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1、广州市中考英语试题解析版docx2021年广东省广州市中考英语试卷一、语法选择(共1小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.(15 分)There was once a farmer who had a large field of corn.He worked on it with the (1) carc but the cornwas dying (2) there had been no rain for a long time.He felt very (3)

2、 .One day, as he stood looking up at the sky, two little raindrops saw him.One said to the other, Look at that farmer.I feel very sorry (4) him.He works so hard in the field, but now it (5 ) up.I wish 1 might help him.Yes, said the other (6) you are only a little raindrop.You cant wet (7) one plant.

3、Well, said the first I know I (8) do much, but perhaps I can cheer him a little.Ill go down to show mysupport, if I cant do (9) more.Here I go!The second one said, WelL I think I can do that, (10) .Here I go! So down went the two raindrops.Onefell on the farmers nose, and the other on a thirsty plan

4、t.Whafs that? The farmer cried (11) raindrop!I do believe well have a shower (阵雨)soon.”By this time other raindrops had seen what (12) did.One said, If you two are doing such a good job, I shallfollow! And down it went. And I! said( 13) . And ! they all said, until a whole shower went down and the c

5、om(14) all because one little raindrop tried its best (15) what it could.(1) A.greatB.greaterC.much greaterD.greatest(2) A.becauseB. whereC.whenD.if(3) A.sadB.sadderC.sadlyD.sadness(4) A.ofB.onC.forD.with(5) dryingC.dricdD.was drying(6) A.butB.soC.andD.though(7) A.justB.onlyC.evenD.yet(8)

6、A.needntB.shouldntC.mustntD.cant(9) A.somethingB .everythingC.anything.nothing(10) A.alsoB.tooC.eitherD.neitherC.give up more easilyD.worry too much(4)What should David do if he wants to stop procrastinating on a writing task? A.Put on some soft music to help think actively.B.Enjoy a favourite ice -

7、 cream, and then start writing.C.Search the Internet for enough ideas before starting.D.Pick up a pen and write down possible starting sentences.第二节阅读填空(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)阅读短文及文后AE选项,选出可以填入4145各题空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。7.(5 分)Few people knew about online food delivery (夕卜卖)apps ten years ago, but today,

8、 many would find it hard to live without them.For better or for worse online food delivery services have changed the way we eat. (1) These sendees no doubt have many advantages.They provide jobs for millions of people and help restaurants find more customers.Since the apps are very easy to use, they

9、 also do good to customers: we can now have meals delivered at any time of day.This is especially important for people who might not have time to cook.Not only do these apps save time, they also provide us with plenty of restaurants to choose from. (2) They can buy meals and foods moreeasily with th

10、ese apps.(3)First they make it even easier (o order unhealthy food.Food safety is another problem: it can be hard (oknow where the food comes from.As delivery men need to send the orders as quickly as possible, some pay little attention to traffic rules. (4) Whafs more, delivery services arc creatin

11、g too much packaging waste, and this willbe harmful to the environment.There are many advantages of online food delivery services* but we need to make sure that we make the right choices in the long run.We should do our best to avoid waste.We also need to make sure what we eat is heakhy.Next time yo

12、u are thinking about ordering in, ask yourself whether you really need to. (5) A.They are useful for old people as well.B.Thcy arc also having a huge influence on our society.C.However, we must not forget the disadvantages of these services.D.Most of the time, its better to buy what you need and coo

13、k by yourself.E.In recent years, a number of people have been hurt or even killed because of (his.四、写作(共三节,满分5分)第一节语篇填词(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)阅读短文,根据上下文和 所给的首字母写出所缺单词。注意使用正确形式,每空限填一词。答卷时,要求写出完整单词。8.(5 分)Yuan Longping (1930 - 2021) is known as the father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻).Seeing people die of hungerwhe

14、n he was young, Yuan decided to find a way to (1 )i rice production and fill peoples bowls.In 1973,he finally developed (he first hybrid rice.Yuan helped China work a great wonder 一 feeding nearly one - fifth of the worlds population with (2 ) 1 than 9% of the worlds total farmland.He not only made

15、a big differenceto the lives of (he (3) C people, but also many in other countries.To this day hybrid rice has beengrown in over 40 countries.I have two (4) d .One is to enjoy the cool under the tall rice, and the other is to grow hybrid riceacross the world, Yuan said.And he worked till the (5) e o

16、f his life to make them come true.第二节完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填 一词)(2分)这个艺术展览太精彩了,不容错过。The art show is miss.9.(2分)这款机器人是由一位十岁的小学生发明的。This robot by a ten - year - old pupil.10.(2分)只有照顾好自己才能更好地帮助别人。Only when you yourself can you help others better.11.(2分)这门课程真有趣!我等不及要上下一课了。 course

17、 it is!I cant wait to have the next class.12.(2分)动笔前,先仔细计划要写什么。Before you start, plan carefully .第三节书面表达(共1题,满分15分)(15分)今天,跳绳世界冠军李华给大家上了一节云体育课。请写一则英文日记,记录这特别的一课。日记需 包括以下要点:1.授课者:李华,14岁,红星中学学生;2.上课内容:跳绳讲解和示范等;3.你的收获和感受。注意:1.参考词汇:跳绳(rope skipping)、冠军(champion);2.词数:80词左右(日记的开头己给出,不计入词数);3.不得透露学校、姓名等任何

18、个人信息,否则不予评分。Monday, May 31 stDear Diary,Today, we had a special online PE lesson. 2021年广东省广州市中考英语试卷试题解析一、语法选择(共1小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.【解答】(1) D.考查形容词比较等级。根据选项可知此题考查great的形式;根据空前the和句意,可知答案为 greatest最大的”;(he greatest care无微不至的关心。故选D。(2)A.连词

19、辨析。A.because因为;B.where在哪里;C.when什么时候:D.if如果。根据F文意思,玉米快要 枯死了,可知句意为:因为长时间没有下雨。故选A。(3)A.考查形容词。根据选项可知此题考查sad的形式;根据谓语动词felt和副词very,可知答案为形容词sad, 系动词feel后跟形容词。故选A。(4)C.考查介词。A.of.的;B.on关于;C.foi为;D.with带有。根据I feel very sorry我感到非常难过”,可知 答案为for,句意为:我为他感到非常难过。故选C。(5)B.动词时态辨析。A.dry _*般现在时态; drying现在进行时态;C.dr

20、ied 般过去时态;D.wasdrying过 去进行时态。根据关键词now,可知句子为现在进行时态。句意为:他在田里干活,但现在玉米干涸。故选B。(6)A.连词辨析。A.bul但是;B.so因此;C.and,并且;D.though虽然。根据句意,但你只是一滴雨点,表示 转折。故选A。(7)C.副词辨析。A .just刚刚;B.only只,仅仅;C.even甚至;D.yet然而。根据结合上文但你只是一滴雨点, 可知句意为”你连一株植物都打湿不了”。故选C。(8)D.情态动词辨析。A.neednt不需要;B.shouldnt不应该;C.mustnt 定不要;D.cant不能。根据句意,我 知道我不

21、能做太多,但也许我可以为他加油。故选D。(9)C.不定代词辨析。根据canl可知句子为否定句,句意为:如果我不能再做任何事情,我会下去表示我的支 持。故选C。(10)B.副词辨析。根据句式I think I can do that,.”和句意”我想我可以”可知答案为too,说明另一个雨点也 同意去帮助农民。故选B(11)A,冠词辨析。根据问句Whats that?和答语中的raindrop 4知答案为a,因为raindrop是单数形式,且为 可数名词。故选A(12)B.代词辨析。根据题干和选项,可知答案为lhey,句意为:这时候其他的雨滴已经看到了他们的所作所为。故选B(13)D.代词辨析。根

22、据句子And down it went. And I!可知这是另一个雨滴说的话,故用anothero句意为:下来了。”还有我! ”另一个说。故选D(14)D.时态辨析。句子的主语为the corn,所给动词为save,主语和谓语之间是被动关系;结合句中动词went down可知句子时态为一般过去时态的被动语态,应用was savedo故选D(15)C.考查动词不定式。根据cried its best可知此句考查固定短语try ones best to do sth”尽某人最大的努力去 做.”,因此填to doo故选C二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,

23、然后从1625各题所给的 A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。2.【解答】(1) B形容词辨析。A滑稽的,B对的,C聪明的,D高兴的。根据下文I never really believed my grandpa until I saw others laughing with me.nJ知,我之前从来都不相信我的祖父,直到经历昨天别人嘲笑我的事,我才相 信他是对的。句意:昨天,我知道他是对的。故选B。(2)C 动词辨析。A 相信,B 担心,C 希望,D 知道,根据 I looked at the long line 以及 could hear the sad noise o

24、f my (3) stomach.可知,披萨队伍排得很长,并且我当时很饿,所以我是希望轮到我的时候还有披萨。句意: 我看着长长的队伍,希望还能有披萨。故选C。(3)D形容词辨析。A蠢的,B活泼的,C强壮的,D空的,根据the sad noise可知,我当时是饿的咕咕叫, 所以胃是空的。句意:我能听到我空着的肚子发出的悲伤的声音。故选D。(4)A形容词辨析。A最后的,B最好的,C最大的,D最便宜的,根据上文I could only see chicken, fish and mashed potatoes (土豆泥).以及I got so exciled可知,我本来只看见鸡肉、鱼和土豆泥,瞥见最

25、后一块牛肉披 萨的时候觉得很开心。句意:然后,从我的眼角,我看到了最后一块牛肉披萨。故选A。(5)B副词辨析。A安静地,B快速地,C礼貌地,D小心地,根据the pizza fell out,可知,是我拿盘子拿得太 快了。句意:我拿纸盘子拿得太快了以至于比萨掉了出来。故选B。(6)A动词辨析。A抓住,B吃,C买,D扔,根据the pizza fell out.可知,我想抓住掉出去的披萨。句意:我 想抓住它,但它落在土豆泥上了。故选A。(7)C名词辨析。A借口,B欢呼声,C嘲笑声,D感谢,根据”My face slarted burning”可知,披萨掉到了土豆 泥里,排队的孩子们在嘲笑我,我觉

26、得很尴尬。句意:我只能听到排队的孩子们的笑声。故选C。(8)B形容词辨析。A生气的,B紧张的,C甜美的,D困的,根据My face started burmingRT知,我因为披 萨掉落,听到周围人的嘲笑声而变的紧张尴尬。句意:我紧张地回答。故选B。(9)A 动词辨析。A 醒来,B 同意,C 理解,D 忘记,根据 I looked around laughing, and wc all laughed together. 可知,我突然清醒r过来,想到祖父跟我说的,不再紧张尴尬,而是和众人一起笑自己的错误。句意:我突然清 醒过来,放松了。故选A。(10) D形容词辨析。A受伤的,B无助的,C骄傲

27、的,D好的,根据第一句:My grandpa always tells me that people who laugh at their own mistakes will get others to laugh along.以及 I looked around laughing, and we all laughed together.可知,我和大家一起笑自己的错误,让我忘记了尴尬,笑声让我觉得很好。句意:笑声让我感觉很好, 而不只是很傻。故选D。三、阅读(共两节,满分30分)第一节阅读理解(共4小题;每小题8分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从26 40各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选

28、项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。3.【解答】(1) C.细节理解题。根据There arent any kids around to play with, said Amy. I have nothing to do.nnJ 知周围没有孩子和我玩,”艾米说:”我无事可做。”因此可知艾米为什么开始不高兴因为她在那里没有任何朋 友。故选C。(2) D.推理判断题。根据She planted a flower garden, answered Miss Brown.Amy looked at Miss Browns roses. Could I, too? Miss Brown handed Amy s

29、ome tools and roses. This w山 get you started.她种 了一个花园,布朗小 姐回答。艾米看着布朗小姐的玫瑰花。”我也可以吗? ”布朗小姐递给艾米一些工具和玫瑰。”这会帮助你开始。Miss Brown smiled, The best way is to read poems first. She handed Amy her book. Thanks, said Amy.布朗小 姐笑了,”最好的办法是先读诗。”她把书递给艾米。因此可知布朗小姐给无聊的艾米推荐了一些活动来做。故选 Do(3) A.推理判断题。根据 Then Amy found a trop

30、hy (奖杯)with these words - - - First Prize in Poetry, Rachel Brown, 1937.可知然后艾米找到了一个奖杯,上面有一些字一一诗歌一等奖,瑞秋布朗,1937年。根据姓名以 及时间推断,可知艾米发现了瑞秋就是布朗。故选A。(4) A.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据 The old woman looked up, Why the long face, Amy? There arent any kids around to play with, said Amy. I have nothing to do. 老妇人抬起头来,艾米,为什

31、么脸这么长?”周 围没有孩子和我玩,艾米说:我无事可做”以及 Slowly, a smile spread across her face. A my ran back to Miss Brown, I wonder if Rachel would like to write poems in my flower garden. Miss Brown smiled, I think she would love to. 慢慢地,她的脸上绽放出笑容。艾米跑回布朗小姐身边,”我不知道瑞秋是否愿意在我的花园里写诗。”布朗小姐 笑了,”我想她会喜欢的。”以及结合全文可知,本文主要通过艾米和布朗女士之间的故事告诉我们拥有共同的兴 趣对真正的友谊很重要。故选A。4.【解答】(1) D.主旨大意题。根据第一段 The top - selling album (唱片) Songs of the Humpback Whale, was made public in 1970.最畅销的唱片座头鲸之歌于1970年发行。可知本文主要讲了这个唱片和有关它的故事。故选 Do(2)C.细节理解题。根据第二段 The album might never have been made without a sound engineer named Frank Watlington.In

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