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1、年sat答案年1月sat答案【篇一:2012年1月sat真题句子填空全文翻译精讲】 class=txt2012.1 真题 1. jacob felt great _ about his upcoming trip to brazil; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm. a. concern b. uncertaintyc. confusiond. generositye. excitement 中文释义:雅各布对于即将开始的巴西之旅感到非常兴奋,确实是这样,他几乎难以抑制他的热情。 题意解析:分号后是对前半句的进一步解释说明,表明雅

2、各布对于巴西之旅很期待,因此他的感受应该是比较兴奋,e项正确,a项意思是关注,b项是不确定,c项是混乱,d项是慷慨大方,均不合句意。 词汇解释: upcoming:即将到来的;forthcoming, approaching contain:1. 包含 comprise, include;2. 控制;to keep within limits; 3. 容纳;to have with, hold; 4. 牵制;check, halt 2. the professors classroom manner was quite_, never revealing the warmth and play

3、fulness she showed in private. a. wittyb. sincere c. livelyd. formale. friendly 中文释义:这位教授的课堂举止非常严肃,和她在私下里表现出的热情风趣一点也不一样。 题意解析:never作为连接词表明前后半句句意相反,教授私下的表现与课堂上不同,从后半句中可以看出平时比较热情,于是课堂上时就应该是严谨认真,所以d项正确。a项意思是机智的,b项是真诚的,c项是活泼的,e项是友好的,均不合题意,所以排除。 经典例句:over the years, teaching methods have changed and beco

4、me less formal. 这几年来,教学方法已有改变,不是那么正式了。 词汇解释: reveal:显示,揭露;to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known 3. instead of taking notes during the interview, the journalist recorded the celebritys remarks on tape and later _them. a. disavowedb. transcribedc. anticipatedd. retractede. r

5、ecollected 中文释义:这位记者在采访中并没有记笔记,而是用磁带录下这位名人的言论,之后再转录下来。 题意解析:从句意可以看出该记者在采访时不做笔记而是录下来,也就意味着录完以后再记录,由此推出正确选项是b转录。a项意思是拒绝否认,c项是预期期望,d项是撤销,e项是回忆,想起,均不合题意,所以排除。 4. like several other important advances in medicine, penicillin was a somewhat_discovery resulting from _combination of blind chance and technic

6、al expertise. a. progressive . a reliableb. wonderful . an unluckyc. untimely . a profitable d. ordinary . an unfortunatee. accidental . a favorable 中文释义:正如其他重大医学进展一样,青霉素是由机遇与专业技术相结合的意外发现。题意解析:由like可知,青霉素与其他医学进步一样是一项有利的发现,由此排除c项及d项具有贬义的单词,由blind chance推出该发现是个偶然,所以e项正确。 词汇解释: untimely:1. 不合时宜的;badly

7、timed, uncommonly early or before the expected time;2. 过早的;before the due, natural, or proper time somewhat:有点,多少;in some degree or measure 5. author luis zalamea calls novel writing a _ experience, one that cleanses him of feelings of rebellion and frustration. a. subliminalb. perpetualc. stupefyin

8、gd. cathartice. corrosive 题意解析:逗号后为空格部分做了解释,也就是说创作小说能够清除反叛和沮丧之感,那么就意味着这是一个清洁净化的过程,因此d项感情宣泄正确。a项意思是潜意识的,b项是永久的,c项是使发呆的,e项是腐蚀的,均不合题意,所以排除。 经典例句:it was actually a cathartic experience to write my autobiography. 写自传确实是我一次宣泄情感的经历。 6. the scientist was _in her evaluation of her own research, choosing to a

9、nalyze and report on seemingly _ results as well as those that were more expected. a. meticulous . aberrantb. resolute . embryonic c. deferential . convoluted d. objective . quotidian e. myopic . unequivocal 中文释义:这个科学家评估她自己的研究时非常谨小慎微,除了选择预料中的结果进行分析并报告外,她也将看起来异常的结果纳入考虑范围。 题意解析:as well as通常连接的是由对比性的词组

10、,所以这里应该是反义重复,第二个空格应选择与“符合预料”相反意思的词,即不合常规的;另外由于该科学家同时将预料中的结果和异常结果都进行分析,说明她是非常谨慎的,a项中两个单词都符合该语境,所以选择a项。 词汇解释: meticulous: 一丝不苟的,谨小慎微的;marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details aberrant:异常的;straying from the right or normal way resolute:坚决的,果断的;marked by firm dete

11、rmination embryonic:1. 胚胎的;of or relating to an embryo;2. 初期的;being in an early stage of development deferential:恭敬的,顺从的;showing or expressing deference convoluted:1. 复杂的;involved, intricate;2. 旋绕的;having convolutions quotidian:每日的,平凡的;occurring everyday, commonplace, ordinary myopic:1. 近视的;a condit

12、ion in which the visual images come to a focus in front of the retina of the eye resulting especially in defective vision of distant objects;2. 目光短浅的;lacking foresight or scope unequivocal:1. 明确的;leaving no doubt; 2. 无疑的;unquestionable 7. writer john worthen suggested that, in some cases, biographer

13、s should be _, considering allavailable details rather than making _ a first principle. a.forthright . relevanceb. cynical . incriminationc. inclusive . selection d. libelous . discriminatione. comprehensive . drudgery 题意解析:非谓语动词considering 的作用是解释说明空格中单词的意思,即考虑到所有可用信息,所以第一个空格应该是inclusive 或者comprehen

14、sive;rather than 引导的下半句意思应该和前面的意思相反,与考虑所有信息相反的词应该是考虑部分信息,即挑选信息,因此正确选项应该是c。 词汇解释: forthright:直截了当的;free from ambiguity or evasiveness : going straight to the point cynical:愤世嫉俗的;having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic incrimination:控告;charge with or show evidence or prove of involvement i

15、n a crime or fault libelous:诽谤的;constituting or including a libel comprehensive:1. 综合的,广泛的;covering completely or broadly;2. 有理解力的;having or exhibiting wide mental grasp drudgery:苦工,苦差事;dull, irksome, and fatiguing work 8. grover pease osbornes 1893 economics treatise was remarkably _ since it fores

16、aw that technological advances would increase the availability of natural resources. a. naiveb. tenaciousc. prescientd. influentiale. intelligible 题意解析:since 引导的是一个因果关系从句,解释了这个论文预见了之后发生的事情,由此可知空格部分应该是和foresee有相同意思的单词,c项“预见的,有先见之明的”符合题意。a项意思是天真,b项意思是黏着力强的,d项是有影响力的,e项是可以理解的。 treatise:论述,论述,专著;a system

17、ic exposition or argument in writing including a methodical discussion of the facts and principles involved and conclusions reached 9. due to the _ of architect benjamin banneker, the remarkable street plan for washington, d.c., that had nearly been abandoned was _ and carried out. a. artistry . rej

18、ectedb. persistence .revivedc. pessimism . originated d. cautiousness . postponede. foresight . ignored 题意解析:由第二个空格前后可知该街道计划是差点被放弃但最终得到实施,所以该空应该是被重新启动,因此b项更合题意,而这个计划之所以没有被抛弃一定是建筑师的坚持才被重新重视的,所以第一个空填persistence。 词汇解释: artistry:1. 艺术效果;artistic quality of effect or workmanship;2. 艺术性;artistic ability r

19、evive:1. 复活,苏醒;to restore to consciousness or life;2. 恢复精神;to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state;回想起;to renew in the mind or memory foresight:1. 预见;an act or the power of foreseeing;2. 先见之明;provident care 人物介绍:benjamin bannekerbenjamin banneker (1731-1806) was a free african america

20、n scientist, surveyor, almanac author and farmer. born in baltimore county, maryland, to a free african american woman and a former slave, banneker had little formal education and was largely self-taught. 10. because marine algae indirectly remove atmospheric carbon dioxide, a major_in marine algae

21、populations might result in _ levels of carbon dioxide. a. transformation . perceptibleb. reduction . elevatedc. explosion . increased d. decline . stabilizede. change . uniform 中文释义:因为海洋中的藻类间接地移除大气中的二氧化碳,所以海洋中藻类的种群大量减少可能会导致二氧化碳含量增加。 题意解析:由上半句可知海洋藻类可消除二氧化碳,所以藻类的数量与二氧化碳是成反比关系,因此两个空格的单词应该是反义的,藻类增加会减少二

22、氧化碳,或者藻类减少会增加二氧化碳,只有b项符合这个关系。 词汇解释: perceptible:可感知的;capable of being perceived esp. by the senses 11. keatss poetry was called _ by those critics who noted that he indulged in sensuous imagery and luxuriant diction. a. voluptuousb. imperiousc. sheepishd. harmoniouse. pedantic 中文释义:济慈的诗歌在评论家的眼里是艳丽的,

23、他们认为他沉浸于追求美感的意象和华丽的辞藻。 题意解析:由who连接的部分可以看出评论家们认为济慈沉浸于追求美感和华丽辞藻,由此可见他们对济慈诗歌的评论应该是意思相近的词,所以a项“撩人的,感官的”正确。b项意思是专横的、傲慢的,c项是懦弱的,d项是和谐的,e项是迂腐的,均不合题意,所以排除。 词汇解释: indulge:1. 纵容;to give free rein to;2. 沉溺于to take unstrained pleasure in luxuriant:1. 肥沃的;yielding abundantly;2. 丰富的;abundantly and often extravaga

24、ntly rich and varied;奢华的;characterized by luxury 人物介绍:keats john keats (1795-1821), an english romantic poet. he was one of the main figures of the second generation of romantic poets along with lord byron and percy bysshe shelley, despite his work only having been in publication for four years befo

25、re his death. 12. even when offstage, the acting troupe exhibited the _ behavior usually associated with histrionic temperaments. a. pessimisticb. torpidc. exaggeratedd. judiciouse. ingenuous 中文释义:即使在后台,表演剧团所表现出的夸张行为都是跟戏剧气质息息相关的。题意解析:空格部分要填入一个修饰行为举动的形容词,并且这种行为举动是和戏剧表演相关的,只有c项exaggerated“夸张”一词可以体现这一意

26、思。a项意思是消极的,b项是麻痹的,d项是判断正确的,e项是正直的或天真的。 词汇解释: temperament:气质,性格;characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response 13. danielle was easily the most _ of her classmates, rarely willing to compromise or even listen to others pleas. a. discreetb. deferentialc. loquaciousd. obduratee. r

27、apacious 中文释义:丹妮尔无疑是同学中最固执的,她很少会妥协或者听取别人的恳求。 题意解析:空格部分应填入描写丹妮尔性格的形容词,由下半句她从不妥协或者听从别人的恳求可知她应该是一个十分固执的人,因此d项“固执的”正确。a项意思是谨慎的,b项是恭敬的,c项是多话的,e项是贪婪的,均不合题意,所以排除。 词汇解析: plea:1. 恳求,请求;an earnest entreaty;2. 辩解,辩护;a defendants answer to a plaintiffs declaration in common-law practice 14. marie curie is _ amo

28、ng female nobel prize winners: she alone has been honored in two different fields. a. uniqueb. unsungc. immuned. resignede. helpless 词汇解析: unsung:(歌)未唱的;not sung;未被诗歌赞颂的,埋没的;not celebrated or praised (as in song or verse) 人物介绍:marie curie marie curie (1867-1934) a polish physicist and chemist, worki

29、ng mainly in france,2 who is famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. she was the first woman to win a nobel prize, the only woman to win in two fields, and the only person to win in multiple sciences. 15. john updikes literary _ was _: it included novels, short stories, essays, poetry,

30、criticism, childrens books, and more. a. output . diverseb. technique . limitedc. analysis . generic d. achievement . minimale. judgment . commonplace 题意解析:冒号后半句是对前半句的解释说明,由后半句可看出多种多样的文学形式被列举【篇二:2014年1月sat语法真题及解析】1. whileplaying in the park one morning,(a) aloud argument was gotten into by several o

31、f the children (b)aloud argument between several of the children was gotten into (c) anda loud argument gotten into by several of the children (d) severalof the children getting into a loud argument (e) severalof the children got into a loud argument 答案:e 类型:逻辑主语。 解析:句子是doing形式的状语+主句的结构。在语法中,前置doing

32、做非谓语时,doing动作的逻辑主语必须是句子主语,play这个动作的发出者应该是人,所以句子主语只能是人。由此排除abc三个选项。d选项中,getting into不能做谓语动词,属于句子成分缺失。 2. vitamin d,exposed to ultraviolet rays. (a) calcium,is produced (b)calcium,and is produced (c) calcium,producing it (d) calciumand produces (e) calciumand produces it 答案:a 类型:句子结构。 解析:句子的主语是维他命d,which引导定

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