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1、浙江高考英语试题有答案2017年浙江高考英语试题(有答案) 绝密启用前2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英 语选择题部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节(共小题;每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:H uh is the shirt? A &pund;191 B &pund;918 &pund;91答案是1 hat

2、 des the an thin f the vie? A Its ausing B Its exiting Its disappinting2 H ill Susan spend st f her tie in Frane? A Traveling arund B Studing at a shl Ling after aunt3 hat are the speaers taling abut? A Ging ut B rdering drins Preparing fr a part4 here are the speaers? A In a lassr B In a librar In

3、a bstre hat is the an ging t d? A G n the Internet B ae a phne all Tae a train trip第二节(共1小题;每小题1分,满分22分) 听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6 hat is the an ling fr? A An infratin ffie B A plie statin A she

4、repair shp7 hat is the Tn Guide arding t the an? A A brhure B A nespaper A ap听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8 hat des the an sa abut the restaurant? A Its the biggest ne arund B It ffers an tast dishes Its faus fr its seafd9 hat ill the an prbabl rder? A Fried fish B Rast hien Beef stea听第8段材料,回答第10 到12题。10 here ill

5、 rhite be at 11 l? A At the ffie B At the airprt At the restaurant11 hat ill rhite prbabl d at ne in the afternn? A Reeive a guest B Have a eeting Read a reprt12 hen ill iss ilsn see rhie? A At lunh tie B Late in the afternn The next nrning听第9段材料,回答第13到16题。13 h is Bill ging t Geran? A T r n a pret B

6、 T stud Geran T start a ne pan14 hat did the an dislie abut Geran? A The eather B The fd The shls1 hat des bill hpe t d abut his fail? A Bring the t Geran B Leave the in England Visit the in a fe nths16 hat is the prbable relatinship beteen the speaers? A Fell-travelers B lleagues lassates听第10段材料,回答

7、第17至20题。17 hen did it rain last tie in urez? A Three das ag B A nth ag A ear ag18 hat seasn is it n in urez? A Spring B Suer Autun19 hat are the elderl advised t d? A Tae a al in the afternn B eep their hes l Drin plent f ater20 hat is the speaer ding? A Hsting a radi prgra B nduting a seinar Freast

8、ing the eather第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分3分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分2分)阅读下列短,从每题所给的A、B、和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。Benain est, the father f Aerian painting, shed his talent fr art hen he as nl six ears f age But he did nt n abut brushes befre a visitr tld hi he needed ne In thse das , a brush as ade fr aels hair Ther

9、e ere n aels nearb Benain deided that at hair uld r instead He ut se fur fr the fail at t ae a brushThe brush did nt last lng Sn Benain needed re fur Befre lng, the atbegan t l ragged (蓬乱) His father said that the at ust be si Benain as fred t adit hat he had been dingThe ats lt as abut t iprve That

10、 ear, ne f Benains usins, rPenningtn, ae t visit He as ipressed ith Benains draings hen he ent he, he sent Benain a bx f paint and se brushes He als sent six engravings (版画)b an artist These ere the first pitures and first real paint and brushes Benain had ever seen In 1747,hen Benain as nine ears l

11、d,rPenningtn retured fr anther visit He as aazed at hat Benain had dne ith his giftHe ased Benains parents if he ight tae the b t Philadelphia fr a visit In the it, rPenningtn gave Benain aterials fr reating il paintingsThe b began a landsape (风景) paintingilias ,a ell-nn painter,ae t see hi r ilias

12、as ipressed ith Benain and gave hi t lassi bs n painting t tae he The bs ere lng and dull Benain uld read nl a little,having been a pr studentBut he later said,”Thse t bs ere panins b da,and under pill at night”hile it is liel that he understd ver little f the bs,the ere his intrdutin t lassial pain

13、tingsThe nine-ear-ld b deided then that he uld be an artist21 hat is the text ainl abut?A Benains visit t PhiladelphiaB illias influene n Benain The beginning f Benains life as an artistD The friendship beteen Benain and Penningtn22 hat des the underlined sentene in paragraph 3 suggest?A The at uld

14、be lsel athedB The at uld get se edial are Benain uld leave his he shrtlD Benain uld have real brushes sn23 hat did Penningtn d t help Benain develp his talent?A He t hi t see painting exhibitinsB He prvided hi ith painting aterials He sent hi t a shl in PhiladelphiaD He taught hi h t ae engravings2

15、4 illias t bs helped Benain t _A aster the use f paintsB appreiate landsape paintings get t n ther paintersD ae up his ind t be a painterBGetting less sleep has bee a bad habit fr st Aerian ids Arding t a ne surve(调查) b the Natinal Sleep Fundatin, 1% f ids aged 10 t 18 g t bed at 10 p r later n shl

16、nights, even thugh the have t get up earl Last ear the Fundatin reprted that nearl 60% f 7- t 12-ear-lds said the felt tired during the da, and 1% said the had fallen asleep at shlH uh sleep u need depends a lt n ur age Babies need a lt f rest: st f the sleep abut 18 hurs a da! Adults need abut eigh

17、t hurs Fr st shl-age hildren, ten hurs is ideal(理想的) But the ne Natinal Sleep Fundatin surve fund that 3% f 10- t 12-ear-lds get nl seven r eight hurs And guess hat alst half f the surveed ids said the d befre bedtie? ath TV“re hildren are ging t bed ith TVs n, and there are re pprtunities(机会) t sta

18、 aae, ith re her, the Internet and the phne,” sas Dr ar arsadn, a sleep researher at Brn Universit edial Shl She sas these ativities at bedtie an zxx get ids all exited and ae it hard fr the t al dn and sleep ther experts sa part f the prble is heial hanging levels f bd heials alled hrnes nt nl ae t

19、eenagers bdies develp adult harateristis, but als ae it hard fr teenagers t fall asleep befre 11 pBeause sleepiness is suh a prble fr teenagers, se shl distrits have deided t start high shl lasses later than the used t Three ears ag, shls in Edina, innesta, hanged the start tie fr 7:2 a t 8:30 a Stu

20、dents, parents and teahers are pleased ith the results2 hat is the ne Natinal Sleep Fundatin surve n?A Aerian ids sleeping habits B Teenagers sleep-related diseases Ativities t prevent sleeplessness D Learning prbles and la f sleep26 H an hurs f sleep d 11-ear-lds need ever da?A 7 hurs B 8 hurs 10 h

21、urs D 18 hurs27 h d teenagers g t sleep late arding t arsadn?A The are affeted b ertain bd heialsB The tend t d things that exite the The fll their parents exaplesD The dnt need t g t shl earlFLRENE, ItalSvetlana hru feels hurt The ldvan has lived here seven ears as a aregiver t Italian ids and the

22、elderl, but in rder t sta shes had t prve her language sills b taing a test hih requires her t rite a pstard t an iaginar friend and anser a fitinal b adItal is the latest estern Eurpean untr tring t ntrl a gring iigrant(移民) ppulatin b deanding language sills in exhange fr r perits, r in se ases, it

23、izenshipSe iigrant advates rr that as hard finanial ties ae it re diffiult fr natives t eep bs, suh easures ill bee re a vehile fr intlerane than integratin(融合) thers sa its nl natural that neers learn the language f their hst natin, seeing it as a nditin t ensure the an ntribute t sietther Eurpean

24、untries laid dn a siilar requireent fr iigrants, and se ters are even tugher The gvernents argue that this ill help freigners better in the siet and prte understanding arss ulturesItal, hih has a uh eaer traditin f iigratin, has itnessed a sharp inrease in iigratin in reent ears In 1990, iigrants nu

25、bered se 114 illin ut f Itals then 67 illin peple, r abut 2 perent At the start f this ear, freigners living in Ital aunted t 46 illin f a ttal ppulatin f 606 illin, r 7 perent, ith iigrants hildren aunting fr an even larger perentage f births in Italhru, the ldvan aregiver, hped btaining peranent r

26、esidene(居住权) uld help her bring her t hildren t Ital; the live ith her sister in ldva, here salaries are ang the lest in Eurpe She as septial that the language requireent uld enurage integratinItalians alas “see e as a freigner,” an utsider, even thugh shes staed in the untr fr ears and an spea the

27、lal language fluentl, she said28 h des hru have t tae a language test?A T ntinue t sta in Ital B T teah her hildren Italian T find a better b in Ital D T better ix ith the Italians29 Se peple rr that the ne language requireent a _A redue Itals ppulatin quil B ause nflits ang peple lead t finanial di

28、ffiulties D put pressure n shls30 hat d e n abut hru?A She lives ith her sister n in ItalB She ens learning the Italian language She speas Italian ell enugh fr her bD She ishes t g ba t her he untr第二节(共小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短内容,从短后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。H t D an-n-the-Street InterviesThe an-n-the-

29、street intervie is an intervie in hih a reprter hits the streets ith a aeraan t intervie peple n the sprt _31_ But ith these tips, ur first an-n-the-street intervie experiene an be eas᠄hen ur bss r prfessr sends u ut t d an-n-the-street intervies fr a str, thin abut the tpi and develp a list f

30、 abut ten general questins relating t it Fr exaple, if ur tpi is abut envirnental prbles in Aeria, u ight as, “h d u thin envirnental prtetin is iprtant in Aeria?” _32_᠄Hit the streets ith nfidene _33_ Sa, “Exuse e, I r fr XZ Nes, and I as ndering if u uld share ur pinin abut this tpi” This is

31、 a qui a t get peple t ar up t uve n t the next persn if sene tells u she is nt interesteDnt get disuraged 34 Eah intervie that u get n the street shuldnt be lnger than ten inutes As sn as u get the anser u need, ve n t the next persn ae sure that as u g fr intervie t intervie, u are getting a varie

32、t f ansers If everne is giving u the sae anser, u nt be able t use it A safe nuber f intervies t ndut is abut six t ten 3 If ur nes statin r shl requires intervieees t sign release frs t appear n the air, dnt leave r ithut theA Liit ur tieB As u apprah peple, be plite If u dnt n a aera, u an bu neD Fr ne reprters, this an see lie a hallen

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