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1、Yuwvkp写作高分指南雅思写作常用三类关联词汇总生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔写作高分指南:雅思写作常用三类关联词汇总并列(and)关系类 A 排序/列举(sequencing/listing) First of all in the first place to begin with after this/that Following this/that afterwards the first (reason) is First(ly) after that finally B

2、 递进(reinforcing) Also besides furthermore In addition more over whats more C 等同(equating) In the same way likewise similarly. Accordingly equally important not only but(also) D 总结(summarising) In conclusion in summary In short lastly To conclude to sum up finally E 举例(referring) For example for inst

3、ance in particular Particularly such as that is to say Namely a (good) case in point to illustrate F 结果(showing results) As a result consequently hence so Therefore thereby thus for this reason Leads to cause 选择(or)类 A 推断(inferring) In other words in that case then (or) else otherwise B 替换(giving al

4、ternatives) Alternatively on the other hand then again C 重复(restating) In other words that is to say to put it simply 转折(but)类 A 比较/对比(contrasting) Conversely in comparison in contrast to this Instead nevertheless on the contrary On the other hand whereas while/whilst B 让步(conceding) Afeter all all

5、the same even if Although/though/even though however still In spite of / despite this/ that nevertheless nonetheless yet 像国外考生一样思考:雅思写作SEE原则在雅思写作中,建议考生应转换思维方式,按照国外考生的思维方式来写文章,下文中我简称为SEE原则。 S=Support E=Expression E=Example 也就是说,大家应该把观点开门见山提出来,然后进行一番解释,合适时加上一个例子。 例如:论述犯罪的一个原因时,咱们可以进行如下思路 Sup1: The fir

6、st and foremost reason lies in economic factors. Exp1: Due to poverty and unemployment, some people have to commit crimes in order to survive, which are the so-called blue collar crimes. Exa1: such as theft, burglary and robbery. 一般要有两个观点,因此进行论述时,应按照SEE1+SEE2的思路来走。 希望大家能悟出其中的道理。 名师指点:雅思写作中的英汉表达差异举隅在

7、雅思写作的教学过程中,有机会批改了大量同学的雅思作文,在这些作文当中,有大量的同学并不了解英汉两种语言的基本差别,从而以汉语思维直接照搬到英语上来,写出了很多富有“中国特色”的句子,因此,本文将向同学们简要介绍英汉写作中最核心的表达差异,以期对同学的雅思写作有所帮助。 英语重形合,汉语重意合 英语是一种非常讲究语法的语言,而语法关系则通过一定的外显形态标记来表现;而中文则不用形态变化,靠词序、虚词、上下文关系等来表达语法关系。正如王力先生在中国语法理论“欧化的语法”一章中说:中国话里多用意合法,联结成分并非必须;西文多用形合法,联结成分在大多数情况下是必不可少的。” 如: 他正在看这本书。He

8、 is reading this book. 他已经看了这本书。He has read this book. 这个例子比较简单,很多同学对此已经比较熟悉了,但是在写作中却经常有同学在这些方面错误不断。 在汉语里,句子和句子之间通过内在的意义而非形式的逻辑关系来连接,因此常常省略连词、代词等成分。如: 要大力弘扬新时代的雷锋精神! 发展体育运动,增强人民体质! 因此我们可以看出,在汉语中,连接手段是非必须的,人们完全可以通过全句整体来判断出词语前后隐含的关系。而在英文中,这种隐含的关系必须被“显性”化。如: 他买了台电脑,花了六千块。 就绝对不能写成:He bought a computer,

9、spent 6000 yuan. 而必须写成:He bought a computer which cost him 6000 yuan.或 He spent 6000 yuan on a computer. 他今天没来,妈妈住院了。 就不能写成:He is absent today, mother is ill. 而要写成:He is absent today because his mother is hospitalized. 这种只求“意思”不讲“形式”的句子在汉语里比比皆是,如: 我们换个地方,教室正在上课呢! 现在很饿了,我们去吃食堂! 十块钱一下子就花光了! 如果不考虑英汉的差别

10、,直接按照中文思维写出:We change a place,the classroom is having a class./ Now is hungry, we go to eat the dining hall./Ten yuan spends finished. 之类则要闹出大笑话来。 英语前重心,汉语后重心 先来看一个例子,一封来自学员的E-mail: Dear Kevin, Though I know you are busy, will you give me some minutes, I had to go to work as long as I finished the c

11、lass today, so I am off duty until now because the problem of double roles made me so boring and tired ,I work in a hospital and it is also teaching hospital ,and I will be a player to attend teaching competition,too much things I have to face and even these days I had to stay up all night. will you

12、 do me a favour that tell me how to balance the problem between work and study?Latter I will email the homework to you which you gave me this afternoon . yours truly XXX 这是一封非常典型的中式思维的信件。中式的思维是按照自然顺序展开论述,如:按照时间先后,先说先发生的,后说后发生的;按照逻辑关系,则按照事物发展的先后逻辑顺序展开,先说前提、原因、条件、方式、手段等,后说结果。而英文则按照重点顺序展开论述,把重要的观点、态度、结

13、论等交代清楚,开门见山,然后再展开叙述次要信息,如理由、条件、事实、例证等等。即:英文将语意的中心要放在前面,然后娓娓道来,分解叙事。了解这一点,对于同学们展开雅思作文的段落非常有用。 回过头来看这封E-mail,如果一个外国人看到,肯定一头雾水,因为他不知道你这封信的重点是什么,因为信件的开头大段讲述个人的情况、经历等等,而直到最后才提出问题。如果按照英语的思维,应该开门见山的向收信人提出问题,然后再展开细节进行叙述。 1. 英文先结果,后原因。 因为我爱他而不是恨他,所以我才会批评他。 I criticized him, not because I hate him but because

14、 I love him. 也许校园生活并非总像想象中的那样,所以很多学生才会感到失落。 Many students feel lost because campus life is not always what they imagined. 2. 英文先结论,后叙事 经过多年的努力,我们终于解决了这个难题。 We have solved the problem after many years hard work. 3. 英语先表态,后叙事 是什么导致了人的犯罪,我们还不能确定。 We are still not sure what causes people to commit a cri

15、me 死记硬背有很多的局限性,这一点我们必须承认。 We should admit that rote learning has a number of limitations. 英语多替换,汉语多重复 由于英文重形合,所以通过各种形合手段将比较大量的信息连接在一个句子里,联系紧密,逻辑分明。这种情况下,其代词所指往往比较明确而不易混淆,因此,为了避免单调乏味,英文句子常常采用替换、省略等方式来变换同一个词的表达。而中文则相反,由于汉语主要考意合,考隐含的逻辑贯穿全句,因此为了保持句子的“形散神不散”,就需要通过重复的手段来增强凝聚力,保持读者的注意力。所以,汉语往往不使用同义词等替代手段,因

16、为那样会使得精力分散。如,用代词替代: 他讨厌失败,他一生曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且蔑视别人的失败。 He hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others. 而不会写成: He hated failure, he had conquered the failure all his life, risen above the failure, despised the failure in others. 再看一个用同义词替换的例子: 低分版本: Think about

17、this situation. A student interviewed another student and many students about what it is like to be an only child. If the teachers in charge of the school paper did not edit names of students from the paper or facts that would give that particular student away to other students, then serious problem

18、s could be caused for the students who gave their information. 改进版: Think about this situation. A reporter interviewed many students about what it is like to be an only child. If the teachers in charge of the school paper did not edit names of the interviewees from the paper or facts that would give

19、 each person away to the readers, then serious problems could be caused for the students who gave their information. 第一个低分版本里面用了大量重复的单词“student”,非常枯燥乏味,而改进版将“student”用了“reporter”、“the interviewees”、“each person”、“readers”等词来替代,句子用词富于变化,自然生动得多了。因此,在平时的雅思学习过程中,要注意积累同义词、反义词的积累,这样才能在写作中游刃有余,取得高分。(作者:刘晓峰

20、) 看电影背词汇 雅思可以“娱乐化”复习(图)看英文电影 背场景词汇 雅思听力可以“娱乐化”复习 上周留学关注栏目刊登雅思话题后,许多读者纷纷来电或发短信询问有关雅思考试的问题。其中英语听力,问者众多。记者为此采访了福州知名英语培训机构和高校的专业人士。 从头开始系统复习 能力与技巧并重 蒲学森:听力的系统复习可以分为能力建设和技巧培养两个步骤:前者是为你打下坚实的听力基础,建议用那套非常经典的听力教材Listen to this。 当初级做完以后就可以尝试进行第二个步骤,针对雅思考试特有的题型、覆盖的词汇、出题的思路以及解题的思路训练技巧,适当地做一下雅思真题。 Michael:如果时间允许

21、的话,我建议大家将听和写结合起来进行训练。BBC和VOA分别是英式英语和美式英语的代表,市面上有很多相关的磁带或是mp3,可以买回家做听写练习。听记的过程本身就是熟悉语音语调并且掌握单词强化英语听力能力的过程。 剩下两三个月 看英文电影可提高听力 蒲学森:看英语的影视剧是可以提高英语听力水平的,但是有个前提,那就是遇到听不懂,甚至字幕都看不懂的地方一定要停下来查字典!直到把它搞明白为止。 Michael:还有两个月就要考试的同学,建议大家除了背场景词汇之外,应该要把剑1到剑5的题详细地做上3遍。如果时间有限,可以不做剑1,因为它不是真题,只是样题。详细做,就是把每个单词都听懂,每句话都弄明白,

22、最后还得全部记住,下次遇到不能出错。 剩下一个月 背场景词汇 多做练习 蒲学森:系统的背几遍场景词汇,要做到对听力场景词汇的发音、拼写、意思都要掌握;剑1到剑5做3遍以上,熟练地掌握每种题型的解题思路;请坚持到成功为止。 Michael:这个阶段要将熟悉解题技巧放在首位,多做真题,理解和掌握每种题型的解题思路和技巧。 剩下一周 训练大脑持续作战能力 蒲学森:在考场上,当阅读进行到第二篇末尾的时候,脑子就有点像开小差了,这时我们还剩下阅读以及一个小时的写作。大多数同学认为写作最难,除了它本身的难度之外,最后我们的大脑疲劳的状态也是原因。因此,最后一个礼拜,应该训练持续作战能力,而不是对某一科进行

23、突击。 Michael:听力这方面,最后一个礼拜还应当精听剑4和剑5。 第一遍听完以后,先不看答案,哪些题没听到或是没把握的,再听一遍。如果听到第五遍还不懂就不要再听听力,这个时候就去看文字材料:看为什么听不懂,是单词不认识,还是一些发音规则没掌握好,比如弱读、连读等。(记者:黄怡) 烤鸭必看:提高雅思写作的三个重要阶段提高写作绝对不是一两天的事情,一定要经过一个比较系统的复习,以下略微分析必经的三个阶段: 第一阶段:掌握写作方法。雅思写作有大小作文之分。小作文应该分几段,每段写什么内容;大作文应该怎么布局,内容和语言何者为重?这些都是必须掌握的。In other words,这一阶段就是掌握

24、作文怎么写的问题。 第二阶段:语言积累阶段。这一阶段要大量看一些好的例文。请注意,就算目标只有5,6分,但例文必须看好的,不能说考5分,那就看6分的例文。因为例文是用来借鉴的,一定要保质保量的。此外,单纯地听老师说怎么写怎么写,肯定比较抽象,所以要看些好的例文并分析,这样会具体很多。 第三阶段:练习阶段。有的人把所有的希望全都寄托在老师身上,这是绝对不可行的!不是说老师靠不住,而是写作比较特殊,必须要自己动手写一下。否则,到了考试的时候,说不定都写不完(因为时间不够)。 Two sides of an argument Give the other sides opinion, and the

25、n give YOUR opinion Give the other side Some people think that Although many people feel that It is claimed that Some people feel that One sentence (While, although) While it is true that I believe Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool

26、 to smoke. Although many people think that., I feel that Although it is often said that, in fact the opposite is true Two sentences It is undoubtedly true that However It is often argued that However, it is Some people say that They claim However, I feel Supporters of this viewpoint say that However

27、, it is One sentence (While, although) While it is true that I believe Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. Although many people think that, I feel that Although it is often said that, in fact the opposite is true Two sides

28、of an argument Give the other sides opinion, and then give YOUR opinion Give the other side Some people think that Although many people feel that It is claimed that Some people feel that One sentence (While, although) While it is true that I believe Despite the fact that millions of people die every

29、 year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. Although many people think that., I feel that Although it is often said that, in fact the opposite is true Two sentences It is undoubtedly true that However It is often argued that However, it is Some people say that They claim However,

30、I feel Supporters of this viewpoint say that However, it is One sentence (While, although) While it is true that I believe Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. Although many people think that, I feel that Although it is ofte

31、n said that, in fact the opposite is true 雅思写作指导:如何运用复合句写漂亮的段落一、复合句的种类 英语的复合句一般分为三大类型:名词性从句、形容词性从句和副词性从句。 (一)名词性从句 在整个复合句中起名词作用,充当主语、宾语、表语和同位语等的各种从句,统称为名词性从句。名词性从句主要有以下几种: 1. that引导的从句e.g. It is reported that one third of Guangzhou citizens plan to buy a private car. (据报道,三分之一的广州市民打算购买私家车。) 2. whether/if引导的从句e.g. Whether motorcycles should be banned in Guangzhou has become an issue of controversy.(广州是否禁摩托车成了有争议的话题。) 3. how/why/when/where引导的从句e.g. This essay aims to explore why so many white collar workers suffer fr

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