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1、SAT家喻户晓的小众例子英汉对照SAT家喻户晓的小众例子Billy BeaneBilly Beane is the manager of Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball. He is famous for making Oakland Athletics, an ordinary even less than ordinary team stand out among MLB. His fresh ways of operation and management become popular after the publication of

2、 Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, which was turned into a movie in 2011.Among the competitive MLB, Billy Beanes team was only third grade in terms of staff, equipment or fund. However, with the help of his friend Peter, by his own unique management skills and contrary thinking, he looke

3、d and called together some baseball members who were bad-tempered or not good on surface but proficient in certain area of baseball sport. Of course, this move caused a great sensation and argumentation among the coaches and other managers, who forbade Billys members entering the field. In order to

4、change the system, Billy sold out other members who seemed to play well, so the other managers had no choice but to let his members play. Regardless of criticism and question, Billy led his team to the victory and even to the degree that can compete with the strong New York Yankees.It was Billys uni

5、que management styles and the courage to fight against the old system that led his team to victory.比利比恩比利比恩是美国职棒大联盟奥克兰运动家队的总经理,他以带领运动家队立足于美国职棒大联盟而著名。他新奇的球队管理经营方式也因魔球逆境中制胜的智慧一书而闻名,该书于2011年改编成电影。在竞争激烈的美国职业棒球联盟,比利的奥克兰运动家棒球队无论在人员和物资配备以及资金实力都仅仅是下三流之列。然而凭借比利比恩的逆向思维的经营方式,在好友的帮助下,他物色召集了一批表面看起来都优缺点,性格偏激但骨子里却

6、都拥有在棒球运动某方面的超强能力的队员。当然他的这一行为引起了极大的轰动和争议,其他的经理教练甚至不允许他的球员上场比赛。但是比利坚持自己的想法,将队里其他的优秀队员卖到其他俱乐部,其他经理教练别无它法只能让他的队员上场。在一片质疑和批评中,比利带领他的队伍取得了胜利甚至可以和实力强劲的洋基队比肩。正是比利独特的管理模式以及向老旧的模式挑战的勇气带领球队走向胜利。Marie ColvinMarie Colvin, a famous American female journalist. Before her death, she worked as war correspondent for

7、Times. On February 22, 2012, she was killed by bomb when Syria government forces bombarded Holmes. She was born for reporting news, fighting for humanity until becoming immortal in the warfare. “If you cannot stop the war, then tell the truth about the wars to the world”, and this is the lasting mot

8、to for war correspondent.Born in beautiful American Long Island in 1956, she was a top student of Yale University majored in literature. During her senior year, she participated in a seminar, which was about the report of the Hiroshima bombing made the famous journalist John Hersey. This masterpiece

9、 of American 20th century press deeply shocked Marie Colvin. Since 1986, Colvin had been living in the flames of war. In 2001, Colvin went to Sri Lanka to report warfare news and unfortunately she was attacked by the government force. At last she survived but she lost her left eye forever. Colvin pu

10、t on a black eyeshade and rushed to another battlefield. Death just threatened her aggressively, but she got faith to fight against it. She insisted that the public had the right to know what the army did in name of them and it is true that many people were waiting for your reports and they cared th

11、e misfortune and wanted to stop it when you went through fire and water.By virtue of the reports in Chechnya and Kosovo, she won the “Courage Award” issued by IWMF. She also won the English “Best Journalist Stationed Abroad” due to her reports in Yugoslav. Colvin said, “I always concentrate on the h

12、umanity in the war and it does not seem remote and unfamiliar to those people living the peaceful world.”玛丽科尔文玛丽科尔文(Marie Colvin),著名美国籍女记者,生前任英国星期日泰晤士报资深战地新闻记者。2012年2月22日,在叙利亚政府军炮击霍姆斯市时被炸身亡。她为报道而生、为人性而战,直至在战火中得到永生。“如果你没法阻止战争,那你就把战争的真相告诉世界”,这是战地记者永远的格言。1956年出生在美国纽约长岛,她曾经是耶鲁大学英语文学专业的高材生,大四那年,她参加了一场研讨会


14、基金会的“勇气奖”,此前,她还曾凭借在前南斯拉夫的报道获得了英国“最佳驻外记者奖”。 科尔文说:“我注重的是战争中的人性。它让处于和平环境的人们也不觉得遥远和陌生”。Bernard Law MontgomeryBernard Law Montgomery is an English strategist and also field marshal. He is one of the most famous commanders during the Second World War, especially well-known for Battle of El Alamein and The

15、 Normandy Invasion.Montgomerys father was much older than his mother, so gradually the young wife became arrogant and willful due to husbands spoil. Whats more his mother hated dirtiness very much. Therefore, in this family the young and naughty child Montgomery did not get much affection. Once he b

16、roke his mothers favorite fish tank. His mother drew him a conclusion that he would succeed in doing nothing except for serving as cannon fodder. Young Montgomery was really hurt by these words and he did not believe that his mother would curse on him like this. Later he began to be very careful and

17、 did everything according to his mothers mood. Living in this family, he accidentally cultivated his observation ability and willpower. He did not sink into his mothers indifference, and instead he grew up during military life. The childhood experience turned him into an extremely independent person

18、 and Commander Montgomery in the future.He is not an ordinary commander, but the commander among the commanders. He enjoyed the reputation and elevated prestige in the field military.伯纳德劳蒙哥马利伯纳德劳蒙哥马利,英国杰出的军事家,陆军元帅,第二次世界大战中杰出的指挥官之一。著名的阿拉曼战役和诺曼底登陆为其军事生涯的两大杰作。蒙哥马利生在一个老夫少妻的家庭,丈夫对自己的妻子宠爱有加,让年轻的妻子养成了任性骄纵的

19、习惯。而且她还有洁癖,十分讨厌肮脏。小时候的蒙哥马利十分顽皮,在家中并不受宠爱。一次他打碎了他母亲最喜爱的一个花瓶,然后他的母亲给他下了个结论说他除了当炮灰,将来什么也做不成,做不来。 这句话给蒙哥马利带来了极大的伤害,他不敢相信自己的母亲会这样诅咒自己。蒙哥马利由此性情大变,开始小心翼翼按照母亲情绪做事。在这样的家庭环境下,他意外地培养了自己的观察力和意志力。他并没有沉沦在母亲的漠视中而是在军旅生活中慢慢成长。童年的生活经历成就了后来的蒙哥马利。他不是一位普通的而是将军中的将军。他在世界军事领域也享有声誉和崇高的威望。 3 Idiots3 Idiots is an Indian comedy

20、 film showed in 2009. It has become the highest grossing Bollywood film of all time in India. It also broke all opening box office records in India and won many awards in the film fare.One of the main heroes in the movie was named Rancho. Ranchos was a son of a gardener working for a rich family. He

21、 is smart, docile and naughty. He, with the identity of his host, went to college with the only task to get a diploma. He studied mechanism for his real interest on it and he asserted that we should transform our passion into occupation. However, at school the professors attached more importance to

22、the book knowledge rather than practical use, so Rancho always infuriated his professors. His professor even asserted that he would be sifted out. When he was driven out of one classroom, he would go into another one. To him everything was new and he could learn a lot. In the end of the story, Ranch

23、o became a well- known scientist and found a school for children to learn science for practical use.Ranchos most famous saying is that however big the problem, tell your heart “all is well”. No matter what happened, he kept a usual mind and sticked to himself. He insisted on that doing what you real

24、ly want to do is really being yourself.三傻三傻是一部上映于2009年的印度喜剧片。它已经成为印度票房最高的宝莱坞电影,它同时打破了所有的印度票房记录,在电影大赏上获得诸多奖项。电影中其中一个主人公叫兰彻,他的父亲是一个园丁,为一个富人家打工。兰彻很聪明也很淘气。他假装成他主人的身份去上学,为他的主人获得学历。他学习机械是真的对机械感兴趣,他经常说我们应该把我们的兴趣变成职业。然而在学校老师们往往都更注重书本知识而非实际应用。结果兰彻经常惹怒老师,他的老师甚至断言他会被这社会淘汰。他经常被赶出教室,当被赶出来的时候,他就会溜进下一个教室,对他来说,所有的东

25、西都可以学习。故事的最后兰彻成为了一名科学家同时创办了一所学校。兰彻最有名的一句话就是,“无论发生什么事,告诉你的心,一切安好”。无论发生什么,他都保持一个颗平常心,并且坚持做自己。他经常说,做自己想做的事才是真正的做自己。Charles SchulzEveryone knows the famous dog Snoopy, but a few of us know his father, Charles. Schulz. He had won the highest award of cartoon art Re-ben Award twice and in 1978 he was elec

26、ted as “Annul World Cartoonist”. His works are well-known for humor, warm and imagination.Born less than a week, Charles uncle gave a nick name “Spark” to little Charles, which means inspiration. He had been inspiring himself. Charles was born to be a cartoonist because of his talent. However Charle

27、s family was poor. His father took the entire family burden and tried his best to maintain his son at cartoon learning school. Charles was a shy and restless boy. Though he learnt very hard at school, he only got C+ on the “childs drawing” lesson. At the same time, his mother was fighting with cance

28、r. To this poor family, his mothers sickness was one disaster after another. Just when Charles graduated from art school and prepared to sell his works, the Second World War broke out. The military life made Charles realize the importance of peaceful life and he became confident and persistent, whic

29、h played quite an important role in Charles later success. Back to the peaceful world, Charles began his cartoon career. Born to be a cartoonist, Charles got superior talent, so with his wisdom, honesty and art, he created a cartoon world filled with humor, imagination, and warmness.Charles had been

30、 drawing for almost 50 years and he devoted himself to his cartoon world. One of his famous cartoonsPeanuts has been on over 2600 newspapers around 75 countries and translated into 21 languages since its birth on October 2nd, 1950.查尔斯舒尔茨每个人都知道史努比,但是知道史努比创作者查尔斯舒尔茨的人却不多。舒尔茨曾两度获得漫画艺术最高殊荣“鲁本奖”, 1978年被选为


32、成功起着决定性的作用。查尔斯具有很高的漫画天赋,他用机智、正直和极具表现力的艺术,创造了一个独特的充满幽默、幻想、和温馨的漫画世界。查尔斯创作了近50年的漫画,他全身心的投入到漫画世界。花生漫画从1950年10月2日诞生至今,已有75个国家的2600家报纸刊登过,并被翻译成21种语言。Henry R. LuceHenry Luce, the father of the famous magazines, “Times”, “Fortune” and “Life”, is one of most influential medium persons of the 20th century. He is the legend of the media industry who changes the history of American media and creates an empire of media.After graduating from Yale in 1920 and a year of further study in Oxford, Henry Luce stepped into society. He first went to International Combine-harvester Corporate,

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