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1、翻译二级口译综合能力10翻译二级口译综合能力-10(总分:88.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part (总题数:2,分数:20.00)(分数:10.00)(1).The man was caught at the fence under the north lawn at the White House today.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 A man was arrested by the Secret Service, moments after jumping over a fence under the north lawn at the White House

2、today. The suspect was caught at the fence that faces Pennsylvania Avenue and did not make it fall on the grounds The president wasnt at the White House at the time.难点 与原文一字不差。(2).A later winter storm is occurring in the Northwest in Mid-Atlantic.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 A late winter storm is causing

3、 headaches for residents and travelers up and down the East Coast. Forecasters say the storm could dump a lot of snow in the Northeast and a lot of rain in the Mid- Atlantic. The weather has already forced JetBlue to cancel all of its flights at the New York metropolitan area. Other airlines have al

4、so canceled flights including Delta and Northwest.难点 本题在于听清楚事件发生的细节问题,风暴发生的地点应该是Northeast。(3).The British coroner criticized US military for killing a British soldier unlawfully in a fire incident with US troops 5 years ago.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 A British inquest into a friendly fire incident with

5、US troops that killed a British soldier, says now that the shooting was unlawful and entirely avoidable. The US government already cleared the soldiers of any wrongdoing and the British findings are nonbinding. Cockpit recordings captured the incident that happened 4 years ago in Iraq, one British s

6、oldier died and 4 others were wounded. The coroner that conducted the inquest criticized US military for not cooperating with the investigation.难点 本题是考时间,应该是4年前。(4).A government health study backs up the recommendation that one should be eating fruit and vegs in his diet.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 A gov

7、ernment health study backs up what Mom has said all along, you should be eating your fruit and vegs. The study says less than a third of Americans get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet. The goal is to get 75% of Americans eating 2 pieces of fruit a day and 50% eating 3 ve

8、gs daily by 2010 and proving once again, Mom is always right.难点 本题可以从原文直接推断得出,也可以运用自己的常识得出。(5).Valerie Plame Wilson was convicted of lying and obstruction in that leak investigation.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 Valerie Plame Wilson, the former CIA operative and figure at the center of the CIA leak case is

9、 testifying before a House committee today. Plame Wilson said she felt like she received a kick in the gut when she learnt her identity had been compromised. Former White House aide Lewis Scooter Libby was convicted of lying and obstruction in that leak investigation. Former Deputy Secretary of Stat

10、e Richard Armitage says he originally leaked her name.难点 本题在于理清人物关系,正确的应该是“Former White House aide Lewis Scooter Libby was convicted of lying and obstruction in that leak investigation”。(分数:10.00)(1).The two men have been very intimate and reliable friends throughout their lives.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:

11、解析 For most of their lives, the two men had shared confidences, swapped advice and supported each others ambitions. The dozens of letters that Justice Blackmun saved document a relationship of sometimes startling intimacy.分析 事实细节的判断。该题干中有三处主要细节需要与原文对应后判断是否正确,即:very intimate,reliable friends和througho

12、ut their fives。原文中startling intimacy可与very intimate对应,原文中had shared confidences, swapped advice and supported each others ambition可与reliable friends对应,而原文中most of their lives和题干中的throughout their lives并不吻合,因此该题的说法是错误的。解题关键 将选项信息与原文相关信息对照,可得出正确答案。(2).The childrens health insurance program in Florida

13、was intended to help kids from low-income families.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 Tens of thousands of youngsters from low-income families who were eligible for a childrens health insurance program in Florida, instead of being allowed into the program, were diverted by state officials to a long waiting list

14、.分析 词义理解。本题的关键是理解文中词组be eligible for的含义。该词组意为“适宜被选中的;有恰当资格的”,因此原文Tens of thousands of youngsters from low-income families who were eligible for a childrens health insurance program in Florida意为“那些有资格享受佛罗里达州儿童健康保险项目的低收入家庭中的年轻人”与题干含义“佛罗里达州儿童健康保险项目旨在帮助低收入家庭中的孩子”相吻合,因此该题的说法是正确的。解题关键 正确理解短语be eligible fo

15、r(对于某事享有资格)。(3).Iraqis stopped the development of long-range ballistic missiles because such programs were prohibited by the US.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 Although Iraq ultimately failed to develop and produce long-range ballistic missiles and its permitted short-range missile projects were fraught with

16、 problems, its missile program is seen by US decision makers as the main prohibited-weapon effort that Iraq continued right up until the war.分析 因果关系判断。原文中谈到伊拉克导弹问题时,认为“its missile program is seen by US decision makers as the main prohibited-weapon effort that Iraq continued right up until the war”即“

17、美国决策者认为伊拉克导弹项目是其禁武努力的主要目标,但伊拉克却将该项目一直进行到战争开始。”这与题干中的因果关系不相符,因此该题的说法是错误的。解题关键 正确找寻并理解关键句子是解题的关键。(4).As a Washington insider, to win the support from all sides, Mr. Kerry has never let anybody down over the years.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 Mr. Bush, the son of a president and the grandson of a senator, ca

18、stigated Mr. Kerry as a Washington insider who has been in Congress so long that he has taken both sides on just about every issue.分析 特定信息的找寻和判断。根据题干中的关键词Mr. Kerry,排除原文有关Mr. Bush内容的干扰,重点理解原文后半句内容“Mr. Kerryhas taken both sides on just about every issue”即“Mr. Kerry在每件事情上都颇受两方的好评。”这与题干中 has never let a

19、nybody down即“不让任何人失望”的说法相吻合,因此该题的说法是正确的。解题关键 同义词替换。原文中take both sides与选项中never let anybody down意思相同。(5).Darwinian theory neither explains the process of evolution nor makes correct predictions about the results of evolution.(分数:2.00)A.正确B.错误解析:解析 If Darwinian theory works so well, why challenge it?

20、There are several reasons to do so. Although Darwinian theory explains many of the facts of evolution better than any other theory, it does not necessarily explain the whole process. Also, some of the results of evolution do not match what Darwinian theory would predict.分析 事实细节的判断。题干中所提供的事实细节在程度和精确度

21、上与原文不相符。如题干中说到“达尔文理论未对进化过程作出解释”,而原文的说法则是“Although Darwinian theory explains many of the facts of evolution, it does not necessarily explain the whole process”即“虽然达尔文理论对进化的许多事实进行了解释,但它并未对进化过程进行解释。”又如题干中说到“达尔文理论未对进化的结果作出正确的预测”,而原文则是“some of the results of evolution do not match what Darwinian theory w

22、ould predict”即“一些进化结果与达尔文理论的预测并不相符”。由此可见,该题的说法是错误的。解题关键 将原文和选项中表程度的词相对比,可发现不同之处。二、Part (总题数:2,分数:20.00)Which of the following statements is true according to what you hear?Which of the following statements is true according to what you hear?(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following statements is true acc

23、ording to what you hear?AThe growth rate in 2003 is lower than that of the previous year.BThis year the government will continue to support lending and investment in constructionCThe government will cut state bonds by 35% in 2004.DState bonds issued to finance construction will be $3.6 billion less

24、this year than last.(分数:2.00)A.The growth rate in 2003 is lower than that of the previous year.B.This year the government will continue to support lending and investment in constructionC.The government will cut state bonds by 35% in 2004.D.State bonds issued to finance construction will be $3.6 bill

25、ion less this year than last.解析:解析 Mr. Wen said government would aim for a growth rate of 7 percent this year, considerably slower than the 9.1 percent pace recorded for 2003. He said the government would reduce the issuance of state bonds intended to finance construction by about $3.6 billion, or 2

26、5 percent, and would also restrain lending and investment that has led to redundant construction in some industries and regions.分析 特定信息的找寻和判断。本题要求识别并判断Mr. Wen所说的政府工作目标的各细节信息。根据题干中的关键词,找寻原段落中相关部分将A与第一句对照;B与第二句would also restrain lending and investment对照;C和D与第二句government would reduce the issuance of

27、state bonds intended to finance construction by about $3.6 billion, or 25 percent对照,可发现只有D的说法与原文相符,因此,选项d是正确的。解题关键 掌握同义词或近义词的替换。如原文中slower 与选项A中lower替换;原文中restrain与选项C中cut替换;原文中reduce和选项D中less替换。(2).What conclusions can you make about the people in New York City?AYou cant please anyone in New York C

28、ity.BThey dont like to recycle their trash.CMayor Bloomberg always turns a deaf ear to peoples complaints.DPeople want to have their trash collected more frequently.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 In New York City, people complained for years about having to recycle their trash. Then they complained when May

29、or Michael R. Bloomberg canceled most recycling to save the city money. And they positively howled in confusion when he restored some recycling but cut collections to every other week.分析 隐含事实的判断。从原文中纽约人对回收垃圾的态度可知,他们对回收垃圾持抱怨的态度;对市长取消大部分回收项目持抱怨态度,对他恢复对某些垃圾的回收且回收次数改为隔周一次的态度有褒有贬众说纷纭。由此可推测出无论怎么做,都不可能使所有纽

30、约人满意。因此,选项A的说法是正确的。解题关键 掌握某些表态度的关键词有助于得出正确答案,如根据原文 complained和howled in confusion推断出正确答案。(3).According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the result of globalization and liberalization?AThe gap between the developed and the developing countries has widened.BThe industrialized world has wi

31、tnessed unprecedented wealth.CThe wealth of the world has been redistributed.DThe current developing countries will become the most rapidly rowing economies.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 Globalization and the liberalization that produced it have generated a sustained period of economic expansion, together with the most rapid reconfiguration of international economic geography ever. Unprecedented wealth and standards of living exist in the industrialized world. Elsewhere, some countries that struggled with poverty a mere generation ago are now economic poles in their own right. Ov

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