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1、专业英语八级英语语言学知识2专业英语八级英语语言学知识-2(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.Which of the following is NOT correct?A. Polysemy is the phenomenon that the same one word may have more than one meaning.B. Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.C. Hypon

2、ymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.D. Antonymy is used for the sameness or close similarity of meaning.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:A项polysemy一词多义现象表示同一个词有多个意义;B项homonymy同形异义关系指某些词的意义不同,但是具有相同形式的现象,即不同的词在发音或拼写上一样,或发音拼写都一样;C项hyponymy(下义关系)是指一个

3、更广义、更具有包容性的词与一个更具体的词之间的意义关系。D项antonymy(反义关系)指意义上的对立,而不是意义上的相同或相近(synonymy)。2.Bow(v.)and bow (n.) are _.A. homophones B. homographsC. complete homonyms D. partial homonyms(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:“Bow”(v.)and“bow”(n.),发音不同,是homographs(同形异义词);比较piece和peace,拼写不同,是homophones(同音异义词)。3.Scale (v.) and scale (n.

4、) are _.A. homophones B. homographsC. complete homonyms D. partial homonyms(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:“scale”(v.)表示“称重、攀登”等意,“scale”(n.)表示“天平,规模”等意,而两词的发音和拼写都相同,故为同形异义词。4.Which of the following is correct?A. Superordinate is the word more specific in meaning.B. Hyponym is the word more general in meaning.C

5、. Co-hyponyms are the hyponyms of the same superordinate.D. Flower is the co-hyponym ofrose, morning glory, carmination.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:superordinate上义词是指更广泛的词;hyponym下义词为具体的词;同一个上义词的几个下义词之间互为co-hyponyms并列下义词。“flower”是上义词,“rose”,“morning glory”,“carmination”是并列下义词。5.X: Johns bike needs repairing

6、.Y: John has a bike.The relationship of X and Y is _.A. synonymous B. inconsistent C. X entailing Y D. X presupposing Y(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:“John的自行车需要修理”的前提是“他有自行车”,两句是预设、前提关系。6.According to the componential analysis, the words boy and man differ in the feature ofA. HUMAN B. ANIMATE C. MALE D. ADULT

7、(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:男孩和男人的主要区别是男孩是孩子,男人是成人。他们都是“人,有生命的,男性”。7.According to predication analysis, the predications of Tom hates soup. and It is cool. are respectively _ and _.A. no-place predication, two-place predicationB. two-place predication, one-place predicationC. two-place predication, no-place

8、 predicationD. no-place predication, one-place predication(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:根据述谓结构中的变元(argument)数量,述谓结构可分为双位述谓结构(含两个变元)、单位述谓结构(含一个变元)和空位述谓结构(不含变元)。Tom hates soup中有两个名词性成分Tom和soup,为该结构的逻辑参与者,为双位述谓结构;It is cool中包含非人称代词it不能看作是一个变元,故为空位述谓结构。8.Which of the following statement concerning context is NOT

9、correct?A. It was first noted by the British linguist John Firth.B. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.C. It determines the speakers use of language and also the hearers interpretation of what is said to him.D. It is essential to the synta

10、ctic study of language.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:语境这个概念由英国语言学家John Firth最先提出,一般认为它是由言者和听者的共享知识构成,它决定着言者对语言的运用和听者对他所听到话语的理解,它对语言的语用研究(而非句法研究)来说是必不可少的。9.Which of the following is NOT correct?A. The meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized.B. The meaning of an utterance is concrete and context-

11、dependent.C. The meaning of a sentence is based on utterance meaning.D. Utterance meaning is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:句子的意思是抽象的、非语境化的,而话语的意义却是具体的、依赖于语境的。话语的意义是基于句子意义之上的;它是一个句子的抽象意义在一个真实的交际场合或

12、仅在一个语境中的体现。10.Speech Act theory was originated with _.A. Saussure B. Bloomfield C. Austin D. Firth(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:言语行为理论是20世纪50年代后期英国哲学家John Austin首先提出的。瑞士语言学家Ferdinand de Saussure是现代语言学之父,著有Course in General Linguistics;行为主义者Bloomfield借助行为主义心理学定义了语言形式的意义。英国语言学家John Firth提出了语境这个概念。11.According t

13、o Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking except _.A. locutionary act B. illocutionary actC. perlocutionary act D. imperlocutionary act(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:英国哲学家John Austin的言语行为理论将言语行为分为言内、言外和言后三种行为。12.You have left the window wide open. Which of the following is

14、 the illocutionary act performed by the speaker?A. The speaker intends to ask someone to close the window or make a complaint.B. The hearer closes the window.C. The speaker intends to express what the words literally mean.D. None of the above.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:言内行为指说话这一行为的本身,使用音位、词汇、句法来表达字面意义的行为;言

15、外行为指表达说话者交流目的或意图的行为;而言后行为指通过某些话实施的行为,或讲某些话所导致的行为,实际上是话语所产生的后果或者所引起的变化。本题选A。13.How many categories do speech acts fall into according to John Searle?A. Three. B. Four C. Five D. Six(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:Searle区分的五类分别是:representatives(阐述类),directives(指令类),commissives(承诺类),expressives(表达类),declarations(宣

16、告类)。14.Which of the following is the typical case of commissives?A. Believing. B. Ordering. C. Promising. D. Congratulating.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:承诺类是那些言者对未来行为过程做出承诺的言外行为,即在说话的时候,言者将自己置于某种义务中;允诺(promising),保证(undertaking),发誓(vowing)都是最典型的例子。15.Which of the following is the specific instance of directi

17、ves?A. Swearing. B. Suggesting. C. Undertaking. D. Apologizing.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:指令类是言者让听者做某事的企图。邀请inviting,建议suggesting,要求requesting,忠告advising,警告warning,威胁threatening,命令ordering是其例。16.How many maxims are under Grices CP?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:美国哲学家Grice提出会话的合作原则具体

18、体现为:数量准则、质量准则、关联准则、方式准则。17.A: What do you think of James?B: A fine day, isnt it?In the dialogue, Bs answer flouts which of the four maxims of CP?A. The maxim of quality. B. The maxim of quantity.C. The maxim of manner. D. The maxim of relation.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:根据关联准则,说话要贴切。本题对话中B选项的回答显然是答非所问,违反了上

19、述的关联准则。18.A: Shall we get something for the kids?B: Yes. But I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M.In the dialogue, Bs answer flouts which of the four maxims of CP?A. The maxim of quality. B. The maxim of quantity.C. The maxim of manner. D. The maxim of relation.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:根据方式准则,说话要避免晦涩、歧义的词语,说话简要,要有条理。本

20、题对话中双方都知道B选项对icecream一词没有发音困难,故违反了方式准则。19.What essentially distinguishes Semantics and Pragmatics is the notion of _.A. reference B. meaning C. antonymy D. context(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:区分语义学和语用学的重要标志是语境,即上下文。20.The _ century is considered to be the beginning of modem English.A. 20th B. 19th C. 18th D.

21、 17th(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:18世纪被认为是现代英语的开始。公元4501100年为古英语时期;14世纪15世纪为中世纪英语时期;16世纪17世纪为早期现代英语时期;18世纪20世纪为现代英语时期;最近50年为当代英语时期。21.Which of the following does NOT belong to the methods of the addition of new words?A. Acronyms. B. Back-formation. C. Functional shift D. Semantic shift.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:新词

22、的添加主要通过以下几种方式:coinage创新词,clipped words缩略词,blending紧缩词,acronyms词首字母缩略词,back-formation逆构词法,functional shift功能转换,borrowing借用。Semantic shift属于词义的变化。22.Fridge is a _ and B2B is _.A. blend, clipped word B. clipped word, acronymC. back-formation, loan word D. acronym, coined word(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:fridge是

23、较长的词refrigerator的缩写,是缩略词(clipped word);B2B是由几个词Business-to-Business的首字母构成的词,是词首字母缩略词acronym。23.The following words are the examples for back-formation EXCEPT _.A. to hawk B. to baby-sit C. to bug D. to beg(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:back-formation是逆构词法,通过“去掉”一个被认为是旧词的一部分的词缀而创造出的新词被称为“逆构词”,如:edit(from editor

24、),hawk(from hawker),beg(from beggar),baby-sit(baby-sitter)等。单词可以不通过加词缀就从一个词类转到另一个词类,如:名词bug可通过功能转换(functional shift)生成动词to bug。24.The following words are the examples for blending EXCEPT _.A. brunch B. smog C. motel D. gym(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:紧缩词blend是通过组合其他词某些部分而构成的词,如:smog(smoke+fog),motel(motor+ho

25、tel),brunch(breakfast+lunch)。Gym是长词gymnasium的缩写,是clipped word缩略词。25.Which of the following words is NOT the example of semantic narrowing?A. Tail. B. Deer. C. Meat. D. Corn.(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:deer的意义由“任何动物”变为“某一特定的动物”,meat的意义由“食物”变为“动物可食部分”,corn的意义由“谷物”变为“某一特定的谷物”,这三个词都属于词义缩小;tail的意义由“马的尾巴”变为“任何动物的

26、尾巴”,为词义扩大的示例。26.Which of the following words is the example of semantic broadening?A. hound B. companion C. silly D. girl(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:companion过去是指“与你共享面包的人”,现在指“任何陪伴你的人”,属于词义扩大。hound过去是“dog”的总称,现在已被缩小为某一特殊的狗;girl曾经是指“任何性别的年轻人”,而现在词义缩小专指“年轻女性”;silly过去在古英语中表示“幸福”,到中世纪英语时期开始表示“单纯得有点儿傻”,到现代英语转为表

27、示“愚蠢的”。27.The new words such as police officer, chairperson are created because _.A. science and technology are developing rapidlyB. computer and internet technology are more and more popularC. women have taken up activities formerly reserved for menD. the children can remember them as quickly as po

28、ssible(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:语言变化的原因有很多种:有科技的进步,妇女地位的转变。“police officer”,“chairperson”等同以前为:policeman,chairman,因为当时从事这一行业的几乎都是男性。但是如今女性也都加入到这些行业中,所以出现了一些中性化的词语。28.As science and technology develops, the word planet-friendly is coined in the _ domain.A. space travel B. computer and internet languageC. e

29、cology D. IT(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:planet-friendly是指“对地球环保的”,来源于生态学(ecology)。29.Quarantine once had the restricted meaning forty days isolation. This is an example of _.A. semantic broadening B. semantic narrowingC. semantic shift D. loss of words(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:quarantine曾经专指“40天隔离”,现在扩展为“隔离”,为词义扩大。30.The word holiday originally meant a holy day; but now the word signifies any day when we dont have to work. This is an example of _.A. meaning shift B. widening of meaningC. narrowing of meaning D. loss of meaning(分数:2.50)A.B.C.D.解析:从any day就可以知道词义扩大。31.A special language variety that mixes

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