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1、中职英语必备词组1. abandon oneself to sth2. be able to do sth3. be about to do sth4. what(how) aboutabove allgo abroadboth at home and abroadabsence from workhigh/low academic standardsan academic careerby accidentaccompany sbaccuse sthcome/run acrossact asact outtake an actionbe active in sthadapt oneself

2、toaddtoadd toadd upadd up toadmire sthadmit to sth/to doing stha piece of adviceask for adviceadvise doing sthadvise sb.(not)to do sthcan(not)afford to do sthbe afterday after dayone after anothersoon afterthe day after tomorrowafter allagain and againonce againat the age ofagree with ahead of timeg

3、o aheadaim attake aim atby airin the airon the airon the airon the open airin the open airat the airportall alongall at onceall of a suddenall overall over the country/worldall rightall the time at allin allnot at allallow do sthallow doing sthleave come alongread aloudthink aloudcall/cry aloudnot o

4、nlybut alsonot alwaysmore and morebe angry about/at sthbe angry with sbone after anotherone anotheranxious about sthanything butapologize to sb for(doing)sthapologize to someoneargue with sth.argue for /against stharm in armtake up armstake ones armsthe Eight Route Armyget aroundarrive in/at a place

5、asasnotas/soasasas possibleas far asasforas if/thoughas soon asas long assoas toas wellashamed of sth./sbashamed to do sthask for sthask sb for sthask a favour of sbask the wayfall asleepa shop assistantassure sb.assure oneselfat a timeat one timeat all timesat leastat mostat present at the momentat

6、tach importance,significance,value to sthattach oneself to sb.Attempt to do sth.make an attempt onattend a meetingattend schoolattend a patientattract ones attentionaware of sthbe away formright awayat the back of stha piece of baggagebargain with sbbargain with about sbbargain with for sb bargain w

7、ith for sbbargain with sb over sthgo to badmake the badget out of bedlie in bedbehave oneselfbelieve inbelong tobenefit formdo ones bestall the best had betterin the same boatgo boatingbothandBottoms uphave a breakbreak downbreak outat breakfasthave breakfastbring outbring upelder brotheryounger bot

8、hernone of your businessbe busy doing sthbe busy with sthby air/land/seaby bus/car/plane/ship/traina piece of cakecall atcall on call forcall summer campgo campinggo to campcancel outcapable of sth./of doing sthcare fortake care ofcarry on carry outin case(of)in that casecatch up withcatchcatch fire

9、catch hold of(be)caught inin the center offor certainmake certaina chain ofchain storechangeintocheat at sthcheck incheck outchief engineerhave no choice but to do sthhave classesin classafter classbe close toa close frienda suit of clothescoffer cupcatch/take coldcold warcollect stampsgo to college

10、come aboutcome acrosscome aroundcome backcome downcome formcome income oncome outtake command ofin command ofcomparewithcomparetobe concerned to do sthon condition thaton this/that conditionin good conditionin/out of conditionconduct oneselfconduct of sthconnect to/withconductand consider doing sthc

11、onsider(to be /as)consist of sthcontent with sthcontent to do sthbeyond controlout of controltraffic controltopic of conversationdeep in conversationa couple ofin/during the course ofof coursebe covered withice-creambe curious abouta customs officercut downcut incut offcut upin/out of dangerafter/be

12、fore darkin the derkout the dateup-to-datedaughter-in-lawby dayday and nightday after dayone daysome daythe day before yesterdaythe other daydeal witha good/great deal(of)debate on/about over sthunder debatedeclare againstdeclare forto a degreein great demanddepart formdeveloping/developed countryde

13、vote oneself todevote sthkeep a diarydie outdie ofdie fromdining roomdiscuss with sb.In the distancea long distance calldivide intodo some cleaningdo some cookingdo some shoppingdo well inhow do you dosee a doctorhot doga lucky dogdonate sth./sbanswer the door a double beddozens ofdraw a conclusiond

14、raw ones attentiondream of doing sthdress updress oneself/sbbe dressed insoft drinkdrop bydrop indue tooff dutyon dutyeach otherbe eager for sthbe eager to do sthturn a deaf ear to sthearn ones livingon earthtake it easyeitheroror elseencourage sb. to do sth in the end(of)by the end ofend inengage s

15、b.(as sth)in Englishenjoy oneselfenjoy doing sthentertain(sb.)equip oneself/sb./sth(with sth)(for sth)even if/thoughever sincefor everevery otherfor exampleset an example to sbexcept formake an excuse foron exhibitioncarry out/do an experimentexplain express traineye exercisesface tofacemake a

16、 faceas a matter of factin factfail infall asleepfall illfall behindbe familiar tobe familiar withfamily namefamily planningfamily treebe famous asbe famous foras far asfar awayfar fromso faron the farmfather-in-lawin favour ofdo sb. a favourfeel free to do sthfeel like doing sthhave a fevera fewqui

17、te a fewin the fieldbe filled withfill infind outat firstfirst of allbe fit forkeep fitthe ground floorfly a kiteas followsbe fond offast foodinstant foodsnask foodon footforbid doing sthforce sb to do sthforeign languageknife and forkfill in a formfortune-tellerfree of chargesetfreefresh waterfresh

18、 flowersmake friend with sb.from now onfrom then on fromtoin front ofbe full offor funa piece/set of furniturein the futuregamble awayteam gamethe Olympic gamesin generation gapfor generationsyounger generationfrom generation to generationget along withget awayget backget dowmget inget offget onget

19、on with sbget throughget togetherget upget do sthgive awaygive outgive upglance at/dowm/over/through sthglare at sbgo aboradgo awaygo backgo bygo dowmgo fishing/shopping/skating/swimminggo for a walkgo hungrygo in forgo ongo on doing sthgo on to do sthgo on footgo on with ones workgo outgo overgo th

20、rougha gold watchbe good atbe good for sbbe good to sba good deal(of)have a good timethe local governmentthe peoples fovernmentthe peoples governmentgraduate fromthats greatthe great wall of chinaon the goundin the grounda group ofgrow upgrowth in/of sthunder the guidance ofguilty about sthguity of sth

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