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剑桥雅思词汇Word List2.docx

1、剑桥雅思词汇Word List2智课网IELTS备考资料剑桥雅思词汇:Word List2 摘要: 小马过河雅思频道今天为大家带来的是剑桥雅思词汇:Word List2,希望在小编的帮助下,大家能有效的备考雅思考试,成功取得雅思高分成绩,更过剑桥雅思词汇,请持续关注小马过河雅思频道! The port city provides a fascinating and rich understanding of the movement of people and goods around the world. 港口城市为理解全球人口和货物的流动提供了生动和丰富的依据。 fascinating a

2、.迷人的 【释】 if someone or something fascinates you,you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting 【派】 v. fascinate; a. fascinated; n. fascination 【例】 The book contains a fascinating portrait of life. 本书包含着对生活的生动写照。 movement n.活动,运动 【释】 a group of people who share the same ideas or b

3、eliefs and who work together to achieve a particular aim 【用】 movement to do sth.; movement for 【例】 The Trade Union Movement works to get much higher salary. 工会运动旨在争取更高的工资。 It gauges the pollution from a passing vehicle. 它测算行经车辆的排污剂量。 gauge n.计量器,标准度量 v.估计(美国英语:gage) 【释】 an instrument for measuring t

4、he size or amount of something; to make judgement about sth. 【例】 the petrol gauge汽油表 vehicle n.交通工具,车辆 【释】 a machine usually with wheels and an engine, which is used for transporting people or goods on land, particularly on roads 【用】 vehicle for sth. 【例】 automotive vehicle 自动车辆 No attempt was made t

5、o place a division in the programme that would best fit its habitual methods of supervision used by the manager, assistant managers, supervisors and assistant supervisors to solve the problems. 他们没有尝试对程序进行划分,使其与经理、经理助理、监督人及助理监督人惯常使用的监督方法相配套。 habitual n.惯常的,习惯的 【释】 doing something from habit, and una

6、ble to stop doing it; usual or repeated 【派】 ad. habitually 【例】 Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor is harmful to peoples health.过度酗酒或习惯性地大量饮酒对人体健康有害。 supervision n.监督,管理 【释】 when you supervise someone or something; when someone watches a person or activity and makes certain that eve

7、rything is done correctly, safely, etc. 【用】 under sb.s supervision 【例】 supervision of financial discipline 金融监察 assistant manager 助理经理 supervisor n.监督人,管理人 【释】 someone who supervises a person or activity 【派】 a. supervisory 【例】 Purchasing Supervisor采购主管 Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) has appr

8、oximately 200 technology employees and approximately 100 consultants working on more than 300 technology. 芝加哥商业交易有限公司拥有约200名技术员工以及100名左右的工作顾问来解决300多个技术难关。 mercantile n.商品 a.贸易的,商业的 【释】 related to trade or business; concerned with trade 【例】 a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or s

9、ervices 一个零售商品或服务的商业机构 Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the dominant cinematic convention of today. 好莱坞选用了至今在电影选材中占主导地位的叙事型长篇小说。 cinematic a.电影的 【释】 relating to films / cinema 【派】 n. cinema 【例】 He is trying to capture a poem in a cinematic visual.他正试着用电影画面来传达一首诗。 conven

10、tion n.惯例,大会,协定 【释】 a large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interests 【派】 a. conventional 【用】 by convention; convention on 【例】 The towns new convention center is located in the new district. 城市的新会议中心坐落在新区中。 Deeply religious people obed

11、iently accepted the supreme authority of their pharaohs. 虔诚的信徒顺从地承认了法老的最高权力。 obediently ad.顺从地,服从地 【释】 always doing what you are told to do, or what the law, a rule etc. says you must do 【派】 n. obedience; a. obedient 【用】 obedient to 【例】 Residents must be obedient to the law. 居民必须服从法律。 supreme author

12、ity 最高权力,权威 pharaoh n.法老王 【释】 a ruler of ancient Egypt; the title of a king of ancient Egypt Just in case some are still lively, bees can be pacified with a few puffs of smoke blown into each hives narrow entrance. 如果有些蜜蜂还是很活跃,那么从狭窄的蜂房口吹进几口烟,就能使它们平静下来。 pacify v.使平静,安慰 【释】 to make someone calm, quiet

13、, and satisfied after they have been angry or upset 【用】 pacify with 【例】 Jim allowed himself to be pacified with this arrangement. 杰姆作出妥协接受了这一安排。 puff v.喷,吹 【释】 to breathe quickly and with difficulty after the effort of running, carrying something heavy etc. 【用】 puff at; puff on; puff away 【例】 Dont p

14、uff smoke into my face! 别往我脸上吐烟! hive n.蜂房,蜂箱(= beehive) 【释】 a small box where bees are kept, or the bees that live in this box; a structure where bees live, especially a beehive, or the group of bees living there 【例】 a honeycomb; a hive 蜂巢 She cites both quantitative and qualitative studies that sh

15、ow increased productivity for part-time workers. 她用定性和定量两种研究结果来说明兼职工作者的生产力有所提高。 quantitative a.数量的,定量的 【释】 relating to amounts rather than to the quality or standard of something 【派】 ad. quantitatively 【用】 quantitative data / analysis 【例】 quantitative analysis定盘分析 qualitative a.性质上的,质的,定性的 【释】 relat

16、ing to the quality or standard of something rather than the quantity 【派】 ad. qualitatively 【用】 qualitative analysis / study 【例】 qualitative change 质变 productivity n.生产率,生产能力 【释】 the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced, especially in relation to the work, time, and money needed

17、to produce them 【派】 n. product / production; v. produce; a. productive 【用】 improve / increase / raise productivity 【例】 There have been tremendous increases in agricultural productivity. 农业生产率已得到极大提高。 The accepted golden standard of evidence is a randomized control trial, in which a new drug is compa

18、red with the best existing therapy. 公认的可以用来证明的黄金标准是一个随机控制试验,它对一种新药物和目前最好的治疗方法进行对比。 randomize vt.形成不规则分布,使随机化(英国英语:randomise) 【释】 to choose things in a way that is not carefully controlled or planned in order to do a scientific test 【派】 a. random; ad. randomly 【例】 The numbers have been randomized. 号码

19、被随机化了。 compare v.比较,相比 【释】 to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to or different from each other 【派】 a. comparative; ad. comparatively 【用】 compared to / with sth. 【例】 The present cannot compare with the past. 今非昔比。 therapy n.疗法,治疗 【释】 a treatment which helps so

20、meone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness 【派】 n. therapist 【用】 a therapy for 【例】 oxygen therapy 氧气疗法 But by the time the sediment has come to rest in the fields and lagoons it is laden with municipal, industrial and agricultural waste. 但是当沉淀物到达田地和泻湖中时,已经载满了城市垃圾和工农业废品。 sedim

21、ent n.沉淀物 【释】 a solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid 【派】 a. sedimentary 【例】 White sediment was left when the water was dried. 水抽干后,留下白色的沉淀物。 lagoon n.泻湖,污泥贮留池,咸水湖 【释】 a lake of sea water that is partly separated from the sea by rocks, sand, or coral 【例】 This area isolates a restrict

22、ed lagoon environment. 这地区隔离起来,形成一个封闭的泻湖环境。 laden a.充满的,负载的 【释】 heavily loaded with something, or containing a lot of something 【用】 heavily / fully laden; laden with 【例】 His voice was soft,yet laden with threat. 他的声音柔和,但语气充满恐吓。 municipal a.市政的,市的 【释】 relating to or belonging to the government of a t

23、own or city 【派】 ad. municipally; n. municipality 【例】 municipal engineering projects 市政工程 Europe is simultaneously baking and freezing, and will continue to do so as a result of global warming, alarmists asserted in global media reports in November 2005. 在2005年11月的全球媒体报道中,有忧虑者称欧洲的气候将伴随全球变暖而不断变化,忽热忽冷。

24、 simultaneously ad.同时发生地 【释】 things that are simultaneous happen at exactly the same time 【派】 a. simultaneous 【例】 The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV. 比赛将在电视中直播。 baking n.烘培 a.烘烤的,灼热的 【释】 the process of cooking using dry heat in an oven 【例】 electric baking电热烘烤 global warming n.全球气候变暖 【释】

25、 a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth alarmist n. 危言耸听者,大惊小怪者,忧虑者 a. 骇人的 【释】 people who worry about dangers that do not really exist; causing unnecessary fear and anxiety 【例】 Man who worries about death is an alarmist. 担心死亡的人是杞人忧天。 a

26、ssert v.宣称,断言 【释】 to state firmly that something is true 【用】 assert that 【例】 They asserted that the boy was innocent. 他们断言那男孩是无辜的。 It is our belief that this improvement alone, while not tangibly measurable, has increased the ability of management to manage the effects of absenteeism more effectivel

27、y since this study. 我们相信,虽然效果还不太明显,但单是这一方面的提高,就能有效提高对缺勤率的管理能力。 tangibly ad.明白地,可触知地 【释】 real or not imaginary; able to be shown, touched or experienced 【派】 a. tangible 【例】 The development of the economy has tangibly improved the lives of all people in China.经济发展显著改善了全中国居民的生活水平。 measurable a.可测量的;重大的

28、,重要的 【释】 large or important enough to have an effect that can be seen or felt 【派】 ad. measurably 【例】 measurable by a common criteria 可用共同标准测量的 Developing countries in Asia could face an “unprecedented” water crisis within a decade due to mismanagement of water resources. 由于水资源管理不善,十年内,亚洲的发展中国家将面临“史无

29、前例的”水危机。 unprecedented a.空前的,史无前例的 【释】 never having happened before, or never having happened so much 【派】 ad. unprecedentedly 【用】 unprecedented in 【例】 Chinas tertiary industry is developing at an unprecedented rate. 中国的第三产业正以空前的速度发展。 crisis n.危机,危急关头 【释】 a situation that has reached an extremely dif

30、ficult or dangerous point; a time of great disagreement, uncertainty or suffering 【派】 n. crises (pl.) 【例】 He suffered enormous loss in the financial crisis. 他在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。 decade n.十年 【释】 a period of 10 years 【例】 Just now he told me the greatest scientific achievement of the decade.他刚才给我讲了这十年来最伟大的科学成就。 due to 因为,由于 【释】 because of something 【例】 Her successes were largely due to good luck. 她的成功主要靠运气。 mismanagement n.管理不善

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