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1、小升初专题介词第八讲 介词一、 定义介词一般置于名词之前,它常和名词或名词性词语构成介词短语。同一个介词常和不同的词语搭配形成固定搭配,表示不同意义。二、分类根据介词本身的意义,可将介词分为时间介词、方位介词、动向介词、方式介词、原因介词等。词类例词时间介词at, in, on, before, after, from方位介词on, in, at, behind, over, above, under, below动向介词to, into, up, down, through, along, out of方式介词by, on, with原因介词for, from, of, with三、常用介词

2、的基本用法1、at (1)表示具体的时间点: I go to school at seven every day 我每天早上7点去上学。(2)表示一段较短的时间:at night 在夜晚 at Christmas 在圣诞节(3)表示在某一具体地点: He is standing at the bus stop 他站在公共汽车站。(4)表示动作的方向、目标: Let me have a look at the picture 让我看看这幅图。(5)表示人的年龄:at the age of six 在六岁(6)用于某些固定搭配: at once 立刻、马上 at last 最后 at the sa

3、me time 同时 at first 开始时 not at all 一点也不 2、about (1)表示大约时间: Its about six oclock now. 现在大约6点钟了。(2)表示地点;在周围: She is somewhere about the office. 她在办公室附近。(3)关于,对于: We are talking about the news. 我们正在谈论新闻。3、after (1)在之后: After dinner I watch TV. 晚饭后我看电视。(2)在后面: He came into the room after me. 他在我后面进了房间。(

4、3)after+某个时间,表示从过去某个时间起过多长时间,多用于过去时,如:She left on Sunday and returned after three days.4、behind (1)在之后: There is a bike behind the tree. 树后有一辆自行车(2)比晚,迟于: The train is behind time. 火车晚点了5、by (1)在旁: He is sitting by the bed. 他正坐在床边。(2)到时候: We have learned three English songs by now. (3)by+交通工具,以方式: I

5、 go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去上学。(4)用于某些固定搭配: one by one 一个接一个 by the way 顺便说一句6、for (1)为,给,替: Ill make a card for my teacher. 我要给老师做张卡片。(2)由于: Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。(3)表示给(某人)用的: There is a letter for you. 这儿有你一封信。7、in (1)在里面: The pencil is in the desk. 铅笔在课桌里。(2)在一段时间里,常与上午、下午、晚上等词连用: We

6、have four classes in the morning. (3)用,以: Whats this in English? 这用英语怎么说?(4)在某一年份,季节,月份: in 2002 in spring in January (5)in+颜色,表示状态,服饰: Helen is in yellow. 海伦身穿黄色衣服。(6)在方面: He is weak in English. 他的英语不行。(7)用于某些固定搭配: in front of 在前面 in the end 最后 in time 及时 8、like (1)像样: He looks like his father. 他像他

7、的父亲。(2)这样,那样: Dont look at me like that. 别那样看着我。(3)怎样: Whats the weather like? 天气怎样。9、near (1)靠近,在附近: My bed is near the window. 我的床在窗户旁。10、of (1)的(表示所属关系): This is a photo of my family. 这是一张我全家人的照片。(2)的(用于所有格): He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。(3)表示数量(与连词连用): One of us is from Beijing. 我们中有一个来自北京(4

8、)想到,谈到: I often think of them. 我常常想到他们。(5)用于某些固定搭配: of course 当然 because of 因为,由于 11、on (1)在上面: There are some apple on the tree. 树上有些苹果。(2)具体的某一天,在(星期)天,在某天的上午(下午,晚上): They go to English class on Sunday. 星期天他们去上英语课。 I left Beijing on the morning of May 1. 我在5月1日早上离开北京。(3)用于某些固定搭配: on duty 值日 on tim

9、e 准时 12、over (1)在正上方,两个物体表面没有接触: There is a lamp over the table. 桌子上方有一盏灯。(2)遍及,穿过: There is a bridge over the river. 有座桥横跨那条河。(3)超过,不止: She is a little over 2. 她两岁多了。13、below(1)在.下边,不一定表示正下方:The climbers stopped 300 metres below the top of the mountain.登山运动员在离山顶300米处停了下来。14、to (1)到,往,向: He walks to

10、 the window. 他走向窗户。(2)表示时间、数量, 到为止 Please count from ten to thirty. 请从10数到30.(3)向,对,给: Happy New Year to you all. 大家新年好。15、under (1)表示一物在另一物垂直的正下方:Whats under your desk? 你书桌底下是什么? 16、with (1)和,写: Could you go home with me? 你能和我一起回家吗?(2)表示伴随状态,带有: Whos that girl with glasses? 那位戴眼睛的女孩是谁?四、to、in、on在表示

11、位置时的区别:1、inin表示事物在某一区域范围内,如:China is a country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的一个国家。2、toto表示事物在某一区域范围之外的某一位置,如:The town lies to the south of the village. 那个城镇位于村庄的南面。3、onon表示事物与另一区域范围属于相接邻的关系,如:We live in a house on the Thames. 我们住在泰晤士河畔的一座房子里。五、介词的固定搭配at inonarrive at到达arrive in 到达on ones way to 在去.的路上at first 起初;开

12、始in all 总体on duty 值日at home 在家in class 在课堂上on holiday 度假at present 现在in English 用英语on the left/right 在左/右边at work 上班,在工作in short 总之on the radio 在广播中at the same time 同时in a hurry 匆忙地on foot 步行at the moment 此刻in the end 最后on the way 在路上be good at 擅长in time 及时地on time 准时练习一用介词填空1.He is good _ swimming.

13、2.Tom gets _ at seven every morning.3. _ Sunday morning, he played football with his friends.4.Whats wrong _ you? There is something wrong _ my back.5.He often helps me _ my English.6.Its time _ breakfast.7.Can you sing a song _ English?8.He looks _ his father.9.Please listen _ me carefully.10.Its t

14、oo cold. Dont take _ your coat.二介词填空1.Tony is _ Canada. 2. What is the name _ the factory?3. Betty is English. What _ you? 4. Whos the woman _ black dress?5. Where do you come _? 6. She looks _ her father.7. Do the students stay _ home _ Saturday? 8. My mother cut the cake _ a knife .9.The meeting e

15、nded _ 6 p.m. 10. Well play football _ class.三选词填空1Peter is standing _ Lucy and Jack. A. in B. at C. above D. between2Mum, can I go shopping _ you? A. near B. at C. with D. on3I didnt go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to_ my little sister at home.A. look after B. look at

16、C. look for D. look like4Lily is _ duty today. A. in B. on C. at D. to5. Let me show you the place _ the map. A. with B. on C. in D. for6. My father usually comes back from work_ 6:30_ the evening. A. in; on B. in; at C. on; in D. at; in7.-When were you born? - I was born _ August 25, 1983. A. on B.

17、 in C. at D. to8. She likes travelling _ air. A. on B. in C. at D. by9. Many people work _ the day and sleep _ night. A. on ; at B. in ; in C. in ; at10. There are many apples _ the tree. A bird _ the tree is picking an apple. A. in ; on B. on ; in C. in ; at四、英汉互译。1. look after_ 2. listen to_3. pla

18、y with_ 4. on the farm_5. the boy in white_ 6. 在河的附近_7. 在树的后面_ 8. 在桥底下_9. 乘火车_ 10. 在墙上_五、下面每个句子都有一处错误,画出来并改正。1. There are two pictures in the wall. _2.Can you write it on Chinese? _3. We live at the earth. _4. She usually goes to work on bus. _5. Bob is one in my friends._六、阅读理解Brain is a school boy

19、. Hes twelve. He lives in Shanghai now. He is from England. He studies in a junior middle school. He gets up at half past five every day. He has breakfast at seven after that, he goes to school with his friends. They have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does h

20、is homework at home, but he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Brain likes drawing. He joins an art club. He likes reading story books. Now he is reading an English book in his room.1Brain is a _. A. student B. girl C. teacher2Brain gets up _every day. A. at seven B. early C. at six3Brain does hi

21、s homework _. A. every evening B. at school C. at home4Brain likes _. A. English and Chinese B. playing football C. drawing and reading5Brain has _ classes at school every day. A. four B. six C. five 习题答案一、1. at 2. up 3. on 4. with, with 5. With6. for 8. like 10. off二、1. from 2. of 3. about 5. from 6. like 7. at, on 8. with 9. at 10. After三、1. D 2.C 3.A 4. B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8. D 9.C 10.B四、1.照顾 2. 听 3.和.玩 4.在农场 5.穿白衣服的男孩儿6. near the river 7. behind the trees 8. under the bridge9. by train 10. on the wall五、1. in-on 2.on-in 3. at-on 4. on-by 5. in-of六、1. A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5. B

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