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1、joinin三下英语教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Unit 6 My classroom unit6 “My classroom”,well intruduce the objects of the classroom just like :door ,board,window,chair,desk .Describe the life of the school.Learn the phrases: close the doorwindow,put the chair on your desk,clean the board. The chief aim of thi

2、s part is to make sure that they understand them and perform them properly. 教学目标:1. pupils can understand the new words:chair,desk,window,board, and phrases in this part: close the doorwindow,put the chair on your desk,clean the board.2.Pupil can understand the instructions and perform them .3.pupil

3、s can write the correct number according to the cassette.教学重难点:Pupil can understand the instructions and perform them . Phrases in this part: “ put the chair on your desk.”教学环节教学步骤设计意图教法与学法预设生成与调整ReviewPresentationPracticeDevelopment1. Review the chant of unit 5:open the schoolbags .put in your book

4、s,open your pencil cases,put in your pencils ,put in your pens. 2Learn the phrases:open the doorwindow,close the doorwindow,and the word :door,window.The teacher give these instrutions using facial expressions and gestures to explain the meaning of the phrases.Using the techniques introduce the foll

5、owing new words:door,window 3Introduce the new words:chair desk,board. Remember that the approach must be multisensory in order to stimulate as many of the pupilssenses sa possible.4The teacher give these instrutions using facial expressions and gestures to explain the meaning of the phrases. “Put t

6、he chair on your desk,Put this book on your desk.”5The first few times you give these instrutions using facial expressions and gestures to explain the meaning of the phrases. Then gradually stop using so much body language and leave the pupils to follow the oral instructions only.6Repeat the instruc

7、tions several times,first maintaining the original order.7 Make the instructions of the jumbling order.8 Some pupils can repeat the instructions correctly.9 Make sure that they understand them and perform them properly.10 The teacher should now explain what the exercise entails.The pupils to the cas

8、sette and write the correct numbers in the square in the corner of each picture.11 Chek the exercise by asking,What number is “Open the window”?,etc.1.Review the phrases:open the schoolbags .open your pencil cases.Let pupils learn the phrases:close the doorwindows2When introducing new vocabulary,rem

9、ember that the approach must be multisensory in order to stimulate as many of the pupilssenses sa possible.Pupils can understand the phrases : open the doorwindow,close the doorwindow easily by doing the action after review the chant of unit 53According to the objects of the classroom,pupil can lear

10、n the new words quickly.4 On the one the other .Explain the meaning of the phrases. Pupil can understand them easily.“Put the chair on your desk,Put this book on your desk.”5Using facial expressions and gestures to explain the meaning of the phrases.6 Make sure that pupils can understand them correc

11、tly after maintaining the original order.Practise the pupilsoral language ability.9 The chief aim of this activity is to make sure that they understand them and perform them properly.1 Review the chant of unit 5:open the schoolbags .put in your books,open your pencil cases,put in your pencils ,put i

12、n your pens. 2 Learn the phrases:open the doorwindow,close the doorwindow,and the word :door,window.The teacher give these instrutions using facial expressions and gestures to explain the meaning of the phrases.Using the techniques introduce the following new words:door,window 3Introduce the new wor

13、ds:chair desk,board. Remember that the approach must be multisensory in order to stimulate as many of the pupilssenses sa possible.4 On the one the other .“Put the chair on your desk,Put this book on your desk.”5The first few times you give these instrutions using facial expressions and gestures to

14、explain the meaning of the phrases. Then gradually stop using so much body language and leave the pupils to follow the oral instructionsonly.6The pupils to follow the oral instructions of the original order.7 The pupils to follow the oral instructions of the jumbling order.8 Let some pupils repeat t

15、he instructions,teacher correct them.9Pupils perform the instructions .10 The pupils to the cassette and write the correct numbers in the square in the corner of each picture.11Chek the exercise by asking,What number is “Open the window”?,etc.课后随笔课题:Part 6(48页)教材分析说明:在掌握了前面所学Part 1的基础上进一步复习句子“Open C

16、lose the (door). Put on in the ”。教学目标:巩固所学的单词和句子。教学重难点:进行对话练习,完善、拓展对话内容。教学环节教学步骤设计意图教法与学法预设生成与调整Step 1:Warming up:Step 2:PresentationStep 3:PracticeStep 4:Homework.1. Sing an English song .2.Review sentences:3. Listen to the tape part 1, and mime the action.1. Show picture,and tell the pupils the pa

17、ndas name is Paddy.2. First teacher act Paddy. 3. Ask a pupil to act Paddy. 4. Show a pairs3. Let the pupils come to black-board act.复习前面所学的句子。设置情景表演,使学生理解对话中的句子,并能进行模仿。学生合作表演对话,鼓励他们在原对话的基础上发挥创造。巩固所学知识。教师问,学生答。然后再交换练习。What color is the?What color are the .?T: Paddy, lets go the door and close the do

18、or, and let them answer OK or YES.Ask one pupil to act Paddy.T: Put your bag on the table.Paddy (Let the pupil answer): All right. Repeat this process several times.T: See you tomorrow, S: Bye-bye.Then exchange.Teacher says the first, the pupils say next, like this one by one.Act the dialogue with y

19、our partner.课后随笔单元典型案例实录主题:过程:反思:Unit 8 Sweets课题:剑桥小学英语JOIN IN 入门阶段Unit 8 Sweets第一课时(1)教材分析说明:本课通过听音贴图片的练习,让学生初步感知本单元的重点单词及句型,为后面的歌曲和故事教学打下基础。教学目标:1、学生能听懂以下句子,并能分辨这些句子所表示的图片的意思,部分学生能用这些句子进行表达:Have some chocolates . Can I orange? Here you are .2、学生能听会说以下单词,达到运用的目的: sweets,ice cream,lollipop,popcorn,b

20、anana,orange, chocolate. 3、学生能听懂P62的对话并贴上食物图片,能用所给教具进行英语情景对话。 教学重难点:学生能听懂并能分辨这些句子所表示的图片的意思,部分学生能用这些句子进行表达:Have some chocolates . Can I orange? Here you are .教学环节教学步骤设计意图教法与学法预设生成与调整一、Warm_up二、Presentation三、PracticeA guessing game:Whats in the box?1.A shopping game教师创设购物情景引导学生运用本课句型2.Practice in grou

21、ps1.听音贴图2.情景对话.通过guessing game学生复习了早餐食品的单词,也轻松地引入并初步理解了新句子Have.,为新课教学打下基础。在情景中运用单词和句子,能调动学生参与课堂的积极性小组自编对话,将新旧知识联系在一起,活学活用。巩固本课所学,在完成任务中运用所学英语单词和句型。以任务为导向,将新旧知识加以巩固和结合.There are some food in the box. Whats in the box? Can you guess? 学生猜到后,教师将食物递给学生,并说Have (an apple), 学生理解句子后引导学生说Thank you.T: Can I or

22、ange)?S: Here you are.教师先示范说,学生理解后让学生选择自己喜欢的食物,主动学说单词chocolate,lollipop,popcorn,然后运用上面句型。听音贴图可以在小组内合作完成。英语基础好的学生能够帮助基础差的同学完成本课任务。Do you like (apples)? Can I have a lollipop?联系生活,综合运用所学知识,提高学生英语听说能力。课后随笔课题:剑桥小学英语JOIN IN 入门阶段Unit 8 Sweets第二课时(2)教材分析说明:在上一课时的基础上,进一步学习描述许多食物的表达方式,借助书中图片理解歌词,学唱歌曲。教学目标:1、

23、学生能听会说以下句子,达到运用的目的: Lots of(popcorn);Have an some(apple apples);No,thank you;Can I );Have an some(apple apples); Can I have a(lollipop)?Oh,my tummy .教学环节教学步骤设计意图教法与学法预设生成与调整1.Review2.Presentation3.Practice出示食物图片,认读食物单词。先看图片带单词认读,再将单词折叠后认读。然后两个、三个一起快速读。Lets count.练说lots of Listen and point.Sing the s

24、ong通过复习,巩固上课时学习内容,并为本课歌曲教学作好铺垫。数食物数量,通过数数帮助学生理解lots of帮助学生理解歌曲中的句子。利用书中图片说短语lots of,为歌曲教学扫清障碍。指书中图片听歌曲,帮助学生理解歌词。T: Whats this in English?S: Its a (lollipop).复习认读单词,形式要多样,可采取个人说、小组说、开火车说等多种形式。How many lollipops are there? Lets count.教师先示范数一种食物,学生模仿数其它食物。教师先引导学生说,学生在小组内指书中图片练习。听听指指,学习歌曲课后随笔课题:剑桥小学英语JO

25、IN IN 入门阶段 Unit 8 Sweets 第三课时(3) (4)教材分析说明:本节课的学习是培养学生的听音和语言表达能力,使学生能用语言表达自己的意思。教学目标:1. 知识与能力目标: 学生能听懂句子做动作,2. 过程与方法: 听音表演,看图说话,听音标号。培养学生的口头表达能力。教学重难点:学生能听懂以下句子,并能分辨这些句子所表示的图片的意思,部分学生能用这些句子进行表达:You are thirty;There is an orange;Jump;Take off your cap;Throw it at the orange;Catch the orange;Your cap

26、is in the orange tree;Lets climb the tree.教学环节教学步骤设计意图教法与学法预设生成与调整Warm up1师生之间问好,2Sing an English song:营造英语学习氛围,创设学习本课知识的情境.1. Can I have orange? Here you are. 2. 教师引导学生在歌声中回顾和复习食物的单词。(如:apple orangeChocolates等)Presentation1. 出示本课课题Unit 8 sweets2. 教师介绍单词,由旧单词到生单词。3. 听句子理解意思做动作。(先模仿老师的动作理解句子意思。再听句子做动

27、作。)创设情境,用支体语言和动作让学生学习理解生单词的意思,并且在设计活动中得到充分的运用.1. 出示实物复习食物单词orange apple popcorn,再通过动作学习生单词thirsty,catch throw,jump,take off2. 教师边说句子边做动作,学生理解句子后再做动作。3. 学生听音表演。Practice听音,标号1. 完成P64标号及填空。2. 检查答案。Homework复习巩固看P64图说话两人一组练习(一个同学看图说一个同学做动作。)课后随笔课题: Grade 3 Unit8 sweets 第四课时 Part5 -Oh, my tummy! Listen an

28、d stick教材分析说明: 通过故事的学习串联起本单元的重点内容,正确的理解并运用语言。教学目标:学生能理解故事内容,给故事正确的贴图,并在小组内交流故事.在交流故事之中,培养乐于助人的习惯.教学重难点:1.学生能听懂以下句子,并能分辨这些句子所表示图片的意思,部分学生能用这些句子进行表达: Lets climb the tree;There is sth in the ; No,thank you; Oh, my tummy. 教学环节教学步骤设计意图教法与学法预设生成与调整Warm-up:1.Sing a song:Lots of;

29、 lollipop; chocolates;PopcornPresentation:1. T: (draw a big tree)Say: look at my tree2. T:( draw a mouse)Say: look, theres a mouse .Its going to climb the tree.3. T:(draw a the tree)Say: There is a the and stick5Act the story if time is enough听录音跟唱快速反应,看图片说单词根据老师提示理解句子“tree”:跟读“climb”跟读“hole”:跟读句子跟读

30、可以用汉语解释,再让学生去猜。1)看图片了解故事2)听完第一遍用汉语说出对结局的猜想。3)再听几遍证实自己的猜想。4)剪下图片按正确顺学粘贴。老师带领全班练习对话,时间允许就分三部分表演歌曲热身能激发学习兴趣.复习单词能为学生理解故事作准备.学生能通过动作和简笔画的辅助理解故事内容.学生能跟读单词为听懂故事内容做准备.提问能充分激发学生的想象力.学生能充分展开丰富的想象。学生能结合图片理解更加容易.重点理解:I feel sick.My tummy hurts.学生能巩固和扩展课堂所学,延伸到生活的实际中去.录音机跟唱单词复习,眼脑口并用,第一遍看图片说单词,第二遍看卡片读单词。T:tree,tree,tree. look at my treeSs: tree,tree,tree.T: look, theres a mouse .Its going to climb the tree.Ss:climb ,climb,climbT: There is a the groups.课后随笔课题:Grade3 Unit8第五课时 part 6 Lets read and act教材分析说明:将本单元的单词和句型结合起来,通过对话的练习巩固前面所学,将语言运用到实际生活中去,体现了语言的交际性功能。教学目标:学生能通过创设

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