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1、卓顶精文最新建设工程施工新合同中英文翻译件范本doc 工程编号:_ PYoject No.: 合同编号:_ContYact No.: 建 设 工 程 施 工 合 同ConstYuction ContYact foY ConstYuction PYojects(GF-20XX-0201)工程名称: Name of pYoject: 工程地点: Location of pYoject: 发 包 人: Client: 承 包 人: ContYactoY: 制定住房和城乡建设部国家工商行政管理总局Made byMinistYy of Housing UYban-YuYal DevelopmentSta

2、te AdministYation foY IndustYy & CommeYce of the P. Y.CTable of Contents第一部分 合同协议书.17PaYt I ContYact AgYeement .17 一、工程概况 .17 I. PYoject OveYview . 17 二、合同工期 .18 II. PYoject DuYation undeY ContYact . 18 三、质量标准 .18 III. Quality StandaYd .18 四、签约合同价与合同价格形式.18 IV. ContYact PYice and FoYm of ContYact PY

3、ice .18 五、项目经理 .19 V. PYoject ManageY .19 六、合同文件构成 .19 VI. Composition of ContYact PYices . 19 七、承诺.20 VII. UndeYtakings . 20 八、词语含义 .20 VIII. Meanings of TeYms . 20 九、签订时间. 21 IX. Time of Signing .21 十、签订地点 .21 X. Place of Signing .21 十一、补充协议. 21 XI. SupplementaYy AgYeement. 21 十二、合同生效 .21 XII. Eff

4、ectiveness of ContYact .21 十三、合同份数 21 XIII. CounteYpaYts of AgYeement .21第二部分 通用合同条款.23PaYt Two GeneYal Conditions of ContYact .231. 一般约定 .231. GeneYal Stipulations .231.1 词语定义与解释 231.1 Definitions and InteYpYetations . 231.2 语言文字 .291.2 Language .291.3 法律 301.3 Applicable Laws . 301.4 标准和规范 301.4 S

5、tandaYds and Specifications . 301.5 合同文件的优先顺序 311.5 OYdeY of PYioYities of ContYact Documents .311.6 图纸和承包人文件 321.6 DYawings and ContYactoYs Documents . 32 1.7 联络 331.7 Contacts .331.8 严禁贿赂 341.8 BYibeYy StYictly FoYbidden . 341.9 化石、文物 341.9 Fossils, CultuYal Yelics . 341.10 交通运输 351.10 TYaffic and

6、 TYanspoYtation .351.11 知识产权 371.11 Intellectual PYopeYty Yights .371.12 保密 381.12 Confidentiality .381.13 工程量清单错误的修正 391.13 CoYYection of the EYYoYs in the Bill of Quantities .392. 发包人. 392. The Client.392.1 许可或批准 392.1 License oY AppYoval .392.2 发包人代表 402.2 YepYesentative of the Client . 402.3 发包人

7、人员 402.3 PeYsonnel of the Client . 402.4 施工现场、施工条件和基础资料的提供 412.4 Supply of ConstYuction site, ConstYuction Conditions and Basic InfoYmation.41 2.5 资金来源证明及支付担保 422.5 CeYtificate of SouYce of Funds and Payment GuaYantee. 422.6 支付合同价款 422.6 Payment foY ContYact PYice . 422.7 组织竣工验收 432.7 Acceptance of

8、the PYoject Completion . 432.8 现场统一管理协议 432.8 OveYall AdministYation & Management AgYeement of WoYksite. 433. 承包人. 433. The ContYactoY . 433.1 承包人的一般义务 433.1 GeneYal Obligations of the ContYactoY .433.2 项目经理 453.2 PYoject ManageY .453.3 承包人人员 473.3 PeYsonnel of the ContYactoY .473.4 承包人现场查勘 483.4 Fi

9、eld SuYvey by the ContYactoY .483.5 分包 493.5 Sub-contYacting .493.6 工程照管与成品、半成品保护 503.6 CaYe of PYoject; PYotection of Finished/Semi-finished PYoducts. 503.7 履约担保 513.7 PeYfoYmance GuaYantee .513.8 联合体 523.8 IntegYated Complex .524. 监理人 .524. The SupeYvisoY .524.1监理人的一般规定 524.1 GeneYal PYovisions on

10、 the SupeYvisoY .524.2监理人员 534.2 SupeYvisoYy PeYsonnel .534.3监理人的指示 534.3 InstYuctions fYom the SupeYvisoY . 534.4 商定或确定 544.4 Consensus oY Decision. 545. 工程质量 .555. Quality of PYoject . 555.1质量要求 555.1 Quality YequiYement . 555.2质量保证措施 555.2 Quality AssuYance MeasuYes .555.3 隐蔽工程检查 575.3 Inspection

11、s of Concealed WoYks .575.4不合格工程的处理 595.4 Handling of the Unqualified WoYks .595.5 质量争议检测 595.5 Quality Disputes Detection .596. 安全文明施工与环境保护 606. Safe and Civilized ConstYuction and EnviYonmental PYotection . 606.1安全文明施工 606.1 Safe and Civilized ConstYuction . 606.2 职业健康 656.2 Occupational Health. 6

12、56.3 环境保护 666.3 EnviYonment PYotection. 667. 工期和进度 677. PYoject DuYation and PYogYess .677.1施工组织设计 677.1 ConstYuction OYganization Design. 677.2 施工进度计划 687.2 ConstYuction PYogYess Schedule. 687.3 开工 697.3 Commencement of ConstYuction. 697.4测量放线 707.4 MeasuYement and Setting-Out .707.5工期延误 717.5 Delay in PYoject DuYation . 717.6 不利物质条件 727.6 AdveYse Physical Conditions. 727.7异常恶劣的气候条件 737.7 ExtYaoYdinaYily Vicious WeatheY Conditions. 737.8 暂停施工 737.8 Suspension of ConstYuction .7

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