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Design and application of the technical training set for plc based power supply unit developed for.docx

1、Design and application of the technical training set for plc based power supply unit developed forsigTOOL: A MATLAB-based environment for sharing laboratory-developed software to analyze biological signalsOriginal Research ArticleJournal of Neuroscience MethodsThis paper describes a software package

2、, named sigTOOL, for processing biological signals. The package runs in the MATLAB programming environment and has been designed to promote the sharing of laboratory-developed software across the worldwide web. As proof-of-concept of the design of the system, sigTOOL has been used to build an analys

3、is application for dealing with neuroscience data complete with a user-friendly graphical user interface which implements a range of waveform and spike-train analysis functions. The interface allows many commonly used neuroscience data file formats to be loaded (including those of Alpha Omega, Cambr

4、idge Electronic Design, Cyberkinetics Inc., Molecular Devices, Nex Technologies and Plexon Instruments). Waveform analysis functions selectable from the interface support waveform averaging (mean and median), auto- and cross-correlation, power spectral analysis, coherence estimation, digital filteri

5、ng (feedback and feedforward) and resampling. Spike-train analyses include interspike interval distributions, Poincar plots, event auto- and cross-correlations, spike-triggered averaging, stimulus driven and phase-related peri-event time histograms and rasters as well as frequencygrams. User-develop

6、ed additions to sigTOOL that are archived and distributed electronically will be added to the sigTOOL interface on-the-fly, without the need to modify the core sigTOOL code. Full sigTOOL functionality will be provided to support the user-developed code, including the ability to record a user action

7、history for batch processing of files and support for exporting the results of analyses to external graphics editing software and spreadsheet-based data processing packages.Article Outline1. Introduction2. The sigTOOL development environment 2.1. File import functions2.2. Organization of data channe

8、ls2.3. Object-oriented design 2.3.1. The scchannel class2.4. Event filtering and subchannel selection2.5. sigTOOL result objects3. The sigTOOL GUI 3.1. Adding functions to the GUI3.2. Designing GUIs3.3. Accreditation3.4. Generating a history log4. Features of the sigTOOL data and result views5. Proo

9、f-of-concept6. DiscussionAppendix A. Supplementary dataReferences风电科技(集团)股份有限公司是中国第一家自主开发、设计、制造和销售适应全球不同风资源和环境条件的大型陆地、海上和潮间带风电机组的专业化高新技术企业。风电实现了跨越式的发展,2008年新增风电装机容量1403MW,行业排名中国第一、全球第七;2009年新增风电装机容量3510MW,行业排名中国第一、全球第三。风电肩负重大装备国产化的历史使命,以向全世界、全人类奉献清洁能源为己任,以“挑战、创新、超越”为核心企业文化,以技术创新、国产化、规模化、大型化、国际化作为长期发


11、电将继续迎接挑战、开拓创新、勇于超越,将公司打造成为全球最具竞争力的风电设备企业,实现“三三五一”的战略目标,三年内进入全球前三,五年内挑战全球第一。奉献清洁能源、驱动世界发展!现因业务发展需要诚聘英才,提供职业发展规划。公司地址:文化大厦19层Service-oriented technology and management: Perspectives on research and practice for the coming decadeOriginal Research ArticleElectronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsComp

12、lementary methods of system usability evaluation: Surveys and observations during software design and development cyclesOriginal Research ArticleJournal of Biomedical InformaticsValue of information based design of control softwareOriginal Research ArticleReliability Engineering & System SafetyThis

13、paper presents a suggested alternative to simplistic majority voting schemes based on the value of uncertain information. It uses satellite antennae deployment as an illustrative example. Control software is used in satellites to activate system functions like, e.g. antenna deployment. The software

14、receives observations from sensors built into satellites and uses this information to trigger required functions. Often, inadvertent activation and delayed response can have severe consequences. Hence the way in which sensor information is processed strongly influences the system performance. We dis

15、cuss an approach that models various design options in detail so that the software control flow can be optimised via decision theory. We give some mathematical background and an example based on the CLUSTER satellite system that was spun off a design problem at European Space Research and Technology

16、 Centre (ESTEC). Our example considers the decision of when to deploy a satellite antenna. The control software must decide when to inspect sensors and when to deploy the antenna. We show how to optimise both the inspection time and the time to deploy the antenna given the results of the inspection.

17、 For our example it is important that the consequences of the control software decisions are analysed and measured in monetary loss associated with failure. This allows us to measure the risk in expected loss of money. Given control software designs A and B one can compare them by obtaining the valu

18、e of information.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Decision problem formulation3. Uncertainty modelling 3.1. Parameter specification3.2. Optimal deployment time4. The optimal inspection time 4.1. Expected utility4.2. The optimal control-flow4.3. Discussion of the results5. ConclusionAcknowledgementsa

19、ppendix aA three-tier knowledge management scheme for software engineering support and innovationOriginal Research ArticleJournal of Systems and SoftwareTo ensure smooth and successful transition of software innovations to enterprise systems, it is critical to maintain proper levels of knowledge abo

20、ut the system configuration, the operational environment, and the technology in both existing and new systems. We present a three-tier knowledge management scheme through a systematic planning of actions spanning the transition processes in levels from conceptual exploration to prototype development

21、, experimentation, and product evaluation. The three-tier scheme is an integrated effort for bridging the development and operation communities, maintaining stability to the operational performance, and adapting swiftly to software technology innovations. The scheme combines experiences of academic

22、researches and industrial practitioners to provide necessary technical expertise and qualifications for knowledge management in software engineering support (SES) processes.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Knowledge management in software engineering support and innovation 2.1. Knowledge management

23、issues in software innovation2.2. Coupling of knowledge management and software engineering processes2.3. A systematic plan of action3. Three-tier scheme of knowledge management for SES and innovation 3.1. A notion of continuous improvement process3.2. A three-tier software engineering support struc

24、ture4. Practice of three-tier knowledge management in SES and innovation 4.1. Organizational structure of knowledge management in SES4.2. Coupling the SES processes and knowledge management activities 4.2.1. Knowledge management at exploration level4.2.2. Knowledge management at evaluation level4.2.

25、3. Knowledge management at execution level4.3. Tools and mechanisms for three-tier knowledge management in SES5. ConclusionReferencesDesign-to-fabrication automation for the cognitive machine shopOriginal Research ArticleAdvanced Engineering InformaticsTo meet the rising demands for pure customizati

26、on of products, new approaches for automated fabrication of customized part geometry are needed, on both the software and hardware side, that balance flexibility, robustness and efficiency. This is a great challenge since today it requires significant human expertise supported, only partially, by co

27、mputer-aided approaches. This paper introduces a new approach and framework for an autonomous design-to-fabrication system that integrates cognitive capabilities, such as reasoning from knowledge models and autonomous planning, and embeds these in the machines themselves to automatically fabricate c

28、ustomized parts. The framework integrates into a common process automatic workpiece selection using an ontology, generative CNC machining planning using shape grammars and automated fixture design, based on a novel flexible fixture device hardware. Initial results are given for the machining plannin

29、g approach applied to 2.5D parts with a defined approach direction and the prototyped fixture device is presented. The advantages and potential of the framework stem mainly from applying the principles of cognitive technical systems to a fabrication system to develop an integrated and on-line approa

30、ch. The methods are developed specifically for use on the machine shop floor to take advantage of the possibility to update and extend knowledge models to reflect current fabrication capabilities and to adapt to changes in the environment and re-plan during operation. Finally, future directions, inc

31、luding integrating on-line perception and learning, are discussed, which are required to create a truly flexible and cognitive fabrication system.Article Outline1. Introduction 1.1. Autonomous design-to-fabrication1.2. Research context: The cognitive machine shop2. Related work 2.1. Computer-Aided-D

32、esign (CAD)/Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP)/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)2.2. Automation in fixture design2.3. Cognitive technical systems2.4. Ontologies in manufacturing3. Framework for design-to-fabrication automation 3.1. Workpiece selection3.2. Machining planning approach3.3. Fixture planning and re-configuration4. Results 4.1. Machining planning4.2. Flexible fixture5. Discussion6. ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesMacroscopic traffic flow modelling

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