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1、顾客满意度指数模型的演变和未来顾客满意度指数模型的演变和未来摘要一些国内和国际的顾客满意度晴雨表在过去十年中已经实施。在大多数情况下,这些顾客满意度指标被嵌入在因果联系或满意度模型的系统中,但模型中用以衡量顾客满意度与关系构建中至关重要的指数的有效性和可靠性还在反复的研究和改进,以使它更贴近实际。关键词:顾客满意 顾客满意度晴雨表1、引言瑞典顾客满意度晴雨表(Fornell,1992)作为全国乃至国际性的顾客满意度指数的基础,已在美国(Fornell,Johnson,Anderson,Cha,&Bryant,1996)、挪威(Andreassen&Lindestad,1998)实施。而且指数也

2、已在新西兰、奥地利、韩国和欧洲联盟试行。这些指数是否能发展成为全球指标,更重要的它会以何种形式发展,这都是有待研究的。这种模型中用以衡量顾客满意度与关系构建中至关重要的指数有效性和可靠性在不断学习,而且更贴近实际,并且被反复改进。作为对顾客满意度测评的方式,它也符合Poiesz Von Grumbkow(1998)为了解经济“繁荣”而对于公共事业所作的总体框架。这一框架作为一件经济福祉使每个人组成一个整体的生活品质。其他领域包括健康评估、社会文化背景、政治自由和安定。经济福祉本身是有三个方面组成,工作满足感、收入评价、消费者或客户满意。在整体层面上,Poiesz Von Grumbkow等同于


4、42家公司(企业对消费者、企业对企业)。近些年,在开发中试用的欧洲顾客满意度指数(ECSI)横跨四大行业,欧洲联盟的11个国家(Eklof,2000)。再看全国指数,我们特别注意ACSI模型的规格,这种模型是原瑞典模型的演变,它适用于X围较小的新西兰和XX(Fornell,1996)、奥地利(Hackl、Scharitzer &Zuba,1996)是被用来作为在挪威和欧盟测试指标的基础。因此,模型演变的关键是制定最佳模型规格。5、总结和讨论一些国内和国际顾客满意度指数晴雨表在过去十年中已经实施。在大多数情况下,这些顾客满意度指标被嵌入在因果联系或满意度模型的系统中。这种模型中用以衡量顾客满意度








12、fsson,2000)。但是,从总体上看,我们的成绩是很可观的。如同预计的那样,纯粹的价格构建充当顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度的桥梁会影响顾客对企业形象满意的累计。NCSB新模型在解释顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度上较其他国内指数模型更加显著,并且能作为未来全国性指数模型的基础来服务大众。我们的研究有一个潜在的局限,那就是它是基于一个小型的经济数据。但是。作为一个拥有非常开放竞争的市场的挪威,被认为是很好的测试实验模型的国家。展望未来,这对考验新模型能否在更广泛的工业产业和国家实施来说是很重要的。The evolution and future of national customer satisfacti

13、on index modelsAbstractA number of both national and international customer satisfaction barometers andindices have been introduced in the last decade. For the most part, these satisfaction indicesare embedded within a system of cause and effect relationships or satisfactionmodel. Yet there has been

14、 little in the way of model development. Of critical importance to the validity and reliability of such indices is that the models and methods used to measure customer satisfaction and related constructs continue to learn, adapt and improve over time. The primary goal of this research is to propose

15、and test a number of modifications and improvements to the nationalindex models. Using survey data from the Norwegian Customer Satisfaction Barometer (NCSB), we find general support for the proposed modifications. Keywords: Customer satisfaction National barometers 1. IntroductionCustomer satisfacti

16、on has taken on national and international significance with the development of national satisfaction barometers and indices in Sweden (Fornell, 1992), the US (Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, & Bryant, 1996) and Norway (Andreessen&Lindestad, 1998). Indices have also been pilot tested in New Zealand

17、, Austria, Korea and the European Union. It remains to be seen whether these indices will develop on a global level and, importantly, in what form. Of critical importance to the validity and reliability of such indices is that the models and methods used to measure customer satisfaction and related

18、constructs continue to learn, adapt, and improve over time. Viewing satisfaction as a form of consumption utility is also consistent with Poiesz and von Grumbkows (1988) general framework for understanding economic “well being”. This framework views economic well being as one ponent of an individual

19、s overall quality of life. Other domains include evaluations of health, socio-cultural context, political freedom and stability. Economic well-being is itself posed of three sub-ponents, job satisfaction, ine evaluation, and consumer or customer satisfaction. At an aggregate level, Poiesz and von Gr

20、umbkow equate this customer satisfaction with customer welfare. It is this welfare-based or cumulative view of satisfaction upon which the prominent national satisfaction indices are built.2. The evolution of national satisfaction index modelsEstablished in 1989, the Swedish Customer Satisfaction Ba

21、rometer (SCSB) was the first truly national customer satisfaction index for domestically purchased and consumed products and services (Fornell, 1992). It has historically included approximately 130 panies from 32 of Swedens largest industries. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) was intr

22、oduced in the fall of 1994 and reports results for approximately 200 panies from 34 industries (Fornell, 1996). The Norwegian Customer Satisfaction Barometer (Andreassen & Lervik, 1999; Andreassen & Lindestad, 1998) was introduced in 1996 and, as of 1999, reports results for 42 panies in 12 differen

23、t industries (both business-to-consumer and business-to-business). The most recent development among indices is a pilot test of the European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) across four industries and 11 countries in the European Union (Eklf, 2000). In reviewing the national indices, we pay partic

24、ular attention to the ACSI model specification. This model is an evolution of the original Swedish model, has been adopted on a smaller scale in New Zealand and Taiwan (Fornell, 1996) and Austria (Hackl, Scharitzer, Zuba, 1996), and is the basis for the models being used in Norway and the EU. A crit

25、ical evaluation of the model is, therefore, important to develop the best possible model specification. 5. Summary and discussionA number of both national and international customer satisfaction barometers and indices have been introduced in the last decade, most of which are embedded within a syste

26、m of cause and effect relationships (satisfaction models). Of critical importance to the validity and reliability of such indices is that the models and methods used to measure customer satisfaction and related constructs continue to learn, adapt, and improve over time. Building on recent findings a

27、nd current research trends, we propose and test a number of modifications and improvements to the national index models that are now part of the Norwegian Customer Satisfaction Barometer (NCSB) model. We find general support for the proposed modifications using data from the NCSB survey. We summariz

28、e and discuss our findings with respect to each of the proposed changes. One change was to add multiple benchmark parisons for price to isolate a perceived price index. The model successfully isolates perceived price, and by removing “value” from the model and replacing it with price, we remove the

29、overlap that exists between value and quality in, for example, the ACSI and ECSI models. We also argued that price may have a direct effect on loyalty over and above its indirect effect via satisfaction. This is because satisfaction, as an attitude-type construct, may only partially mediate the effe

30、ct of quality and price on loyalty. The direct effect of price attractiveness on satisfaction was positive and significant in four of five industries, bus transportation being the exception. The path coefficients range from 0.13 for airlines to 0.30 for banks. The direct effect of price on loyalty i

31、s significant in two of the five industries, airlines and banks (path coefficients of 0.096 and 0.098, respectively). These results are consistent with the prediction that, in some industries, customers reweigh the importance of price when moving from satisfaction to loyalty evaluations. It is not s

32、urprising that the direct effect of price on loyalty is greatest in two price-petitive industries, airlines and banks. Building upon the original NCSB model, our proposed model also includes two relationship mitment variables. Affective mitment captures more of the positive (or negative) relationshi

33、p and trust that has built up between pany and customer over time. Calculative mitment captures more of the economic consequences or costs associated with switching product or service providers. Both constructs are positively affected by satisfaction in four of five industries. As for the effect of price on satisfaction, t

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