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1、浙江省绍兴一中高三英语下学期回头考试题新人教版绍兴一中2013届高三下学期回头考英语试题试题第一部分: 英语知识运用第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)1. Nowadays it is difficult for people to find _ work everywhere because _ economic situation is very serious.A. 不填;an B. a; the C. 不填;the D. a; 不填2. My brother was still studying _ into the night while I was _ as

2、leep. A. late; sound B. lately; wide C. deeply; far D. far; late3. Powerful earthquake hit Tokyo, _ two nuclear reactors to be shut down for safety checks. A. forcing B. forced C. to force D. force4. Everybody likes to work with _ is reliable and easy to get on with. A. whom B. who C. whomever D. wh

3、oever5. The study you have been making _ the ancient Chinese characters is an instructive job. A. to B. for C. of D. from6. If you wont do as I tell you, you _ get the chance. A. wont B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. shant7. Miss Li _ as a secretary for five years in the company, and now she is General Mana

4、ger of it. A. has served B. served C. had served D. serves8. _ in the leg made it impossible for him to walk home. A. Injured B. being injured C. To be injured D. having injured9. This book is written in _ easy English _ beginners can understand. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; that D. such; that1

5、0. -What a terrible mistake! Im finished! - Dont lose heart! Get up _ you fell. A. where B. when C. unless D. until11. The girl seldom, if _, turned to her brother for protection. A. never B. ever C. always D. then12. After walking in the Shanghai World Expo for a whole day, my legs _ under me and I

6、 couldnt walk any farther. A. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave away13. Green tea, _ many experts suggest, should be drunk regularly to improve health. A. which B. where C. when D. as14. - Do you _to the idea of a low-carbon life? - It sounds tough, but it is a tendency. A. apply B. agree C. su

7、bscribe D. stick15. _ I noticed the puzzled look on his face, I realized that he didnt understand me. A. Although B. When C. Unless D. Until16. -Jack, _ you behave yourself? Youre no longer a kid. -Sorry, Daddy. It wont happen again. A. mustnt B. cant C. should D. would17. The new tax would force co

8、mpanies to _ energy saving measures. A. adapt B. adopt C. address D. adjust18. A survey of Chinas citizen found that some smokers are unwilling to kick the habit because they arent fully _ of the harm it does to health. A. fond B. curious C. afraid D. aware19. Silence is requested in this area while

9、 the college entrance examination is _. A. in progress B. in public C. in sight D. in advance20. My cousin is really enthusiastic about playing basketball. _ he shoots a ball, he likes to think of himself as a Kobe Bryant. A. At one time B. All the time C. The first time D. every time第二节 完形填空(共20小题;

10、每小题1分,满分20分)Though the number of the upper class is a mere one third of the population, they 21 at least 25 percent of the nations wealth. This class has two parts: upper-upper and lower-upper. Basically the upper-upper class is the “old rich”families that have been wealthy for several 22 . A few ar

11、e known across the nation, such as the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts. Most are not visible to the general public. They have no 23_ to the rest of the community and they draw their income from the investment of their inherited wealth. By contrast, the lower-upper class is the “new rich”. 24_they m

12、ay be wealthier than some of the old rich, the new rich have been 25_ to make their money like 26_ else beneath their class. 27_ their status is generally lower than 28_ of the old rich, who have not found it 29_ to lift a finger to make their money, and who tend to 30 the new rich. However its weal

13、th is 31_ , the upper class is very rich. They have enough money and leisure time to 32_ an interest in the arts and to 33_ rare books and paintings. They 34_ live in exclusive areas, belong to exclusive social clubs, communicate with each other, and marry their own kind, 35_ keep them so distant fr

14、om the masses 36 they have been called the out-of-sight class. More than any other class, they tend to be conscious of being members of 37 . They also 38 an enormous amount of power and influence here and abroad, as they 39_ many top government positions. Their actions 40_ the lives of millions.21.

15、A. are made up B. are made of C. make up D. are made up of22. A. years B. generationsC. reasons D. decades23. A. contactB. interest C. communication D. relation24. A. AlthoughB. Because C. Therefore D. However25. A. greedy B. excited C. cruel D. cold26. A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody2

16、7. A. Then B. But C. Thus D. because28. A. those B. none C. all D. that29. A. necessary B. easy C. difficult D. interesting 30. A. look up toB. admire C. ignore D. look down upon31. A. shared B. distributed C. acquired D. rewarded32. A. find B. show C. develop D. begin33. A. collect B. gather C. obt

17、ain D. accumulate34. A. generallyB. actually C. exactly D. approximately35. A. all of whichB. all of them C. all of these D. all of whom36. A. that B. as C. which D. for37. A. a club B. a class C. an organization D. a community38. A. demand B. desire C. direct D. command39. A. seize B. abuse C. hold

18、 D. appoint40. A. attract B. affect C. effect D. ruin第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。ASHANGHAI - Dog owners in the city may soon find themselves allowed to raise only one dog at home, according to the citys proposed pet law now being reviewed at the

19、local legislature. The citys draft legislation on dog management makes it clear that each household can have only one dog, given Shanghais high population density and limited living space, it said. If their dogs have puppies, dog owners should give them away to other suitable adopters or send them t

20、o government-approved adoption agencies by the time they are 3 months old, so as to abide by the one-dog policy, the draft regulation said. Regulators in Shanghai are also thinking of lowering the high cost of dog licenses and registration. According to the draft, the cost will be cut to about 300 y

21、uan ($45), taking into account the cost of certification, planting an ID-chip in the dog for identification purposes and providing a rabies vaccine every year. Currently, dog owners pay anywhere from 1,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan annually for their dogs licenses and vaccination, depending on where the do

22、gs are raised. The closer dog owners live to the citys center, the more they have to pay to keep a pet. The current high licensing fee has been widely regarded as the primary reason why most people in Shanghai do not register their dogs. Official figures showed there are about 800,000 pet dogs in th

23、e city but only about a quarter of them are registered and licensed. According to statistics from the city public security bureau, there are about 100,000 dog attack incidents each year. In 2009, nearly 140,000 cases of dog-inflicted wounds were reported. Each year there are people dying from rabies

24、 after being attacked by unlicensed dogs, the bureau said. The growing risks of dog attacks as well as rampant barking and waste littering, which affects the citys environment and sanitation, has sparked calls for stronger regulation by the government, the bureau added. If passed, the new law would

25、come into effect some time next year. Anyone found violating the rule would face fines up to 1,000 yuan. Owners will also be told not to bury dead dogs themselves but to send them to government-approved treatment agencies. However, the potential one-dog policy has caused quite a stir among local pet

26、 lovers who said the rule might not be practical. If you cant find any adopters and the shelters are full, where would the puppies go? said an old lady surnamed Huang, who has been raising a dog for six years. I think the government should improve public knowledge about how to raise a dog and how to

27、 prevent them from attacking people and littering instead of forcing us to raise one dog only, said another resident surnamed Wang. Even if the law gets passed, I doubt whether the government will be able to discover any violations if owners keep their dogs secretly, she added. 41. Which of the foll

28、owing is not the reason for Shanghais pet law?A. Pets have caused many safety and environmental problems so far.B. Too many people have lived in the city so far.C. The city has little spare space for pets.D. Pets will ruin the image of this international city.42. What is the acceptable way in the ci

29、ty if your dog has babies?A. Keeping these puppies secretly at home.B. Giving away these puppies to anyone you like.C. Putting these puppies in the open air to let them make their own living.D. Sending these puppies to government-approved adoption agencies.43. What is the purpose in writing the pass

30、age?A. To warn people not to break Shanghais pet law.B. To urge people to subscribe to Shanghais pet law.C. To inform people of Shanghais pet law.D. To analyze the cause and effect of Shanghais pet law.BOur children are growing up using digital media and theyre learning about the world through these

31、 rapid and ever-changing devices. Most of us parents didnt grow up with all of these gadgets and it can be hard to keep up. My kids are fortunate to have a teacher at their school who just teaches about computers and technology. Recently, she gave a talk to some of the parents about raising children in this dig

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