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1、英美文学常识课程考核重点1.The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in _?A 200 B.C B 55 A.D C 55 B.C D 410 A.D2.The capital of Northern Ireland is _?A Blefast B Birminghan C Edinburgh D Cardiff3.The statement “You can not step twice into the same river” was said by_?A Aristotle B

2、Heracletus C Socrates D Pythagoras4.The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, _, and Aristotle, who are active in Athens in the 5th and 4th century B.C.A Pythagoras B Heracleitus C Herodotus D Plato5.Between 1337 and 1453 the _ took place in Britain.A Wars of Roses B Black Death C Hund

3、red Years War D Peasants Uprising6.William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in_.A 1066 B 1086 C 1381 D 10357. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from _ to _.A 1600 - 1604 B 1640 - 1644 C 1642 - 1646 D 1646 - 16508. _ believed that the highest good in life

4、 was pleasure, freedom from pain and emotional upheaval.A Cynics B Stoics C Sceptics D Epieureans9.James Watt created a _ in 1769?A Spinning Mule B Steam Engine C Power Loom D Spinning Jenny10.Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William and given to _.A The Danes B the Irish

5、C The Norman barons D The Scots答案:1. 选C。公元前55年,由Julius Caesar(恺撒)领导的罗马人首次入侵Britain,而罗马人撤出大不列颠是在公元410年。2. 选A。Belfast(贝尔法斯特)北爱尔兰首府,是北爱尔兰的商业、教育、服务和娱乐中心,也是重要海湾。Birmingham(伯明翰),英格兰城市,英国第二大城市,位于英格兰中部高地、西米德兰郡首府区,是英国重要的工业中心和交通枢纽。Edinburgh(爱丁堡)为Scotland(苏格兰)首府,为英国第二大的仅次于伦敦的旅游城市。Cardiff(卡的夫)是Wales(威尔士)的首府。考试大

6、3. 选B。Heraclaitus(赫拉克利特),古希腊唯物主义哲学家,辩证法的奠基人之一。他认为“火”是万物的本原,一切都在流动变化之中,“人不能两次踏进同一条河”是他的名言。4. 选D。Socrates(苏格拉底)、Plato(柏拉图)and Aristotle(亚里士多德)是公元前5世纪到公元前4实际活跃在雅典的欧洲三大哲学家。5. 选C。从1337-1453英法之间的战争断断续续地持续了一百年,称之为“英法百年战争”。(Hundred Years War)6. 选A。1066年10月14日William, Duke of Normandy(诺蔓底公爵威廉)在Hastings(黑斯廷斯)

7、战败英国国王Harold(哈罗德),这是英国历史上著名的诺曼征服时间(The Norman Conquest)。次战役确定了诺曼人对英格兰人的统治地位。同年12月25日威廉在伦敦加冕,称William the Conqueror(征服者威廉)。7. 选C。1642英国第一次内战在查里斯国王和国会之间展开,因国王的反对者主要是清教徒,因此英国内战又称之为“清教徒革命”。8. 选D。公元前4世纪,西方哲学四大流派:the Cynics(犬儒主义学派)、the Sceptics(怀疑论学派)、the Epicureans(享乐主义学派)、the Stoics(斯多葛学派)互相争鸣。the Epicu

8、reans(享乐主义学派)认为“快乐”是人生的最大追求。9. 选B。James Watt(詹姆斯.瓦特)于1769发明了蒸汽机,蒸汽机的发明在英国的工业革命中起着重要的作用。10.选C。多数本属于萨克逊人的土地被征服者威廉没收后送给了诺曼贵族们。(The Norman barons)1. “To know something like the palm of ones hand” means _?A to understand the nature of something and be competent in the performance of them B to understand

9、everything without any question C to understand only something easy D to be thoroughly familiar with the nature and details of something2.British English is spoken in _?A Great Britain B Australia C New Zealand D A.B and C3.Which of the following joined England and Scotland in 1707?A the Act of Supr

10、emacy B the Act of Union C the Reform Act D the Magana Carta4.Who said “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.”?A Aristotle B Plato C Archimedes D Euclid5.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “garbage collector” is “_”A collecting B garbage engineer C sanitary engineer

11、D sanitation engineer6. Who founded the Plantagenet Dynasty?A Henry I B King Joseph C Henry II D Count of Anjor7.Who said “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”:?A Horace B Virgil C Plato D Sappho8. The religious persecution mainly existed during the reign of _.A Elizabeth I B Henry VIII C

12、 Cromwell D Charles I9. Eton College is a famous _ of UK.A college B comprehensive school C public school D university10.Westminster Palace is the _?A seat of British House of Parliament B seat of English church C residence of king of queen D residence of Prime Minister1. 选D。“To know something like

13、the palm of ones hand”的意思是对“什么了如指掌”。2. 选D。在英国、澳大利亚和新西兰都说英国英语。3. 选B。是联合法(the Act of Union)在Anne 统治的1707年把 England and Scotland 统一起来,而Great Britain (大不列颠)也是在其统治期间诞生的。而1801年的联合法爱尔兰并入大不列颠王国,因此英国的名称改为“大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国”(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland)。1921年爱尔兰北部6郡(北爱尔兰)化归联合王国,英国的名称也随之改为“大不列颠及

14、北爱尔兰联合王国”(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)。4. 选C。“给我一个支点,我能撬动整个地球”是古希腊科学家Archimedes(阿基米德)的名言。古希腊科学家阿基米德在算术、力学和流体静力学等方面都作了重要的贡献。5. 选D。sanitation engineer (环境工程师)是 “garbage collector” 垃圾清洁工的委婉用语。6. 选C。The Plantagenet Dynasty (金雀花王朝)是由Henry II(亨利二世) 于1154年创立的,并统治了35年,于1189年Henr

15、y II 去世而结束。7. 选A。Horace(贺拉斯),古罗马诗人,以其颂歌著称。 “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive” (被征服的希腊征服了它的征服者)为其所说。Virgil(维吉尔,7019BC)伟大的拉丁诗人,著有伟大的史诗埃涅阿斯记(Aeneid)。Plato(柏拉图428-348BC),古希腊哲学家,他对对话录(Dialogues)影响深远。Sappho(萨福)公元前7世纪希腊最重要的女抒情诗人,其爱情诗影响深远。8. 选D。Charles I(查里一世,1600-1649,英国斯图亚特王朝国王)。其统治期间,对抗国会,压

16、迫清教徒,引起内战,战败后作为“暴君、叛徒、杀人犯和国家公敌”于1649年被国会判处死刑。9. 选C。Eton College(伊顿学院,也称伊顿公学)是英格兰最大的也是最有名的公学之一,设在伯克郡伊顿,是英国的一种中学教育。该校建于1400年与1441年间,由Henry VI为国王赠款所建立的基金中得到奖学金的70名高才生创办的。英国知名的公学还有Harrow School; Rugby School。10.选A。Westminster(威斯敏斯特区)指英国伦敦西部的贵族居住区,在泰晤士河北岸,区内有白金汉宫,议会大厦等。而the Westminster Palace(威斯敏斯特宫)通常指英

17、国议会所在地,因此Westminster 喻指英国国会或英国政府。1. Who led The Peasants Uprising in Britain?A Watt Tyler B Henry Turner C Richard D Stephen2.In English individualistic culture, one should bother Englishmen without a good reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an Eng

18、lish proverb _?A as welcome as a storm B an Englishmans house is his castle C do not wear out your welcome D outstay ones welcome3._ is the first weekday after Christmas, a legal holiday in English, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand,Australia and South Africa.A Thanksgiving Day B Anzac Day C St.

19、Valentines Day D Boxing Day4.The Bible was originally written in _.A Latin B English C Hebrew D Arabic5. _ is a very wise man, the king of the Hebrews around the tenth century B.C. and was well-known for his wisdom.A Solomon B The old Adam C Judas D Jesus6.Which of the following king was executed in

20、 the civil war?A James I B Charles I C James II D Charles II7.From 1649 to 1658 English was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as _.A President B Lord Protector C Lieutenant General D Commander of the New Model Army8. A “vote of no confidence” is decided by _.A the House of

21、 Lords B the Prime Minister C the House of Commons D the two major parties9. Which of the following particularly happens on the Queens Birthday?A Trooping the Color B the Eisteddfod C bonfires D masquerades答案:1. 选A。由于百年战争并没有改变农民的生活条件,又加上人头税(the Poll Tax)的征收。1381年(Watt Tyler)瓦特.泰勒领导了农民起义。2. 选B。在英国文化中

22、,一般不事先预约是不会冒然打搅别人。英国人有一句谚语:“英国人的家庭如独立王国-不得擅入”。3. 选D。Boxing Day(礼节日)。英国法定假日,是圣诞节的次日,遇星期日天延顺。按英国习俗,这天向邮递员、仆人、雇员等赠送盒装“节礼”,故称节礼日。4. 选C。圣经最初是以Hebrew(希伯来语)写的。圣经有一部分是讲述古犹太人的历史。从公元前1200年希伯来人定居巴勒斯坦至公元1世纪的古犹太人的历史。考试大5. 选A。Solomon(所罗门、)-932BC.)希伯来(以色列)国王(972-932BC),以武力维持其统治,加强国防,发展贸易,使犹太达到鼎盛时期,以智慧著称。6. 选B。Char

23、les I (查里一世,1600-1649,英国斯图亚特王朝国王)。其统治期间,对抗国会,压迫清教徒,引起内战,1647年别Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔)领导的军队俘虏。1649年被国会判处死刑。7.B 从1649到1658年的英国被称为共和国(Commonwealth)。共和国的第一位统治者Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔)成为英格兰共和国的Lord Protector(护国公)。Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔),1618年当选为议员,为清教徒领袖。英国内战爆发后,他率领铁甲军的骑兵击败了保皇党部队,是处死查理一世的主要人物,1653年将国会解散,自称Lord

24、Protector(护国公),成为英格兰共和国的首脑。8. 选C。“不信任投票”是由英国下议院(Lower House)即众议院(the House of Commons)决定的,亦称平民院,简称下院。是英国议会的组成部分。议员由普选产生,共有650个席位。下议院首席官员为议长,由议员选举产生。下议院任期为5年,但政府可能提前大选。9. 选A。Queens Birthday(英国女王的诞辰日)为6月。每年的女王生日时在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)前都要举行盛大的检阅庆祝活动,这一天,军队将举行场面壮观的Trooping the Color(行军旗敬礼)仪式。1 “The Gr

25、aveyard Poets” got the name because _.A they chose to live near graveyardsB they often wrote about death and melancholyC they always wrote about dead peopleD they often use “graveyard” as the title2 It is generally understood that the recurrent theme in many of Thomas Hardys novel is _.A man against

26、 nature B love and marriage C social criticism D fate and destiny3 The Romantic Period in English literature began with the publication of _.A William Blakes Songs of Innocence B Jane Austens Pride and PrejudiceC Wordsworths and Coleridges Lyrical Ballads D a piece of land4 It is generally regarded

27、that Keats most important and mature poems are in the form of _.A ode B elegy C epic D sonnet5 G.B. Shaws play Mrs. Warrens Profession is a realistic exposure of the _ in the English society.A slum landlordism B inequality between men and womenC political corruption D economic exploitation of women6

28、 The Preface to Shakespeare and Lives of the Poets are the works of critic _.A G.B. Shaw B Samuel Johnson C Ben Johnson D E.M. Foster7 The Ring and the Book is a masterpiece of _.A Alfred Tennyson B Robert Browning C Thomas Hardy D Ralph Waldo Emerson8 Matthew Arnold is the writer of _. A Dover Beac

29、h B My last Duchess C Break, Break, Break D The Eagle9 The writer of Heart of Darkness is also the one of _.A Time of Machine B Jim C Lord Jim D A Passage to India10 Of Human Bondage is a novel by _. A Herbert George Wells B Arnold Bennett C William Somerset Maugham D John Galsworthy1. 选B。“墓畔派”是指18世

30、纪那些描写死亡的哀挽的诗人。代表作有托马斯.格雷墓园挽歌(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard),托马斯.巴奈尔的死亡之夜(Night Piece on Death),爱德华. 扬夜思(Night Thoughts)和罗伯特.布莱尔的坟墓(The Grave)。2. 选D。在哈代(Thomas Hardy)的作品中,他那悲剧色彩的哲学观告诉我们,人生的一切都是命运安排,是不可抗拒的。人在命运的面前束手无策,无论人们怎样努力,都很难逃脱命运的折磨和戏弄。 3. 选C。威廉.华兹华斯(William Wordsworth),于1798同柯勒律治(Samuel

31、Tayor Coleridge)合作出版了著名的抒情歌谣集(Lyrical Ballads),该诗第二版的“序”被认为是英国浪漫主义的宣言。4. 选A。济慈的代表作品有夜莺颂(Ode to a Nightingale),希腊古瓮颂(Ode on a Grecian Urn),忧郁颂(Ode on Melancholy),秋颂(To Autumn)等。“颂”被认为是济慈最具有代表性和最为成功的诗歌形式。5. 选D。萧伯纳的剧作华伦夫人的职业(Mrs. Warrens Profession)塑造了一个在经济重压下普通妇女的形象,该剧揭露了一个令人愤怒的事实:在资本主义社会,娼妓业也成了一种剥削方式。6. 选B。塞缪尔.约翰逊18世纪英国人文主义文学批评的巨匠,莎士比亚戏剧集序言(The Preface to Shakespeare),和诗人传(Lives of the Poets)是他对文学批评做出的饿突出贡献。 7. 选B。指环与书(The Ring and the Boo)是罗伯特.勃郎宁(Robert Browning)的诗作。8

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