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1、最新外研版小学英语五年级上册三起全册教案外研社五年级英语(三起)上册教材分析一、学情分析:五年级的学生已学过两年多的英语,学生以有一定的基础,良好的听、说、读、写英语的习惯已基本养成。但由于教材难度偏大,教学内容与课时不成比例,学生的学习兴趣难以保持,两极分化较严重。因此,本学期应注重转化后进生,因材施教,分层教学,保持学生的学习兴趣。二、教学要求和任务。 1养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 2初步养成良好的书写习惯。 3. 能按三会与四会的要求掌握所学词语。 4能四会要求掌握所学句型。 5能运用所学的日常交际用语进行简单的日常交流,并做到大胆开口,积极参与,发音清楚,语调正确。 6能

2、在图片、手势、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂简单的话语和录音材料。 7能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。 8能演唱已学的英语歌曲,能诵读已学过的英语歌谣。三、教学重点难点。 1重点: 四会句型、单词。 在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。 运用所学的日常交际用语进行简单的日常交流,并做到大胆开口,积极参与,发音清楚,语调正确。 2难点:养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。四、主要措施。 1根据学生的年龄特征,充分利用直观教具和电教手段,创设良好的语言氛围,调动学生的学习积极性。 2在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参

3、与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。 3活用教材,根据学生会的实际情况,将每单元各个板块重现组排降低难度。Module 1Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?教学设计课题MODULE 1 LondonUnit 1 Did you come back yesterday?课时安排4课时第(1)课时学习目标(1)简单了解过去时(2)能够认读went to shool / went to bed / went home / came back(3)能运用句型When did you go / come back?询问过、去干事情的时间

4、,并能过去时回答.(4)能够在问题和练习的帮助下,了解对话意思(5)培养合作学习的的能力,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。学习重点、难点1重点、:学生在不同情境中听懂、会说主要句型,并能替换关键词自如运用。2难点:在Group work中通过交流自然的使用所学句型,让学生在操练中悟。导学流程教师活动学生活动教学添补一、自学展问。(10)分钟Step 1 Warmer1 Say hello to the students. Im very glad to see you again.2 Listen and do:3 Ask and answer. Talk about your vacation

5、.师生问好。Listen and do:Stand up! Point to the window! Point to the seiling! Point to the floor!Touch your nose.Touch your left ear.Touch your right eye.Talk about theirseves vacation .let them learn some new words like:“when , finish , home, comecame” let the students try to use the words to say someth

6、ing.呈现问题:What did you do on summer vacation? What did you see?What did you eat? When did you finish your homewor?二、互动探究。(20)分钟Step 2 Learn the text.1. Learn new words:In this class we are going to learn some past tense words. Look at the board :Finish-finished, waitwaited, dropdropped,

7、boughtT: explain the rules of past tense.T: please do as I do:back- come back came backnear- near the school, near the parkhome- ice-cream- finish-let the students try to make phrases in this way.2 Learn the text.Look at the first picture then read the first paragrph. In each group , tell your partn

8、ers what you have learned and what you dont understand. Ask 4 good students to read the text in role.1. Learn new words:In this class we are going to learn some past tense words. Look at the board.please do as I do:back- come back came backnear- near the school, near the parkhome- ice-cream- finish-

9、let the students try to make phrases in this way.Look at the first picture then read the first paragrph.Use the same methods study the next.Listen to the tape.first listen , then close the books, try to grasp the main meaning . then read it in each group , and try to help each other.呈现动词:Finish-fini

10、shed, wait-waited, drop-dropped, bought呈现动词词组:back- come back came backnear- near the school, near the parkhome- ice-cream- finish-三、拓展提升。(10)分钟Step 3 Do Ex.1Listen and read ,then circle True or False.1 Have the students to listen to the text .2 Read them and think about true or false.

11、3 Listen again then chess the answers.Step4DoEx.2:Correct the false statements.Homework:Read the text five times , and remember these new words .Listen and read ,then circle True or False.1 Have the students to listen to the text .2 Read them and think about true or false.3 Listen again then chess t

12、he answers.Do Ex.2Correct the false statements.板书设计板书设计Module1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday?When did you come back?We came back last Sunday.I dropped my ice cream.教学反思MODULE 1 复习教学设计课题MODULE 1 London复习内容课时安排4课时第(2)课时学习目标1熟练掌握对话,能听说、认读对话中的主要句型。学习重点、难点1学生在不同情境中听懂、会说主要句型,并能替换关键词自如运用。导学流程教师活动学生活动一、

13、自学展问。(10)分钟教师课前准备好表示各种动作的动词及动词词组的图片,例如:“play football, play basketball, walk talk, write a letter, draw a dragon, fly a kite,并贴到墙上,然后请学生把动词及动词词组的拼写贴到相应的图片上,以复习学过的知识。看各种动作的动词及动词词组的图片,例如:“play football, play basketball, walk talk, write a letter, draw a dragon, fly a kite,学生把动词及动词词组的拼写贴到相应的图片上,以复习学过的知

14、识。二、互动探究。(20)分钟选择正确答案教师请学生注意句子中动词的时态。( )1、Tom plays _piano every day. A.a B.the C./(不填( )2、Xiao Li is _university student B./ C.a( )3、Mr. Smith lives _the second floor.A. on B.inC.from( )4、Mary goes to school _foot every B.on C.with ( )5、_drive so fast. There are many people in the

15、 street. A.Not B.Cant C.Dont( )6、Its 8:10. It is _.Aeight past tenB.ten to eight C.ten past eight()7、How often _ Paul _football? Ais, play B.does,plays C.does,play( )8. Come and sit _me. A. at B. to C. beside( )9、 _ beautiful the flowers are! A.How B.WhatC.What( )10、Have you got _ matches? A.much B.

16、any C./( )11、How many people _in your family? thereB.there are C.are there( )12、There _a teacther and thirty students in the classroom. B.are C.arent( )13、Mr.Wang _friends in Beijing. A.has not B.has no C.have not nay( )14、I dont want to borrow his dictionary. I want to borrow _ . A.hers B.

17、her C.hers ( )15、The old doctor never thinks of _ . A.him B.themselves C.himself ( )16、I dont think therere_letters.A. some B. any C.much t ( )17、Mary: Are there_shops near here ? Tom: No,there are_shops near here. A. some, not B. any, no C. any, not 学生把练习中的小短文补充完整。邀请几个学生在全班朗读自己完成的短文。课堂活动用书Yesterday

18、, Daming went to the park. Sam played football. Lingling helped her mum. Amy did her homework. Ms Smart ate some Chinese food. Mr Smart listened to music.三、拓展提升。(10)分钟汉译英将下列句子译成中文(每题3分,共30分)1、 你们工厂离这儿远吗?2、 教室里有20名学生和一名老师。_3、 小李是工程师吗?不,他是医生。_4、 你们家有几口人?我们家有三口人:父亲、母亲和我。_5、 你父母每天什么时候起床?_教学反思Module 1 Un

19、it 2 We bought ice creams.教学设计课题Unit 2 We bought ice creams.课时安排4课时第(3)课时学习目标1. 认读 cake, ice cream, juice, banana, watermelon, egg, apple. 形成正确的语音2.能够理解对话内容并在理解其意思的同时,学会在一定的情景中恰当的使用,同时教育学生要养成认真细致的好习惯。3.能够总结字母组合ow, ou的发音规律 ,以及cl, cr的发音区别,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。学习重点、难点1、需要掌握的两组四会句子,特别提醒学生注意专有名词要大写。2:P

20、ronunciation的学习,教师要引导学生读准单词,并发现其发音规律。导学流程教师活动学生活动教学添补教学目标一、自学展问。(10)分钟Step 1 Warming up1) Greeting with the kids.2) Show the PPT (first the picture then the verb phrases) to review:walk to school, see a bus, go home by bike , eat rice, go to the park3) Ask and answer as following while talking about

21、 the pictures,1) Greeting with the kids.2) Show the PPT (first the picture then the verb phrases) to review:walk to school, see a bus, go home by bike , eat rice, go to the park3) Ask and answer as following while talking about the pictures,呈现词组:walk to school, see a bus, go home by bike , eat rice,

22、 go to the park导入新课,边活动边唱二、互动探究。(20)分钟1) Show the PPT: a postcard, then teach the new word: postcard ,and lead into the new lesson.2) (Open their books)Listen to the tape and read after it from one sentence to another, then answer the following questions:Who wrote the postcard?Who got the post card?

23、3) Listen to the tape and underline the verb phrases:(1) went to the park(2) met John(3) bought ice creams(4)went home by bus(5) ran to the bus(6)dropped my ice creamThen ask the kids to read them out.4) Show the PPT: Then ask the kids to give out its Original Form(原型)5) Ask the kids to read the tex

24、t silently and try to find the answer to the following questions( Show the PPT)6)Check the answers(vie to answer抢答比赛)7)Teach them to write the postcard in English.Show the PPT: a postcard, (Open their books)Listen to the tape and read after it from one sentence to another, then answer the following

25、questions:Listen to the tape and underline the verb phrases: Then ask the kids to read them out.Then ask the kids to give out its Original Form(原型)the kids to read the text silently and try to find the answer to the following questionsCheck the answers(vie to answer抢答比赛)write the postcard in English

26、. 呈现词组:(1) went to the park(2) met John(3) bought ice creams(4)went home by bus(5) ran to the bus(6)dropped my ice cream呈现动词的过去式:went met ran bought dropped呈现问题:Did shegoto thePark yesterday?Did they meet John?Did they go home by bike?Did Lingling walk to the bus?Did she drop her ice cream?通过复习学过的动词

27、词组来巩固操练: Did you.?Yes, I did. /No, I didnt.通过多种阅读方法,领会如何用英语描述过去的事;通过朗读、诵读、默读、精读、略读、浏览,来培养学生的阅读能力;三、拓展提升。(10)分钟1)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Yesterday I ( ) to the park with Sam and Amy.We ( ) John ( ) the park. He is Sam and Amys friend.We ( ) ice creams.Then we ( ) home ( ) bus.I ( )

28、to the bus. But I ( ) my ice cream.2) Retell the text. Then ask the kids to try to retell the text.Step 4, HomeworkFinish AB EX. 4, 5 1)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.2) Retell the text.try to retell the text.2)呈现词组:(1) went to the park (2) met John (3) bought ice creams(4)went home by bu

29、s (5) ran to the bus (6)dropped my ice cream通过听磁带培养学生的听力;通过填空,复述课文来训练学生灵活运用英语的能力。板书设计板书设计:Unit 2 We bought ice creams.Did they buy ice creams ?Yes ,he did.No,he didnt.词组:went to the park met John bought ice creamswent home by bus ran to the bus dropped my ice cream教学反思Module 1 复习教学设计课题Module 1 London 复习内容课时安排4课时第(4)课时学习目标熟练掌握对话,能听说、认读对话中的主要句型。学习重点、难点学生在不同情境中听懂、会说主要句型,并能替换关键词自如运用。导学流程教师活动学生活动教学目标一、自学展问。(10)分钟选择正确的答案填空选择正确的答案填空Up by at for with1Yesterday I went to the park _

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