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英语专业四级真题词汇精选电子版 TEM4 1997.docx

1、英语专业四级真题词汇精选电子版 TEM4 1997英语专业四级真题词汇精选TEM4 1997Group 1 1. beneficial 有益的,受益的Receiving a college degree is beneficial for your future.获得大学学位对你的将来是有益处的2. unintentional 不是故意的,无心的,无意识的I did trip him, but I was unintentional是我把他绊倒了,但是不是故意的3. sponsor 发起人,主办者,保证者,主办人The bank is sponsoring a sports day for c

2、hildren in the area.银行在赞助为本区儿童举办的运动会日。4. delegate代表We sent five delegates to the conference.我们派了五名代表参加了会议。5. guideline 知道路线,方针:对政策或路线的陈述或其他指导,用以决定行动的步骤 He guided us through the narrow streets to the central mosque.它带领哦我们穿过狭小的道路,来到中央清真寺6 lorry 卡车、铁道货车His bicycle collided with a lorry. 他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。7.

3、 crash 撞击声,爆裂声Their car crashed into a guardrail.他们的车撞上了护栏。8. ferry 摆渡,渡船,渡口We waited more than three hours at the freey,but no a narrow part of a sea.我们在渡口等了三个多小时,还是不见船的影子。9. detention 扣留,拘留,滞留,监禁Will spent over 100 days in detention.威尔拘留了100多天。10. permanently 永存地,不变地 I need a permanently job.我需要一份

4、固定的工作。11. procedure 程序,手续What is the procedure for renewing your car tax?续交汽车税的手续是什么?Group 21. binding 装订;捆绑;具有约束力的Regulations that could bind policy-makers in the future.能在将来约束决策者的规定2. donor 捐赠者Funding for the clinic has come mostly from private donors.诊所的资金大多来自私人捐赠者3. healthcare 健康护理Same goes for

5、some healthcare industry headhunters. 医疗业的猎头公司也一样。4. sunk 凹陷的The Titanic sank after hitting the iceberg.泰坦尼克号撞倒冰山后沉没了。5. cargo 船货,货物We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw iron.我们装着一船生铁从佩思起航。6. casualty 伤亡A train wreck with an unknown number of casualties.一次不知伤亡人数的火车事故。7. vessel 船;器皿;脉管The pirate v

6、essel fled before the navy ship arrived. 海盗船在军舰到达之前就逃之夭夭了。8. vigorous 精力充沛的The vigorous young plants grew fast.这些茂盛的小植物生长得很快。9. bruise 瘀伤;打伤;撞伤She bruised the fruit by careless packing.她包装时不小心捣烂了水果。10. tackle 抱住;卷起;处理It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze.用了12辆消防车来对付那场大火。Group 31. incorpora

7、te合并,使组成公司;结社,使成为法人组织We have incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.我们在这座建筑的设计中加了许多环保的优点。2. elevate举起,提拔,振奋,提升.的职位He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle.由于他战斗中指挥英明,他被提升为上校。3. scoring得分The scoring will depend on skill

8、.得分将取决于技术。4. accuracy精确性,正确度I was not convinced about the accuracy of the report.我并不确信这个报告的准确性。5. notable值得注意的,显著的,著名的Sled dogs are notable for their stamina.雪橇狗以它们的忍耐力而著称。6. verify检验,校验,查证They have to conduct experiments to verify the hypothesis.他们必须进行实验以证实这个假设。7. irritation愤怒,不快He honked the horn

9、with irritation at the delay.他因对迟延恼怒而按喇叭8. reveal 展现,显示,揭示,暴露He did not reveal a confidence.他没有泄露机密。9. glare 怒目而视Shi glared at him accusingly.她用责备的眼光怒视着他。10. gleam 微弱的闪光,一丝光线He saw gleams of daylight through the cracks.他从缝隙中看到黎明的曙光。Group 41. repel 击退 抵制repel insects 驱除昆虫2. singular 单数 单一的 Two of the

10、 children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have singular ones.两个孩子需要睡一张床,但是其他三个有单独的床。3. conform 使一致 使遵守 使顺从You must conform to the rules or leave the school.你要么遵守规则,要么离开学校。4. seminar 研究会 讨论发表会 A Shakespeare seminar 莎士比亚研讨会5. tutorial 导师的辅导课 a tutorial system 导师制6. academic 学院的 理论的 a stu

11、dents academic average 一个学生的学术能力7. parallel 平行的 相同的 类似的 dancers in two parallel rows 平行的两排舞蹈者8. whilst 同时 却 尽管As you lower your pen whilst continuing the motion, you should notice the resulting shape is more regular than it otherwise would have been. 随着你降低你的笔,同时保持圆周运动,你应该会注意到画出的形状比起不这样做画出的形状要规范的多。9.

12、 atop 在的顶上Some of these new standards provide a layer atop of base standards. 这些新标准的一些提供了基底标准的顶级层次10. swelter 闷热 汗流浃背 使中暑 Sitting and swelter in the classroom 坐在教室里热的难受Group 51. interact 相互作用,相互影响More than a dozen variable factors could interact, with their permutations running into thousands.一打以上的可

13、变因素可以相互作用,使它们的排列成千上万。2. cyclist 骑脚踏车的人Andrew and Merv are very keen cyclists.安德鲁和莫夫都非常热衷于骑自行车.3. archaeologist 考古学家4. creation 创造,创作物The story was a fanciful creation.该故事是个富有想象力的作品.5. extent 宽度,长度The extent of the disaster in an earthquake depends on many factors.,地震造成的受灾程度取决于很多因素.6. resist 反抗,抵抗A b

14、acterium resisted that antibiotic.抵抗菌素的病菌.7.courtesy 礼节,礼貌的举止They call this pond a lake by courtesy only.他们称这个池塘为湖只是因为喜欢而已.8.garbage垃圾,废物The man walked on the inside so he caught the garbage thrown out of a window.男人走在人行道内侧这样可以接住从窗口扔出的垃圾。9. grace 优美,雅致Lena had the grace and poise of a model.莉娜具有模特儿的

15、优雅和体态。Group 61. utterly 完全地,绝对的,彻底的“Did what?” I asked, utterly confused.“做了什么?” 我完全不理解地问道。2. awkward 难以使用的,笨拙的,尴尬的,为难的The opera was marred by an awkward aria.整部歌剧毁在咏叹调部分的不熟练。3. call-in 电话交谈节目A call-in radio show热线广播节目4. disastrous 损失惨重的,悲伤的In comparison with the total number of earthquakes each yea

16、r, the number of disastrous earthquakes is very small.和每年发生地震的总次数相比,造成严重损失地震是少数的。5. relevant 相关的,相应的For further information see the relevant chapter in the users manual.详细查阅使用说明中的相关章节。6. acupuncture 针刺疗法, 施行针刺疗法This kind of medicine is called acupuncture.这种药叫做针灸疗法。7. cruiser 巡洋舰A battle cruiser 战略巡洋

17、舰8. leaflet 散页印刷品,传单,小册子A free guide leaflet is available to help you find your way around this huge and complex warship.一份免费的小册子将会帮助你游览这个巨大又复杂的军舰9. massive 厚重的,大块的,魁伟的,结实的。The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.那口钟非常大,重量超过40吨。10. shorthand 速记The reporter took notes in shorthand.记者用速记作记录。Group 7

18、1. Estate(1) 状态,时期A childs estate gives way to the adults estate.童年时期不如青年时期。(2)不动产,阶层,财产,遗产 We went straight to the estate agent and wrote out a cheque.我们径直到房地产经纪人那里开了一张支票。 2. Asset 资产,有用的东西An agreeable personality is a great asset, proved herself an asset to the company.宜人的性格是一个很大的优点,证明她自己是公司的难得之才。

19、 3. minimum 最小的,最低的, 最小值,最小化Salary will be in accord with qualifications, beginning at a minimum of $2,000 per month.月薪将与资格相配,以每月2000美元起薪。4. accord 一致,符合,调和,协定The result is in accord with earlier research.这个结果和以前的研究一致。5. applicant申请者,请求者Applicants are requested to mail detailed resumes.申请者需要邮寄他们的详细个

20、人简历。6. harness(全套)马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄If you can harness your energy, you will accomplish a great deal.如果你能控制你的精力,你将获得巨大成功。7. hail 冰雹,致敬,招呼,一阵The victim was hit by a hail of bullets. 受害者被一阵弹雨击中。8. lovesick害相思病的,为爱情而生病或忧愁的John saved a lovesick woman who had jumped out of her fifth-floor window.约翰拯救了一个害相思病的从

21、5层楼的窗户跳下来的女人。9 Kin 家属(集合称),亲戚,同族,血缘关系,家族 Better be blamed by our kith and kin, than be kissed by the enemy. 宁可让亲人责备, 切勿让敌人亲吻.10 pillar柱子,栋梁,重要的支持者He is a pillar of the state.他是国家的栋梁。Group 81 grab 抢夺,夺取The police grabbed his shoulder. 警察抓住了他的肩膀。2 haul 用力拖拉;捕获物;努力得到结果A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officer.一批被盗汽车被警察截获。

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