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1、Unit9SongofDefianceUnit 9 Song of Defiance Teaching Activities. New words:1.shroud (v.) cover or hide all the lights went out and the house was shrouded inDarkness. 突然所有的灯都灭了,房间笼罩在黑暗之中。* conceal, hide, screen & shroud 这四个词都是动词,均有“隐藏,遮蔽”的意思。conceal 正式用词,多强调有目的、有意识,巧妙地进行隐藏或隐 瞒。例如:She t

2、ried to conceal the fact that she was pregnant. 她设法隐瞒她怀孕的事实。hide 普通用词,既可指有意地隐藏,又可指无意或偶然地藏匿。 例如:Mary hid the pictures in her drawer. 玛丽把照片藏在她的抽屉里。screen 指把处于被发现的人或物掩盖起来,使其不被发现。例如:She raised her hand to screen her eyes from the bright light. 她抬起手遮住眼睛,阻挡强光。shroud 强调通过覆盖或围绕来遮住事物。例如:Visitors have complai

3、ned about the scaffolding that shrouds half the castle. 参观者抱怨脚手架遮住了城堡的一半。2.triumph (n.) an important victory or successeg.The eradication of smallpox by vaccination was one of the medicine fields greatest triumphs. 通过接种疫苗根除天花是医学界最伟大的胜利之一。3.perverse (adj.) behaving in an unreasonable way, especially

4、by deliberately doing the opposite of what people want you to do eg.She took a perverse pleasure in hearing that her sister was getting divorced. 听说她妹妹离婚了,她有一种反常的愉快。4.propaganda (n.) information false or true used by a government or political group to make people agree with themeg.They are the gover

5、nment propaganda machines. 他们是政府的宣传机器。5.captiveCollocations:be captive to 受制于captive market 垄断市场hold / take somebody captive 俘虏某人(adj.) kept in prison or in a place that you are not allowed to leave eg.The pilot has been hold captive for six years. 这个飞行员已经被俘虏六年了。(n.) someone who is kept as a prisone

6、r, especially in a wareg.All the captives were kept in a darkened room with their hand tied.6.bask (v.)enjoy sitting or lying in the heat of the sun or a fire; enjoy the approval or attention that you are getting from other people eg.Lizards were basking in the morning sun.7.stuff(v.) push or put st

7、h. into a small space, esp. in a careless wayeg.She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag.(n.) a substance or a group of things or ideas, all the camping stuff?* stuff oneself with 是一个习惯用语,意为“吃得过饱”。例如:The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy.Theyd been stuffing themselves wit

8、h snacks all the afternoon, so they didnt want any dinner. Collocations:all that stuff 所有的东西/事do / show your stuff 露一手good stuff 好东西know ones stuff 擅长,知道如何做hot stuff 奇才,非凡的事物8.infest (v.)if insects, rat, etc. infest a place, there are a lot of them and they usually cause damageeg.The kitchen was inf

9、ested with cockroaches.9.concession (n.)sth. that you allow sb. to have in order to end an argument or a disagreementeg.The British were not prepared to make any concessions.11.charismatic (adj.)having power to inspire devotion and enthusiasmeg.Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker.12.fu

10、ry (n.) extreme, violent and often uncontrolled angerCollocations:fury of the storm 猛烈的暴风雨in a fury 在狂怒中eyes blazing with fury 愤怒的目光shaking with fury 生气地发抖eg.I was shaking with fury. He flew into a fury at the suggestion. 听到这个建议,他变得狂 怒起来。13.camouflageeg.The strain she was under was well camouflaged

11、by skillful make-up.14.recruit(v.) get people to join the army, navy, young boys are now being recruited into the army. 就连小男孩都在被招募参军。 Were having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.15.prop(v.) support sth. by leaning it against sth. , or by putting sth. else under, next to, or

12、behind it eg.He propped his bike against a tree.(n.) an object placed under or against sth. to hold it in a particular position; sth. or sb. that helps you to feel strong eg.I need some sort of a prop to keep the door open.16.chargeCollocations:free of charge 免费be in / under somebodys charge 由某人负责ch

13、arge against 控告in / have charge of 控制17.sheer(adj.) complete; thorough; uttereg.Ill never forget the look of sheer joy on her face. The suggestion is sheer nonsense. 这一建议纯粹是胡扯。(v.) change direction suddenly to avoid boat sheered away and headed out to sea.18.stage(v.) organize a public ev

14、enteg.Barcelona staged the Olympic Games in 1992. 巴塞罗那于1992年举办了奥运会。(n.) 1) the raised area in a theatre on which actors or singers stand when they performeg.She is on stage for most of the play.2) a particular area of public lifeeg.The president was extremely popular on the world stage but was disli

15、ked in his own country.19.notoriously (adv.) well-known for sth. badeg.The program is notoriously difficult to learn. * famous, outstanding, eminent & notorious 这四个词都是形容词,均有“显赫,有名”的意思famous 是普通用词,指传播很广,引起人们注意的人或事物。例如:The Eiffel Tower is famous around the world.埃菲尔铁塔举世闻名。outstanding 侧重指因素质优良,功绩卓著而超过同

16、类的人或物,强调“突出”。例如:This is an outstanding example of a 13th century castle.这是13世纪古堡的突出代表。eminent 指在某方面杰出卓越或突出的人或物。例如:She is an eminent historian. 她是一位杰出的历史学家。notorious 指因劣迹而臭名昭著,含强烈贬义。例如:He is a notorious computer hacker.他是个臭名昭著的电脑黑客。20.emaciated (adj.) extremely thin from lack of food or illnesseg.The

17、 prisoners were ill and emaciated.21.smirk(n.) silly or self-satisfied smileeg.I told you it would end in this way, said Polly with a self-satisfied smirk on her face.(v.) smile in an unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased by someone elses bad luck or think you are better than other people e

18、g.I dont like the way he winks and smirks at me whenever he sees me.* laugh, grin, beam & smirk 这四个动词均有“笑”的意思。laugh 最常用的词,指因喜悦、愉快或轻视而出声的笑或大笑。例如:Shes so funny she really makes me laugh. 她是这么的有趣,她确实让我开怀大笑。grin 指露齿而笑。例如:She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling. 她冲我露齿而笑,目光炯炯。beam 书面用语,指人因心情舒畅而发出的笑,即喜形于色地笑。

19、例如:She beamed with delight at his remarks. 听到他的评论,她喜形于色。smirk 指自我满足的傻笑。例如:The boy tried not to smirk. 这个男孩子尽量克制住自己不傻笑。22.soothing (adj.) making one feel calmer and less anxious, upset or angryeg.Her words had a soothing effect. 他的一席话起到了令人平静的效果。23.turn a blind eyedeliberately ignore sth. that one kno

20、ws should not happeneg.Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.* turn a blind eye 的近义短语turn a deaf ear 意为“充耳不闻”。eg.The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the tune with in harmony or agreement witheg.His ideas are in tune with the time. 他的思想与时代潮流合拍。* out o

21、f tune with 意为“与格格不入”,例如:A person out of tune with his surroundings must be unhappy. 一个与环境格格不入的人是不会快乐的。. Language points1.When you walk the cobbled mist-shrouded streets of Terezin in the Czech Republic, your mind fills with images of the village sixty years ago, when it was a Nazi concentration cam

22、p packed with desperate and dying Jews. (para 1)What can we infer from this sentence?# The streets of Terezin in the Czech Republic remind us of the suffering days of the village sixty years ago, when the Jews were tortured by Nazis.2. For much of World War II, Nazi propaganda suggested that Jews th

23、ere enjoyed a life of leisure, even using captive Jewish filmmakers to craft a movie showing happy Jews listening to lectures and basking in the sun. (para 2)Paraphrase the sentence.# From the evidence provided by Nazis it seemed that during much of the time in World War II, Jews were quite relaxed

24、in the concentration camp and the seized Jewish filmmakers were even told by Nazis to produce a movie showing Jews enjoying lectures and basking in the sun.3.SS troops were posted outside the fortress, while daily activity was overseen by a Jewish Council of Elders, which turned a blind eye to inmat

25、esactivities, unless they might attract Nazi attention. (para 3)1). Translate the sentence into Chinese.# 党卫队只在城堡的外面设岗,营内日常活动由一个犹太人“长老委员会”监管。只要关押在里面的人的言行不引起纳粹的注意,该委员会装着视而不见。2). Analyze the structure of the sentence.# 本句中在while引导的从句中含有一个which 引导的非限制性定语从句,定语从句中又嵌套有一个由unless引导的让步状语从句。4.Charismatic, wit

26、h a striking face and wavy, dark hair, Schaechter was just beginning to make a name for himself in the rich cultural mix of prewar Prague. (para 4)Translate the sentence into Chinese.# 他长得相貌堂堂,一头乌黑鬈发,显得很有魅力。在战前布拉格的浓浓的多元文化氛围中他刚崭露头角。5.As his months in the camp stretched into years, and more and more J

27、ews disappeared eastward on Nazi transports, Schaechters fury at his captors steadily grew. (para 5)What does the sentence imply?# Kept in the camp for many years, Schaechter saw lots of Jews sent eastward to be slaughtered, which stimulated more and more resentment towards Nazis. 6.Everything that

28、Schaechter wanted to say lay camouflaged within the Latin words of the Requiem, with its themes of Gods wrath and human liberation. (para 8)Paraphrase the sentence# Schaechter hid all the words he wanted to say in the Latin words of the Requiem, which centers around the themes of Gods wrath and huma

29、n liberation.8.survive (v.) continue to live after an accident, war, or illnesseg.She survived the attack. The front passengers were lucky to survive the accident. 前排的 乘客很幸运地在事故中生还。* survival作名词意为“生存或幸存者”,作形容词意为“生存的,幸存的”。例如:The doctors told my wife that I had a 50% chance of survival. 医生告诉我妻子,我有50%的

30、机会活下来。The survival rate for people who have this form of cancer is now more than 90%. 现在得这种癌症的病人存活率高于90%。9.Aching with hunger, sopranos and altos, tenors and basses would take their places, while Schaechter pounded out Verdis towering themes on the harmonium. (para 10)Translate the sentence into Chi

31、nese.# 沙克特在簧风琴上强有力地奏出威尔的崇高主题时,女高音和男声最高音歌手们, 男高音和男低音歌手们,强忍饥饿的折磨,均各就各位。10.When they rehearsed the key section called Day of Wrath, Schaechter explained that it meant God would judge all men including the Nazis by their deeds and they would one day pay for their crimes against the Jews. (para 11)1). What does the sentence imply?# It implies the Jews believed that one day the Nazis would be greatly punished for the crimes they had committed against the Jews.2). Translate the sentence into Chinese# 当他们排练被称之为“愤怒之日”的最主要的一章时,沙克特解释说,这意味着上帝将根据人们的所作所为来裁判所有的人包括纳粹们,他们终将要为他们对犹太人犯下的罪行受到惩罚。11.This

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