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1、九年级下学期期中考试英语试题I一、听力(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题。 本部分共有15道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. What is the girls problem? A. B. C. 2. What does Tina often do in her free time? A. B. C. 3. Whats the mans suggestion? A. B. C. 4. Where is the boy going this af

2、ternoon? A. B. C. 5. What did Tom ask for? A. Information. B. Advice. C. Help. 6. What programmes does Millie like best? A. About animals. B. About sports. C. Cartoons. 7. What did the woman have just now? A. Tea. B. Nothing. C. Lemonade. 8. What is the man doing? A. Walking on the street. B. Watchi

3、ng at the cars. C. Driving a car. 9. When did the concert begin? A. At 8:10. B. At 7:15. C. At 7:30.10. What does the woman mean? A. They should wait for John. B. They should stay here for all night. C. They should start the meeting right now. 11. What is the woman doing next? A. Going shopping. B.

4、Eating another cake. C. Taking the litter out.12. What does Simon think of his school life? A. Stressed and boring. B. Lively and colourful. C. Stressed and lively.13. How long does the film last? A. Seventy minutes. B. An hour. C. Fifty minutes.14. How will the weather be tomorrow? A. Rainy. B. Sun

5、ny. C. Cloudy.15. What do we know about the new teacher?A. He often keeps silent(沉默的). B. He talks too much. C. He has no chance to speak.第二部分 听对话或短文,回答问题。这一部分你将听到三段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听第一段材料,回答第16-17题。16. The man likes the TV programmes about _ be

6、st.A. News B. sports C. history17. Why does the man like this kind of TV programme?A. Because he can learn a lot of news.B. Because he can get a lot of useful information.C. Because he can only watch TV for one hour every day.听第二段材料,回答第18-19题。18.The woman wants to buy_ . A. a light blue suit B. a da

7、rk green suit C. a dark blue suit19.The woman cant get the suit in her size, because_. A. she hasnt got enough money B. its sold out C. its worn out听第三段材料,回答第20-22题。20. Who made Mr Hu angry yesterday afternoon?A. Fred and Tim. B. Jack and Fred. C. Tim and Jack.21. What was Mr Hu doing at that time?A

8、. Talking with students. B. Giving a lesson. C. Having a rest.22. What would they never do again?A. They would never be noisy in the classroom. B. They would never be angry. C. They would never talk to the teacher.听第一篇短文,回答23-25题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。More than 30 years ago 23 people knew how to us

9、e computers.TodayMany people like to use computers because 24 .What to doTeachers use computers to 25 .23. A. Many B. Very few C. More 24. A. they are smaller and cheaper B. they are big and expensiveC. they can do a lot of work25. A. help with teaching B. write C. play computer games听第二篇短文,回答第26-30

10、题。26. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Black go yesterday evening?A. To the cinema. B. To the supermarket. C. To the restaurant. 27. How old was their son?A. Two months old. B. Eight months old. C. Ten months old. 28. Who stopped them when they walked in?A. A policeman. B. An office worker. C. A shop assistan

11、t. 29. What did they think of the movie?A. Interesting. B. Relaxing. C. Boring. 30. Why did they want to let their son cry?A. To get all their money back. B. To make him see the movie. C. To give him something to eat. 二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(共15小题;每题1分,共15分)31. Its generous _ him to give so muc

12、h money to charities. Now he thinks its important _him to help people in poor areas. A. for; to B. of; for C. to; of D. for; for 32. There are _ in the reading room, but many of those books arent _ to read.A. enough books; enough easy B. enough books; easy enoughC. books enough; easy enough D. books

13、 enough; enough easy33. Do you know why he left so early?_ for the English test, I guess.A. To study B. Study C. Studied D. Studying34. Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman?_. I prefer a portable computer.A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither35. Father has had the computer _. Now it works ve

14、ry well.A. repair B. repairing C. to be repaired D. repaired36. What would you like for your birthday? What about an MP5? Oh, to tell the truth, I _ have an I-Pad than an MP5. A. prefer B. prefer to C. had better D. would rather37. We never doubt _ Bill is honest. Because he never tell lies. A. that

15、 B. if C. whether D. that if 38. Must I finish the work today, Mom? No, you _. You can finish it tomorrow. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. shouldnt39. Oh, so many people! What is on show in the cinema? A new film _ by a famous director.A. directing B. was directed C. directed D. directs40. When I hav

16、e some worries, my close friends always advise me _ too much. A. dont worry B. not to worry C. worry D. worrying41. Dont you enjoy watching the English programme Outlook English Magazine on CCTV Channel 10? _. I think it very helpful to improve my listening and speaking abilities.A. Yes, I do B. No,

17、 I dont C. Yes, I dont D. No, I do42. _ great progress youve made! You parents must be proud of you.A. How B. What C. How a D. What a43. She dropped the glass _ she stood up.A. while B. as C. after D. until44. Mr. Wu, please _ how much time you need to finish your homework.All right. Ill make it at

18、once.A. look out B. find out C. give out D. put out45. Thank you, Mille and Kitty. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons. _.A. With pleasure B. Better not C. Of course not D. Its our pleasure.三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;每题1分,共15分)I was so excited after I had found the holiday i

19、n the guidebook. It said, “Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europes most beautiful cities 46 staying at one of its best hotels.” Now I wasnt so sure. I had waited fifteen minutes at reception (前台) when I 47 and now the shower in my room wasnt working. I 48 hotel reception. “Hello. This is Room

20、308. There isnt any 49 in my bathroom. ” “Are you sure?” “Of course Im sure!” “Ill 50 our hotel engineer at once. ” An hour later, the engineer came to look at the 51 . He hit the pipes (水管) a few times and looked 52 . “Sorry, but I cannot fix it today. Maybe, tomorrow.” Then he 53 his hand. I could

21、nt believe it! He wanted a tip (小费) for doing 54 ! I was very angry. But suddenly, I had a better idea. 55 , I gave the engineer a few coins. He hadnt fixed my shower but he had taught me something 56 staying in his country. Two minutes later I was at the reception desk. I explained the 57 to the re

22、ceptionist (接待员) and he replied, “Sorry. This is a 58 situation, but what can we do?” I knew exactly 59 to do. I gave the hotel manager a very large tip. Fifteen minutes later I 60 into Room 405. It was twice the size of Room 308, it had a wonderful view (景色) of the city, a comfortable bed and, most

23、 importantly, there was water in the bathroom. 46. A. since B. while C. after D. before47. A. arrived B. passed C. left D. stopped 48. A. asked B. ordered C. called D. told49. A. toothpaste B. water C. shampoo D. soap 50. A. send B. catch C. trouble D. watch51. A. door B. TV C. shower D. fridge52. A

24、. proud B. worried C. angry D. excited 53. A. put up B. cleaned up C. looked after D. held out 54. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything 55. A. Seriously B. Especially C. Quickly D. Luckily 56. A. at B. with C. of D. about57. A. problem B. idea C. way D. mistake58. A. helpful B. perfect

25、C. terrible D. busy 59. A. how B. what C. why D. where60. A. broke B. looked C. rushed D. moved四、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共20小题;每题2分,共40分)2019-2020年九年级下学期期中考试英语试题(I)AEveryone has worries, but what do you do with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take three steps to deal w

26、ith them. Try to find out what you are worried aboutSometimes you know what you worry about. But sometimes you might not. If you cant make sure what your worries are, you will have more and more new problems in your life. So its necessary for you to try to find out the reason first even though its n

27、ot so easy. Think of the ways to make it betterSomething can be done to help you feel less worried. If you only sit there and wait, you cant solve your problems. How do I get ready for classes? Do I review my notes even when there isnt a test? Do I have a good way to do my homework? Have I tried dif

28、ferent ways of studying? If your worry is about a scuffle with your best friend, you might write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game and say sorry to him or her. If you do something like that, you can get your friend back easily and wont fight with him or her again. Ask for

29、helpWhen you are worried, you can find someone to talk to. You can ask your parents, friends, or teachers for help. They will help you analyze (分析) your worries carefully. They are very glad to help you find the ways of solving them, too.61. If you dont know what you are worried about, you should _ first. A. get ready for classes B. do more homework C. find out the reason D. write a note 62. If you worry about your grades, youd better _. A. get ready for classes and dont do homework B. review your notes and try different ways of studying C. always sit there and kee

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