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1、六年级英语学业水平测试模拟卷二2019-2020年六年级英语学业水平测试模拟卷二一、 听音,选出你所听到的内容 4%( ) 1、A. GKR B. JKR C. GKI( ) 2、A. 6:15 B. 7:14 C. 6:50( ) 3、A. / i / B. / ei / C. / i /( ) 4、A. fast B. must C. past( ) 5、A. /w: t / B. /w: / C. / w: l /( ) 6、A. broken B. because C. brush( ) 7、A. pay attention B. play attention C. attention

2、( ) 8、A. get there B. go together C. get together二、听句子,给图标号 4% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选出与你听到单词含有相同发音的词 6%( )1、 A. room B. foot ( )2、A. bike B. give( )3、 B. glass ( )4、A. water B. who( )5、 A. sheep B. bread ( )6、A. here B. where( )7、 A. yellow B. windy ( )8、A.cooked B.visited四、听问

3、句,选答句 5%( )1、A. Yes, she is. B. No, it isnt.( )2、A. He is going next weekend. B. He is going to school.( )3、A. Its me. B. Its his.( )4、A. He hobby is singing. B. His hobby is drawing.( )5、A. Its Oct. 1st . B. Its Dec. 25th .五、选出与你听到句子意思一致的选项 5%( )1、A. Spring is my favourite season. B. I like summer

4、best.( )2、A. Amy is 150cm. B. Amy is 148cm.( )3、A. My father is a fisherman. B. My father is a postman.( )4、A. The tree is in front of the house. B. The tree is behind the house.( )5、A. I will take a bus home. B. I am going home by bike.六、听对话,选出正确的选项 6%听对话一完成1、2题1、Where are they? AAt home B. At scho

5、ol C. In a nature park.2、What are the lions doing ? A. They are talking to you. B. They are sleeping. C. They are running.听对话二完成3、4题3、 What happened to Ann ?A. She rode a bike. B. She hurt her foot C. She fell off and angry.4、Who did she go with ? A. Her brother. B. Her mother. C. Her sister.听对话三,完成

6、5、6两题5、What are they talking about ?A. A fareware party. B. A birthday party.C. A festival party.6、What is Mike going to do in the party?A. Sing a song. B. Play the pipa.C. Do kung fu.七、听短文,判断,与短文相符的写”Y”,不相符写”N” 5%( )1、Deer is tall and thin.( )2、Mouse is small and stupid(愚蠢).( )3、Mouse is afraid of

7、monkeys.( )4、Bear likes meat and fruit.( )5、Bear lives in the zoo. 八、听句子,填写正确的单词 5%1、_ 2nd is my mothers birthday2、Look, the elephant is _ water.3、The _ is near the cinema.4、Yesterday my brother _ many gifts for me from Yun Nan.5、Before I liked play _, but now I dont like it.Writing Part 60%一、请按照字母表

8、顺序选出排列正确的一项 4%( )1、 A.GUWX B. GPTV C. QRST( )2、 A. v u w B. k l m C. e f j( )3、 A. y x z B. p q r C. v d e( )4、 A. n o p q B. K M N O C. F G H R二、找出下列每组单词划线发音不同的一项 5%( )1、A. teacher B. shirt C. her D. word( )2、A. coat B. know C. loud D. show( )3、A. cleaned B. cooked C. washed D. watched( )4. A. Chin

9、a B. lunch C. christmas D. beach( )5. A. there B. think C. these D. father三、读一读,找出每组中不同类的一项 5%( )1、A. Italian B. China C. UK D. Germany( )2、A. better B. sister C. older D. esaier( )3、A. singing B. amazing C. dancing D. talking( )4、A. share B. chase C. teach D. mice( )5、A. report B. worker C. writer

10、D. coach四、按要求写单词 6% 1、 five(序数词)_ 2、will (同义词)_ 3、 country (复数)_ 4、hear (同音词)_ 5、 thin (比较级)_ 6、eat(过去式)_五、单项选择 8%( )1、Im 15 years old, Tony is 13. Hes _ than me. A. 2 years younger B. younger 2 years C. 2 years older( )2、_ ? Its on May 24th. A. What day is it today B. What is the date today C. What

11、 day ( )3、_ shoes are these? Theyre _ A. Whose Amy B. Whos hers C. Whose mine ( )4、Its time _ have lunch. A. to B. for C. to eat( )5、Mom, I dont know the word. Dear, You can _ on the Internet. A. look up it B. look up them C. look it up( )6、He often help _ with _ English after class. A. she her B. h

12、er her C. her she ( )7、There _ some bread on the table yesterday. A. was B. are C. is( )8、_ he going to the USA by plane ?. A. Does B. Is C. Did六、根据句意及首字母写出完整单词 5%1、There are many teachers and students there, its a _2、My brother likes planes best, he works in the airport. He is a _3、Its the first mo

13、nth of a year. Its _4、When you dont know the word, you can use it. Its a _5、She is a university teacher, she often works in a lab(实验室). She is a _七、按要求完成句子 5%1、He went skating last winter vacation. (改为一般疑问句) _ he _ skating last winter vacation ?2、My uncle often plays football every Sundays.(用next Su

14、nday 改写) My uncle _ _ to play football next Sunday.3、 This is a book. Its my sisters.(将两句话合并成一句) This _ is my _ .4、 There is a beautiful girl standing under the tree. (改为复数句)There _ _ beautiful girls standing under the tree.5、She went to the cinema and saw an interesting film last weekend.(划线部分提问)_

15、did she _ in the cinema last weekend ?八、补全对话,将正确的的句子序号填入横线内。(六选五)Amy: Hello, John. _.John: I can empty the trash. I can do the dishes.John: Great! Youre a helpful! _Mike: I went hiking with my parents. _.John: I went to a nature park saw lots of animals.Mike: _ A. Where are you going next week ? B.

16、What can you do ? C. Is there a river ? D. What about you ? E. What did you do last week ? F. Is there a lake ? John: No, but there is a big river. There are many flowers near the river.Mike: _ ? A. Where are you going next week ?John: Im going to Turpan. B. What can you do ?Mike: Cool, have a good

17、time. C. Is there a river ?John: Sure ! D. What about you ? E. What did you do last week ? F. Is there a lake ?九、改错,下列每句中有一个错误,请找出并改正 5%( )1、Its cold and snow in Bei Jing today. _ A B C( )2、They are going to buy some gifts to me next weekend. _ A B C( )3、My English teacher is so angry of me. _ A B C

18、( )4、Two years ago, Mike cant play the piano, now he can. _ A B C ( )5、Did he took lots of pictures last weekend. _ A B C十、选择合适的单词将短文补充完整(答题卡上写序号) 7%A. me B. happy C. twelfth D. didE. but F. cooked G. likesYesterday was Mar. 11th , it was Jennys _ birthday, he invited many friends to his home, his m

19、om _ much delicious food. Beef is Mikes favourite food, _ Ann doesnt like it, she _ chicken best. After lunch, there was a party, in the party, Mike _ kung fu, Ann sang an English song. What about _? Haha, I was danced a nice dance. Everyone was so _ on that day.十一、读阅读,选择 5% Chen Jie and Chen Lin ar

20、e sisters. They both from Britain. Now they live in Shanghai .Chen Jie is fourteen years old, she is 2 years younger than her sister. But she is taller than Chen Lin. Chen Jie is 46kg, She is heavier than her. Next weekend Chen Lin are going to take a trip, but Chen Jie doesnt want to go, She wants

21、to go to the Renin Park with sally. In there, shes going to fly kites, row a boat. At last, they agree to go to Ren Min Park together, all of them are happy.( )1、Chen Jie comes from_ A. USA B. Shang Hai C. UK( )2、Chen Lin is _ than Chen Jie. A. younger B. older C. shorter( )3、Are they going to take

22、a trip next weekend ? A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent C. Yes, she is.( )4、What is Chen Jie going to do ? A. Going to fly kites and row a boat B. Going to fly kites and take a trip with Sally C. Going to row a boat and take a trip. ( )5. Who is heavier ? A. Chen Jie B. Chen Lin C. Sally 附送:姓 名_班 级

23、_ 六年级英语学科第二学期期中调研试卷2019-2020年六年级英语学科第二学期期中调研试卷(I)听录音,选出你所听到的内容(播一遍)5%学 号_ ( )1.A. workB. wordC. worldD. worm( )2.A. highB. higherC. hightD. highest( )3.A. ChristmasB. chairC. whereD. there( )4.A. publicB. pocketC. popularD. people( )5.A. JuneB. AugustC. JulyD. April( )6.A. aroundB. alwaysC. aboutD.

24、again( )7.A. 7:45B. 7:15C. 8:15D. 8:45( )8.A. as strong asB. as heavy asC. as interesting asD. as tall as( )9.A. writing paperB. write to TimC. write carefullyD. write a letter( )10.A. You can swim fast.B. You can jump high.C. You can jog to school.D. You can skate well.二、听录音,判断所给的答句是否正确,用“” 或“”表示(1

25、0分)( ) 1. Its the 18th of April.( ) 2. Sorry, I dont know.( ) 3. An elephant is.( ) 4. Its two kilometers away from here.( ) 5. Its on the 25th of December.( ) 6. Yes, he does.( ) 7. Yes, they do.( ) 8. Yes, he is.( ) 9. Its on the lst of August.( )10. You can take No.4 bus.三、听录音,给下列句子标上序号(5分)( )A.

26、Who goes to school earlier, Mike or David?( )B. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the History Museum, please?学 校_( )C. Go along this street, and then turn right at the second crossing.( )D. I wanted to buy an interesting book about animals.( )E. The policeman began to run. He ran faster than the

27、 thief.四、听录音,完成短文(播三遍)10%A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the _, please?B: Let me see. Go _ this _, and then turn _ at the first _. Its on your _. You can see it.A: How far is it from here?B: Its about a kilometer away. Well, to get there _, you can take bus No. 9 and _ _ at the second _.A:

28、Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.笔试部分 (70%)( )1.A. takeB. makeC. haveD. table( )2.A. farB. carC. gardenD. warm( )3.A. cousinB. blouseC. trousersD. house( )4.A. wormB. workerC. worldD. for( )5.A. seaB. readyC. headacheD. sweater一、 选出画线字母读音不同的单词,将其正确序号填入题前括号内(5分)二、英汉互译(5分) 1. 去散步 2. 游得更快 3. 善于 4.

29、去邮局的路 5. 和我一样高 6. turn left _ 7. on holidays _ 8. go along this street _ 9. about a kilometer away _ 10. at the first crossing _三、根据要求写出相应的单词(10分)1. sit(过去式) 2. far(比较级) 3. child(复数) 4. cities(单数) 5. well(比较级) 6. thin(比较级) 7. heavy(反义词) 8. late(反义词) 9. two(序数词)名词性物主代词) 四、选择填空(10分)( ) 1. can I get to the shopping center?

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