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1、3套打包深圳市六年级下册英语期末单元检测试题含答案座号期末质量调研试题六年级英语题号听力部分笔试部分口试部分总分得分 温馨提示:本试题共十一个大题,其中第一至五大题为听力部分,第六至十一大题为笔试部分。请保持安静,认真答题。听 力 部 分(40分)一、Listen and choose.下面五个小题中,每题有三个单词。仔细听录音,请把你所听 到的单词选出来,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1.A. tall B.taller C.tallest( )2.A.washed B.watched C.went( )3.A.before B.become C.beach(

2、)4.A.than B.then C.thin( )5.A. drank B.dream C.different二、Listen and judge.下面五个小题中,每题有一幅图画,仔细听录音,判断录音内容 与图画是否相符。若相符,请在下面的括号里划“表示,反之,划“”表 示。每个句子读两遍。(5分)三、Listen and choose.下面五个小题中,每题有两幅图画,请你仔细听录音,根据录 音内容选择相应的图画,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。(10分)( )1.A. B.( )2.A. B.( )3.A. B.( )4.A. B.( )5.A. B.四、Listen and

3、 choose.下面五个小题中,每题有两个选项。仔细听录音,根据你所听 到的问句选择相应的答语,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每个问句读三遍。(10分)( )1.A.I wear size 37. B.Your feet are bigger than mine.( )2.A.Im fine,thank you. B.It was good,thanks.( )3.A.Yes,I did. B.I ate fresh food.( )4.A.My family and l went to Sanya. B.We went there by plane.( )5.A.I had a cold a

4、nd slept at home. B.Im going to watch TV.五、Listen and choose.仔细听下面一段短文,根据录音内容选择最佳选项,并将其字母 标号填入题前括号内。短文读三遍。(10分)( )l.Tom saw some animals in the zoo . A.last Saturday B.last Sunday C.last holiday( )2.Tom went to the zoo with . A.his friends B.his grandparents C.his parents( )3.They took the No. bus t

5、o the zoo. A.601 B.106 C.160( )4. Toms father in the afternoon. A.watched TV B.drank tea C.went swimming( )5.Toms family had a day. A.busy B.bad C.happy笔 试 部 分(60分)六、Read and choose.下面六个小题中,每题有四个单词,其中有一个与其它三个不同 类,请你把这个单词找出来,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(6分)( )l.A.better B.thinner C.smarter D.singer( )2.A.visited

6、B.bought D.washed( )3.A.shadow B.dinosaur C.lion D.cheetah( ) B.magazine C.badminton )5.A.tonight B.grass C.tomorrow )6.A.plate B.knife C.fork D.juice七、Read and choose.下面有六个小题,根据语句内容选择恰当的选项。并将其字母 填 入题前括号内。(12分)( )1.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a

7、 office B.police station )2.What did you do last Monday? . A.I watch TV B.I watched TV C.Im watching TV( )3.Youre 45 kilograms.Im 47 kilograms.I am than you. . A.heavy B.shorter C.heavier( )4.Could you see stars at night twenty years ago? .A.No, I cant B.Yes, I can C.Yes.I liked t

8、he stars( )5.Did you go to the park last weekend? I did my homework at home. A.Yes, I did. B.Yes, I do. C.No, I didnt.( )6.How did you go to Hainan last winter holiday? . A.I went there with my family B.I went there by plane C.I went swimming八、Read and write.认真阅读下面一段文字。根据汉语提示,在四线格内填写正确的 单词或词组将句子补充完整

9、。(12分)The weather was fine (昨天).I went to the park with my friends.We (骑)bikes there.Sam (买礼物) for his brother. Betty (读)a book under a big tree.Mike played (羽毛球)with Tim. I (照相).We had a great time! 九、Read and choose.认真阅读下面对话。根据上下文,从所给的五个句子中选择恰当 的选项将对话补充完整,并将该选项的字母标号填写在相应的横线上。(10分)A.What are your p

10、arents jobs?B.Where are you going?C.Hope youll have a good time.D. Would you like to go to Dalian with me?E. Are you going with your parents?Sarah:Hi, Amy. The summer vocation is coming. Amy:Im going to Dalian.Sarah: Amy:No, with my aunt. My parents are busy.Sarah: Amy:They are both police officers.

11、 They are busy and have no summer vocation.Sarah:I see.Amy: Sarah:Sorry,I went to Dalian last summer vocation. Im going to Yunnan.Amy:Sounds good. Sarah:You, too.十、Read and judge.根据短文内容,判断所给句子与短文内容是否相符,若相符,请 在句子前面的括号内划“”,反之,划“”。(5分) Hello,Im Mike.I took a trip with my parents on the Labour Day holid

12、ay.It was a three-day holiday.we went to Hangzhou by train.On May 1st,we visited the West Lake.We went there by taxi.What a beautiful lake!There were some bridges over the lake.We saw a lot of fish swimming in the lake.We went boating there.That was fun!But we were not happy with our room at the hot

13、el.Our room was small and everything was very old.I wanted to watch TV but the TV didnt work. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music.I didnt sleep all night. That was too bad.It was a good day but also a bad day!( )1.Mikes family took a trip in May.( )2.On May 1st, they visited the West Lake

14、by bus.( )3.There were some bridges over the lake.( )4.Our room was small and everything was old.( )5.We were not happy with our Room 301 at the hotel.十一、Read,choose and write.仔细阅读短文,按要求完成下面小题。(15分)ChangesMy name is Tim.Im 12 years old.Im 1.65 meters tall.Im 5 centimeters taller than last year.Look

15、at my old photos.Im wearing a pink T-shirt in this photo.Thats funny!But I dont like pink now.Before I was quiet.Now Im very active in class.I didnt like summer before.I thought it was too hot,and I couldnt swim.Now I love summer very much.I love to swim and eat ice cream.One day,I want to be a swim

16、mer.Look at this picture!Whos that little baby?Haha!Its not me.Hes my brother Tom.He was 10 months old then.He could not walk at that time.Hes playing with the balls in the picture.How funny!Tom is 19 years old now.Hes a university student.He is very tall.He can play basketball very well.I often pla

17、y basketball with him on the weekend.(一)Read and choose.下面有五道小题,仔细阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(5分)( )1.Tim is meters tall last year. A.1.65 B.1.60 C.1.70( )2.Tim is wearing a in the photo. T-shirt shirt skirt( )3.Does Tim like summer now? A.Yes,he did. B.No,he doesnt. C.Yes,he

18、does.( )4.The little baby is in the picture. A.Tim. B.Toms brother C.Tims brother( )5.Tom often on the weekend. A.plays with balls B.plays basketball with his brother C.swims with his brother(二)Read and write.根据文章内容完成句子,并仿照例句写一写你个人的变化。(10分)1.Before,Tim was .Now,he is in class.(2分)2.Tom could not at

19、that time.Now,he can very well.(2分)3.What about you?Talk about your changes?Before,I was .Now,I am .( 2分)Before, .(2分)Now, .(2分)口试部分(20分).请挑选本册书中你最喜欢的一首歌曲或歌谣唱给老师听。(5分).暑假就要到来了。请结合所学内容介绍一下你曾经历的一次难忘的假期吧。(5分).六年的小学生活就要结束了。现在的你与六年前的你一定有许多变化吧。请结合所学内容介绍一下自己现在与过去的变化吧。(比如身高、体重、兴趣爱好等的变化)。(10分)河南济源市20172018学年

20、下学期期末质量调研试题六年级英语笔试部分:六、16 DCABBD七、16 BBCBAB八、yesterday ; rode ; bought gifts ; read ; badminton ; took photos 九、BEADC十、15 十一、(一)15 BAACB (二)1.quite ;active 2.walk ; play basketball 3.short ; tall ; I could not play the piano ; I can play the piano well (此小题答案仅供参考)口语部分:略英语六年级下册 期末复习测评卷(一)一、选出每组中不同类的一

21、项.( )1. A. took B.have C.saw( )2. A. sun B.Earth C.water( )3. A. tired B.happy C.close( )4. A. spring B.season C.summer( )5. A. English B.Canada C.New Zealand二、根据图片及汉语提示写短语. 1_(看电影) 2_(去购物) 3_(一块肉) 4_(吃健康的食物)三、用所给单词的适当形式填空.1I like_(play) games.2. Peter is_(tall) than Dick.3. We should _(do) exercise

22、 every day.4. Tom and Tim are_(talk) about the film.5. Anne _(take) pictures of her party last Sunday.四、单项选择.( )1. Mr Li_ exercise every day. A. do B. did C. does( )2. Listening to music is good _ us. A. for B. to )3. Mr Tang is good _ drawing. B. at C. on( )4.Peter was very_in the film.A

23、. interest B. interesting C. interested( )5. The Earth looks like a _ in space. A. ear B. sun C. ball( )6.I cant do it.It is too_ . A. easy B. difficulty C. difficult五、判断图片与句子是()否()相符.( )1. They are going shopping.( )2. He is planting a tree. ( )3. There are many stars in the sky. ( )4. He took many

24、 pictures. ( )5. She likes playing the piano. 六、给问句选择相应的答语. ( )1. How old is Jack?A. Im 12 years old.B.He is 11 years old.( )2. What did she want to do?A. She wanted to dance.B. She wants to play the piano.( )3. What are we going to do at weekends?A. Im going to go shopping.B. We are going to see a

25、film.( )4. What does he have for lunch?A. He has vegetables,fruit and chicken.BHe has lunch at 11:30.( )5. Where are you going today?A. Im going to paint a picture.B. Im going to the beach.七、连词成句我最棒. 1. go the Shall today to we park (?)_2. can home at a We have rest (.)_3.looks space this Our in Ear

26、th like (.)_4.can place the Trees beautiful make (.)_5.stand one to Anne on wanted foot (.)_八 .阅读短文 ,选择正确的答案 . Last Sunday,Peter went swimming in a lake. The weather was fine. There were many people by the lake. A little boy was playing by the lake,too. Suddenly,the boy fell into the lake. He was to

27、o little to swim. Then a strong man jumped into the lake and swam to that boy. He brought the boy back to the bank (岸边). The boys parents were very grateful(感激的 ) to the strong man.( )1. When did Peter go swimming in a lake? A. Today. B. Last Sunday. C. Last Saturday.( )2. What was the boy doing at

28、first? A. Crying. B. Playing. C. Singing.( )3. Who jumped into the lake to save(救 ) the boy? A. A strong man. B. The boys parents. C. Peter.( )4. Can the boy swim? A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know.( )5. Who were grateful to the strong man? A. The boy and Peter.B. People by the lake.C. The boys parents

29、.期末复习测评卷(一)一、1B 2C 3C 4B 5A二、1watch a movie2go shopping3a piece of meat4eat healthy food三、1. playing/to play 2.taller 4talking 5took四、1C 2A 3B 4C 5C 6C五、1 2 3 4 5六、1B 2A 3B 4A 5B七、1. Shall we go to the park today?2. We can have a rest at home.3. Our Earth looks like this in space.4. Trees can make the place beautiful.5. Anne wanted to stand on one foot.八、1B 2B 3A 4B 5C英语六年级

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