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1、Unit1Languagepoints精品教案Unit 1 Language points 精品教案 1. 教材分析 (Analysis of the text book) This lesson we continue to learn the rest language points about this passage. Firstly, the teacher should point out the mistakes of homework, and then learn new words, expressions and sentences patters.2. 学情分析 (An

2、alysis of the students) There are too many points in this passage, students should review the notes carefully after class. There is no doubt that students make many mistakes in their homework. Teacher should focus on the main points and make sure students can use them well.3. 教学目标 (Teaching aims)结果性

3、目标 (知识目标&能力目标):知识目标 (Knowledge aims): get the students to learn and grasp new words and expressions and key sentences: inspire ;communication ;strike ;explain ;consideration ;deliver ;modest ;support ;medical ;article ;condition; etc.能力目标 (Ability aims): can use these new words and expressions to do

4、 their homework; can make sentences with these new words and expressions程序性目标(即过程与方法):In class, teacher should lead the students to learn the new words and expressions by themselves, teacher guide them. Students can do some exercise in the class, such as make sentences, translation. 体验性目标(情感目标):情感目标

5、 (Emotional aims): Stimulate the students in learning English and develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork. 4. 教学重点和难点 (important points and difficult points)Important points: all new words and expressions in this lessonDifficult points: Enable students to learn and use these phrases:

6、 inspire; communication; strike; explain; consideration; deliver; modest; support ;medical ;article ;condition ;etc.5. 教学流程 (Teaching procedures)Step1. Listen to the text and ask some students to translate some sentences.Step2. Learn some language points.1. inspire vt.鼓舞;感动;激发;启示 1. His speech inspi

7、red us to try again.他的演讲鼓舞了我们再作尝试. 2. His spirit inspires us to work hard to achieve more in our life. 拓展:inspiration (n.) 灵感 鼓舞,激发,inspiring adj.鼓励人的 鼓舞人心的,振奋人心的inspired (adj.) 有创作力的 受到鼓舞的,有灵感的inspire sb. to( do) sth.鼓舞某人去做某事inspire sth in sb. / inspire sb. with sth 使某人产生(感觉),激起1. I was inspired to

8、 work harder than ever before.我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。2 . We felt inspired by his speech.他的发言激励了我们。活学活用: 1. Kim was an to all of us. 2. His_speech yesterday made us_. 3. Some people get a lot of from nature.4. What him to give such a brilliant performance?5. The good news is very .6. You cant paint a pi

9、cture without an .Keys: 1.inspiration 2.inspiring inspired. 3.inspiration 4.inspired 5.inspiring 6 .inspiration2. communication 通讯、通信1. Internet and mobile phone are the most important means of communication today.2 I dont think the teacher communicates his ideas clearly.3. Have you communicated wit

10、h your parents?拓展:communicate with sb.与某人交流 communicate sth to sb.传达信息communication technology通讯技术3. strike n./vt. /vi. n.罢工;袭击go on a strike 举行罢工vt.&vi.(struck;struck,stricken)打击;打动;使突然想;给以印象1. The workers has gone on strike.工人已经开始罢工了.2. Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁.3. A great idea struck me

11、suddenly.我突然想起了一个注意。4. I was deeply struck by the beauty of the Jiuzhaigou.我被九寨沟的美景深深迷住了。5. The clock has just struck twelve.时钟刚刚敲过12点。拓展:1. The clock is striking four.(钟)敲响十二点。2. In the afternoon a second air strike on the citybroke out. 下午这座城市又发生了一次袭击be struck with(by) 为所袭击,为所触动/感动it strikes me th

12、at 我觉得;我的印象是3. consideration n.考虑;体谅1. Your suggestion is under consideration.2. John never showed any / had no consideration for anyone. 他从来不替他人着想。3. Cost is an important consideration for me when I buy new clothes. 我买新衣服时,价钱是考虑的一个重要因素。4. When you want to buy something,you need to take the price in

13、to consideration.当你买东西的时候,你需要考虑到价格.拓展:consider vt.考虑,思考,认为consider doing sth 考虑做某事be considered as / to be 被认为是considerate (adj.) 替人着想的 考虑周到的be considerate of others 能体谅别人的considerable adj.相当大(或多)的,相当可观的.the first consideration 第一要件,头等要事 take sth. into consideration 考虑到 1 .I am considering going abr

14、oad.我正在考虑出国.2 .She is always considerate of her mother.她总是很体贴她的母亲.3. He made a considerable sum of money in the food industry.他做饮食生意赚了大笔钱.活学活用:1. It was very of you to send me a get-well card.2. his age,he leads a very active life.3 .All things , it is a good plan,and a practical one at that.4. Plea

15、se give careful to this question.5. He to be the best living writer in the world.Keys: 1. considerate 2.considering 3.considered 4.consideration considered4. deliver vt. 递送;发表(演说等) ,生(小孩)1. Some new books have been delivered to the school.一些新书已被送到学校.2. Her aunt delivered a baby boy this morning

16、.今天早晨她姑姑生了个小男孩.3. He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会议上发表了重要演说.拓展:deliver a baby 接生;生(小孩) delivery n.递送1. There is mo delivery of letters on Sundays.星期日不送信.5. condition n.条件;状况conditions(pl.)环境;条件;形势1. The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness. 宇航员们很快就适应了失重的状态。2

17、. My computers a few years old, but its in really good condition. 我的电脑用了好几年了,但是性能还是很好。3. The condition of my health prevents me from working hard.我的身体状况使我不能努力工作.4. What are housing conditions like in your country now?现在你们国家的住房形势怎么样?拓展: be in good/poor/excellent condition处于某种状态中 She is often in top c

18、ondition.on condition ( that ) 在条件下/倘若/如果/假如你要穿上大衣才可以出去。You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.on no condition 一点也不,决不你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。You must on no condition tell him what happened.incondition在条件/环境下in good condition 状况良好,保存得好in poor condition 状况不佳,破烂不堪in condition 身体好,健康out of conditi

19、on 身体不好,不健康on one condition 有一个条件in/under favourable conditions 在有利的形势下活学活用1.The car has been well maintained and is in excellent c _.2.Poor working c_lead to demoralized and unproductive employees. Keys:1. condition 2. conditions6. concern oneself with / about 关心1. He is always concerned himself wi

20、th public work.他总是关心公众事务。2. Were rather concerned about fathers health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。3. As far as I am concerned,the schedule is very good.就我而言,这个日程表非常好。 拓展: be concerned with还有“和有关”的意思.as far as sb./ concerned 就而言,as far as Im concerned 依我看来concern oneself with /about关心,忙于活学活用:1. There is no ne

21、ed for you to where I was last night.2. the final result ,they have done a very good job.3. This matter all of us.4. His work the preparation of the celebration.Keys:1.concern yourself / be concerned about 2.As far asis concerned3.concerns concerned with6. 板书设计Unit 1 Women of achievement Langua

22、ge points 2 1. inspire vt.鼓舞;感动;激发;启示 1. His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲鼓舞了我们再作尝试. 2. His spirit inspires us to work hard to achieve more in our life. 拓展:inspiration (n.) 灵感 鼓舞,激发,inspiring adj.鼓励人的 鼓舞人心的,振奋人心的inspired (adj.) 有创作力的 受到鼓舞的,有灵感的inspire sb. to( do) sth.鼓舞某人去做某事inspire sth in sb

23、. / inspire sb. with sth 使某人产生(感觉),激起1. I was inspired to work harder than ever before.我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。2. We felt inspired by his speech.他的发言激励了我们。2. communication 通讯、通信1. Internet and mobile phone are the most important means of communication today.2. I dont think the teacher communicates his i

24、deas clearly.3. Have you communicated with your parents?拓展:communicate with sb.与某人交流 communicate sth to sb.传达信息communication technology通讯技术3. strike n./vt. /vi. n.罢工;袭击go on a strike 举行罢工vt.&vi.(struck; struck,stricken)打击;打动;使突然想;给以印象1. The workers has gone on strike.工人已经开始罢工了.2. Strike while the ir

25、on is hot. 趁热打铁.3. A great idea struck me suddenly.我突然想起了一个注意。4. I was deeply struck by the beauty of the Jiuzhaigou.我被九寨沟的美景深深迷住了。5. The clock has just struck twelve.时钟刚刚敲过12点。拓展:1. The clock is striking four.(钟)敲响十二点。2. In the afternoon a second air strike on the citybroke out. 下午这座城市又发生了一次袭击be st

26、ruck with(by) 为所袭击,为所触动/感动it strikes me that 我觉得;我的印象是3. consideration n.考虑;体谅1. Your suggestion is under consideration.2. John never showed any / had no consideration for anyone. 他从来不替他人着想。3. Cost is an important consideration for me when I buy new clothes. 我买新衣服时,价钱是考虑的一个重要因素。4. When you want to b

27、uy something, you need to take the price into consideration.当你买东西的时候,你需要考虑到价格.拓展:consider vt.考虑,思考,认为consider doing sth 考虑做某事be considered as / to be 被认为是considerate (adj.) 替人着想的 考虑周到的be considerate of others 能体谅别人的considerable adj.相当大(或多)的,相当可观的.the first consideration 第一要件,头等要事 take sth. into cons

28、ideration 考虑到 1 .I am considering going abroad.我正在考虑出国.2 .She is always considerate of her mother.她总是很体贴她的母亲.3. He made a considerable sum of money in the food industry.他做饮食生意赚了大笔钱.4. deliver vt. 递送;发表(演说等) ,生(小孩)1. Some new books have been delivered to the school.一些新书已被送到学校.2. Her aunt delivered a

29、baby boy this morning.今天早晨她姑姑生了个小男孩.3. He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会议上发表了重要演说.拓展:deliver a baby 接生;生(小孩) delivery n.递送1. There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.星期日不送信.5. condition n.条件;状况conditions(pl.)环境;条件;形势1. The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessne

30、ss. 宇航员们很快就适应了失重的状态。2. My computers a few years old, but its in really good condition. 我的电脑用了好几年了,但是性能还是很好。3. The condition of my health prevents me from working hard.我的身体状况使我不能努力工作.4. What are housing conditions like in your country now?现在你们国家的住房形势怎么样?拓展: be in good/poor/excellent condition处于某种状态中

31、She is often in top condition.on condition ( that ) 在条件下/倘若/如果/假如你要穿上大衣才可以出去。You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.on no condition 一点也不,决不你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。You must on no condition tell him what happened.incondition在条件/环境下in good condition 状况良好,保存得好in poor condition 状况不佳,破烂不堪in condition 身体好,健康out of condition 身体不好,不健康on one condition 有一个条件in/under favourable conditions 在有利的形势下Keys:1. condition 2. conditio

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