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1、英语复习资料精读二作业(1)翻译题:I.Translate the following phrases into English:1. 一场热烈的讨论 a heated/spirited discussion2. 一看到女主人at the sight of the hostess3. 向服务员做手势motion to the waiter4. 二战前不久shortly before World War II 5. 作现场调查make on-the-spot investigation 6. 想尽办法go out of ones way II.Translate the following se

2、ntences into English:1. 你觉得什么时候最有可能找到经理?(the likeliest最有可能的)What do you think is the likeliest time to find the manager? 2. 当看到一条蛇从树后出现时,这小女孩被吓哭了。(frighten sb. into doing something使某人吓得做某事)The girl was frightened into crying when she saw the snake emerged from behind the tree.3. 按出身及其所受的教育,杰裴逊属于最高的社

3、会阶层。(by birth: 按家庭出身)By birth and by education, Jefferson belonged to the highest social class. 4. 我们老师总是特地去帮助那些有困难的学生。go out of ones way(to do sth) 特地;想尽办法; 不怕麻烦地Our teacher always goes out of his way to help those in trouble.词汇题单选:U1( B )26._ there is life there is hope. A Since B As long as C As

4、D Though( A )27.The meeting is _ next Friday. A to be held B be held C to be hold D to hold( A)28.He knows that the commotion would frighten the cobra _. A into striking B at striking C to strike D of striking( D )29.I have never been able to _ down the magazine story. A catch B trail C trace D trac

5、k( A )30.I feel like _ cold. A catching B to be catching C to catching D to catch( B )31.The driver _ slowly after the accident. A came up B came to C came down D came over( B )32.He died _ the earthquake. A shortly as B shortly after C shortly while D short after( D )33. A strong wind _ after we le

6、ft the harbor. A stick up B stick C sprang D sprang up( A )34.He _ to me to come downstairs. A motioned B warned C sighed D directed( C )35. _ his mother, the boy stopped crying. A At sight B In sight C At the sight of D In the sight of( B )36.The student did not _ the argument but watched the other

7、 people. A attend B join in C join up D join with( B )37.Tom is out of work now. Therefore, to him every penny _. A is value B counts C is possible D costs( C )38. When the class was over, every one made _ the dining room. A by B alone C for D from( B )39.The mans eyes _ with fear when he saw the ro

8、bbers gun. A wider B widened C hastened D thrilled( A )40. Dick has _ his childish habits. A outgrown B outlet C outnumbered D outdone( B )41.After years of efforts, those originally _ hills are now covered with young trees. A empty B bare C hollow D naked ( B )42.Mary is a _ candidate for the job.

9、A slim B likely C slight D complex( A )43. We had _ him of the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning. A warned B motioned C directed D tracked( C )44.How dare you _ the door in your mothers face? A release B contract C slam D widen( D )45.We learn to _ before we learn to walk. A jump B clim

10、b C scale D crawl( C )46.The two teachers started a _ debate on whether intellectuals should go into business. A stupid B vaguely C heated D stiff ( A )47.In the 1929 economic _, many Americans lost their jobs. A crisis B critic C critical D criminal( C )48.Frown _ his brow when he was deep in thoug

11、ht. A contacted B conducted C contracted D confirmed( B )49.The _ of Venus without arms has long been regarded as a symbol of beauty. A tone B image C signal D impulse ( B )50.The _ of the dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests who attended. A course B host C actor D native boy

12、U2( C )51._ still at college, Miss Wei had her first poem published. A Being B The time C While D That( D )52. He did not fear new ideas,_ fear the future. A nor he did B or did he C nor he could D nor did he( A )53. It was Jefferson _ wrote the Declaration of Independence. A who B the man C which D

13、 what( C )54.Tom _ himself _ to have got the medal. A consideredluckily B provedluckily C consideredlucky D questionedluckily( B )55.These apples are _ those I bought yesterday. A more superior to B superior to C more superior than D superior than( A )56.Mike _ his money behind when he went shopping

14、. A left B brought C forgot D remained( C )57.Children need many things, but _ they need attention. A in all B for all C above all D after all( B )58.We _ to make him feel at home. A went to our way B went out of our way C went away from our way D went on our way( C )59._ birth and _ education Jeffe

15、rson belonged to the highest social class. A Ofof B forfor C Byby D Byof ( B )60. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer _. A in practice B in existence C in common D in turn( A )61.All the soldiers _ their officers order. A acted on B acted to C acted with D acted for(

16、C )62.Ill _ it to you to settle all the business. A reject B resent C leave D let( A )63.Jefferson believed that a free man _ knowledge from many sources besides books. A obtain B receive C appoint D leave ( B )64.Public opinions are usually _ by mass media. A affect B influenced C change D effect(

17、B )65.We _ that important new discovery _ Albert Einstein. A owefor B oweto C ownfor D ownto( D )66.It is reported that some workers on strike _ with the police. A action B concluded C appointed D conflicted( D )67.Dont _ in doing what you believe is good and correct. A reject B prevent C refuse D h

18、esitate( A )68.The _ of the custom is unknown. A origin B source C place D sources( B )69.Mrs. Brown, who has recently been _ general manager of our company, is one of the most capable women I have ever worked with. A named B appointed C assigned D allocated(C )70.The spy entered enemy territory on

19、a _ identity. A faint B slightly C false D vital词汇题答案26-30 B A A D A 31-40 B B D A C B B C B A 41-50 B B A C D C A C B B 51-60 C D A C B A C B C B 61-70 A C A B B D D A B C 精读二作业(2)翻译题:I.Translate the following phrases into English:1 . 缺钱be short of money2. 没有多少共同之处have little in common3. 将机器拆开take

20、apart the machine4. 与工人们达成妥协come to terms with the workers. 给他的胃开刀open up his stomach6做出生死攸关的决定make a critical decisionII.Translate the following sentences into English:1. 由于缺乏比赛经验,我们在比赛中获胜的可能是微乎其微的。For lack of experience, our chances of winning the game are slim.2. 他嘴里有一股酒气,一定是喝了很多的酒。His breath sme

21、lls of wine. He must have drunk a lot of wine.3. 爱因斯坦从不带钱,因为钱对他毫无意义。Einstein never carried money with him because money meant nothing to him.4. 我们城市的空气污染十分严重,但是我们只好忍着。The air pollution in our city is terrible, but we have to live with it.5. 你不必再去多想手术上的失误了。You dont have to dwell on the mistake in the

22、 operation.词汇题单选:U3( C )71. The student _ much brighter than he had first appeared. A provided B improved C proved D used( D )72. The bell rang _ I had time to look over my examination paper. A until B when C as D before( D )73._ by his accent, he must come from the North. A Judged B To judge C Judg

23、e D Judging( D )74.Before liberation, many laboring people were _ food and clothes. A enough of B lack C share of D short of( C )75. He didnt seem to _ any importance to the problem. A realize B consider C attach D catch( C )76. The twin brothers _little _. A holdin common B sharein common C havein

24、common D gainin common( D )77.Prices of fish _ from two to five yuan a kilo. A count B pay C cost D range( B)78.We have little _ of winning the game. A action B chance C course D choice( B )79.They spoke _ at the meeting. A for turn B in turn C in common D by turn( A )80.The Blacks have a beautiful

25、garden. It smells _ roses. A of B about C away D out( C )81.The talks were held behind _ doors. A closing B close C closed D opened( C )82.Bill has _ to Beijing University for a teaching assistantship, but his chances of getting it are slim. A proved B attached C applied D asked ( A )83.Few people s

26、hop at this market, for many of the vegetables here seem to be _. A stale B fresh C false D local ( C )84.All the local farmers _ against the building of a new airport on their rich farmland. A projected B proceeded C protested D proposed ( B)85.He _ his tie as soon as he walked out of the office bu

27、ilding. A unfold B undid C unloaded D undo( B )86.She _ in all major newspapers for her lost son. A praised B advertised C increased D sold( A )87.The _ typist had to retype the letter three times. A incompetent B competent C component D compete( B )88.Though the job requires a great deal of effort,

28、 the _ is quite low. A interview B salary C talent D function( D )89.How one presents himself at an _ will often decide whether or not he will be given a job. A occasion B ease C investigation D interview ( D )90.They moved to the _ so that their children could have a backyard to play in. A rural B

29、range C colony D suburb U4( B )91. The doctor suggested that Mike _ in hospital until he was fully recovered. A staying B stay C stayed D was staying( C )92. She was made _ us everything. A telling B told C to tell D tell( C )93.Hes stopped taking drugs now, but he may _ them again. A revert to take B return back C revert to taking D repeat( D )94.They all did wrong, why _ him out for punishment? A took B selected C chose D singled( B )95.It took John a long time to _ with the fact that he would no longer be able to go sailing again. A go to term

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