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最新人教版八年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案 1.docx

1、最新人教版八年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案 1最新人教版八年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案(2016-2017学年度第二学期,标准配套试题,含期中,期末试题)Unit 1Whats the matter单元测试题笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(15分)( B )21.Bobs head feels very hot now.Maybe he has _ fever.Please take him to see _ doctor.Aa;/ Ba;a Cthe;/ Dthe;a( A )22.He cant walk because theres something wrong with h

2、is _.Afeet Barms Cears Dhands( D )23._ her surprise,Peter turned down her invitation.AFrom BOf CWith DTo( D )24.Did you take your _ at home,Linda?Yes.I have a low fever.Its nothing serious.Atrouble Bsituation Cmatter Dtemperature( A )25.I cut myself just now.Well,you _ put some medicine on the cut.A

3、should Bshouldnt Ccant Dmustnt( C )26.The climber hurt himself _ the mountain.Aclimb Bto climb Cclimbing Dclimbed( C )27.What do you think of your classmate Li Gang?I know what you _.I dont like him either.Acontrol Bremember Cmean Dfollow( D )28.The movie star was really tired,but the reporters kept

4、 on _ him questions.Aasks Basked Cto ask Dasking( D )29.Last month,the old woman _ from the bike and hurt her head.Alay down Bput down Cturned down Dfell down( A )30.Who did Cathy go swimming with last Sunday?Nobody.She went swimming by _.Aherself Bitself Chimself Dyourself( D )31.Doctor,I feel bad.

5、I _ all day.I think you have the flu.Arisk Bbreathe Cworry Dcough( D )32.Did you read the story?Of course.It was _ interesting _ I read it twice.Atoo;to Btoo;that Csuch;that Dso;that( A )33.How does Jane go to school?She _ ride a bike to school,but now she _ going there by bus.Aused to;is used to Bu

6、sed to;used toCis used to;used to Dis used to;is used to( B )34.No matter how hard it is,dont _.It will be better in the future.Amake up Bgive up Cput up Dtake up( B )35._?I have a toothache.AHow do you like it BWhats the matterCHow are you DWhat would you like六、完形填空。(10分)Mike doesnt like Mondays.It

7、 is difficult _36_ him to go to school on Mondays.Its already seven,but Mike still _37_ in bed.He is thinking of an excuse (借口),_38_ he doesnt want to go to school.Have a fever?Its _39_His mother can take his _40_Have a headache?No,he has used this excuse many times.Suddenly,he remembers that one of

8、 his teeth is loose (松动的)Great!Mike starts to _41_“Whats wrong,Dear?” Mom asks.“Mom,I have a bad _42_I cant go to school.”“_43_ your mouth and let me have a look.Oh,one of your teeth is loose.Dont cry.Ill call the dentist.”Mike is a little nervous (紧张的)“_44_ do you call the dentist?”“Ill ask him to

9、pull the tooth out.”“Oh,please,Mom.Dont pull it out.It doesnt hurt at all.I have to _45_ now.Ill be late.” With these words,Mike gets out of bed quickly.( A )36.A.for Bof Cwith Din( C )37.A.falls Bsells Clies Dbuys( B )38.A.but Bbecause Cif Dthough( C )39.A.unusual Bright Cimpossible Dcommon( D )40.

10、A.hit Bmoney Cmedicine Dtemperature( A )41.A.cry Bjump Claugh Dcough( D )42.A.fever Bstomachache Cheadache Dtoothache( A )43.A.Open BClean CClose DCheck( C )44.A.When BHow CWhy DWhere( D )45.A.see a dentist Bdo homeworkCgo to bed Dgo to school七、阅读理解。(30分)ANancy,Lisas good friend,is ill.Lisa and her

11、classmates want to visit Nancy.Lisas mom gives her some advice.Call first if possible.Sometimes a sick person may have too many visitors.And he or she may feel tired and want to take a break.For example,if you call Nancy first,you can choose a right time for a visit.At least it will give her a chanc

12、e (机会) to tidy up the room.Be cheerfulThe most important result of your visit may be to make her happy and give her hope.You can talk something funny with her or tell her some jokes.Dont tell her any bad news.Listen to your friend.When people are not feeling well,it is important for them to have a f

13、eeling that someone is listening carefully to them.Wash your hands carefully.Do this before and after a visit.It is the right thing for you.( B )46.How many pieces of advice does Mom give Lisa?AThree. BFour. CFive. DSix.( B )47.What should Lisa do before she visits Nancy?ABuy a gift. BGive Nancy a c

14、all.CTidy up her room. DTake a break.( A )48.Which word has the similar meaning to the underlined word “cheerful” in the third paragraph?AHappy. BTired. CCreative. DSerious.( C )49.The underlined word “It” in the last paragraph means “_”AListening to your friend BVisiting your friendCWashing hands D

15、Giving your friend hope( D )50.What do we know about the sick people?AThey may want to see kids.BThey may like bad news.CThey may like going out.DThey may want to talk to others.BWe know health and happiness are important in our life.Here are some ways to make them easy to get.Eat a balanced diet (均

16、衡饮食)Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables,some grain (谷物) and a little meat.Exercise twice or three times a week.Get enough sleep.It is best to get at least eight hours sleep a day.Keep yourself busy.This is good because it stops you from having bad habits.To keep yourself busy,you can work around the h

17、ouse,spend time with your pet,do sports or enjoy your hobbies.Go out and make friends.Spend time and have fun with them.Talk with them,but try not to talk about anything bad.You should stay with the people who are always happy.( C )51.How often should we exercise if we want to get health and happine

18、ss?AEvery day. BOnce a week.CTwice or three times a week. DOnce a month.( D )52.We usually need at least _ hours sleep a day.Afive Bsix Cseven Deight( C )53.The underlined word “it” refers to (指代) _.Aeating a balanced diet Bexercising moreCkeeping yourself busy Dmaking friends( A )54.Which of the fo

19、llowing is NOT true?AWe can eat a lot of meat to keep healthy.BWe need to take exercise to be healthy.CIts good to make some friends.DWe can spend our free time doing sports.( D )55.Whats the best title for the passage?AEating HabitsBDoing SportsCMaking FriendsDWays to Get Health and HappinessCYou c

20、an easily pick off a thorn (刺) in your body.But if the thorn is in your heart,how will you pick it off?The thorn can be your mistake or secret.Doctor Ralston once told me a true story.One day,a man came to Doctor Ralston with different kinds of trouble:He_had_a_headache,and_he_couldnt_fall_asleep_at

21、_nightDoctor Ralston gave the man some careful exams.然而,他发现这个人什么问题都没有。He said,“If you dont tell me whats worrying you,I cant help you.”The man said that he once cheated (欺骗) his friend.Then Doctor Ralston let the man write to his friend and say sorry to him.When the man put the letter into the post

22、box,he suddenly cried,“Thank you.I think I get well.”The man spoke out his mistake and he corrected it.He picked off the thorn in his heart.He cured (治愈) himself.56将画线句子翻译成中文。他头疼,晚上还睡不着。57将画线句子翻译成英文。However,he_found_nothing_wrong_with_the_man.58What did Doctor Ralston advise the man to do?He_asked_t

23、he_man_to_write_to_his_friend_and_say_sorry_to_him.59Did the doctor help the man?Yes,he_did.60What was the “thorn” to the man?The_“thorn”_was_his_mistake./Its_that_he_once_cheated_his_friend.八、词汇运用。(10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。61All the passengers (乘客) on the bus liked the friendly driver.62She hit (打) him o

24、n the head with a book.63Her daughter works in a hospital as a nurse (护士)64I saw a big dog lying (躺) on the side of the road.65Her mother is sick (生病的)She is in hospital now.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。66Parents should tell children the importance (important) of doing the housework.67Judy made a decision

25、 (decide) to study medicine in America.68Will we be able to do it by ourselves (our) or will we need help?69The death (die) of his dog made him very sad.70What is on the table in the kitchen?Two old knives (knife)九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译。(10分)71当食物吃完时,他们开始吃树叶。When the food ran out,they began to eat leaves.7

26、2这个年轻人用什么切除他的左臂的?What did the young man use to cut off his left arm?73你不必因为这个而冒险。You dont have to take risks because of this.74直到公共汽车停下来才能下车。Dont get off the bus until it stops.75他总是惹事落到警察手里。He is always getting into trouble with the police.十、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分)A:Hi,Ken.You dont look very goo

27、d.76._E_B:I have a cold.A:Why dont you go home?B:I cant.77._B_ But I dont feel well.A:Talk to Carol.She will understand.B:OK.78._F_A:Feel better soon!(In Carols office)B:Hi,Carol.Can I ask for leave (请假)?C:Whats wrong,Ken?79._G_B:No.But I have a sore throat.C:80._D_ You can go home.B:Thanks,Carol.Bu

28、t Im sorry I cant finish the work today.C:Dont worry about your work.Go home and get better!ADo you have a sore throat?BI have too much work to do.CShould I take some medicine?DYou probably have a cold.EWhats the matter with you?FI will go to her office now.GDo you have a fever?十一、书面表达。(15分)假如你是李雪,你

29、昨天晚上身体不舒服,妈妈带你去看医生。医生说你得了重感冒,建议你在家休息两天。你需要向班主任王老师请两天假,请你用英语写一张请假条。要求:70词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:ask for.days/days leave请假天One possible version:Dear Mr. Wang,Im very sorry to tell you that I cant go to school today because I have a bad cold last night.I had a fever and a bad cough.My mother too

30、k me to see the doctor.The doctor said I had a bad cold.He asked me to take some medicine.He also asked me to lie down and rest for two days.So Id like to ask for two days leave.I hope Ill get well and come back to school soon.Thank you!Yours sincerely,Li XueUnit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks单元测试题笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(15分)( B )21.Bobs head feels very hot now.Maybe he has _ fever.Please take him to see _ doctor.Aa;/ Ba;a Cthe;/ Dthe

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