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1、外研版三起点五年级英语上册M1M10检测题及短语句子背诵资料五年级英语上册Module 1 学案 【一般过去时】一、概念一般过去时表示过去某一时间或某一段时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。谓语动词要用过去式,常与过去时间 yesterday(昨天), just now(刚才), two years ago(两年前) , in May(在五月), yesterday evening(昨天晚上) , last night(昨天晚上), last year (去年) , last week(上个周) , in the past(在过去) ,in 1990(在1990年) 连用。二、句式(一)be动词的一

2、般过去时:(am/is的过去式为was , are 的过去式为were)肯定句:主语+ was/were+ 其它 .否定句:主语+was/were + not + 其它.(was not=wasnt , were not=werent)一般疑问句:Was/Were +主语+其它 ?例:肯定句:Tom was short last year.否定句:Tom was not short last year. 一般疑问句:Was Tom short last year? (Yes , he was . / No , he wasnt .)(二)行为动词(即实义动词)的一般过去时:肯定句:主语+动词的

3、过去式+ 其它 .否定句:主语+did not+动词原形+其它.(do/does 的过去式为did,did not=didnt )一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其它 ?例:肯定句:Tom bought a book yesterday .否定句:Tom didnt buy a book yesterday .一般疑问句:Did Tom buy a book yesterday ? (Yes , he did . / No , he didnt .)三、写出下列动词的过去式。【一般情况直接加ed】1.wait_2.finish_3.walk_ 4.look_5.visit_6.watch_

4、【以不发音的e结尾的加d】 7.like_8.live_【以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变为i,再加ed】 _【以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,要双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ed】10.drop_【特殊情况需要特别记忆】11.is_12.am_13.are_14.meet_15.run_16.send_17.go_18.does_19.do_e_ 21.see_22.buy_ 四、汉译英 在上方_ 爱你的_ 地面_ 那些_ 冰激凌_ 我们_ 电子邮件_ 赶紧,匆忙_ 吃完,喝完_(过去式_) 等待_(过去式_) 跑_(过去式_) 掉落_(过去式_)发送,寄_(过去式_) 碰

5、上,遇见_(过去式_) 五、重点词组背诵be back from 从回来 come back from从回来 look at 看 go home 回家 run to 跑向hurry up 赶紧,赶快 go to the park去公园 by plane乘飞机last Sunday 上星期日 by bus 乘公共汽车 wait for 等待go to London Town去伦敦镇 walk to school走着去上学 phone you给你打电话 high up in the sky高高的在空中 send an email发送电子邮件 finish your ice cream 吃完你的冰激

6、凌our Chinese friends我们的中国朋友 the Huangpu River黄浦江 a postcard from Lingling一张来自玲玲的明信片 live in 住在 六、重点句子背诵1、Did you come back yesterday ?你们昨天回来的吗?2、We came back last Sunday .我们上星期日回来的。3、Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy .玲玲、萨姆和埃米在伦敦。4、Finish your ice cream , Lingling .吃完你的冰激凌,玲玲。5、I dropped my ice

7、 cream !我弄掉了我的冰激凌!6、We bought ice creams.我们买了冰激凌。7、Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy . 昨天我和萨姆、埃米去公园了。8、We met John in the park . 我们在公园里遇见了约翰。9、I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes!我把我的冰激凌掉在了约翰的新鞋上。 七、词形转换过去式)_ 2. send(过去式)_3.bought(原形)_ 4.drop(过去式)_ 5.met(原形)_ 6.have(过去式)_7.go

8、(过去式)_过去式)_同音词)_e(过去式)_ 11.did(原形)_过去式)_13. see (过去式)_14. visit(过去式)_八、选择题。1.We are back_ China. A.for B.on C.from2.He played_ Lingling yesterday.A.with C.and3.Please wait_ me. A. to B.for C.with4. _ did you buy them? A.When B.Who C.What5._ you live in London?No,I didnt.A.Do

9、 B.Are C.Did6.Look_ this photo.This is me. B.for C.after7.Where did Lingling go ? She_ to the Great Wall.A.goes B.go C.went8.Yesterday,I_ an ice cream. A. have B. having C. had9.We_ TV yesterday evening.A. watching B. watched C. watch10.Yesterday I_ my ice cream. A.droped B.drop C.dropped九、选词填空

10、,补全句子。1Did you _ (come/came)back yesterday? 2Lingling didnt _(phoned/poone) you last Sunday. 3. Here_(are/is)a postcard from Lingling. 4.Then we went home by _(a bus/bus). 5.Yesterday, Xiaohai _ (bought/buys)an ice cream.6.Youre back _(from/with)China .十、阅读理解。Last Sunday I went to the bookshop(书店) w

11、ith my parents. We walked to the bookshop. On the way, we met John and his sister. They went to the bookshop , too. John is Linglings friend. John and I are in the same class. In the bookshop, we bought many books. John bought a book about animals for Lingling. 根据短文内容判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。( )1. Last Sunday

12、 I went to the park with my parents.( )2. We went to the bookshop by bus.( )3. John and I are classmates.( )4. John and his parents went to the bookshop, too.( )5. John and I bought many books.十一、作文背诵 Last Sunday It was a sunny day last Sunday. All the students in our class went to the park by bus.

13、We got there at half past eight. There were many people in the park. We went boating and we took lots of photos. We played games in the park. We had a good time last Sunday.五年级英语上册Module 2 检测题一、汉译英清单 需要 首先,第一 可以 丢失(过去式) 多少 奶酪 一些 使用 在那边 瓶子 一半 千克 许多的二、重点词组背诵at home在家 at the supermarket在超市 over there在那

14、边 a shopping list一张购物清单 how much多少 half a kilo 半千克a lot of = lots of许多(后面可以加可数名词,也可以加不可数名词) 二、重点句子背诵句型结构:How many + 可数名词复数 + 其他?(How many用来询问可数名词的数量)1、How many apples did your mum say ?你妈妈说多少个苹果?2、How many bananas did you buy ?你们买了多少根香蕉?3、How many hamburgers do you want ?你想要多少个汉堡包?4、How many eggs di

15、d you buy ?你买了多少个鸡蛋?句型结构:How much + 不可数名词 + 其他?(How much用来询问不可数名词的数量)5、How much cheese did she say ?她说多少奶酪?6、How much cheese did you buy ?你们买了多少奶酪?7、How much chocolate did you buy ?你们买了多少巧克力?8、How much juice did you buy ?你们买了多少果汁?9、How much rice did you buy ?你买了多少大米? 句型结构:疑问词 + did + 人 + 动词原形 ?10、Wh

16、at did you buy ?你买了什么?(did + 加动词原形)11、We bought some apples .我们买了一些苹果。12、We also bought four pears .我们还买了四个梨。13、We need food for our picnic .我们需要为我们的野餐准备食物。14、We didnt buy any bananas .我们没买香蕉。15、Ill make a shopping list .我将要制作一份购物清单。(will + 动词原形)16、We need a big bag for our picnic .我们需要为我们的野餐准备一个大包。

17、17、We can use the bag over there .我们可以用在那边的那个包。(can + 动词原形)三、词形转换过去式)_ 2. send(过去式)3.bought(原形)4.drop(过去式) 5.met(原形) 6.have(过去式)7.go(过去式)过去式)同音词)e(过去式)11.did(原形)过去式)13Heres(完整形式) _ 14. Ill(完整形式) _ 15.first(基数词) _ 16. know (同音词)_ 四、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Here_(be)a big bag for you.2.H

18、ow many_(apple)do you want?3.Let_(we)go to the supermarket.4.He_(need)food for his picnic.5.I_(lose)my dog yesterday.五、你能把how many 和how much 送回家吗?1. _ water did she drink(喝)?2. _ cheese did he buy?3. _bananas did you buy?4. _chocolate did you buy?5. _oranges did you buy?六、单项选择( )1.We are backChina.

19、A.for B.on C.from( )2.He playedLingling yesterday. A.with C.and( )3.Please waitme. A. to B.for C.with( )4.did you buy them? A.When B.Who C.What( ) live in London?No,I didnt.A.Do B.Are C.Did( )6.Lookthis photo.This is me. B.for C.after( )7.Where did Lingling go ? Sheto the Great Wall.

20、A.goes B.go C.went( )8.Yesterday,Ian ice cream.A. have B. having C. had( )9.WeTV yesterday evening.A. watching B. watched C. watch( )10.Yesterday Imy ice cream.A. droped B. drop C. dropped( )11.Ill four buy C.buying ( )12. friends do you have?A.How B.How many C.How much( )13.Lets a

21、 make B.made C.make( )14. are these orange? They are five yuan.A.How much B.What C.How many( )15.Do you want to go shopping?_A.Yes,Iam. B.No,I dont. C.No,I am not.七、改错1.How much pens are there in the box? _ A B C D2.We need food to our picnic. _ A B C D3.She bought a lots of food. _ A B C

22、D4.Tom was back by Shanghai. _ A B C D5.We often has lunch at school. _ A B 6.I went to Canada take plane. _ A B 八、补全对话Amy:Hello,Daming.Howareyou?Daming:1_.Whatdidyoudoattheweekend?Amy:_2_.Daming:Wheredidyougo?Amy:_3_.AndwevisitedBigBenandtheLondonEyDaming:WhatstheLondonEye?Amy:4_.Itswonderful.Damin

23、g:Idontunderstand.Amy:5_A.WewenttotheBritishMuseum. B.Itsabigwheel. C.Youllseeit.D.Wevisitedlotsofplaces. E.Imfine,thanks. 九、作文背诵 Shopping Yesterday was Sunday, and it was a fine day. My mother took me to the supermarket in the morning. The supermarket is very big, and there are many things in it. I

24、 helped my mother read the shopping list. We bought a lot of things, such as a bottle of milk, a kilo of cheese and five boxes of juice. We spent 100 yuan on them. My mother and I were very happy. 五年级英语上册Module 3 检测题一、汉译英周末_ 地方_ 英国的,英国人_ 博物馆_ 如何,怎样_ 最_ 旅行_ 沿着_ 河,江_ 小时_ 二十_ 分钟_乘坐_(过去式_) 关于的_墙_ 到达_ 达,

25、计_山_ 拥有,具有_ 植物_二、重点词组背诵在周末at the weekend 许多地方lots of places 大英博物馆 the British Museum 大本钟Big Ben 伦敦眼London Eye 这些地方these places 乘坐公共汽车by bus 许多lots of长城the Great Wall 在上午in the morning 拍照take photos 度过美好的一天have a good day一个小时二十分钟one hour and twenty minutes三、重点句子背诵重点句型结构请记住:疑问词 + did + 人 + 动词原形 + 其它 ?

26、1、Where did you go? 你去了哪儿?2、What did you do at the weekend ? 你们在周末做了什么?3、What did you do? 你做了什么?4、We went to the British Museum. And we visited Big Ben and the London Eye .我们去了大英博物馆。我们参观了大本钟和伦敦眼。5、Did Lingling like the museum ?玲玲喜欢博物馆吗?Yes,she did .是的,她喜欢。Did + 人 +动词原形 + 其它?6、We visited lots of places . 我们参观了许多地方。7、But she liked the bus ride best ! 但是她最喜欢乘公共汽车! Then we took a boat trip along the river .然后我们沿着河进行了一次乘船旅行。 It took one hour and twenty minutes .它花了我们一个小时二十分钟。8、They arrived there at ten oclock in the morning .他们在上午十点到达了那儿。9、Daming took a photo of his father .大明给他父亲拍了一张照

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