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1、GRE完成句子题讲义GRE完成句子题(Sentence Completions)讲义1基本概况:每个VERBAL SECTION中出现57个句子完成题。此类题型不仅仅是考察词汇,更是考察考生的problem-solving能力。2题型:单空题、双空题3ETS选项设置规律:按排除法设计选项!每道题至少可以排除2个选项,有时甚至可以排除4个!例一:Museums that house many paintings and sculptures are good places for students of _.A. artB. scienceC. religionD. dichotomyE. po

2、litics例二:Museums that house many elaborate talismans are good places for students of _.A. artB. scienceC. religionD. dichotomyE. politics例三:Museums, because they house not just paintings, but paintings that depict human anatomy with great accuracy, are good places for students of _.A. ArtB. ScienceC

3、. ReligionD. DichotomyE. Politics例四:Museums, because they house paintings and sculptures that reflect the development of different governing institutions, are good places for students of _.A. ArtB. ScienceC. ReligionD. DichotomyE. Politics4解题基本步骤:1)只读题干,不读选项。2) 在题干中找出线索词或线索短语。2)用自己理解后的词汇范畴意义填空。(动词:整

4、、搞、干; 名词:东西、玩意儿)3)逐一排除与自己理解后的词汇范畴意义不匹配的选项。例五:Popular songs often describe the history of a society in that their subjects are frequently the events that have influenced and steered the society.A. confuseB. renounceC. recountD. foreseeE. confront课堂练习1(单空题):1. Although a few of the plot twists in her

5、novel were unexpected, overall, the major events depicted in the work were _ enough. A. livelyB. well developedC. predictableD. complexE. creative 2. A recent poll shows that, while 81 percent of college students are eligible for some form of financial aid, only 63 percent of these students are _ su

6、ch aid. A. complaining aboutB. recipients ofC. dissatisfied withD. paying forE. turned down for3. A business concerned about its efficiency should pay attention to the actions of its staff, because the mistakes of each of its employees often _ the effectiveness of the organization of which they are

7、a part. A. remakeB. provokeC. celebrateD. undermineE. control4. Langston Hughess creative works were the highlight, not the _, of his writings; he was also a prolific writer of nonfiction and political commentary. A. peculiarityB. productC. initiatorD. averageE. entirety5. Despite her reputation as

8、a laid-back person, the professor announced that she would no longer _ students arriving late for class. A. punishB. countenanceC. evinceD. regaleE. portray6. Dr. Wansors lack of confidence _ the respect with which he was regarded by most of the astronomical community. A. focusedB. vindicatedC. aggr

9、andizedD. obviatedE. belied7. Because Congressman Green is known for his public posturing, many people are surprised to discover that he is _ man in private. A. an articulateB. a hopefulC. a diffidentD. a mendaciousE. a truculent课堂练习1(单空题)答案:1. Although a few of the plot twists in her novel were une

10、xpected, overall, the major events depicted in the work were _ enough. A. livelyB. well developedC. predictableD. complexE. creative 2. A recent poll shows that, while 81 percent of college students are eligible for some form of financial aid, only 63 percent of these students are _ such aid. A. com

11、plaining aboutB. recipients ofC. dissatisfied withD. paying forE. turned down for3. A business concerned about its efficiency should pay attention to the actions of its staff, because the mistakes of each of its employees often _ the effectiveness of the organization of which they are a part. A. rem

12、akeB. provokeC. celebrateD. undermineE. control4. Langston Hughess creative works were the highlight, not the _, of his writings; he was also a prolific writer of nonfiction and political commentary. A. peculiarityB. productC. initiatorD. averageE. entirety5. Despite her reputation as a laid-back pe

13、rson, the professor announced that she would no longer _ students arriving late for class. A. punishB. countenanceC. evinceD. regaleE. portray6. Dr. Wansors lack of confidence _ the respect with which he was regarded by most of the astronomical community. A. focusedB. vindicatedC. aggrandizedD. obvi

14、atedE. belied7. Because Congressman Green is known for his public posturing, many people are surprised to discover that he is _ man in private. A. an articulateB. a hopefulC. a diffidentD. a mendaciousE. a truculent5句子意义走向方位词和特殊标点符号:Change DirectionSame Directionbutalthoughunlessratheryetpreviouslyw

15、hilehoweverunfortunatelyin contrastdespitewhereasthussimilarlyandthereforeheretofore; (semicolon): (colon)例六:In American film, some character actors have found it _ to gain widespread recognition, although within the smaller community of actors directors, and producers they are highly regarded.A. di

16、fficultB. acceptableC. unsatisfactoryD. relatively simpleE. discouraging6.如何使用 褒义词positive connotation/贬义词negative connotation关系进行排除例七:Despite the fact that over time the originally antagonistic response to his sculpture had lessened, to this day, hardly any individuals _ his art.A. applaudB. castig

17、ateC. evaluateD. denounceE. ignore7. 双空题: 相对而言双空题比单空题简单!做题步骤:1) 集中精力找出其中一个空格的线索词或线索短语(通常是第二个空格)。2) 用自己理解后的词汇范畴意义填空。(动词:整、搞、干; 名词:东西、玩意儿)3) 逐一排除与自己理解后的词汇范畴意义不匹配的选项。注: 必须两个空格都与句子逻辑匹配!例八The critic gave the new movie a _ review, writing that although the plot and visual effects were strong, the acting w

18、as weak.A. controversialinevitableB. tepid mediocreC. candidsuperbD. stellaruninspiredE. mixedconscientious4) 褒义词positive connotation/贬义词negative connotation关系在双空题中尤为重要!例九Although he asserted his theology was derived from _ school of thought, it actually utilizes conventions from many religions and

19、so it rightfully could be described as having 复杂多样的 origins.A. a particulardiverseB. a cogent multitalentedC. a prominent coherentD. an influential reductiveE. a singleconsonant5) 使用关联性与对立性关系例十The notion that socialism inhibits individual expression is supported by historical studies that have shown

20、 that individualism has _ only in societies where socialist programs have been _.A. diminisheddebatedB. thrivedabandonedC. grownfosteredD. triumphedimprovedE. wallowedrestrained课堂练习2:1. Although this strain of bacteria has _ effects on certain animals, scientists have found no evidence that it is ha

21、rmful to humans. A. constrainedB. deleteriousC. questionableD. salutaryE. regenerative2. The final proposal represented a _ of the committees ideas: the opinions and perspectives of the diverse members were each taken into account. A. revisionB. misinterpretationC. synthesisD. repetitionE. failure3.

22、 Mr. Portnoy is a colorful and _ commentator, equally knowledgeable in matters of art, music, theology, and politics. A. pleasantB. versatileC. prosaicD. panoramicE. heretical4. Kreisher could not allow her criticism to remain _; she openly _ the members of the task force for their indolence and lac

23、kadaisical attitude: A. judgmentalscoldedB. constantexcoriatedC. tacitextolledD. unspokencensuredE. unheeded.cited5. Modern writers, _ to drape reality with pretty phrases, show us everything, from the putrid to the pure, with a grim _. A. aspiringreality B. hesitating.innocuousness C. purportingdet

24、ermination D. disdaining.candor E. endeavoringfascination6. Although in dry seasons mosses may appear to be dead, they can _ through periods of extended drought, and will quickly _ with the first rain. A. endurerecover B. thriveflourish C. declinerecuperate D. survivedeteriorate E. germinaterevive7.

25、 While some of the information in the book will be shocking to readers, most of what the author writes is really quite _. A. immoral B. dubious C. severe D. interesting E. banal8. The congressman _ the weaknesses of the trade bill only because it was _ by his party, instead of the opposition. A. ove

26、rlooked.examined B. denounced.created C. ignored.promulgated D. denied.deciphered E. discussed.presented9. Moby Dick, now regarded as a great work of American literature, was virtually _ when it was first published, and it was not until many years later that Melvilles achievements were_. A. lampoone

27、djustified B. unknown.relegated C. hailedunderstood D. literaterecorded E. ignoredrecognized10. Although the Supreme Court has upheld the power of jury nullification, most jurors are unaware of their right to acquit a defendant even if the evidence suggests that the defendant is guilty, and therefor

28、e they rarely _ the power of nullification. A. wield B. understand C. reject D. contradict E. evaluate课堂练习2答案:1. Although this strain of bacteria has _ effects on certain animals, scientists have found no evidence that it is harmful to humans. A. constrainedB. deleteriousC. questionableD. salutaryE.

29、 regenerative2. The final proposal represented a _ of the committees ideas: the opinions and perspectives of the diverse members were each taken into account. A. revisionB. misinterpretationC. synthesisD. repetitionE. failure3. Mr. Portnoy is a colorful and _ commentator, equally knowledgeable in ma

30、tters of art, music, theology, and politics. A. pleasantB. versatileC. prosaicD. panoramicE. heretical4. Kreisher could not allow her criticism to remain _; she openly _ the members of the task force for their indolence and lackadaisical attitude: A. judgmentalscoldedB. constantexcoriatedC. tacitextolledD. unspokencensuredE. unheeded.cited5. Modern writers, _ to drape reality with pretty phrases, show u

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