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冀教版学年九年级上学期英语学业水平期末检测试题 C卷.docx

1、冀教版学年九年级上学期英语学业水平期末检测试题 C卷冀教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语学业水平期末检测试题 C卷一、 听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)听对话,选出一个与你所听到的内容相符合的图片( ) A . B . C . 2. (2分)How does John go to Los Angeles?A . B . C . 3. (2分)选择相应的图片( )A . B . C . 4. (2分)What will the man buy? A . B . C . 5. (2分)选出与其意思相符的图片( )A . B .

2、C . 二、 听较长对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出问题的答案。 (共2题;共10分)6. (4分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Which subject is the boy best at? A . History.B . Geography.C . Computer.(2)When is the last day to hand in the answers? A . This Saturday.B . Next Monday.C . Next Wednesday.7. (6分)听第二段材料, 回答下列3小题。 (1)Whats the weather like in Hangz

3、hou now? A . Very warm.B . Very cold.C . Very hot.(2)Did Wang Fang go to Hangzhou? A . Yes.B . No.C . We dont know.(3)Where will they read stories about Hangzhou? A . On the radio.B . On TV.C . On the Internet.三、 听段短文,请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项, (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)听下面一段独白,回答问题。 (1)What was the weather l

4、ike that day? (windy/sunny/rainy) (2)What did Mrs White ask the man to eat? (some foodsome chocolatethe grass behind the house) 四、 单项填空 (共10题;共20分)9. (2分)Nancy, apple on the table is for you.Thanks. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A . aB . anC . theD . /10. (2分)What _ is the shirt?Medium.A . pr

5、iceB . sizeC . colour11. (2分)I didnt have a good sleep last night because of the noise, so I feel _ now.A . asleepB . awakeC . excitedD . sleepy12. (2分)一 Lily will go to the party instead of Betty.一 Oh, I see.A . in front ofB . in place ofC . in need of13. (2分)Yesterday we _some CDs in a shop . A .

6、buyB . buyedC . bought14. (2分)Tom can sing English songs, _ he cant sing _. A . or, goodB . and, wellC . but, goodD . but, well15. (2分) How long have you been collecting stamps? I was ten years old.A . SinceB . WhenC . Because16. (2分)Tom is a shy boy and he _ in public. A . darent speakB . darent to

7、 speakC . dont dare speak17. (2分)-Do you mind my taking this seat? -_.A . No, of course not.B . No, you cant take it.C . Yes, take it pleaseD . Yes, sit down please18. (2分)(2016黔西南) Whats the weather like today?A . Its SundayB . Its sunnyC . I hope soD . Thanks五、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)19. (15分)In New York,

8、 on a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of a train station. He was playing his1.His music was so great that many people put money into his2.The next day, the young artist came to the3place, and played the violin as usual. Different from the day before, he took out a piece of paper

9、and put4on the ground. The paper read ,“Last night ,a man named George Sang put an important thing into my hat 5.Please come to get it soon.”6about half an hour, a(an)7man there in a hurry, “Oh ,its you. You did come here.” The young violinist asked 8, “Are you Mr. George Sang?”“Yes! Yes!” Then the

10、violinist asked, “Did you lose something?”“Lottery(彩票).Its the most valuable lottery in my 70 years of life,” said the man.The violinist9a lottery ticket. George Sangs name was on it, so the violinist10it to him. Later someone asked the violinist, “Since you11play the violin every day to make your t

11、uition (学费)in the university, why didnt you keep the lottery ticket for yourself?” The violinist said, “12I dont have much money, I live happily; But if I lose honesty, I wont be happy forever.” Through our lives, we can get a lot and lose so13. But being14should always be with us. If we act in a di

12、shonest way, we may15in a short period(短期). However, from the long-term view, we will be a loser.(1)A . piano B . guitar C . violin D . sax(萨克斯) (2)A . bowl B . hat C . pocket D . hands (3)A . similar B . different C . strange D . same (4)A . it B . its C . they D . them (5)A . by then B . by mistak

13、e C . by the way D . by hand (6)A . After B . Before C . From D . When (7)A . young B . old C . small D . tall (8)A . coldly B . angrily C . calmly D . sadly (9)A . took out B . took off C . took back D . took away (10)A . sold B . bought C . gave D . lent (11)A . could B . had to C . should D . mus

14、t (12)A . Although B . Once C . If D . Unless (13)A . many B . much C . little D . few (14)A . kind B . rich C . honest D . poor (15)A . fail B . relax C . suffer D . succeed 六、 阅读理解 (共4题;共27分)20. (6分)阅读短文,根据短文内容选出最佳答案。 Question: Are you punctual(守时的)?Posted April 3, 2019 by BillyIm punctual in my w

15、ork life, but not in my personal life. However, its OK in my country. We, Brazilians, are always late: if the party is at eight, everyone shows up at ten and everyone, including the host, is happy that we are on time. Cheers!Lisa Rio de Janeiro, BrazilOf course! My friends and I all believe that sho

16、wing up late for an appointment (约会) or class is an insult(冒犯) to the person(s) we are meeting. It seems to say, My time is more important than yours.Vera Lausanne. SwitzerlandNot only am I punctual, but I am always early for most events in my life. The secret is (and it really works!): I keep all t

17、he clocks (except my computer) in my life 10 minutes fast!Wang Cai Shenzhen, ChinaFor an appointment, I always make sure Im on time. Once I had a friend who was always late for every meeting. If we made it at 9 and it was a 45-minute trip for her, then she would arrive at 9: 45. I liked her a lot, b

18、ut could not stand the unpunctuality.Bud Berlim, Germany(1)If you attend a Brazilians party and are 2 hours late, the host will _. A . ask you whyB . think you are impoliteC . think it doesnt matterD . ask you to drink with him(2)Who was always late for every meeting? A . Vera.B . Veras friend.C . B

19、ud.D . Buds friend.(3)The material is probably from _. A . a websiteB . a guidebookC . a school noticeD . a science magazine21. (8分)阅读理解 Thousands of years ago, people couldnt live for long. Most people only lived to be twenty-five or thirty years old. 20% of people died before they were twelvemonth

20、s old and another 30% could not live to be five years old. Today, people can live much longer. One reason is that the water we drink is cleaner. Clean water does not cause diseases(疾病). Besides, medical treatment is better today. More and more people live to be over eighty. Women often live longer t

21、han men. For example, in Japan, women usually can live to be eighty-five, but men can only live to be eighty. In the future, people will probably live longer than today. Here are many things we can do to help people live longer. For example, we can make sure that everyone has enough medicine to figh

22、t against diseases. Also, it is necessary for everyone to have enough to eat. Today many people die because they do not have enough food. (1)Thousands of years ago, of people couldnt live to be 5 years old. A . 20%B . 30%C . 50%D . 80%(2)Why can people live much longer today according to the passage

23、? A . We drink cleaner water and eat better food.B . We eat better food and get better medical treatment.C . We get better medical treatment and do enough exercise.D . We drink cleaner water and get better medical treatment.(3)From paragraph 3,we can know that . A . women often live longer than menB

24、 . all Japanese women can live to be eighty-fiveC . most men can live longer than womenD . husbands often live longer than their wives(4)What can we know from the passage? A . People will live longer and longer if they get enough food to eat.B . Enough medicine can help people fight against diseases

25、.C . People wont get enough food in the future.D . Everyone can get good medical treatment now.22. (5分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容回答问题There are some important festivals in Western countries. April Fools Day is on April 1. People usually play tricks on others on that day. Its very popular in England and America

26、.Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in May. Its a day to thank mothers. On that day, mothers usually get flowers and cards from their children. Fathers and children do the housework, so mothers can have a good rest.Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November in America. On that day, fami

27、lies all get together and have a big dinner.Christmas Day comes on December 25. Its the most popular festival in a year in Western countries. People exchange presents and visit friends.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(1)How many festivals are mentioned(提及) in this passage?_ (限4个单词以内)(2)When is April Fools Day?_(限4个单词

28、以内)(3)What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?_(限10个单词以内)(4)Who does the housework on Mothers Day?_ (限6个单词以内)(5)Is Christmas Day the most popular festival in Western countries?_ (限4个单词以内)23. (8分)阅读下列短文, 请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(C)Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what about it?The Internet is many different networks(网络) around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called Internet.Maybe that doesnt sound interesting. But when weve joined the Internet, there are lots of things we ca

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