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中考英语复习八年级下 Units 910.docx

1、中考英语复习八年级下 Units 910八年级(下)Units 910中考基础知识梳理,词汇拓展(针对“词语运用”题型设置,更多练习见分类速记手册)1.invent(名词)发明家inventor (名词)发明;发明物invention 2believable(反义词)unbelievable 3unusual(反义词)usual (反义词的副词)usually 4.encourage(名词)encouragement 5social(名词)society 6peace(形容词)peaceful 7perform(名词)表演;演出performance (名词)表演者;演员performer 8

2、collect(名词)收藏品collection (名词)收藏者collector 9German(名词)德国Germany (复数)Germans10safe(名词)safety (副词)safely (反义词)dangerous 11rapid(副词)rapidly 12India(形容词)Indian 13most(副词)mostly 14memory(动词)memorize 15scarf(复数)scarfs/scarves 16own(名词)owner 17certain(副词)certainly 18honest(名词)honesty (反义词)dishonest 19truthf

3、ul(名词)truth 20make(名词)maker (过去式/过去分词)made 21hold(过去式/过去分词)held 22simple(副词)simply 词汇自测:词语运用。Although the world is hungry, it is even thirstier.While nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered 1.with water, we are short of drinking water.2.Actually (actual) about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water.H

4、ow can we deal with the problem of lacking drinking water? 3.First(one), we should save water and not waste it.Second, we should protect our water resources and not pollute 4.them(they)Lastly, we should discover ways to reuse water.Scientists have got some 5.achievements(achieve) in this field.But p

5、eoples 6.need for water is increasing day by day.We still dont have enough water.What else can we do?The sea seems to have the answer.There is plenty of water in 8.the sea.But we need to take the salt away from the sea water.This is very expensive.We havent 9.succeeded (success) in deal

6、ing with the problem.10.If scientists can find cheaper ways to do it, we will solve the problem gradually.,短语归纳(针对“单项选择”“完形填空”题型设置,更多练习见分类速记手册)1.tea set茶具 2a couple of两个;一对;几个 3thousands of数以千计的;许许多多的 4on the one handon the other hand一方面另一方面 5all year round全年 6yard sale庭院拍卖会 7soft toy软体玩具;布绒玩具 8chec

7、k out察看;观察 9board game棋类游戏 10.初级中学junior high school 11清理;丢掉clear out 12不再;不复no longer 13放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)part with 14至于;关于as for 15说实在的to be honest 16依据;按照according to 17几乎;接近close to 18游乐场amusement park 短语自测:单项选择。(C)1._ people watched the rocket flying up into the sky.AThousandBThousands CThousands

8、of DTwo thousands of(C)2. Tom, there are many mistakes in your paper.You should have_ before you handed it in.Abrought out Bcarried outCchecked out Dtaken out(B)3. _,I feel sad to part with certain toys, but I know we can give the money to a childrens home after the yard sale.A.To my surprise BTo be

9、 honestCTo start with DTo begin with(C)4. Everyone is afraid of making mistakes.But _ me, the lucky thing is to learn something from them.Abecause of Bthanks for Cas for Dthanks to(D)5. A yard sale is a sale where people sell things they _ want or use. Ano idea Bno way Cno problem Dno longer,句型温故(针对

10、“连词成句”“任务型阅读”题型设置)连词成句1you, ever, to, been, museum, a, haveHave you ever been to a museum?2us, somewhere, go, let, differentLets go somewhere different.3I, water park, to, have, a, been, neverI have never been to a water park.4have, how, that, bike, you, long, hadHow long have you had that bike?5the

11、se, we, soft toys, give, can, awayCan we give away these soft toys?6a, great, to, spend, is, Saturday, it, way, a, afternoonIts a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.7have, I, for three years, it, hadI have had it for three years.8the, toy bear, I, keep, to, wantI want to keep the toy bear.9.sti

12、ll, some, hometown, people, live in, theirSome people still live in their hometown.英译汉1Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!2The museum teaches people about the history and development of toilets.博物馆教给人们关于马桶的历史和发展。3We have decided to each sell fiv

13、e things that we no longer use.我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。4Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.我们的家乡在我们的心里留下了许多柔软的、甜蜜的回忆。句型自测:连词成句。1we, all, people, Chinese, areWe are all Chinese people.2take, dont, museum, photos, the, inDont take photos in the museum.3you, him, do, why, believ

14、e inWhy do you believe in him?4group leader, made, Luke, weWe made Luke group leader.5interesting, it, what, movie, an, isWhat an interesting movie it is!,语法总览1.含有been,ever和never的现在完成时(详见第二编P180)2.含有since和for的现在完成时(详见第二编P180),话题再现1.Fun places(有趣的地方)2.Living environment(生活环境)河北五年中考真题演练词汇类( D)(2015河北中

15、考29题)Could you please take my picture?Here is my .Aprinter BradioCplayer DCamera河北中考重难点突破invent v发明;创造 (教材八下P67)单项选择。(C)1.(2019葫芦岛中考)New energy cars have been _ to cut down air pollution.AdiscoveredBfoundCinvented Drefused(C)2.We _ this beach while we were sailing around this island.Ainvented Bdisap

16、pearedCdiscovered Dcreated(D)3.(原创题)Hebei government plans to _ more jobs for young people.Adiscover BinventClook Dcreate【夺分点拨】辨析invent,discover与create词汇用法例句invent意为“发明;创造”,指通过研究和实验发明出前所未有的产品或装置Can you tell me who invented the telephone?你能告诉我是谁发明了电话吗?discover意为“发现;发觉”,表示发现过去就存在但尚未被人发现或知晓的地点、事物等The b

17、oy discovered a secret drawer in his fathers old desk.男孩在他爸爸的旧桌子里发现了一个隐秘的抽屉。create意为“创作;创造”,指从无到有地创作或创造出原本不存在的东西,如艺术作品、理论等The dish was created by our chef Jean Richard.这道菜是我们的厨师琼理查德创制的。Have you ever been to the space museum?你曾去过太空博物馆吗?No,I havent.不,我没有去过。(教材八下P65)单项选择。(B)1.(2019齐齐哈尔中考改编)As an exchan

18、ge student, Alan Qiqihar for one and a half years.Ahas been to Bhas been inChas gone to Dhas gone in(A)2.You said that Beidaihe was very beautiful. you there?AHave;been BHave;goneCHave;been to DHave;gone to(B)3.(2019遂宁中考)Where is your uncle?He America and he New York for two weeks.Ahas been to;has b

19、een inBhas gone to;will stay inChas been in;has been toDhas stayed in;has gone to【夺分点拨】辨析have been to,have gone to与have been inhave been to“曾去过某地”,人在说话现场,强调往返的经历,常与just,ever,never等连用,后面可接表示次数的副词have gone to“到某地去了”,人不在说话现场,一般不用第一人称或第二人称作主语have been in“在某地待了多久”,表状态,常接表示时间段的状语,如since 2018,for ten days等

20、【注意】当have/has been to和have/has gone to后跟here,there和home等地点副词时,介词to要省略。河北中考考点精练.单项选择。(D)1.(2019石家庄藁城区模拟)Tommy likes taking photos, so his father bought him a _ last week.Awatch BdictionaryCbicycle Dcamera(D)2.This new song is popular the young people.Aon BforCbetween Damong(A)3.With the help of my ma

21、th teacher, I made some in math.Aprogress BdecisionsCmistakes Dplans(B)4.Ms.Wang always encourages us_English in class.【词汇拓展】Aspeaks Bto speakCspeaking Dspeak(C)5.These days Bob is considering to Shijiazhuang.Atravel BtraveledCtraveling Dto travel(A)6.Who the computer?【考点】Sorry, Ive no idea.But it h

22、as changed the world greatly.Ainvented BdiscoveredCmade Dplayed(D)7.Though he was unwilling to his mobile phone, he finally gave it to his teacher.【短语归纳H13】Aargue with Bagree withCbegin with Dpart with(C)8.My brother likes eating meat. me, I like fruit and vegetables.【短语归纳H14】AInstead of BAccording

23、toCAs for DBecause of(A)9.(2019哈尔滨中考改编)Hi, Tom!_ you ever the Birds Nest?【考点】Yes, I have.Its fantastic.AHave;been to BHave;gone toCDid;go to DWill;go to (B)10.Its nice to see you again.We each other since 2016.【语法总览】Awont see Bhavent seenCdont see Ddidnt see.完形填空。Uncle Black is a yard sale lover. He

24、 is a _1_ buyer. Every day, he _2_ a lot of time getting ready for yard sales. He _3_ newspapers to check when and where the yard sale will take place and marks the sales he wants to visit. Sometimes the place is not easy to find. He even uses _4_ to plan his trip. He is interested in almost _5_, su

25、ch as cooking equipment, tools, books, tables,chairs and so on. Everybody calls him “Mr.Yardsale”Uncle Black likes yard sales _6_ he doesnt want to miss the chance to buy good things at a low price. He always says, “_7_ pay one hundred dollars for something in a store when you might find it for twen

26、ty at a yard sale?” Sometimes he can also find some special things at a yard sale. Last week, he bought an electric light shaped like a fish. To the owner, its _8_ useful. But it is a thing of beauty for Uncle Black.However, Uncle Black has bought so many things. He _9_ and made a list this morning.

27、 There are seven cookers, six computers, eleven cameras, and fifty hats And most of them look new because nobody ever used it. He decided not to go to yard sales anymore and planned to hold his own yard sale to sell _10_ the things he has bought. Would you like to go to his yard sale?(B)1.A.terrible

28、 BseriousCfriendly Dcareless(C)2.A.costs BtakesCspends Dpays(A)3.A.looks through Blooks overClooks for Dlooks after(B) BmapsCadvertisements Dpay phones(D)5.A.something BnothingCanything Deverything(C)6.A.unless BbutCbecause Dalthough(D)7.A.Who BWhenCHow DWhy(D)8.A.anymore Bnot longerCany

29、longer Dno longer(C)9.A.searched BconsideredCcounted Dcleared(B)10.A.both BallCwhole Dsome.(2019张家口、邯郸、石家庄桥西、承德双桥二模)阅读理解。Some people say that in the future, every home will have a robot.Many people think this will be wonderful.Busy people will have more time and their lives will be better.In this passage, I hope to tell you that a robot in every home would be a terrible thing.People who have a machine to do their housework will become lazy.Children who dont do housework might not learn the value of hard work.Humans might not know what they sho

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