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1、最新精品高三年级英语复习单项选择百题精华荟萃 高三年级英语复习单项选择百题精华荟萃 提示:可以根据各个试题中的黑体字以及试题下面的提示来思考,有相当一部分试题属于非常规思 维,切忌思维定式。1.-How many teachers are there in your school? -_,I think. But I dont knqw the exact number.A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds or thousands提示:细心考虑所学的单词的词性,hundred可以做名词吗?2. There _ no hurry,

2、need there?A. need be B. need to be C. doesnt D. needs提示:仔细考虑there be 句型的翻译疑问句的构成。3. Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it.A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing提示:注意时态的一致性,从题干中捕捉信息。4. - What do you suppose made her worried? _his new CD pla

3、yer.A. Lost B. Lose C. Losing D. Because of losing 提示:有句子语境寻找突破口,遇到省略句利用还原法。5. _ many times, but he still couldnt understand it.A. He was told B. Though he had been told C. Having been told D. Being told提示:主要考察复合句的构成。6. With the development of Internet, _ communication is done by regular mail.A. les

4、s B. more C. little D. much提示:从句子中黑体字出发来捕捉信息1.The bridge_over the river is about 1,500 meters long. It will be completed at the end of this year. A. will be built B. built C. being built D. is being built提示:由具体语境可以判断所需结构。8. -Its too cold this morning. I cant get my car _. - Have you tried _ the tank

5、 with hot water.A. started; to fill B. to start; filling C. starting; to fill D. start, filling提示:主要考查动词的特殊用法及固定搭配。9. Generally speaking, little girls prefer to be _. A. beautifully dressed B. dressing beautiful C. dressed beautiful D. beautifully dressing 提示:侧重考查副词在句子中间的位置。10. _ came that our team

6、won.A. Words B. An word C. Word D. Message提示:对同位语从句中先行词的考查,应该紧扣定义。11. I had go to shop after shop to change the large note because the fruit seller had used up_.A. all his change B. all changes C. the whole changes D. all his changes提示:注意平时的单词记忆:单词的特殊意思考查。12. Ten years had passed. I found she had _.

7、A. a little white hair B. a few white hairs C. many white hair D. much white hair提示:注重平时学习中个别单词的特殊用法考查。13. It was _ the way he said it_ what he said that made her displeased.A. very; that B. such; that C. more; than D. of; that提示:固定结构的特殊用法考查,仔细从题干入手。14. - I saw Jim at the meeting yesterday. - Did yo

8、u? I think he _ have attended, for he is an expert.A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. couldnt提示:仔细分析句子语境,多揣测,广泛思考,同时结合答案以求突破。15. The polluted air damaged the trees along _ side of this street.A. either B. both C. all D. any提示:题干及答案双结合来找突破口。16. They have to _ the custom that people _ each other the b

9、est luck.A. obey; wish B. follow; make C. carry out; hope D. follow; kiss提示:第一空考查固定用法,第二空侧重动词的特殊结构考查。17. To get into the habit of smoking means _ ones own life short.A. to make B. makes C. making D. make提示:英语学习中比较注重结构的对称性。18. We _ to repair the machine, now it works very well.A. tried B. did our bes

10、t C. tried our best D. managed提示:从答案及语境入手,周密考虑。19. He works with his brain most of _ day all _ year round.A. a; a B. the; the C. /; / D. the ;a 提示:主要考查冠词的用法。20. - How did the boss pay you? - As a rule, we were paid _.A. by hours B. by an hour C. by the hour D. by hour 提示:从句子中具体语境全面来考虑,同时多回忆介词by的特殊用法

11、。21. It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.A. so unusual B. such unusual C. such an unusual D. so an unusual提示:主要侧重考查名词work的特殊词义。22. -Is your brother going camping? -Hes signed up but hes considering _.A. not to go B. not going C. wont go D. not go提示:从句子中黑体字的汉语及特殊用法做个突破。23. Th

12、e director decided to_our group two women workers so that we could finish the task on time.A. add B. add up C. add to D. add up to提示:固定短语的测试。24. The company has offered me a job, _needs great care and technique.A. it B. that C. the one D. one that提示:细心分析句子结构,同时结合答案来考虑。25. At that time few people wou

13、ld accept Einsteins ideas, which _ correct many years later. A. were to prove B. were prove C. would prove D. were going to prove提示:结合具体语境以及句子中时间状语可以找出答案。26. The boy is old enough to _ the differences _ right and wrong.A. speak; from B. tell; between C. say; of D. judge; from提示:主要侧重考查平时的积累以及单词的特殊结构。

14、27. Your bicycle is so nice. Id like to buy _.A. such one B. one such C. the such one D. such a one提示:主要考查such的特殊搭配。28. _ is only a few degrees above 0C and _ is snowing.A. There; it B. There; there C. It; there D. It; it提示:应用平时的学习积累,回顾it的特殊代替用法。29. The injured died on _ Thursday after _ accident.A.

15、 the; the B. /; an C. the; an D. /; the提示:主要对定冠词进行考查。30. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _.A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white提示:兼顾题干和具体语境,再结合答案,多方位考虑省略的运用。31. The girl _ forward to buying a new gold watch.A. referred to look B. r

16、eferred to looking C. referred to looks D. referring to looks提示:仔细分析句子结构是选出正确答案的关键。32. Time should be made good use _ our lessons well.A. of learning B. to learn C. to learning D. of to learn提示:细心分清句子结构注意句子中黑体字。33. To succeed in an scientific experiment, _.A. carefulness is needed B. carefulness is

17、what one needsC. one needs to be careful D. one needs being careful提示:结合句子语境以及need的特殊用法。34. He left home early only _ he was late as he went a wrong way.A. found B. to find C. finding D. being found提示:主要考查结果状语,结合具体语境来选择正确答案。35. In China, _ in Britain, people dont like to touch each other very much.A

18、. like B. as C. besides D. as well提示:从答案出发主要侧重考查四个借此的汉语意思的区别。36. Closing the factory means_more workers out of work. A. to put B. put C. putting D. being put提示:此题侧重考查动词mean的固定用法。37.I will give _ students _ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA. the other; other five B. the other; five other C.

19、other; five more D. other; more five提示:考查平时的记:other的用法测试。38.-I called you just now, but you werent in -Sorry, I _ the reading room.A. was in B. have gone to C. studied D. had been to提示:交际用语的考查,照顾上下文是解题的关键。39.-Have you _ your father recently? -No. He doesnt often write to me.A. heard about B. heard o

20、f C. heard from D. got from提示:固定动词短语的考查。40.-_did you sleep last night? -I was reading too late to fall asleep.A. How long B. How often C. How soon D.How提示:侧重考查具体语境:照顾上下文。41. -Has Jack finished his homework yet? -Ive no idea, But he _ it the whole afternoon.A. would do B. was doing C. did D. had done

21、提示:题干中捕捉解题信息,尤其句子中黑体字。42. I will spend as much time as I _ the lesson.A. can go over B. can to go over C. can going over D. go over提示:除了测试固定搭配,还考察固定结构。多方位思考。43._ you the turth, she knows nothing about it.A. To tell B. Telling C. Tell D. Told提示:44. They stopped _ and _ out to play when they _ the bel

22、l ring or rest.A. working; went; heard B. work; to go; heard C. working; go; hearing D. working; going; heard提示:有句子中并列连词and来正题考虑,结合句子语境选择。45. That woman has a bag in her right hand. Whats in her _ hand?A. another B. other C. one D. the other提示:主要考查具体语境中特殊单词的应用。46. Could you give me _ second chance p

23、lease?A. an B. / C. the D. a提示:侧重考查序数词的特殊用法。47. -Do you know Susans address?-Yes. She lives _201, Dongchang Road , Liaocheng City.A. in B. at C. along D. on提示:搜索记忆中门牌号前面应该使用的介词。48. -What do you think of the report on the UFO? -Great! Many students were so interested in it that they kept on standing

24、_the end of the meetingA. until B. in C. on D. about提示:从具体语境出发结合答案中介词的特殊用法。49. Is that book _ he borrowed on Friday?A. that B. which C. the one D. who提示:解题中遇到疑问句应该考虑还原,注意分清句子结构。50. The number of people who _ cars of their own is increasing.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are提示:具体语境中出发分析句子结构。51.I

25、 have the same pen _.A. which you have B. as yours C. that you are D. as you提示:题干中有固定结构一定要先考虑固定结构的正确与否。52. The teacher asked _ students to do homework ourselves. A. the B. his C. some D. us提示:结合具体语境及题干中黑体字细心考虑。53._ either you or I good at drawing?A. Am B. Are C. Is D. Do提示:主要考查主谓一致的特殊原则。54. The boy

26、was seen _ the piano at 9 yesterday evening. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played提示:从题干中来捕捉信息能够快捷的选出答案。55. There are four pairs of socks to _, but the woman doesnt know _ to buy.A. choose from; which B. choose from; what C. choose; which D. choose; what提示:特殊结构的考查,还要结合句子语境。56.Im afraid I wont come

27、 _ 7 and 9. I will be at work then.A. until B. between C. during D. for提示:主要考虑具体语境。57. Butter and cheese _ in price.A. has gone up B. is gone up C. have gone up D. are gone up提示:主谓一致的测试:作为一个整体的物体的单复数的选择。58. In our country every boy and every girl _ the right to education.A. has B. have C. is D. are提

28、示:仍然属于考查主谓一致的特例。59. A man of words and not of deeds _ a garden full of weed.A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like提示:此题应该遵循找中心词的原则。60.-Would you like some coffee? -Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee _ milk.A. from B. with C. to D. for提示:由句子的具体语境出发结合答案来选择。61. -What do you

29、 think of his surfing? -Oh, no one does _.A. good B. well C. better D. best提示:题干中的隐藏信息很多时候对于解题有非常重要的作用。62. -Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. -_ A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent提示:做单项选择试题应该做到不放过句子中任何一个单词。63.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter _ go and do the opposite(相反的)! A. may B. can C. must D. should提示:一般情况答案不同时即可考虑该试题属于考查答案的汉语意思,同时回想答案有什麽不同点即有什麽特殊用法。64._ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr. Jackson said he would visit it _ fourth time.A. The; / B. The; the C. /; a D. The; a 提示:冠词的考查属于测

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