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1、中考广州市各区完成句子题汇编2015年中考广州市各区完成句子题汇编花都区71昨天,大雨使我们未能准时到达那里。 The heavy rain _ us _ arriving there on time yesterday.72平时周日,迈克和妻子都不想在家里做饭。 _Mike _his wife _ to cook at home on Sundays.73她忙着准备晚饭以致她忘记给妈妈打一个电话。 She was _busy preparing for supper _ she forgot to give a call to her mother.74我发觉学习一门外语很有趣。 I fin

2、d it interesting _ _ a foreign language.75在广州,鲜花随处可见。 Flowers _ _ everywhere in Guangzhou.白云区71. 快点,否则我们会错过最后一班火车。 _ _, or well miss the last train.72. 昨晚,我花了整整一个晚上把这部小说读完了。 I _ a whole night _ reading this novel last night.73. 只要你不放弃,你的梦想肯定能实现。 Your dream can come true _ _ _ you dont give up.74. 你能

3、告诉我你多久去一趟图书馆吗? Can you tell me _ _ _ _ to the library?75. 每年三月份都会在白云山种植很多幼树。 Many young trees _ _ on the Baiyun Hill in March every year.从化区71. 比起看电视,Lily更喜欢上网。Lily surfing the Internet to TV.72. 去年他们村附近建了一条新的公路。A new road near their village last year.73. 对于我们来说,保持校园整洁是很重要的。 for us keep our school c

4、lean and tidy.74. 汤姆今天早上起床太晚以至于不能按时到校。Tom got up he couldnt arrive at school time this morning.75. 在会议上老师给予了我们多么有用的信息啊! the teacher gave us at the meeting!天河区71今天的早间新闻有什么特别的内容吗? Is _ _ _ in _ morning news?72. 爸爸和妈妈都无法阻止她去听西城男孩的演唱会。_ her father _her mother could keep her _ _ to the concert of Westlif

5、e.73. 早期的奥林匹克运动会,只允许男性运动员参加比赛。In early days only male athletes _ _ _ take part in the Olympic Games.74. 如果你想得到这份工作,一定的经验是必需的。 _ is necessary that you have some experience_ _ _ to get the job. 75. 消防员在讲座上跟学生解释火灾发生时如何从大厦逃生。At his lecture, the fireman explained to the students _ _ _ _ a building if a f

6、ire happens.增城区71. 我们应该阻止人们砍伐太多树木。 We should _ people _ _ too many trees.72. 如今很多人有电脑是很普遍的。 _ _ common for many people _ _ computers nowadays.73. 他太粗心而没有发现试卷里的错误。 He was _ careless _ find the mistakes in the test paper.74. 我不确定下周她会不会来我的生日晚会。 Im not sure _ _ _ _ to my birthday party next week.75. 我们学

7、校的图书馆一次可以借3本书。 Three books _ _ _ at a time in our school library.萝岗区71. 消防员用了三天才把那场大火扑灭。 It _ the firefighters three days _ _ _ the big fire.72. 付了钱后,网上书店才会送书给你。 The Internet Shop _ _ books to you _ youve paid the money.73. 每天值日的同学必须保持课室的清洁明亮。 The students on duty every day _ _ the classroom _ and _

8、.74. 我们学校的报告厅够大,可容纳约500人。 The lecture hall of our school is _ _ _ _ around 500 people.75. 早餐喝鲜奶有益健康,但我女儿更喜欢喝酸奶。 Its good to drink fresh milk at breakfast, _ my daughter _ _ yogurt.16中71. 她直到三岁才会讲话。She _ speak _ three years old.72. 实际上,我一点都不喜欢他的新发型。 _ _, I dont like his new hairstyle at all.73. 他发现在比

9、赛前很难入睡。 He found _ _ to _ _ before the competition.74. 今天天气多么好啊! _ fine _ it is today!75. 如果我们不保护环境,地球将处于极大的危险之中。If we dont protect the environment, the earth will _ _ _ _.番禺区71. 母亲叫我不要担心她。 Mother asked me _ _ _ _ her.72. 她没有来,因为她很忙。 She didnt come _ _ _ very _.73. 我想知道那时候天是否正在下雨。I wanted to know _

10、_ _ _ at that moment.74. 他跑得那么快,以致我不能抓住他。He ran _ _ _ I _ catch him.75. 所有的问题必须用英语来回答。 All the questions _ _ _ in English.星海中学71. Jack 够强壮能把那块石头搬走。 Jack is _ _ _ _ the stone away.72.他早起床以便能赶上头班车。 He got up early _ _ he _ catch the first bus.73. 父母不允许我们玩电脑游戏。 We _ _ _ _ play computer games by parents

11、. .74. 她和我都没有看过这部电影。 _ she _ I _ _ the film.75. 他想知道在哪里能买城市地图。 He wanted to know _ _ _ _ a city map.侨兴中学71. 广州以美食而闻名。 Guangzhou _ _ _ delicious food.72.我的表哥一回来,就会去青岛度假。 My cousin will go to Qingdao for holiday _ _ _ he _ back.73. 这是一场多么有趣的游戏 _ _ _ game this is!74. 你能告诉我怎样才能去火车站吗?Can you tell me _ _

12、_get to the station ?75. 早上8点之前,这项工作必须要完成。The work _ _ _ before 8 oclock in the morning.象圣中学71. 我会在你出差时帮你照顾你的小狗。 Ill help you _ _ _ your little dog while you are on business.72. 2012年奥运会将在伦敦举行 2012 Olympic Games _ _ _ in London.73. 她如此的繁忙以致每天都很晚才睡觉。 She is _ _ _ she goes to bed late every night.74.

13、这是多么有趣的一节英语课啊! _ _ the English lesson is!75. 你能告诉我怎样弹钢琴吗? Could you tell me _ _ _ the piano?侨联中学71. 电脑在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。 Computers an in our life.72. 你知道他刚才说什么吗? Do you know _ _ _ just now?73. 多么美妙的音乐啊! wonderful music _ is!74. 我花了近半小时才回到学校_ _ me almost half an hour _ _ to school.75. 教室必须天天清洁。The class

14、room _ every day.东风中学71. 孩子们对这种游戏很感兴趣。 The children_ _ _ this game very much.72. 工人们太累了,他们不得不停下来休息。 The workers were _ tired _ they had to _ _ have a rest.73. 昨天我直到完成所有工作才离开办公室。 I_ _ my office _ I finished all the work yesterday.74.我校的校运会将会在下星期五举行。 Our school sports meeting_ _ _ next Friday.75.我想知道你

15、们什么时候能完成这个项目。I wonder _ _ _ finish this project.侨城中学71.树木可以阻止泥土的流失。 Trees can _ the soil _ _ away.72.小心!河面上的冰层不够大让你踩上去。 Be careful!The ice _ _ _ for you to step on .73.他喜欢茶胜于咖啡。 He _ tea _ coffee.74.你能帮我解决这个问题吗? Can you help me_ _ this problem?75.父母常常担心孩子在成长中染上恶习。 Parents are always afraid that thei

16、r children will _ _ _ _ when they grow up.76.吃太多糖对你的健康有害。 Eating too much sugar_ _ _ your health. 77.这部感人的电影是根据一个真实的故事改编的。 This moving film _ _ _ a real story.沙头中学71. 小李问你为什么生他的气。 Xiao Li asked _ _ _ _ with him.72我发现学习英语非常有趣。 I find _ interesting English.73. 他昨天没有去广州博物馆而去了广州动物园。He went to Guangzhou

17、Zoo _ _ going to Guangzhou Museum.74. 半小时后大火扑灭了。The fire _ half an hour later.75. 今年夏天你准备到哪里度假?Where _ you _ _ _ this summer? 华侨中学71. 我妈妈过去不经常晚上开会。 My mother _ _ _ _ a meeting at night.72. 他们在岛上玩得多开心啊! _ _ _ _ they had on the island!73. 他昨晚花了半小时算出这道题。He _ half an hour _ _ _ this problem last night.7

18、4. 她是一个新妈妈,她不知道怎样去照顾孩子。She is a new mother. She doesnt know _ _ _ _ of the baby.75. 学生在上课期间禁止使用手机。Mobile phones _ _ _ by students in class.育才中学71. 我想陈老师不会阻止我们加入音乐俱乐部的。 I _ _ Miss Chen _ _ us from joining the music club.72. 虽然iphone4s很好,但是爸爸和妈妈都不打算给我买一部。 _ the iphone4s is good, _ Dad _ Mum _ going to

19、 buy one for me.73. 玛丽还没有决定何时把那个坏消息告诉她的好朋友。Mary hasnt decided _ _ _ _ the bad news to her good friends.74. 今天天气真好!跟我去散散步,怎么样?_ _ weather it is today! _ _ going for a walk with me?75. 我们的运动会于上学期在暨南大学操场成功举办了。Our sports meeting _ _ successfully on the playground of Jinan University last term. 1 那天人们吃什么

20、特别的食物?What _ _ do people _ _ that day?2 他们正在赏月。Theyre _ the moon.3 人们正忙于准备美味的食物。People are _ _ _ food.4 There were tired because they _ _ (熬夜)last night.5 They went there to _ the national flag _(看.升起).6 请把这图片挂在墙上。Please _ _the picture _ _.7 Please _ _ (敲门) the door before you enter.8 全家人欢聚一堂,共享大餐。_

21、 _ _ _ together _ a big dinner.9 They _ _ _(开始读书) at once.10 祝你新年快乐!I _ you a happy new year.11 Spring Festival is _ _ _ _ (最重要的节日) in China.12 请代我问候你的父母亲。Please _ my love _ your _.13 别用白纸包压岁钱。Dont _ lucky money _ white.14 他总是开着门睡觉。He always sleeps _ the door _.15 That sounds _(有趣的).16 You can call

22、me _ (任何时候).17 我正忙于做作业。I am _ _ my homework.18 To our surprise, he _ _ _ _ (起死回生).19 Please _ _ _ (记得要关)the door when you go out.20 天气挺暖和的。Its _ and _.21 He _ _ _ (许愿) a moment ago.22 We made cards _ _(亲手).23 Each of us _(有) an English book.24 直到妈妈回来了,我才睡觉。I _ go to bed _ my mother came back home.25

23、 _ _ (让我们去)to the movie.26 I could sing songs _ _ _ _ _(八岁时).27 Jane 的吉他弹得很好。Jane can play _ _ _.28 Ill give him _ _ (一个惊喜).29 _ _ _(使我惊喜的是), he can speak Japanese well.30 你的礼物什么形状?_ _ is your present? _ the _ _ your present?31 We use them _ _ _ (来学英语).32 There are _ _ _(8百个学生) in our school.33 There are _ _ (数百)workers in the factory.34 _ _ _ _ the street(在街道的拐弯处),theres a bookshop.35 Ill call you _ _ _ _ (当我回家时).36 You should _ _(到达) school _ _(按时).37 _ _ (多远) is your home _ the school?38 他是新来的。He is _ _.39 禁止左转。 No _ _

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