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1、李辉精度突破法30讲义0824070218interest使有兴趣某人创作的音乐/文学作品surprised感到惊讶的 amazed感到惊喜的 shocked感到震惊的 astonished感到震惊的 tired感到劳累的阅读理解“ 5+1”精读突破法36篇文章练就阅读理解超强基本功考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力词:认识单词+处理生词句:“画括号”读懂句子段:抓主题篇:串思路题:How?(哪儿错X哪$儿原则”)+“战术纪律性”训练:逐句抄文章,每错一词,重抄一遍!被解释的句子往往是段落的主题句! 代词开头的句子往往对上文作解释!记叙类Passagellaw法律piano钢琴musical pie

2、ces 音乐作品 musician音乐家 音乐/文学作品+by sb.= such as = including 包括 in parts 一部分一部分地 think about 考虑 note音符surprise使惊讶 surprising令人惊讶的 amaze使惊喜 amazing令人惊喜的 shock使震惊 shocking令人震惊的 astonish使震惊 astonishing令人震惊的 tire使劳累 tiring令人劳累的interesting有趣的 interested感兴趣的perfect 完美unbelievable难以置信的in credible不可思议的rare稀有的ev

3、en甚至realize意识至U(what he can do)他能做 的那个 事儿(why everyone is so surprised)每个人都如此惊讶 的那个原因(what he wants to do) (in the future)他未来想做的那个事儿special 特另Ulawyer律师instead作为替换grow up成长,长大with伴随,用,有without 没有guitar吉他suddenly突然地decide to do sth决定做某事bear sth in mind= learn sth by heart=remember 记得each and every每个(语

4、气强)perform 表演perform a piece 表演一段作品perform a spell 施一个咒语event事件,大事儿audience 观众impress使 留下印象impressive令人印象深刻的impressed被留下深刻印象的“ His performance was impressive, so I was impressed.sothat -如此以至于professional专业的,职业的profession 职业professor 教授pianist钢琴家confidently 自信地super超级superman 超人super market 超市memory记

5、忆,记忆力gift天赋retell复述word for word 逐词continue 继续plan 计戈Ll want to do sth = plan to do sthadvice建议accurate精确的accurately 精确地quality 品质,质量tale nt天才relationship 关系Samuel Osmond is a 19- year- old law student (from Cornwall, England). He never studied the piano. However, he can play very difficult musical

6、piecegby musicians (such as Chopin and Beethoven) (just a few minutes) (after he hears them)He learns a piece (of music)(by listening) (to it) (in parts). Then he think s (about the notes) (in his head). (Two years ago), he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata(奏鸣曲)(by Beethoven). He surprised eve

7、ryone (around him). SO 有音乐天赋(Amazed) (that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly), his teachers say (Samuel is unbelievable). They say (his ability is very rare), but Samuel doesnt even realize that (what he can do is specialamuel wanted (to become a lawyer) (a

8、s it was the wish) (of his parents) but music teachers told him (he should study music instead). Now, hestudies law and music.老师认为 SO 牛Samuel cant understand (why everyone is so surprised). “I grew up (with music). My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. (About two years ago), I

9、suddenly decided (to start playing the piano), (without being able) (to read music) and (without having any lessons). It comes easily (to me)I hear the notes and can bear them in mindeach and every note,” says Samuel. S如何发现自己的能力Recently, Samuel performed a piece (during a special event) (at his coll

10、ege). The piece had more (than a thousand notes). The audience was impressed (by his amazing performance). | He is now learning a piece (that is so difficult) (that many professional pianists cant play it). | Samuel says confidently,“ Its all (about super memory) I guess (I have that gift). ” S 有超级记

11、忆However, Samuels ability (to remember things) doesnt stop (with music). His family says (that even) (when he was a young boy) , Samuel heard someone read a story, and then he could retell the story word for word. S 从小记忆好Samuel is still only a teenager. He doesnt know (what he wants to do) (in the f

12、uture). (For now), he is just happy (to play beautiful music and continue his studies). S 未来未知26.What is special (about Samuel Osmond)?A.He has a gift (for writing music).B.He can write down the note (he hears).C.He is a top student (at the law school).D.He can play the musical piece (he hears).27.W

13、hat can we learn (from Paragraph 2)?A.Samuel chose law (against the wish) (of his parents).B.Samuel planned (to be a lawyer) (rather than a musician).C.Samuel thinks (of himself) (as a man) (of great musical ability).D.Samuel studies law and music (on the advice) (of his teachers).28.Everyone (aroun

14、d Samuel) was surprised (because he逐句抄文章,每错一词,重抄一遍!A.received a good early education (in music)B.played the guitar and the piano perfectlyC.could play the piano (without reading music)D.could play the guitar better (than his father)29.What can we infer about Samuel (in Paragraph 4)?A.He became famou

15、s (during a special event) (at his college).B.He is proud (of his ability) (to remember things accurately).C.He plays the piano better (than many professional pianists).D.He impressed the audience (by playing all the musical pieces).【听课建议】Step1:自己做一遍题Step2:听我讲这篇文章Step3:自己逐句翻译这篇文章(写下来)Step4:再听我讲这篇文章,

16、看看自己哪儿翻译错就重点学哪儿Step5:背过这篇文章中学到的单词, 反复朗读文章以复习单词!Step6:战术纪律性训练 逐句抄文章,抄错一次,重抄一遍!(利用短期记忆,培养超强语感,训练认真程度)30.Which of the following is the best title (of the passage)?A.The qualities (of a musician)B.The story (of a musical talent)C.The importance (of early education)D.The relationship (between memory and

17、music)at the age of XXX 在 XXX 岁的时候acquire获取,买along with 伴随阅读理解“ 5+1”精读突破法 富36篇文章练就阅读理解超强基本功 hold握住,举办考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力slaveholder 奴隶主nearly 大约=almostserve 服务 v.词:认识单词+处理生词service 服务 n.句:“画括号”读懂句子段:抓主题servant 仆人篇:串思路题:+How?(哪儿错X哪儿原则”)strike撞击,罢工“战术纪律性”训练: hit击打beat打,节奏kick 踢spade铁铲子protect 保护blow 打,吹 ta

18、ke the blow 承担了这个的击打 instead 作为替换furious=愤怒=very angry refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 let/make/have + sb + do sth 让某人做某事 consult 咨询 lawyer 律师 freedom 自由 have listened 已经听说 had listened 之前听说 discussion 讨论 constitution 宪法 free 自由的 equal 平等的A apply to B = A 适用于 / 应用于 BA apply for B = A 申请B (A为B而申请) eventually=

19、finally 最终 strange奇怪,陌生 trial 审判,试验 pay 付钱 paid 被付钱的employ 雇佣 v. employment 雇佣 n.employer 雇主 employee 雇员 decline 拒绝 legacy 遗产 on 继续 My heart will go ongreat-grandchildren 曾孙子found 建立(原形) founder 建立者 n.writer 作家 author 作者 spokesperson 发言人 civil rights 公民权利 tomb 坟墓,坟头 tombstone 墓碑 cemetery 墓地 bury 埋葬

20、remain=stay 保持 neither nor既不 也不 yet 然而,还 sphere 范围,球体 superior 更好的,优先的 obey 服从 owner 主人 as(样) as像) =像一样 She should be (as free and equal) (as whites).他应该一样的自由和平等像白人。brave 勇敢的Elizabeth Freeman was born (about 1742) (to African American parents) (who were slaves). (At the age of six months) she was ac

21、quired, (along with her sister), (by John Ashley), a wealthy Massachusetts slaveholders. She became known a(s “ Mumbet” or “Mum Bett)”. 小奴隶 EF(For nearly 30 years) Mumbet served the Ashley family. (One day), Ashleys wife tried (to strike Mumbets sister) (with a spade). Mumbet protected her sister an

22、d took the blow instead. Furious, she left the house and refused (to come back). (When the Ashleys tried) (to make her return), Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. (With his help), Mumbet sued(起诉)(for her freedom).M 离开奴隶主家(While serving the Ashleys), Mumbet had listened (to many discussio

23、ns) (of the new Massachusetts constitution). (If the constitution said) (that all people were free and equal), then she thought (it should apply) (to her). Eventually, Mumbet won her freedomthe first slave (in Massachusetts) (to do so) (under the new constitution). M 获得了自由(Strangely enough), (after

24、the trial), the Ashleys asked Mumbet(to come back and work) (for them) (as a paid employee). She declined and instead went (to work) (for Sedgewick). Mumbet died (in 1829), but her legacy lived on (in her many descendants)(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was W . E.B.Du Bois, one of the founders

25、(of the NAACP), and an important writer and spokesperson (for African American civil rights). 审判之后,为自由服务,精神永存Mumbets tombstone still stands (in the Massachusetts cemetery) (where she was buried). It reads, (in part): “ She was born a slave andremained a slave (for nearly thirty years). She could nei

26、ther read nor write, yet (in her own sphere) she had no superior or equal. 盖棺” 定论:贡献很大【串思路】 小奴隶EF因为保护姐姐而挨打,愤而离开奴隶主家,在法律的 帮助下获得自由。审判之后,为自由服务,精神永存,贡献很大。52. Why did Mumbet run away (from the Ashleys)?She found anShe wanteemployerto be a lawyer.C. She was hit and got angry.D . She had to take care of he

27、r sister.53. What did Mumbet learn (from discussions) (about the newconstitution)?A . She should always obey her owners orders.B . She should be as free and equal as whites.C. How to be a good servant.D . How to apply for a job.54 . What did Mumbet do (after the trial)?She chose to work for a lawyer

28、.She founded the NAACP.She continued to serve the Ashleys.She went to live (with her grandchildren).55 . What is the text mainly about?A . A story (of a famous writer and spokesperson).B . The friendship (between a lawyer and a slave).C . The life (of a brave African American woman).D . Arial (that

29、shocked the whole world).请进行战术纪律性训练! ! !51 . What do we know about Mumbet (according to Paragraph1)?A . She was born a slave.B . She was a slaveholder.C . She had a famous sister.D . She was born into a rich family.Passage 3Alaska阿拉斯加 adventure 冒险just 正好,仅仅dirty 脏的in time 及时basement地下室on time 按时hote

30、l 酒店midnight 午夜hostel 招待所sunlight=sunshine 阳光light 点燃,灯,光fantastic 极好的paint 颜料 n. 画 v.terrific 极好的painter 粉刷匠,画家 smoke 烟superb 极好的pretty=fairly 相当地fabulous 极好的exit 出口awesome极好的crowd 人群excellent 极好的,优秀的greet 问候outstanding 极好的,接触的match 火柴,比赛,匹配vegetable garden 蔬菜园occupy 占据tend to 倾向于做某事tour 旅行throw 扔p

31、rison 监狱throw XXX off =把 丢开rescue拯救=save拯救,保存care about 关心before 然后bedtime 上床时间turne 5 = 变成 5 岁railway 铁路enter进入express快线,快速,表达kindergarten 幼儿园expression 表达方式serious 严重的,严肃的nutrition 营养set 设置,安置Nutri-express 营养快线surprise使惊讶agent 代理商tougue 舌头agency 代理处,办事处metal 金属的clerk 职员( employee 雇员)handrail 扶手,把手leave 丢下,离开as for 至于 in a mess处于混乱之中know sb well 非常了解某人manage to do sth 成功做到某事A take B for a ride = A 带 B 兜风 real

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