是目前首选的建筑类型商业风力发电装置,主要原因在现场组装和建造时间短。小型塔高度高达20米可以在制造地组装成一件和在


7、转子推力在操作过程中对细长的塔疲劳寿命有一定的影响。额外负荷引起的振动也必须加以考虑。因此,一个纯粹的静态应力分析,常用的传统建筑的建筑主管部门的要求,并不适用于所有风力机的塔的设计。弯曲强度一个重要的标准,它发挥了作用,至少对低于1激发的薄壁钢管塔具有低自然弯曲频率,抵抗局部弯曲的管壁。作为一个现代钢管塔的增重优化的结果,弯曲强度,往往成为所需壁厚尺寸的决定因素。 塔刚度的特点是几个自然频率,但只有第一、二自然弯曲频率和第一扭转固有频率才具有实际意义。在大多数塔中,第一扭转固有频率远远高于第一自然弯曲频率. 如果其直径/壁厚比在正常范围,独立钢管塔的扭转频率高出约三倍。因此,它是充分利用第一

8、自然弯曲频率获得一个粗略的概述。对于给定的塔的高度和重量,塔的设计必须以这样一种方式,达到所需的第一个自然弯曲频率。 刚性塔的设计始终是一个更简单和更安全的解决振动状况方面的方案,但大规模的塔来实现这一要求很难。因此,在风力机塔高度超过80米,刚性塔设计不可能再在实践中实现。经济方面的原因,其刚度应保持在低技术可行的基础上尽可能低。(2)制造技术与施工几乎没有例外,如今,大型风力机的塔有一个圆锥形,从地基到塔顶直径减少。与圆柱几何相比,对于一个给定的刚度要求,这样可以节省重量。该塔由一个预制节长度可达约30米的部分,是由厚度10 - 50毫米的钢板制成。这些板材宽约2米,卷成圆形形状。从这些部

9、分,塔部分被焊接在一起。在大多数情况下,自动焊接机被用于此。鉴于塔的承载情况,焊接需要被特别关注。通常质量的检查的方法,如X射线和超声波检查表面裂纹。塔板材由商用st52等级结构钢板,很少用st48。高强度材料大多数用于法兰和基础部分的连接。在两端各塔节,内部法兰被焊接。它们是由高强度钢和锻钢组成。成形和焊接法兰需要一些经验,因为组件很容易扭曲.后果是,法兰在装配时不匹配。由此产生的差距是一个质量缺陷,经常可以发现在钢管塔上。作为一项规则,该塔是通过一个所谓的基础部分固定在一起。这是单独制造,并在浇筑时纳入基础混凝土。 该塔是机舱通过方位法兰连接。它可容纳的方位轴承使用滚子轴承。方位角法兰往往


11、的内部安装。根据不同的高度,通常安装一些中间平台,通常是一个塔节一个平台。用于攀登高度约60-70米简单的垂直梯攀登保护。如果工作需要,塔高超过80米,可安装简单的所谓“登山电梯”。对于某些应用和内部的设备,即变压和控制系统,塔的内部气候必须被控制。特别是海上应用,空调可以除湿,过滤进气是必要的,以避免对电气和电子设备腐蚀问题。小型风力发电机组塔施工简单得多。高度约为15米的塔,塔是从外面爬。在一些国家,特殊劳动保护和保险业的要求,必须遵守关于外部提升的相关规定,以至于即使相对小的发电机,也提供一个安全的内部提升。3、基 础塔基的大小是由风力机和局部场地条件决定的。在这方面,必须考虑最高的荷载



14、成。这是常见的做法,一个模架建立在基坑内,并且在混凝土浇入坑之前进行钢筋编织。整合与底部法兰连接基础的部分,而需要一些经验。法兰的基础部分必须放置在水平并且水平位置只有一个很小的公差来防止斜塔倾斜。在建立基础部分法兰直径大约3.6米的一个500千瓦风力机,最大允许偏差的水平范围在2毫米。很明显,在地面上,土壤的一致性或更准确地说,塔的“夹紧刚度”对自然弯曲频率有一定影响。然而对于非常松散的土壤,这并不适用于每一种情况。The towerThe high tower is an essential component of the horizontal-axis turbine, a fact

15、which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The costs, which can amount to up to 20 % of the overall turbine costs, are, of course, disadvantageous. As the height of the tower increases, transportation, assembly and erection of the tower and servicing of the components also become increasingl

16、y more difficult and costly On the other hand, the specific energy yield of the rotor also increases with tower height. Theoretically, the optimum tower height lies at the point where the two growth functions of construction cost and energy yield intersect. Unfortunately, this point of intersection

17、cannot be specified in any generally applicable form. In larger turbines, construction costs rise more rapidly with increasing tower height than in small turbines. An even greater role is played by the choice of site. At inland sites, in regions with a high degree of surface roughness, the wind spee

18、d increases more slowly with height than at shore-based sites. Higher towers will, therefore, show better returns here than, for example, in offshore applications where the reverse effect is found. In inland regions, large wind turbines with tower heights of 80 m and more are a decisive factor for t

19、he economic use of the wind potential. Next to its height, the second most important design parameter of a tower is its stiffness. Establishing the first natural bending frequency in the right way is an important task in the design. This determines the material required and, ultimately, the construc

20、tion costs. The goal of the tower design is to achieve the desired tower height with the required stiffness at the lowest possible construction cost. The transportation and the erection procedure is developing; into an increasing problem for the latest generation of multi-megawatt wind turbines. Tow

21、er heights of more than 100m and tower head weights of several hundred tons require a diameter at the tower base on more than five meters, with the consequence that road transportation will no longer be leasable. This becomes a strong incentive to find innovative solutions in the tower design. The m

22、aterials available for the construction are steel or concrete. Designs range from lattice construction to guyed or free-standing steel tubular towers up to massive concrete structure. The technical requirements posed by the overall system can be met by almost my variant but the economic optimum is o

23、nly achieved by appropriately matching the selected tower design to the requirements set. This shows clearly that, although the tower of a wind turbine can be seen as a conventional structure when considered by itself, its design also requires a considerable amount of understanding of the overall sy

24、stem and its application. Apart from these functional aspects, it should not be overlooked that the tower, even more so than the nacelle, determines the outward appearance of a wind turbine. Due attention should, therefore, be accorded aesthetics, even if this implies some additional costs.1. Tower

25、configurationsThe oldest types of wind turbines, the windmills, had no towers but millhouses. These were low in height in relation to the rotor diameter and of voluminous construction in accordance with their function as a work space, thus also providing for the necessary stiffness. Soon, however, t

26、he advantage of increased height was recognized and the millhouses became more slender and more tower-like. But it is only in modern-day constructions, first in the small American wind turbines and then later in the first power-generating wind power stations, that masts or towers were used, the sole

27、 function of which lay in supporting the rotor and the mechanical components of the tower head. As a consequence of this development, designs and materials for towers increased in variety. Steel and concrete took the place of the wood construction of the millhouses. In the early years of the develop

28、ment of modern wind energy technology, the most varied tower designs were tried out and tested but in the course of time, the range has been narrowed down to free-standing designs, mainly of steel and more rarely of concrete.Lattice TypeThe simplest method of building high and stiff tower constructi

29、ons is as a three-dimensional truss, so-called lattice or truss towers. Lattice towers were, therefore, the preferred design of the first experimental turbines and in the early years also for smaller commercial turbines. Today, the lattice tower has again become an alternative to the steel tubular t

30、ower in the case of the very high towers required for large turbines sited in inland regions.Concrete TypeIn the thirties, steel-reinforced concrete towers were used for the so-called Aeromotor in Denmark. These towers were also characteristic of the earlier large experimental Danish turbines Later,

31、 steel towers became dominant also in the commercial turbines in Denmark. Concrete towers have recently gained favor again for tower height of more than 80m.Free-standing steel tubular towers the most common tower type currently in use is the free-standing steel tube tower. Mastery of the vibrationa

32、l behavior has made it easier to use this type so that steel tubular towers with very low design stiffness can be implemented. It has thus become possible to lower the structural mass, and thus the costs of the towers, considerably by using soft designs.Guyed steel tubular towers Down-wind rotors made it necessary to use slender steel tubular towers in order to keep the tower shadow effect as small as possible. These were anchored with steel cables or in some cases with stiff trusses to ensure the required bending stiffness. Despite their comp

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