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Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 122教学设计优质公开课北师大必修1精品.docx

1、Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 22教学设计优质公开课北师大必修1精品Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 & 2(2)教学案一. 教学内容:Unit 3 of Module I Celebration Period One Lesson 1 & 2二. 本课教学目标与要求:1、掌握重点单词及词组的用法词 汇相关提示include v. 包含,包括destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏salary n. 薪水apply vi. &vt. 应用,申请,请求congratulation n. 祝贺请认真掌握其分词 included 和 including 的用

2、法。请注意区别 destroy, damage 和 ruin 。请注意 salary, wage, pay, income 和 fee 的区别。请牢记 apply 与不同介词搭配时的不同含义。请注意它在句中的形式及与之搭配使用的介词。2、语法重点掌握一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和现在完成时的被动语态形式。3、语言技能重点(1)了解我国的节假日活动,传承民族文化,增强民族自豪感。了解有关英语国家的个人庆贺活动,如生日、毕业等。能运用英语简单介绍中国的节庆活动。(2)表达祝贺(Congratulations)。Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!Congratulations! 恭喜!

3、(3)运用听力策略,听懂有关举行聚会的相关介绍,并把握主旨大意。三. 重难点词汇讲解:1、nowadays adv. 现今,现在nowadays 常置于句首或句末。Nowadays, children often prefer watching TV to reading. 如今,儿童常爱看电视而不爱看书。根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子_(今天),mobile phones are more and more popular.2、include vt. 包括,包含The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales. 联合王国包括北爱尔兰和

4、威尔士。(1)派生词:inclusion n. 包含,包括;including prep. 包括(某人/某事物)在内。(2)include 的现在分词 including, 可以看作是介词,including 可以与过去分词 included互相转换。如:We all went, me /myself included. =We all went, including me/myself.I bought six books, including a story-book. =I bought six books, a story-book included.(3)include 表示一个整体

5、有几个内容,侧重“内有”的意思。包括:作为一部分、成分或成员而包括;含有:作为次要的、附属的成分而包含;放入,算进去:纳入或包括进一个组织、阶层或整体.contain 表示包含或拥有(物质/含量)以作为整体的一部分或某一成份:包含,容纳,容忍。This drawer contains all the cutlery we own. 这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的刀叉餐具。The book contains some amusing passages. 这本书里有一些有趣的章节。The band played many songs, _some of my favorites.A. includes

6、 B. included C. including D. to includeThe whole book_12 units, _two main revisions.A. includes; containing B. contains; includingC. contains; containing D. includes; included3、destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏In crowded populations, poverty destroys the possibility of cleanliness. (George Bernard Shaw)在人口拥挤的地方,贫困使

7、清洁毫无可能。(乔治肖伯纳)(1)同义词:damage v. 招致损害,ruin v. 毁灭;反义词:establish 创立(2)辨析:destroy,damage 和 ruindestroy 指彻底的摧毁、毁坏;damage 指部分损坏;ruin指经过长时间的侵蚀而毁坏,通常暗指无可挽回的伤害,但并不一定指完全毁灭。选择They have _all the evidence which would do harm to them.A. destroyed B. damaged C. ruined D. housed4、decorate vt. 装饰,布置They decorated the

8、 room with flowers and balloons.他们用花和气球装饰了房间。(1)派生词:decoration n. 装饰(2)搭配:decorate 不接双宾语,而用decorate sth. with sth. 的结构。汉译英: 孩子们正在用彩灯装饰圣诞树。5、serve v. 招待,侍候,服务serve(v. 招待,侍候,服务)deserve (vt. 应受(奖赏,特殊待遇等),值得)They served the guest a wonderful dinner.他们以盛宴招待客人们。Make the past serve the present and foreign

9、things serve China.古为今用,洋为中用。(1)serve 的名词是 service。(2)搭配:要表达“为服务”时,不要受汉语影响用 serve for sb. ,而应使用serve sb.。选择填空He _the company for fifty years,first as office boy and eventually as managing director.A. served B. is serving C. had served D. has served6、retire vi. 退休巧记提示 re-(回)+tire(adj. 累)累回家中退休。He ret

10、ired from the business when he was 60.他60岁时退休了。(1)retire 的过去分词 retired 可以作定语,相当于形容词,但只表示完成意义,而不具被动意义。(2)搭配:retire from 从(职位等)退休。选择:After he _office,Rogers took up painting for a while,but soon lost interest.A. retired from B. retired in C. took from D. took in7、salary n. 薪水巧记提示 sal(e)(n. 卖)+-ary(名词词

11、尾)He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.他的工资待遇很好,但他总是向朋友借钱而又从不归还。易混辨析:salary,wage,pay,income 和 feesalary按月或年支付的固定的薪金收入,如公务员等管理人员的收入。wage 按星期(有时按日)发放,一般指临时工作的收入,通常为现款。pay 一般用以指雇主定期付给的工资。income 是最普通用词,可指挣来的收入,也可指并非挣来的收入。fee 是对职业性的服务所支付的报酬,如付给律师、医生等的报

12、酬。选择Professional people and those who work in offices receive a_.A. salary B. wage C. fee D. income8、apply vi& vt. 应用,申请;请求apply(申请)apple(n. 苹果),申请得到一个苹果。The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology.这项研究成果能应用于技术开发新的方面。You should apply immediately,in person or by lett

13、er.你应该立即申请,亲自去也好,写信也好。(1)派生词;application n. 申请,应用;applicant n. 申请人;applicable adj. 可适用的,合适的;applied adj. 应用的,适用的。(2)apply 的两个义项的搭配也不同:apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请apply sth. to sth. 把应用于介词填空:In order to apply his new discovery _the productshe applied _his boss _a sum of money.为了把他的新发明应用于生产,他向老板申请了一笔资金

14、。9、opportunity n. 机会Let me take this opportunity to say a few words. 请让我趁此机会讲几句话。(1)搭配:opportunity for /of doing sth. =opportunity to do sth. 做某事的机会。(2)辨析:opportunity 和 chanceopportunity 是对机遇的一种比较正式的说法,而且一般情况下是人为造成的机遇,表达的是一种有利的状态或合适的时机。chance是比较随意的感觉,而且一般情况下是在偶然的情况下发生,有可能没有人为因素造成这样的结果,表达的是一种因为运气或偶然而

15、出现的机遇。用 opportunity 和 chance 填空Dont throw this _away; it wont come around again.If you prepare yourself,you will be able to grasp_for broader experience when it appears.10、congratulation n. 祝贺Congratulate (e)(v. 祝贺)+-ion(名词词尾)Congratulations on winning the race. 恭贺你比赛获胜。(1)congratulation 是 congratul

16、ate 的名词形式,常用复数,可以单独使用,也可以与介词on 或to 搭配。congratulations to sb. 表示“向某人表示祝贺”,congratulation on sth. 表示“祝贺”。(2)在使用这个词时,必须符合下列条件;只以言语表达贺意,并非以行动(如送礼、举行宴会)来表示。专对个人成功祝贺时才用,生日、节日时的道贺不用此词。对方的成功必须是经过努力获得的成功。选择The three sisters decided to hold a family party to_ their parents silver wedding.A. celebrate B. memor

17、ize C. congratulate D. welcomeWe offered our congratulations _his passing the college entrance exams.A. at B. on C. for D. of11、burn down 烧毁In 1666 almost all of London burned down. 在1666年,差不多整个伦敦都被烧毁了。(1)burn down 还有“火势减弱”的意思。(2)与 burn 相关的常见词组有:burn out 烧光,熄灭,burn up 烧光,烧起来12、take part in 参与,参加In e

18、arly days only male athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games.在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。(1)同义词组:join in 加入;participated in参加某事;分享某事;participated in the festivities 参加庆祝活动If only I could participate in your good fortune. 要是我能分享你的好运就好了。(2)同义词组辨析:attend, participate, take part in和join in的区

19、别attend“出席,到场,上(课)”,指去听、去看,但自己并不一定起积极作用。participate 指在感情、观念或行为方面与他人共同参加某一活动。常与介词in连用。join 既可指参加一群人的活动,也可以指加入某个组织,常见搭配为:join the army (club, Party), join sb., join sb. in (doing)sth.。表示参加某一活动时常用join in sth. 。如join in a game (discussion, conversation)。take part in指参加某一活动并发挥作用。(3)与 part 相关的常见词组有:play a

20、 part/role in 在中起作用。用take part in, join, join in, attend 的合适形式填空I hope youll _the discussion.Will you _us _the English evening?I _the school basketball team last term.He often _a social gathering in the school.Every four years,many athletes from different countries _the Olympic Games.13、depend on 根据

21、,依据How much is produced depends on how hard we work.产量的大小在于我们努力的程度。(1)depend on 除表示“依据、根据”外,还可译成“依靠、信赖”。(2)depend 指条件或可能性,其后通常跟on 或 upon。在非正式口语中,通常省略介词。如:It depends on who is in charge. 这取决于谁是负责人。 Will you go out for a hiking with your friends?That depends.选择练习:What time will you arrive?I dont know.

22、 It _the traffic.A. depends on B. relies on C. asks for D. deals with14、on time 准时The train often arrives on time.火车通常正点到达。(1)易混词组辨析:on time 和in timeon time 是“准时、按时”之意,就是正好在预定的时间。in time 有“及时、迟早”的意思,意指正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候。(2)与 time 有关的常用习语:all the time 一直;始终 at times 有时(相当于sometimes)in time及时 once upon a t

23、ime 从前(相当于long ago)some time 将来某时 from time to time 时不时地this /next/ last time 这次/下次/上次(3)sometime, sometimes, some time, some times.sometime adv. 某个时间(在某个不确定或未说明的时间);日后(将来某个不确定的时间)Ill meet you sometime this afternoon. 我今天下午某个时候见你。Lets get together sometime. 让我们日后再相聚。some time 相当长的一段时间It took me some

24、 time to digest what I had heard.我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。用 on time 和 in time 填空Facing with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task_.There is much chance that Bill will recover from his injury _for the race.Progress so far has been very good. Therefore, the project will be completed _.四. 重点句式分析与拓展:1

25、. Traditional moon cake are usually made with bean paste, but nowadays, there are different kinds of moon cakes including fruit, coffee, chocolate and even ice-cream moon cakes.传统的月饼通常是豆沙做的,但现在有了许多不同种类的月饼,包括水果月饼、咖啡月饼、巧克力月饼,甚至还有冰淇淋月饼。(1)这是一个并列句。两个分句由表示转折的 but 连接。(2)第二个分句中包含有一个现在分词短语 includingcakes,这个

26、短语在句中作后置定语,修饰其前面的 moon cakes。2. The (Water)Festival marks the Dai New Year and is related to Buddhist traditions. Over three days, Buddha statues are washed, dragon boats are raced and rockets are launched in celebration.泼水节是傣族的新年的标志,它和佛教习俗有关。接连三天,人们冲刷佛像,划龙舟,放鞭炮以示庆祝。这两个句子都是用被动语态来表达的,尤其是第二个句子,接连用了三个并

27、列句。进一步强调动作的承受者。当然我们翻译的时候不必拘泥于句子的被动形式。【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、单项选择1、It is said that his health by years of hard working.A. is affecting B. is broken C. is destroyed D. is decorating2、Could you do me a favor?It _what it is.A. puts on B. depends on C. relies on D. take on3、Our teacher told us that in that w

28、ay we could better theory we learned to practice.A. apply B. use C. asks for D. deals with4、Do you know how countries the final in the World Cup?A. join in B. join C. take part in D. are participated in5、I do believe we will see each other .A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times6、The bo

29、ss ordered that the work should be done .A. on time B. in times C. at times D. with time7、This kind of plant _lots of vitamin C.A. includes B. holds C. contains D. takes8、She has the family faithfully for thirty years.A. serve for B. been served C. serves D. served9、The house in half an hour.A. burn

30、t down B. has burned downC. was burnt down D. burns down10、Id like to take this to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.A. money B. time C. opportunity D. occasion二、综合阅读Since many of you are planning to study at a college or university in this country, you may want to know what you usually do in a typical week, how you can get along with your classmates, and so on. These are the questions I want to discuss with you today.First, lets talk about what your weekly timetable (时间表)will look like. No matter what your major(专业)may be, you must spend between four and

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