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版 专题限时集训16 完形填空记叙文Ⅰ.docx

1、版 专题限时集训16 完形填空记叙文专题限时集训(十六)完形填空记叙文()(对应学生用书第121页)A 【导学号:52384066】(2017合肥市第一次教学质量检测)Ask someone for their first memory and they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first.However,I have no 1 at all about mine.The earliest thing I recall is looking down and seein

2、g flames coming out of my 2 It was a Sunday afternoon in July 1981 when I 3 fire.I was in the garden with my dad.It was a sunny day but slightly breezy(有微风的)I was standing nearby as my dad 4 to light the barbecue.After several failed attempts, 5 he had to use some sort of accelerant(助燃剂)It caused a

3、small fireball,which was flying towards me 6 the breeze suddenly 7 in my direction.Thats where the 8 memory of my burning ankles kicks in.My dad 9 fast.He dashed indoors,grabbed a large blanket and 10 to wrap me in it.The next thing I remember is sitting on a chest,feeling hot and 11 water over and

4、over again; then being driven to a 12 I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasnt able to bend my legs,which had to be wrapped in bandages. 13 this period,I dont recall experiencing pain.It was only when I 14 what an exciting summer my sister was having that my situation began to seem

5、15 Weve never talked much about the 16 my dad has never been an especially 17 person.Now that I have kids of my own,I do sometimes wonder what he 18 .Ive never felt any 19 at him,and I recognize that but for his swift actions the situation could have been 20 But Id certainly never have a barbecue wi

6、th my kids.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,“我”回忆了自己人生中与父亲一起经历的难以忘记的事情。1Achoice BideaCdoubt DworryC根据空前的“they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first”和空后的“The earliest thing I recall”的对比可知,此处表示“我”对于自己的记忆毫不怀疑。2Aankles BblanketCsleeves DbellyA根据下文的“Thats where the 8 memory of my

7、 burning ankles kicks in”可知,此处应选A。3Aexchanged BsetCheld DcaughtD那是1981年7月的一个周日的下午,“我”的脚踝处着火了。catch fire“着火”。4Atended BstruggledCrefused DmanagedB根据下文的“After several failed attempts”可知,父亲的几次尝试都失败了,所以此处表示父亲需要努力点燃烧烤架。5Aeventually BgraduallyCinterestingly DfortunatelyA根据上文的“After several failed attempts

8、”可知,此处指父亲经过了多次的尝试,最终不得不使用助燃剂。6Abefore BunlessCthough DasD因为风向突然改变,火球朝“我”这边飞来。as“因为”,引导原因状语从句。7Astopped BhowledCchanged DdroppedC参见上题解析。stop“停止”;howl“大声叫喊”;change“改变”;drop“落下”。8Avivid BsweetCprecious DvagueA根据上文的“However,I have no 1 at all about mine.”可知,此处表示“我”着火的脚踝留给了“我”清晰的记忆。9Ahid BactedCescaped D

9、approachedB根据下文的“He dashed indoors,grabbed a large blanket”可知,此处指父亲看到这种情景后行动很快。 10Agot away Bbroke inCstood by Dran backD根据上文的“He dashed indoors”可知,此处指父亲又从屋内跑回来。11Awaiting for Basking forCpaying for Dsearching forB“我”记得的下一件事情是坐在大箱子上,感觉很热,然后反复地要水喝。12Ahospital BpoolCcaf DgymA根据下文的“I underwent lots of

10、skin operations and for weeks I wasnt able to bend my legs,which had to be wrapped in bandages”可知,此处指“我”被送到医院。13AThanks to BBut for CThroughout DAfterC根据上文的“for weeks”可知,此处指在这整个期间。14Arealized BimaginedCpredicted DexplainedA当“我”意识到“我”的妹妹有一个令人兴奋的夏天的时候,“我”的状况才开始看起来难以忍受。15Aridiculous BacceptableCsatisfa

11、ctory DunbearableD参见上题解析。16Aillness BconflictCaccident DvisitC我们从来不过多地谈论这次事故。illness“疾病”;conflict“冲突”;accident“事故”;visit“参观”。17Astrict BopenCshy DhonestB根据上文的“Weve never talked much about the 16 ”可知, 此处指父亲不是一个性格特别开朗的人。 18Agave away Btook overCwent through Dlooked intoC“我”有了自己的孩子,有时“我”很想知道父亲当时经历了什么。g

12、o through“经历”;give away“泄露,分发,赠送”;take over“接管”;look into“调查”。19Asympathy BanxietyCguilt DangerD“我”从来都没有对父亲感到生气。sympathy“同情”;anxiety“忧虑”;guilt“内疚”;anger“怒气”。20Aworse BsimplerCstranger DclearerA“我”意识到要不是父亲当时快速的行动,情况可能会更加糟糕。worse“更糟的”。B 【导学号:52384067】(2017武汉市武昌区调研考试)The Gift at the Parking LotI never

13、thought I would be writing about a trip to the convenience store.It was just a month after my grandmother had 21 and I did useless things hoping to fill the hole in my heart and make me forget the pain.In the store,I was upset because I couldnt even remember 22 I went there to buy so I ended up buyi

14、ng something 23 As I walked out of the store to get my car,I was 24 angry at everything that was going on around me which was a very 25 feeling at that time.Feeling 26 ,my belief in God was beginning to fade.Suddenly,a woman driving right by my side rolled down her 27 “Excuse me,excuse me.” she said

15、 loudly. 28 she was going to ask for my parking spot,I 29 pointed to my car.“No,excuse me,” she said again.At this point,I felt I had no 30 but to see what this 31 lady wanted.As I got closer,I realized that she was 32 something in her bag.Surprisingly,I was 33 with a sense of relief while others wo

16、uld be nervous in this situation.Finally,she 34 me a booklet,which read “What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?”“Maybe you need this,” she said calmly 35 a warm smile on her face.However, 36 I could thank her,she was gone.I felt a sense of 37 as I opened the first page.It 38 how people pass on,but their spi

17、rit 39 with us.This was the first time since my grandma had died that I had felt her with me and I began to feel hope again.It was a unique 40 And,Ill remember it for the rest of my life.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了“我”因为祖母去世而非常伤心,甚至绝望,这时一位陌生人给了“我”一个小册子,帮助“我”走出了阴霾。21Acome back Bpassed awayCbroken down Dfallen

18、overB从最后一段的“my grandma had died”可知,“我”的祖母去世了,“我”非常伤心。pass away“去世”;come back“回来”;break down“出故障”;fall over“不运转”。22Awhat BwhyChow DwhenA到了便利店,“我”忘记了自己想买什么。空处引导宾语从句且从句中缺少宾语,故用what。23Aby chance Bin handCat random Don purposeC因为忘记要买什么,所以“我”就随便买了一些。by chance“偶然”;in hand“在掌握中”;at random“随意”;on purpose“故意”

19、。24Astill BevenCyet DalsoB因为当时心情非常不好,所以甚至(even)对周围的一切都非常看不惯。25Acommon BunbearableCcurious DawkwardA考虑到“我”当时所处的情况,这样的坏心情是非常普遍的。common“普遍的”;unbearable“难耐的”;curious“好奇的”;awkward“笨拙的,令人尴尬的”。26Abreathless BhopelessCaimless DhelplessB结合最后一段中的“I began to feel hope again”可知,此处指“我”对于上帝的信念开始减退,因为此时“我”感觉绝望。bre

20、athless“上气不接下气的”;hopeless“没有希望的”;aimless“没有目标的”;helpless“无助的”。27Acar BdoorCwindow DhandC突然,从“我”旁边开过的一位女司机把车窗摇了下来。28ARecognizing BWorryingCAssuming DRealizingC“我”以为她要把车停在“我”停车的位置。recognize“认出”;worry“担心”;assume“认为”;realize“意识到”。29Acautiously BexactlyCclumsily DsimplyD“我”只是指了指“我”的车。cautiously“小心地”;exac

21、tly“准确地”;clumsily“笨拙地”;simply“仅仅”。30Aalternative BrestrictionCdestination DprejudiceA这个时候“我”没有其他的办法,只有看看这个女士到底想要什么。alternative“可供选择的事物”;restriction“限制”;destination“目的地”;prejudice“偏见”。31Aoutgoing BenergeticCdetermined DannoyingD“我”当时心情非常差,看一切都不顺眼,所以“我”觉得这个女士很烦人。outgoing“外向的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;determin

22、ed“坚决的”;annoying“使烦恼的”。32Aputting away Blooking intoCsearching for Dgoing overC当“我”走近的时候,“我”发现她在包里找东西。put away“将收起”;look into“调查”;search for“寻找”;go over“仔细检查”。33Acheered BovercomeCaffected DmovedB令人想不到的是,这个时候“我”突然松了口气,而其他人在这种情况下都会紧张。be overcome with意为“被(感情)所控制”。cheer“欢呼”;affect“影响”;move“移动,使感动”。34Ao

23、ffered BshowedCbrought DhandedD最后她递给“我”一个小册子。hand作动词,表示“递”。35Awith BinCon DofA她的脸上带着微笑。36Aafter BonceCas DbeforeD“我”还没有来得及感谢她,她就已经走了。37Acomfort BsatisfactionCinspiration DsurpriseA当“我”翻开第一页的时候,“我”得到了安慰。comfort“安慰,舒适”;satisfaction“满意”;inspiration“灵感”;surprise“惊讶”。38Aimplied BexplainedCinstructed Ddir

24、ectedB这本小册子告诉我们,人们离去了,但他们的灵魂还和我们在一起。imply“暗示”;explain“解释,说明”;instruct“指示”;direct“指导”。39Acatches up Bfits inCsticks DremainsD他们的灵魂还和我们在一起。catch up“赶上”;fit in“适应”;stick“粘贴”;remain“继续存在”。40Alesson BmemoryCgift DrewardC这是一个独特的礼物。C(2017合肥市第二次教学质量检测)I retired from my family business four years ago.But Ive

25、 never been 41 of a challenge.Ive sailed around the world before.And Ive decided to fly east from Western Australia in a 42 For the last two years I have trained hard,spending 150 hours 43 with my ground team.When the big day came,thousands of people gathered to 44 the launch.It was a 45 start,with

26、a smooth and steady takeoff.I was 46 but still had some doubtsI was flying into the 47 I couldnt guarantee Id see my friends and family again.The capsule where I stayed was designed to 48 if I landed in water,but I was not sure whether I could 49 the cruelty of the ocean. 50 ,I kept watching the wea

27、ther,communicating with my land team and 51 the altitude to achieve the perfect speed and direction.On my fifth day,I was terrified to notice I was losing oxygen. 52 ,I managed to save my life by adjusting the pressure in the oxygen cylinder (氧气瓶) to stop the oxygen escaping.I know it was vital to s

28、tay 53 to control the flight,altitude and my oxygen flow,so I held a spoon between two fingersif I 54 ,it would fall and wake me up.I never questioned why I was doing this.It is such a unique 55 to see our beautiful planet from high above.Seeing the coast of Australia again on my 11th day was a huge

29、 56 I knew my journey was nearly over.It was to be a new world record.I could see my team 57 below as I flew over.This 58 really pushed me to my limits,but it hasnt 59 me.Next year,I want to fly even higher to break another 60 for the hotair balloon flight.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。“我”退休四年后,从西澳大利亚州乘热气球向东旅行,十一天

30、后平安着陆。“我”创造了世界纪录,准备明年继续挑战自己。41Ashy BskepticalCfond DconfidentA根据该句中“But”表达的语境并结合下句中“我”环球航行过并决定乘热气球从西澳大利亚州向东旅行的描述可知,“我”不害怕(shy)挑战自我。shy of/about (doing)sth.意为“害怕(做),对(做)心怀顾忌”。B项意为“怀疑的”;C项意为“喜爱”;D项意为“自信的”。42Aplane BhelicopterCwingsuit Dhotair balloonD根据本文最后一句中的“the hotair balloon”可知,“我”是乘热气球旅行的,故D项正确。43Adebating BpreparingCcarving DtravelingB根据该句中的“I have trained hard”可知,过去两年“我”艰苦训练,花了150个小时的时间和“我”的地面团队一起准备(preparing)。A项意为“辩论”,C项意为“

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