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1、高考英语完成句子综合练习题120 湖北省历年(20072010)高考英语完成句子(2007年)31.They sat together around the table, with_ (门关着)。(shut) 32.I havent the slightest idea_ (他正在说什么)。(talk)33.The fact _ (他失败了数次) makes him very upset.(he,fail)34.Last night,John was answering the letters that _ (寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive)35

2、.He believes that children _(应允许学习) at their own pace.(allow)36.She has an excellent _ (对名字的记忆力),which helps her quite a lot in her work.(memory)37._(他是否出过国) doesnt make much difference.(he, abroad)38.The factorys output of cars this years is _(大约是去年的三倍).(as,great)39.Not only _(要帮助) the disabled to

3、find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)40.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones;he _ (可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)(2008年)31._ (最长的三条河流) in the world are the Niles, Amaz

4、on, and Changjiang River. (long)32.Seldom _video games ever since they entered college.(play)33.The city _(我成长的) is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)34._(我花了) one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week.(cost)35.I feel so sick. I wish Mum_(没有逼我) to eat so much.(force)36.-Youd better go and _

5、(把你的轿车洗洗). -No.Ill do it myself.(wash)37.With the rapid development of science and technology, I cant imagine _(我的家乡会是什么样子) in ten years. (what)38.It is your efforts ,not your intelligence, _(决定) your success.(determine)39.He looks sleepy. He must _(熬夜了) last night.,Writing the essay.(stay) 40.At pr

6、esent, lots of food,water,tents, and medicine_(正在运往) all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas.(transport)(2009年)71._(多亏了) her assistance ,we succeed in starting the engine.(owe)72.When you are finished with electric iron, dont forget _(关掉它) (turn)73.During his las

7、t lecture, the scientist_(觉得) easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge. (find)74._(获得奖学金) gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.(win)75.If times _(变了), have our ways of thinking changed too?(change)76.At the award ceremony, Mr. Jackson sa

8、id,”For me, there has been _(没有更大的回报) than your support.” (great)77._(任何计划好了的事) is sure to change as one puts it into practice.(whatever)78.Such knowledge is still useful_(当应用) to similar situations in other countries.(when)79.After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship receiv

9、ed the demand from the groud that _(它着陆) as scheduled the next day.(land)80.Learning strategies, to _(老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(attach)(2010年)71.Only if people of all the countries are united_(我们才能解决) the existing problems in the world.(solve)72._(油漆成) red,

10、the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. (paint)73._(不会用) a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research. (use)74.The news _(房价将要下跌) has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices. (fall)75.After she completes the projects, shell have_(没有

11、什么要担心的).(worry)76.Mr Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention _(讨论) at the meeting.(discuss)77.My mother was so proud of all_ (我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)78.Last night9 TV news said that by then the death of the missing people _(未证实). (prove)79.It is said that

12、 they have swum to the island from the continent, but they_(不可能做到) because the ocean in between is too wide.(do)80._(正如我们所强调的那样)many times, ”serve the people ” is our first policy. (stress)第二部分完成句子专项训练动词的时态、语态1. Till now, serious damage _ (引起) by a powerful earthquake which swept across Wenchuan in

13、Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. (cause)2. After the meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao walked onto the platform, seated himself in a chair and _ (准备回答问题). (prepare)3. Thee new bridge _ (设计出) by the end of 1ast month. (design)4. Rainforests _ (砍伐) at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in

14、 the near future. (cut)5. The woman _ (受骗) by the businessmans offer of marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money. (take)6. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ (还没决定) yet. (decide)7. One year ago, we _ (搬到乡下) to get a healthier life and environment to raise our two sons. (move)8.

15、 He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ (大学毕业) next year. (graduate)9. At this time tomorrow we _ (飞过大西洋). (fly)10. A new cinema _ (在建) here and it is hoped to be finished next month. (build)11. Nowadays, the government _ (尽全力采取措施) to prevent the spread of the A/H1N1 flu. (try

16、)12. In my childhood, my grandma _ (经常提醒)me to pay attention to my table manners. (remind)13. You neednt hurry her, _ (她会完成) the work by the time you are ready. (finish)14. Shirley _ (在写一本书) last year but I dont know whether she has finished it. (write)15. Mr. Smith _ (在这所学校工作) for twenty years when

17、 he holds a party next week. (work)16. Ive brought my tennis things along in case we _ (有时间比一次赛) tomorrow. (have)17. I dont think Jim saw me; he _ (凝视着) me sky. (stare)18. The thief _ (正巧被注意到) when he was stealing a wallet from a woman. (happen)19. It was the third time that she _ (得到通知) that she ha

18、d to attend the meeting the next morning. (inform)20. No sooner _ (到实验室) than he set out to do the experiment. (get)非谓语动词1. We all know that television has so many advantages: it keeps us_ (了解最近的新闻), and also provides entertainment. (inform)2. I meant _ (拜访) you, but I was so busy. (call)3. Toms par

19、ents do not allow Tom _ (自已一个人去游泳). (go)4. Prices of daily goods _ (网上选购的) can be lower than store prices at the present. (buy)5. _ (被自然之美所吸引), the two girls from Paris decided to spend another two days on the farm. (attract)6. Peter could do nothing but _ (向妈妈承认) that he was wrong. (admit)7. Having

20、 a trip in the beautiful city is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ (看) whether they will enjoy it. (see)8. Since telegrams are paid by the word and every word costs money, people always try _ (使用) as few words as possible. (use)9. _ (考虑到他还只是个小孩), we didnt punish him. (consider)10.

21、I dont know whether you happen _ (听说过) that Im going to study in England next month. (hear)11. Though _ (缺钱), he managed to build a new house. (lack)12. I dont believe what you have said. It is not like her, an excellent student, _ (考试作弊). (cheat)13. A great deal of work has been done _ (提高人民的生活水平).

22、 (improve)14. _ (迷失在大山里) for a few days, the three boys were finally saved by the local farmers. (lose)15. The ending of the novel is that the millionaire died without anyone _ (知道) where the coins were hidden. (know)16. The agreements let governments trace the money _ (藏匿在国外的) and make it easier to

23、 punish officials who have fled overseas. (hide)17. Each day, about one hundred thousand cars cross the bridge, _ (带人们) to and from the big city. (take)18. Coins usually are made of many different kinds of metal _ (混合在一起). (mix) . 19. The most popular way _ (泡茶) in offices is to take a cup or a pot

24、of hot wafer and drop into it a cotton bag with tea. (make)20. It is a daily newspaper, _ (星期一到星期六出版) with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week. (come)情态动词和虚拟语气1. Miss Zhang _ (本应六点就到了) for the meeting, but she didnt appear. (arrive)2. Your homework _ (必须交) before the classis over. (hand)3.

25、 - He will come tomorrow. - But Id rather he _ (后天来). (come)4. If it _ (不是互联网), everything would be very different. (be)5. Supposing that I was still a little child, I _ (努力学习) from now on. (study)6. I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She _ (不可能发言) at the meeting. (speak)7. I was very

26、 busy last week;otherwise, I _ (来看你). (see)8. We _ (可能已经死了) without your help. (die)9. - I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. - It _ (可能不是真的) because I havent heard about it. (be)10. Had I taken my umbrella with me when I came out this morning, I _ (就不会淋湿了) now. (wet)11. You _ (不可以带书) out of the reading room. (take)12. How I wish every family _ (有一个大房子) with a beautiful garden! (have)13. How dangerous it was! But for the passer-bys quick action, the little girl _ (就被淹死了). (drown)14. One _ (不应该受到惩罚) for what one hasnt done. (puni

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