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1、外研版八年级下册英语课文复习资料外研版八年级下册英语课文复习资料music,sound 音乐,听起来flower,smell 花,闻起来cake,taste 蛋糕,尝起来dress,look 连衣裙,看上去2Make a questionnaire. Write questions with Have you.部分翻译visit/the US 游览美国Have you ever visited the US? 你曾经游览过美国吗?l be/on TV 是在电视上2 meela film star 遇到一位影星3 eat/a hamburger 吃一个汉堡4 hear/a bird sing 听

2、见一只鸟唱歌5 learnto cook 学习烹饪6 ride/a horse 骑一匹马7 read/an English book 读一本英语书8 write/an email to an Enqlish friend写一封电子邮件给一位英国朋友Now work in groups. Ask and answer the questions. Complete the questionnaire.现在分组练习。提出并回答问题。完成调查表。3Complete the sentences with the correct form.部分翻译She has never lived (never l

3、ive) in Australia.她从未住在澳大利亚。1 He_(never write)a book.他_(从未写)一本书。2 In 2003,he_(leave) primary school.在2003年他_(离开)小学。3 We_(not meet) before. My name is Mei Ling以前我们_(没有遇见)。我叫梅玲。4 _(you/see) the latest film?_(你看过)最新的电影吗?5 When_(you/go) to school this morning?今天早上什么时候_(你去)学校?6 While you were playing ten

4、nis, Tony_(call)当你打网球时,托尼_(打电话)。7 They_ (arrive) while we were having dinner当我们正吃饭的时候他们_(到达)。8 She was still doing her homework when I_(go) to bed.当我_(丢)上床睡觉时她仍然在做家庭作业。4Complete the report with already, just and yet.部分翻译Yesterday,I went to the cinema to meet my friends John,Tim and Linda. John was t

5、here when I arrived. Ive (1) got a message from Linda, he said. Shes nearly here. A few minutes later, Linda arrived. Hello, she said. Has anyone seen Tim (2) ? No,said John. Its (3) seven oclock. WeII miss the start of the film ! Then Tim hurried in. Hi! Sorry Im late. Have we got the tickets (4) ?

6、 Yes,said John. Ive got them (5) . Lets go!昨天,我去电影院见我的朋友约翰、蒂姆和琳达。我到达时约翰在那儿。“我(1)刚刚从琳达那儿得到信息,”他说,“她在这儿附近。”几分钟后,琳达到了。“你们好,”她说,“有人(2)已经看到蒂姆了吗?”“没有,”约翰说,“(3)已经七点钟了。我们要错过电影的开头了!”然后蒂姆匆匆忙忙地进来了。“大家好!抱歉我来晚了。我们(4)已经有票了吗?”“是的,”约翰说,“我(5)已经有了。我们走吧!5Complete the conversation with the correct.部分翻译be是drink喝eat 吃get

7、患上,得(病)go去look看起来Doctor: Whats the matter with you? You (1) ill How long have you (2) like this?医生:你怎么了?你(1)看起来病了。你像这样多长时间了?Jack:Ever since this morningI (3) a stomach ache.杰克:自从今天早上。我胃痛。Doctor:What did you (4) yesterday?医生:昨天你(4)吃什么了?Jack:Nothing strangeI (5) to my friends birthday partyI just (6)_

8、some cola and (7) alittle cheese杰克:没吃异常的东西。我(5)去了我朋友的生日聚会。我只(6)喝了些可乐,(7)吃了一点儿奶酪。Doctor:Do you often (8) cola?医生:你经常(8)喝可乐吗?Jack:Yes,I doBut I dont often (9) cheese杰克:是的。但我不经常(9)吃奶酪。Doctor:Thats itYou cant have cheeseNever (10) cheese again.医生:就是它。你不能吃奶酪。不要再(10)吃奶酪了。6Complete the word map with the wo

9、rds in the.部分翻译ear耳朵eve 眼睛hand手mouth 嘴nose 鼻子feel 摸起来look 看起来smell 闻起来sound 听起来taste 尝起来cold 寒冷的cute 可爱的delicious美味的fresh新鲜的lovely 可爱的noisy 吵闹的sour 酸的strong强壮的sweet 甜的terrible可怕的ugly 丑陋的warm温暖的7Complete the sentences with the correct form.部分翻译Betty and Lingling are working very hardThey look busy贝蒂和

10、玲玲正在努力学习。她们看起来是忙碌的。1 The shoes_too small for my feet鞋看起来试着对我的脚来说太小。2 Daming does not like the pizza on the tableIt does not_ fresh大明不喜欢桌子上的比萨。它闻起来尝起来看起来不新鲜。3 The music_wonderful!音乐听起来极好!4 You need to wear a coat. It_cold outside你需要穿外套。外面感觉看上去寒冷。5 Shrek is friendly but he_ugly史瑞克是友好的,但他看起来丑陋。6 Lingli

11、ng is making chocolate cookiesThey_delicious玲玲在制作巧克力甜饼干。它们闻起来尝起来看起来很美味。8Complete the passage with the correct form.部分翻译create 创作discover发现expect期望fight争斗laugh大笑William Hanna and Joseph Barbera(1) the cartoon series Tom and Jerry in the 1940s. The stories are about a cat called Tom and a mouse called

12、 Jerry. They (2) all the time and seem to hate each other. Tom tries to lead Jerry to dangerous places or catch him. But Jerry is too clever and he always manages to run away. I (3) . this funny show when I was four years old, and l still (4) when I watch Tom and Jerry today, Why dont you try it? I

13、(5) you will enjoy it too!威廉汉纳和约瑟夫巴伯拉在20世纪40年代(1)创作了卡通连续剧猫和老鼠。这些故事是关于一只叫汤姆的猫和一只叫杰里的老鼠的。他们一直(2)争斗,看起来相互憎恨。汤姆试图带领杰里丢危险的地方或抓住他。但是杰里太聪明了,他总是设法逃走。我四岁时(3)发现了这部有趣的卡通片,今天观看猫和老鼠时我仍然(4)大笑。你为什么不试一下呢?我(5)期望你也会喜欢它!9Complete the conversation with the correct.部分翻译arrive at 到达at the moment 此刻catch a cold 感冒proud of

14、 以自豪take part in 参加James:Hi,HelenHow are you feeling? You were off school yesterday,werent you?詹姆斯:你好,海伦。你感觉怎么样?昨天你不在学校,是不是?Helen:Yes, I was. I (1) and had a headache. I felt quite ill when(2) school and the teacher sent me home. But Im fine now.海伦:是的,我不在。我(1)感冒了并且头疼。当我(2)到达学校时我感觉病得很严重,老师把我送回家了。但是现在

15、我好了。James: Oh good, So are you still going to (3) the cartoon competition?詹姆斯:噢,好极了。因此你仍然打算(3)参加漫画比赛吗?Helen:Yes, Id like to. But (4) I dont think I can do it海伦:是的,我想参加。但是(4)此刻我认为我不能做。James: Hey,dont sayhat! Youre great at drawing cartoons,Ill be unhappy if you dont try!詹姆斯:嘿,不要那样说!在画漫画方面你是很棒的。如果你不尝试

16、,我会不高兴的!Helen:No,you wont!海伦:不,你不会!James:Yes,I willYoure the best in the classWell all be very (5) you if you try詹姆斯:不,我会的。你是班上最好的。如果你尝试,我们所有人将(5)以你自豪。Helen:Well.OK海伦:唔好吧。10Listen and check () the correct answer.部分翻译11Listen again and answer the questions.部分翻译1 Who gave Daming the dog?谁给的大明这只狗?2 Whe

17、n did Daming enter his dog for a competition?大明什么时候为他的狗报名参加的比赛?3 What was the competition?是什么比赛?4 What was the prize?奖品是什么?12Listen to the poem and read.部分翻译Look up at the sky仰望天空Look up at the sky,仰望天空,Bright white stars shining so high耀眼的星星那么高高地闪耀着。I see them twinkle one by one,我看见它们一个接一个地闪烁,Turni

18、ng,turning around逐一,轮流闪动。When the dark night falls,当黑夜来临,l stand and watch the soft white moon我站着看柔和的明月。Gravity keeps me standing on the ground,重力让我一直站在地上,While the earth is spinning around.当地球在旋转的时候。13Read the passage and complete the poster.部分翻译Do you want to know more about the stars and planets?

19、 Would you like to make a model space station? Or would you like to visit the science museum to discover more about space? You would? Then join our schools new Space Club.关于恒星和行星你想知道更多吗?你想制作空间站的模型吗?或者你想参观科学博物馆来了解更多太空知识吗?你想吗?那就加入我们学校的新空间俱乐部吧。At our first meeting we are going to learn about the moon a

20、nd the planets. We have learnt something about them in our science lessons,but at the Space Club we are going to find out a lot more. We know that scientists have recently made new discoveries about several of the planets. Mr Lu, our science teacher,has invited a famous sciedtist to come and talk to

21、 us about the latest space news.在我们的第一次会议上,我们将学习月球和行星。在我们的科学课上我们已经学了一些有关它们的知识,但是在空间俱乐部我们将发现更多的知识。我们知道近来科学家已经对几个行星有了新的发现。我们的科学老师鲁老师,邀请了一位著名的科学家来与我们谈最近的空间新闻。Our first meeting will be in the Science Lab on the first flcor of the Science Building. The meeting is on Thursday at 5:00 prn. First,Mr Lu will

22、 tell us about the different things that we are going to do at the club,and then at 5:30 pm the talk will begin. There will be time for you to ask questions, so please think about what you would like to ask before you come.我们的第一次会议将在科学实验楼一楼的科学实验室举行。会议在星期四下午5点举行。首先,鲁老师将告诉我们在俱乐部里将要做的不同的事情,报告将在下午5点半开始。

23、你将会有提问的时间,因此在来之前,请考虑你想要问的问题。Join the Space Club!参加空间俱乐部!What to do?做什么7To know more about (1)知道更多关于(1)恒星和行星的知识。To make (2)制作(2)空间站模型。To visit (3)参观(3)科学博物馆。To discover (4)了解(4)更多的太空知识。When and where will be the first meeting?第一次会议将在什么时间、什么地点举行?The first meeting will be on (5) at (6) in (7) .第一次会议将在(

24、5)星期四(6)下午5点在(7)科学实验室举行。Who will come?谁将会来?(8) will come and talk to us about the latest space news(8)一位著名的科学家将会来,与我们谈最近的空间新闻。14Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite cartoons.部分翻译1 What is your favourite cartoon?你最喜欢的动画片是什么?2 Who are the main characters?谁是主要角色?3 What happens in the cartoon?在动画片里发

25、生了什么?4 Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?-Whats your favourite cartoon?你最喜欢的动画片是什么?-My favourite cartoon isIts我最喜欢的动画片是它是Now write a passage about your partners favourite cartoon现在写一篇关于你同伴最喜欢的动画片的文章。what/do/ifl want to develop new skills什么做如果我想发展新技能-Can you tell me what I should do if want to develop new s

26、kills?你能告诉我如果我想发展新技能,我应该做什么吗?-You should get a hobby你应该有一个爱好。1 how/make friends 怎么交朋友2 why/not talk to me 为什么不和我谈话3 who/talk to 谁谈话2Choose the correct answer.部分翻译1 What did the teacher say just now?刚才老师说什么了?-He said that the earth_round the sun.他说地球绕着太阳转。a) go去 b)goes去 c)going正在去 d)will go将要去2 The g

27、irl wanted to know_.这个女孩想知道_。a) whose digital camera it was它是谁的数码相机b)whose digital camera is it它是谁的数码相机(语序错)c) how much did the digital camera cost这部数码相机花了多少钱d) where her father will buy her a digital camera她父亲将在哪儿给她买一部数码相机3 -What did your parrot say,Bill?比尔,你的鹦鹉说什么了?-It asked us_today它问我们今天_。a)what

28、 is the weather like 天气怎么样(语序错)b)what the weather was like 天气怎么样c) what does the weather like 天气怎么样(句子错)d)what did the weather like 天气怎么样(句子错)4 -Do you know_? Im going to visit him.你知道_吗?我打算去拜访他。-Sorry,I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。a)where does Mr Li live 李先生住在哪儿(语序错)b) where Mr Li lives 李先生住在哪儿c) where did

29、 Mr Li live 李先生住在哪儿(语序错)d)where Mr Li lived 李先生(过去)住在哪儿5 -I dont know if he_to Kates birthday party.我不知道他是否_凯特的生日聚会。-Hes sure to go because he_her very well.因为他非常_她,他一定会参加。a) goes; knows 去;了解b) will go; knows 将要去;了解c)goes; will know 去;将要了解d) will go; will know 将要去;将要了解6 Id like to know_.我想知道_。a)when

30、 will he give back the tape他什么时候会归还磁带(语序错)b) whether has he received higher education他是否已接受更高的教育(语序错)c) that he has been busy他一直很忙d) whether she will join in our English Evening她是否会参加我们的英语晚会3Complete the diary with the words and expressions.部分翻译how long 多长(时间)how old 多大(年龄)if是否that (引导宾语从句,无词义)when 什么时候where 在哪里why为什么Last night I had a very strange dream. I dreamt I met an alien! I asked him (1) he was from and (2) he was here. He told me (3) he was from Mars and he won a competition to visi

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