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1、短文改错一短文改错(一)(一)冠词本类考题解答锦囊; 1a,an,the在单数可数名词前的用法。如在以元音音素开头的名词前加不定冠词时用“an,即使单词拼写以辅音字母开头,但该词的读音是元音开头,加不定冠词时,也要用“an eg:an hour,反之,拼写以元音字母开头,但读音是辅音,加不定冠词时用“a” eg:a university等。2熟记用或不用冠词的一些特殊情况。如学科名称、球类、棋类前不加冠词。eg:play football;演奏乐器,乐器前常加定冠词。eg:playthepiano;某些固定词组的区别。eg:in front of与in the front of等。 高考最新热

2、门题 1.(典型例题his is my first visit to a English family命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查冠词的最基本用法。在以元音音素开头的名词前加不定冠词时应用“an”。在做此类题时,学生应充分重视对基本冠词知识的掌握与运用,要分清可数名词与不可数名词具体名词和抽象名词,泛指和特指,类指和专指这四组概念。并且结合语境,多体会才能扎实掌握冠词的用法。 【答案】 aan English以元音开头。 2.(典型例题en minutes later,the firemen came andput out fire 答案:在fire前加thefire是特指。3.(典型例题ea

3、cher advised me to keep my diary答案:myakeepadiary,固定用法,记日记。 题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题诊断)One day Li Ping was niding in the street when the old man came across the street withsnt noticing her.【答案】 thean. 名词第一次出现,用不定冠词,表示泛指。 2.(典型例题) Bungee jumping is considered a good example of such a activity 答案:aan.activity以元

4、音音素开头。3.(典型例题拟) Last week, about 1000 parents came to school to have classes. 答案:school前加the普通名词前加定冠词表特指。4.(典型例题检测)Tom told the doctor he had got headache and bad cough0答案:headache前加a. have a head ache固定用法。 新高考命题探究 1. What a good news weve heard! 答案:去掉a. news为不可数名词,其前不用a2. why is she in such such gr

5、eat hurry? 答案:such后加 a hurry为固定搭配,意为“匆忙地”。3.The policeman caught me by my arm. 答案:my改为the固定句式:hitbeatstriketakecatchsb.+inonby+the+身体的某个部位。4.The man is the only animal that can speak. 答案:The man改为Manman用单数,前在不加冠词指人类。5. This dictionary is a same as the one I lost. 答案:a改为thethe same as为固搭配。6. He f

6、ound a job paid by an hour. 答案:an改为theby the hour,按小时。7.The sun gives us light during day. 答案:day前加the在白天,during the day8.It is a great fun to collect coins. 答案:去掉a,fun用作不可数名词,其前不加a.一些抽象名词如surprise,pleasure,success等可以指具体的人或事,前面可以加a,而fun不能。9. They had a party after a meal that day. 答案:第二个a改为the表示特指那一

7、顿饭用the10. Finally she chose a bigger one of the two. 答案:a改为the两者中较的那个,用the+比较级+of11. Move this chair away. They are in this way. 答案:in this way改为in the way,意为“挡道”。12. Did you have wonderful time at the party? 答案:have后加a. have atime,度过一段时光。13.He is a honest young man. He never tells lies. 答案:a改为an.ho

8、nest读音以元音开头。14.Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. 答案:telephone前加the发明物前加定冠词。15. Professor Wang was elected the president of the college. 答案:去掉第一个the表示头衔的名词作表语、同位语或补足语时,前面往往不带冠词。16. what surprised us most was that the blind girl played piano so well. 答案:piano前加the乐器前加定冠词。17. China has

9、changed so greatly since eighties of the twentieth century. 答案:since后加the某世纪的几十年代前加定冠词。18. Many people dream of walking in the space like astronaLlts one day 答案:去掉thespace表示太空时,其前不带冠词。19.Lets do the experlment the third timeMaybe well succeed this time 答案:the改为乙再一次,又一次a third time20.In spring of 199

10、2,he paida visit to the south of china答案:spring前加the一年四季前往往不带冠词,如果特指某一年的某个季节,需加定冠词。(二)名词本类考题解答锦囊 1分清可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有单复数形式,不可数名词没有复数形式。 2熟记可数名词的复数形式及常用的不可数名词。 3注意可数名词在句中的用法,要么在其前加a、an或the,要么用它的复数形式。 4不能混淆修饰可数名词的词与修饰不可数名词的词。(只能修饰可数名词的有few,a few,many,unmber of; 只能修饰不可数名词的有little,a little,much,an amount

11、 of ,a great deal of;二者都可修饰的有plent of,a lot of,lots of,aquantity of,quantities of,masses of等) 5注意固定搭配中单复数形式。6并列结构中单、复数应一致。 高考最新热门题 1.Sometimes we talk to each other very well in class,but atter class we become stranger at once.命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查名词的基本用法。要求分清名词的单复数。在做涉及名词的考题中,要注意名词的可数性与不可数性,名词的所有格+r生质名词和抽

12、象名词的具体化,名词词义的辨析和习性搭配和名词在句子中所做的成分,特别是作定语的用法。 【答案】 strangerstrangers.该句主语为we,其表语要用复数形式。2. You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Intemet. 答案:minuteminutesafew后接复数名词。3. But when I saw your wife and children waiting for me with warm smile of welcome on their faces. I immediate

13、ly knew that everything could be all right. 答案:smilesmilessmile是可数名词,这里要用复数形式。 题点经典类型题1.(典型例题)For Americans, distance in a social convensation is about an arms long to front feet. 【答案】 longlength. 根据前面的an arms 可知,所有格之后必须用名词形式。 2. (典型例题考)I am afraid of making hew friend. 答案:friendfriends make friends

14、固定用法,交朋友。3.(典型例题)Thout may last only a few minutes on even second.答案:seeoulsewndsafew修饰可数名词复数。 新高考命题探究1.名词 (1)Papers catches fire easily.答案:papers改为paper-paper表示“纸”时为不可数名词,无复数形式。(2) Her new novel is great success.答案:is后加a或is后加ofasuccess指一个成功的人或一件成的事;of successsuccessful(3) The news is of great impor

15、tant.答案:important改为importanceof importanceimportant(4) What fine day we have today!答案:What后加afday是可数名词;可以说What fine weather What+adj+可数名词单数;What+adj+不可数名词可数名词复数。(5) I forgot all of the rooms numbers.答案:rooms改为room名词作定语。(6) These children had great funs in the park.答案:funs改为funfun是不可数名词,无复数形式。(7) In

16、the past,the poors often went hungry.答案:poors改为poorpoor为形容词,the+形容词,指一类人;the poor指穷人们。(8) Look! Two Germen are coming this way.答案:Germen改为Germans名词复数错误。(9) Put on more clothing,or youll catch a cold.答案:clothing改为clothesclothing指衣服的总称;具体的衣服用clothes(10)This is the steel work where my father works.答案:w

17、ork改为worksworks复数形式,表示工厂。(11) Dont make any voice. Your father is sleeping.答案:voice改为noisevoice指人的嗓音;noise指噪音。(12) Its not my book. Maybe its somebody else.答案:else改为elses根据句意,应用所有格。(13)The man has been hunting for a work for a long time.答案:work改为joba job,一份工作;work表示工作时是不可数名词。(14) In our school,there

18、 are eighty woman teachers in all.答案:woman改为women一般情况下,名词作定语时,用单数形式;但man和woman若修饰复数名词,用复数形式。(15) The Smith will make a trip to China during the coming spring.答案:Smith改为Smiths定冠词加姓氏的复数指一家人。(16) The patient has stayed in the hospital for one and a half month.答案:month改为monthsone and a half后的名词用复数。(17)

19、The couple wanted to buy some furnitures for their new house. 答案:furnitures改为furniturefurniture是不可数名词。(18) The young should make rooms for the old in the crowded bus. 答案:rooms改为r0典型例题m在表示空间、地方的时候是不可数名词。(19) One of the first thing Bill did was to teach us how to play basketball. 答案:thing改为thingsone o

20、f后的名词或代词一定是复数形式。(20) I asked the salesman for some changes. But he bad only a large note. 答案:changes改为changechange表示“零钱”时是不可数名词。(三)形容词/副词本类考题解答锦囊 1分清形容词和副词,譬如某些以ly结尾的词是形容词而不是副词,eg:friendly,lively, lovely,likely,deadly,silly,orderly,timely等。 2正确选则形容词和副词,注意二者不同的作用:形容词修饰名词做作语;置于系动词后,作表词;还常作一些动词的宾补。副词修饰

21、动词、形容词、其他副词、全句或名词词组及介词,作状语。 3注意形容词和副词的一些特殊情况。譬如:i11,content,afraid,aliVe,alorle,asleep,awake,worth等表语形容词,它们只作表语,不作前置定语,并有固定的副词来修饰它们。例如: well content,allvery much alone,soundfast asleep,wide awake,well worth等。有些副词有两种形式,一个与形容词同形,一个以形容词-1y构成,但它们有不同的含义。例如closeclose 1y,freefreely,highhighly,widewidely,de

22、epdeeply,hardhardly,mostmostly等。 4要分清不同类的“级”,以免混淆。5区别修饰各“级”的副词。高考最新热门题 1.(NMET 20典型例题uld describe myself as shy and qmetly。命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查动词的用法。动词的考点主要涉及动词的意词,动词的词性,搭配,动词短语或短语动词,主谓一致,动词的时态语态,非谓语动词等。动词的用法灵活,不易掌握,在做此类题时,首先要研读题先找出信息词,理顺句意,再做判断。 【答案】 quietlyquietand连接二个并列成分,as后接形容词。 2.(NMET 20典型例题Their c

23、hildren cannot go to school because they had not enough money to send their children to there.答案:划掉there前的tothere是副词作状语,前面不加仍 题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题)They look for an immediately pleasure from a dangenous activity.【答案】immediatelyimmediato.immediate 形容词作定语修饰pleasure. 2.(典型例题) You shouldnt stand too closely t

24、o him. 答案:closelyclose.两者都是副词但意义不同。close靠近,挨近,closely紧密地,紧紧地。3.(典型例题检测)Because her son Tom seemed terrible ill.答案:terribleterribly副词修饰形容词iu,病得很重。 新高考命题探究 1.形容词(1)The tree is as high sa you. 答案:hish改为tall形容细而高的东西用形容词tall(2)The old man looks very health. 答案:health改为healtyhealthy,形容词作表语。(3)China is a c

25、ountry with many population.答案:many改为large形容人口众多,用形容词large(4) Big changes have taken place in our country. 答案:Big改为Great形容变化大,用形容词great(5) I have finished four articles this week lonely. 答案:lonely改为alonealone,单单,只;lonely,孤独的,寂寞的。(6) The salad tasted so well that the girl returned to the salad bar fo

26、r more. 答案:wdl改为good或&lidouxwell用作形容词,意为“健康的”。(7) After two weeks careful treatment , her mother was good enough to go to work. 答案:good改为wellwell,形容词,表示“健康的”。(8) Seeing the trouble he caused, he promised to be more carefully in the future. 答案:carefully改为careful形容词作表语。 (9) When you learn a foreign la

27、nguage, youll find it not difficulty if you practise a lot. 答案: difficulty改为difficult形容词作宾语补足语。(10) Dont sleep with the windows opened. 答案:opened改为openwith+n+dd构成with复合结构。(11) Swimming is a much better daily exercise than walk. 答案:walk改为walkingswimming和walking进行比较。(12) Farther explanation is unneces

28、sary. 答案:Farther改为Furtherfurther进一步的、更深的;farther更远的。(13) We must make as fewer mistakes as possible. 答案:fewer改为fewasfewas,在asas结构中用形容词原级。(14) We have few time to go over the text. 答案:few改为little1ittle修饰不可数名词。(15) Mary is much tall than any other girl in the class. 答案:tall改为taller此处为比较结构。2.副词 (1) Thi

29、s morning I got up very lately. 答案:lately改为latelately:adv近来,最后;late:adv迟、晚。(2) If you dont go,l wont go,too. 答案:too改为eithertoo用于肯定句;either用于否定句。(3) There are wild animals deeply in the forest. 答案:deeply改为deepdeeply:adv用于抽象、比较意义“深深地”,如bedeeplymoved被深深感动;deep:adv用于具体的深度,包括时间和空间,如They dived deep in the

30、 sea他们深潜海里。talk deep into the night谈到深夜。(4) A teacher should know his students very much. 答案:much改为wellknow sbwell很了解某人。(5) He told me that nearly nothing there was worth looking into. 答案:nearly改为almostalmost和never,nO,more,nothing,nobody,nowhere,too,morethan等连用,而nearly不能。(6) The fast you run,the soo

31、ner youll get there. 答案:fast改为fasterthemorethemore句式。(7) Even though he is the most fastest runner, he is not good athlete because he lacks courage. 答案:most去掉。themostfastest最高级形式重复。(8) I cant find the book everywhere. 答案:everywhere改为anywherenotanywhere。(9) The boy is very cleverer than the girl. 答案:very改为muchvery不能修饰比较级。(10) Airplanes can fly further and faster than the fastest bird.答案:furth

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