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1、良好厂房管理的员工守则GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICESACCEPTED EMPLOYEE PRACTICES良好厂房管理的员工守则3.1 GENERAL RULES FOR EMPLOYEE PRACTICES FOR SANITIATION AND HYGIENE有关清洁卫生方面的员工守则概要3.1 Only Company issued uniforms are to be worn by processing personnel.操作人员只能穿着公司发放的制服。3.2 Where uniforms are not supplied, clean, neat att

2、ire must be worn each day. Shirts and blouses must have sleeves. Shirt tails and blouses designed to be worn inside the pants must be tucked in. No loose floppy clothing, including dresses or shorts, is allowed. Proper footwear, including clean socks, must be worn. Do not wear high heeled or open to

3、e shoes, wedges, platform soles, moccasins or tennis shoes while working.无制服时,每天着装必须保持干净、整洁。衬衫必须有袖口。衬衣下摆必须束好。不允许穿着宽松服装。必须穿着合适的鞋以及干净的袜子。工作时不得穿着高跟鞋、露趾鞋、坡跟鞋、厚跟鞋、 拖鞋或网球鞋。3.3 Loose items are not to be carried/worn above the waist in areas where products or product containers are handled. Included are jew

4、elry, such as necklaces, rings, watches and earrings (including posts), unattached earplugs, hairpins, etc. Further, shirt pockets, if present, should remain empty.在产品操作区域或用于产品存储的容器操作区域,不允许携带散件物品和穿着松散上装。包括珠宝,如项链、戒指、手表和耳环(包括柱),独立耳塞,发卡等。此外,衬衣口袋内应无物品。3.4 All Employees working in areas where there is da

5、nger of product contamination resulting from the presence of human hair in the product shall be required at all times to wear a hair net. Beards must be covered with a beard net.如果区域中头发出现会导致产品污染,所有在该区域工作的员工应要求始终戴发套。鬍鬚必须用鬚套保护。3.5 Food items (including gum) are only permitted in designated areas. Stor

6、age of food in lockers is prohibited.食用食品(包括口香糖)只能在指定区域。食品禁止存储在带锁的柜内。3.6 Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.吸烟只能在指定区域。3.7 Items such as chewing tobacco; snuff and toothpicks are not allowed in plant.在工厂嚼烟叶、鼻烟和牙签都是禁止项目。3.8 Lockers will be provided for employees personal items.带锁的储物柜可供员工存放个

7、人物品。3.9 Employees must wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and clean fingernails before reporting to work station. Hands are to be rewashed anytime they become dirty, after eating, blowing the nose, visiting the restroom or handling unsanitary objects.员工在上岗前必须用水和肥皂彻底洗干净手并清洗指甲。任何时候手变脏,或用完餐,或擤鼻涕

8、,或到过休息室,或接触不卫生物品,都需要重新洗手。3.10 Use proper gloves where recommended. Gloves should be rinsed in provided iodine solution prior to handling product and/or utensils.使用推荐的合适手套。在操作产品或器皿时,手套应在提供的碘液中冲洗。3.11 All equipment, utensils and containers that may come in contact with the product must be thoroughly r

9、insed and sanitized before use.所有可能接触产品的设备、器械和容器,在使用前必须完全清洗和消毒。3.12 Do not allow products, product containers or ingredients to contact unclean surfaces.不允许产品、产品容器和原料接触不清洁表面。3.13 Employees must report any skin infections, cuts, scratched or open wounds to their supervisor.员工必须向主管报告任何皮肤感染、割伤、抓伤或开放型创伤

10、。3.14 Employees must report respiratory infections that cause sneezing or coughing to their supervisor and are not allowed to work around open product.员工必须向主管汇报任何引起喷嚏或咳嗽的呼吸道疾病,并不得在开放产品附近工作。3.15 Work areas must be kept in a neat and sanitary condition throughout the working day. Clean-up equipment mu

11、st be properly stored when not in use.在工作时间工作区域必须完全保持干净、卫生。清洗设备在不用时必须妥善保存。3.16 Follow established foot traffic routes. Dont wander about; dont enter other departments; Stay in your assigned work area except on breaks.遵守颁布的步行线路。不闲逛;不进入其他部门;驻守在指定的工作区域,休息时间除外。3.17 Close doors behind you when entering o

12、r leaving any work areas.进入或离开工作区域时随手关门。3.18 Misuse of product containers is not allowed.产品容器不得另作他用。3.19 Report immediately to your supervisor any defects or problems with equipment, products or containers.发现任何在设备、产品或容器上的缺陷或问题时,立即向主管汇报。3.20 Do not bring any glass containers onto the premises.不携带任何玻璃

13、容器到区域内。3.21 Maintenance personnel must remove all debris and maintenance equipment left over after completing a job. Always return any parts or equipment to their proper place after use.维修人员在完成一项工作后必须移除所有碎片和维修设备。用完后始终将部件或设备返回到正确部位。3.22 Report any unsafe conditions or working hazards which may come t

14、o your attention. If you are in doubt about the “Safe way” to do your job, ask your supervisor. Any accident must be reported immediately to your supervisor. Even minor cuts and scratches should receive prompt first aid treatment.如果你注意到任何不安全情况或工作中危机,请上报。如果你不清楚如何安全地完成你工作,请问你的主管。必须立即向你的主管报告任何事故。即使较小的割

15、伤和抓伤,也应得到及时急救处理。3.23 Become thoroughly acquainted with the locations and operations of all fire fighting equipment and with fire exits in the vicinity of your work.充分了解所处位置、灭火设备使用和就近逃生出口。3.24 If working with a hazardous chemical or gas, use the protective equipment furnished by the Company to avoid

16、injury. If located in your working areas, such as chlorine gas, familiarize yourself with all the safety precautions and procedures in case of an accident or emergency.如果使用危险化学品或气体,公司提供的保护设备应被使用以避免伤害。如果该物品存放在你的工作区域, 如氯气,你应熟知安全预防措施和事故意外处理程序。A COLLECTION OF GENERAL INFORMATION RELATED TO GMP COMPLIANC

17、E关于符合良好厂房管理的通则1.0 SCOPE范围This specification includes a collection of general information related to GMP compliance and includes Misuse of Product Containers and Requirements for Weighing/Dispensing Ingredients/Flavors.本标准包含关于良好厂房管理符合性的通则,产品容器的误用,原料及香料的称重分散要求。2.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS内容表1.0 Scope范围2.0 Ta

18、ble of Content内容表3.0 “Misuse” of Product Containers产品容器的误用4.0 Requirements for Weighing/Dispensing Ingredients/Flavors原料及香料的称重分散要求3.0 “MISUSE” OF PRODUCT CONTAINERS产品容器的误用3.1 Misuse of product containers creates an environment conducive to product contamination. In additions, this also negatively af

19、fects the GMP score.产品容器的误用会导致产品受污染。此外,也影响良好厂房管理的评分。3.2 Remember, the general rule of thumb is: “Nothing but the product or ingredient originally intended for the container shall go in the containers”.请记住,一般原则是:“除了指定的产品或原料外的任何物品不得进入容器”。4.0 REQUIREMENT FOR WEIGHING/DISPENSING INGREDIENTS /FLAVORS原料及香

20、料的称重分散要求4.1 Only stainless steel utensils and containers may be used for weighing, measuring, and dispensing ingredients for production of Coca-Cola Foods products.只有不锈钢器具和容器可用于可口可乐公司产品的称重,计量和原料分散。4.2 It is unacceptable to use plastic containers and plastic scoops for measuring ingredients. In addit

21、ion, plastic hand pumps and valves are not be used for transferring oils and flavors from their original containers into measuring containers.使用塑料容器和塑料杓来计量原料是不允许的。此外,塑料手动泵和阀门被禁止用于输送油和香料从原容器到计量容器。4.2.1 Plastic containers and plastic hand pumps are very difficult to clean;they absorb odors and colors

22、of liquid ingredients such as oils and flavors, which may cause an off-flavor or off-color to other products.塑料容器和塑料手动泵很难清洗;它们吸附液体原料中色素和异味,如油和香料,会造成其他产品异味或异常颜色。4.2.2 Plastic containers are constructed in such a way that mold and slime accumulates under the rim of the container and handle areas.塑料容器的

23、结构会造成霉菌和粘液在容器边缘和把手区域内积聚。4.2.3 Plastic scoops should not be used for liquid ingredients. Plastic is very difficult to clean. With age, the scoop will deteriorate such that small pieces of plastic will break off when scooping acids or dyes. It is very likely that these fragments will end up in the fin

24、ished product.塑料杓不应用于液体原料。塑料很难清洗。时间长了,调羹会老化以至接触酸或染料时小塑料片会断裂剥落。这些碎片可能会进入最终产品。4.2.4 Plastic valves are not acceptable for dispensing ingredients from 55 gallon drums.塑料阀不能用于排放55加仑桶中的原料。(a) Repeatedly screwing and unscrewing the valves in and out of the boring hole will cause the threads on the male en

25、d of the valve to become stripped or worn and fragments of plastic threads remain on the valve. The thread fragments may enter into drums of liquid ingredients and eventually find their way into the finished product.反复旋上和卸下阀门会造成阀门突出段的螺纹剥落或老化而塑料碎片留在阀门上。碎片可能进入液体原料桶而最终进入成品。(b) Also, worn or stripped th

26、reads do not form a good seal. The ingredient will not only leak from the container, but it will also become contaminated. A leaking seal also results in product security violations.同时,老化或剥落的螺纹不能良好密封。原料不仅由容器中泄露,同时也会受污染。泄露的密封也导致产品安全隐患。GMP COMPLIANCE CRITERIA符合良好厂房管理的评估标准1.0 SCOPE范围This specification

27、includes GMP Compliance Criteria for all operations manufacturing product for Coca-Cola Foods and includes General Instructions and the Specific Rating Criteria;本标准包括良好厂房管理符合性标准,适用于所有可口可乐公司产品制造过程。也包括一般指南和特殊评分标准。2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS内容表1.0 Scope范围2.0 Table of Content内容表3.0 General Instructions一般指南4.0

28、 Specific Rating Criteria特殊评分标准3.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS3.1 The specific rating criteria for each item are attached. The general instructions included within this specification apply to the “Rating” as a whole.附上每项特殊评分标准。标准内所含一般指南适用于整体评分。3.2 Each item on the Rating Form is to be rated “Good”, “Fair”,

29、 or “Poor” according to the rating criteria.评分表中每项根据评分标准可分为“良好”,“一般”,或“差”3.3 There are fixed points assigned to “Good”, “Fair”, and “Poor” ratings, and these should not be altered.“良好”,“一般”,或“差”等级所规定的要点不得改变。3.4 To be rated as “Good”, the item must meet all of the criteria for that rating. A rating o

30、f “Poor” is to be given when any of the criteria for that rating exist.该项目必须符合“良好”等级所有标准才评为“良好”。只要任何一项“差”成立,就应评“差”。3.5 Every attempt has been made to make the rating criteria complete and objective. Nevertheless, there will be cases where strict interpretation of the criteria would allow a “Good” ra

31、ting, but the inspector feels that some other condition makes a “Fair” a more accurate rating. In this case, the inspectors judgment should be followed.评分标准尽力做到完整和客观。然而,存在这种情况,对照标准可评为“良好”,但检查员觉得其他情况使“一般”描述更准确。在此情况下,应跟随检查员的判断。3.6 Each item should be recorded on an “as found” basis, even if it is corr

32、ected during the visit. The item can be noted with an asterisk (*) to indicate that the correction was made.每项应如实纪录,即使在访问中已被纠正。应在该项目上标示星号*以表示更正行动已完成。3.7 If an item is not applicable, “NA” should be recorded next to that item. It should not be included in the compilation of total points for the plant.如该项目不适用,“NA”应在该项目旁纪录。在全厂总结中该项目应除外。3.8 The score (percentage) is calculated as follows:评分(百分比)计算如下: Score should be rounded to the n

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