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1、所有会计科目汇总表所有会计科目汇总表顺序号 编号 会计科目名称 会计科目适用范围 一、资产类 库存现金 1 1001 银行存款 2 1002 存放中央银行款项 银行专用 3 1003 存放同业 银行专用 4 1011 其它货币基金 5 1015 结算备付金 证券专用 6 1021 存出保证金 金融共用 7 1031 拆出资金 金融共用 8 1051 交易性金融资产 9 1101 买入返售金融资产 金融共用 10 1111 应收票据 11 1121 应收帐款 12 1122 预付帐款 13 1123 应收股利 14 1131 应收利息 15 1132 应收保护储金 保险专用 16 1211 ti

2、mes participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and c

3、ollection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported

4、2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements

5、to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and lim

6、it. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential

7、diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with

8、the 应收代位追偿款 保险专用 17 1221 应收分保帐款 保险专用 18 1222 应收分保未到期责任保险专用 19 1223 准备金 应收分保保险责任准保险专用 20 1224 备金 其它应收款 21 1231 坏帐准备 22 1241 贴现资产 银行专用 23 1251 贷款 银行和保险共用 24 1301 贷款损失准备 银行和保险共用 25 1302 代理兑付证券 银行和保险共用 26 1311 代理业务资产 27 1321 材料采购 28 1401 在途物资 29 1402 原材料 30 1403 材料成本差异 31 1404 库存商品 32 1406 发出商品 33 1407

9、商品进销差价 34 1410 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit lik

10、e prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acqui

11、sition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstanc

12、es, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagno

13、sis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis

14、and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months)

15、be familiar with the 委托加工物资 35 1411 包装物及低值易耗品 36 1412 消耗性物物资产 农业专用 37 1421 周转材料 建造承包商专用 38 1431 贵金属 银行专用 39 1441 抵债资产 金融共用 40 1442 损余物资 保险专用 41 1451 存货跌价准备 42 1461 待摊费用 43 1501 独立帐户资产 保险专用 44 1511 持有至到期投资 45 1521 持有至到期投资减值46 1522 准备 可供出售金融资产 47 1523 长期股权投资 48 1524 长期股权投资减值准49 1525 备 投资性房地产 50 1526 长

16、期应收款 51 1531 未实现融资收益 52 1541 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, repo

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