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1、西湖十景图片西湖十景图片篇一:五年级上 西湖十景 13西湖十景 一、教学目标: 1、初步感受西湖十景的山水之美,了解西湖十景的文化内涵 2、学会用写意山水画的基本用笔、用墨方法,表现西湖十景的意境之美 3、培养关注、尊重人类文化遗产的情感,热爱家乡、保护自然环境的意识 二、教学重难点: 1、重点:学会用墨色的浓淡、虚实表现西湖山水近景、远景、中景的关系 2、难点:能表现西湖十景的意境之美 三、教学课时:2课时 四、课前准备:(学生)国画工具、西湖十景图片、文字资料 (教师)多媒体课件、国画工具 五、教学设计: 第一课时 1、导入 (1) 欣赏西湖十景图片,请学生用一组形容词说说西湖十景,导入课

2、题西湖 十景 (2) 课件出示晴雨西湖的图片,联想苏轼诗句“淡妆浓抹总相宜”,提升西湖 十景的人文内涵 2、探究 (1) 欣赏晴雨图片,教师引导学生感受“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的水墨韵味。说说: 这样的山、水、天给你怎样的感受? (2) 欣赏水墨作品夕照,引导学生通过作品与雷锋夕照实景照片对比,感 受西湖之美恰如一幅美丽的水墨画 (3) 欣赏童中焘三潭印月,思考:画面中的三潭印月有何特点?画家又是 如何表现山、水、天交融的意境的?引导学生从如何凸显意境、国画用笔、墨色变化等角度感受艺术作品中的画面意境 (4) 教师示范,用墨色的浓淡相融和用清水渲染墨色边缘的技法表现西湖山色 和水色交融的意境。引导学

3、生感受水分与画面效果的关系,用淡墨表现远山和其他景色 (5) 同龄人作品欣赏,引导学生边看边思考:画面突出表现了什么样的意境? 作品采用了哪些用笔、用墨方法?对你接下来的创作有什么启示?引导学生在欣赏中有意识地借鉴他人的成功创作经验 3、创作 (1) 学习建议:引导学生选择合适的十景之一,用水墨晕染的技法表现印象中 的西湖山水 (2) 学生创作,教师巡视 4、评价 举办以“西湖印象“为主题的作品赏评会,引导学生找出最能体现“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的画,并说说推荐理由 5、拓展 引导学生搜集、赏析表现西湖十景的国画作品 第二课时 1、导入: (1) 画家作品欣赏,引导学生感受西湖水色交融的意境,回顾水

4、墨表现技 法 (2) 温故知新,说说西湖十景留给你的印象和水墨西湖带给你的印象 2、探究 (1)欣赏曲院风荷景点,思考:画面中的荷花、树木、水面、游船能用上节课学习的渲染的方法来表现吗? (2)学生欣赏作品,结合课件探究作品中细节的用笔用墨手法 (3)学生实践探究,尝试表现波光粼粼的湖面 (4)结合学生探究作品,教师示范用精细笔墨表现细节部分,引导学生用浓淡不同的墨色叠加相互交融表现荷叶和树 (5)引导学生欣赏林风眠的作品西湖,提醒学生在创作的过程中要注意构图、意境,引导学生学生从近景、远景、中景的用笔用墨上感受美术作品中的画面意境 (6)同龄人作品欣赏,学习作品的优秀之处。提问:作品重点刻画

5、了什么?表现了西湖十景之一的什么韵味? 3、创作 (1)学习建议:用水墨画技法表现西湖十景之一。创作过程中可以再显示的基础上适当删减或增加部分景物,以表现自己心中的西湖十景,增强画面意境感 (2)学生创作,教师巡视指导 4、评价 (1)把画好的作品贴在展示墙上 (2)学生自评、互评。教师提供评价建议,引导学生从创意、构图、技法等方面进行评价 5、拓展 欣赏用不同形式表现的西湖十景,引导学生关心、热爱西湖这一世界文化遗产的情怀,激发学生保护大自然的美好情感篇二:西湖十景教案 西湖十景教案 教学目标: 1、 了解水墨画以及水墨技法的基础知识。 2、 利用水墨技法画出西湖十景的美丽景象。 3、 感受

6、西湖深厚的文化内涵和秀美的景色,培养学生热爱生活、热爱大自然的美好情感。 教学重难点: 重点:感受西湖的美,初步掌握水墨画的技法,体会水墨画的美感。 难点:如何用水墨画表现出西湖的美景。 教学设计: 1、 情景导入。 从西湖的神话传说导入课题,揭示课题:西湖十景。 2、 感受西湖。 (1)我们班有没有同学游过西湖?老师想请他们为没游过西湖的同学做个小导游,谈谈西湖的美景,及对西湖美景的切身感受。 (2)教师提问:还有哪些诗词也是赞誉西湖之美的?组织学生讨论。 (3)由学生讲述、讨论他最喜欢什么时候的西湖,它具有怎样的美。 3、欣赏作品。 (1)欣赏课本中的夕照、苏提春晓,感受水墨画是通过怎样的

7、效果表现出西湖春意盎然。 (2)欣赏满湖曲折,可以通过与“接天莲叶”、“映日荷花”的西湖盛夏景象进行对比欣赏,从而感受西湖的美景。 4、尝试与探索。 (1)将同学分成四组,尝试水墨技法的效果表现。 (2)注意观察画面的变化,并请每组选一个代表谈谈他的发现。 5、深入了解。 (1)结合潘天寿先生的荷花图,请学生说说水彩画与这些水墨画有什么相同之处。 (2)根据水墨画的艺术特点,用水墨画来表现家乡风景的美。 6、课外拓展。(1)建议用水墨画表现一处西湖景色。 (2)收集有关西湖的图片和资料,举行专题展览。篇三:西湖十景英文介绍(附图)Ten Scenes in West Lake Su Cause

8、way in Spring Dawn Su Causeway became a tourist attraction as early as 1090. That year, Su Dongpo, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty and the governor of Hangzhou, had the lake dredged. The silt and debris were piled up and formed into a causeway. In order to honor the poet governor, local people nam

9、ed the Causeway after him. Todays causeway is the result of many refurbishing projects over centuries. Romanticized as Spring Dawn by Su Causeway, the scenery has stayed on the top of the best ten resorts around the West Lake since the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).Lotus Flowers in the Breezing

10、Winding Courtyard Quyuan Park (Crooked Courtyard) is situated near the mouth of Jinshajian Stream, the biggest natural water supply into the West Lake. In the South Song Dynasty a royal wine workshop was set up here. In the lake next to the winery stood a large area of lotuses waggling and dancing a

11、 little bit intoxicatingly in summer breezes. Visitors felt wonderful with both the scenery and wine while aromas of lotus flowers and wine were wafting in the air. The spot got its fame as one of the top ten best attractions in that dynasty and has kept its charm in colors and odors since then.Autu

12、mn Moon over the Calm Lake Though the Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake refers nowadays to a fixed location and one of the top ten attractions around the West Lake, it was in the South Song Dynasty a general reference to the autumn nights when people went boating on the lake appreciating the bright moo

13、n and enjoying the cool breeze.Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge Once in a fine day after a snowfall, standing on the bridge and looking toward the northwest at the Solitary Hill and Ge Hill, one can see the hills and buildings covered with snow and the lake and hills look crystal clear. Although

14、the snowy beauty of the scenery is a little bit chilly and lonely, many people regard it better than noisy greens and reds in other seasons and they believe the Broken Bridge fully deserves the top position it has enjoyed for hundreds of years as the best one of the Ten Westlake Scenic Spots. Presum

15、ably, the West Lake in a fine day is no better than in rain, in rain no better than in moonlight, in moonlight no better than in snow. Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge provides a proof to justify the vivid description.Orioles Singing in the Willows Orioles Singing in the Willows was recognized as

16、 one of the Ten Views of the West Lake in the Southern Song Dynasty, but began to be neglected from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) on. The park came back to life again 1950s by a series of refurbishing projects. Today, the park covers an area of 21 hectares, with luxuriant trees surviving the past dyn

17、asties along the winding bank. Vast lawns stretch, flowers are bright, pavilions reveal their ancient romantic style, birds flap by and grasses show their best greens.Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor Flower Harbor (Huagang) Park is adjacent to Su Causeway consisting of Red Fish Pool, Peony Garden, Flow

18、er Garden, widespread lawns and woods, occupying an area of 21 hectares. Initially, the park was a small private garden built and owned by Lu Yunsheng, an imperial official of the South Song Dynasty. The garden was located near the Flower Home Hill. Inside the park was a fishpond and a stream nearby

19、 was ushered into the pond for raising goldfish. Later the private garden began to gain a big fame in Hangzhou as Flower Harbor and became a recreation resort for viewing goldfishes.Leifeng Pagoda in Evening GlowLeifeng Pagoda, on the Evening Glow Hill situated on the south shore of the West Lake, w

20、as erected in celebration of the son his favorite concubine, Huang Fei, gave birth to. The 7 storied pagoda was a storied pavilion type structure, built of brick and wood. In the ancient time, Leifeng Pagoda and Baochu Pagoda stood far apart facing each other. Leifeng Pagoda appeared to be an old ge

21、ntleman, but Baochu Pagoda appeared to be a beauty. When the sun was setting, the pagoda bathed in the evening glow looked radiantly beautiful. It was therefore named as “Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow”.Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud Twin peaks are the Northern Peak and Southern Peak. One locates sou

22、thwest to the West Lake and the other locates northwest west. Northern Peak is with an elevation of 256.9 meters, Southern Peak is with an elevation of 355 meters. The two peaks face each other at a distance of more than 5 kilometers. On a drizzly day in spring or autumn, visitors may find a spectac

23、ular view of the two peaks while they look up from the Hongchun Bridge. It seems as if an enchanting landscape painting was hanging before them with the peaks disappearing and appearing amidst drifting clouds.Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping HillEvening Bell Ringing at Nanpinjg Hill, it is one of the

24、 “Ten Views of West Lake” with the longest history. In 972 A.D. a famous temple, named as “Xingjiao Temple”was built on the Nanpin Hill. After that, a few more small temples were built around it. Therefore, Nanpin Hill was locally called as “Buddhism Kingdom Hill”. Formed of limestone, the Nanping H

25、ill contains lots of caves and cavities. The shape of the hill is just like a painted screen. Therefore, when the bell was rung in the evening, its sonorous sound echoed through the caves and cavities, even reached as far as the other shore of the West Lake. And then the Ge Hill locating there sent

26、back a big echo over the lake.Three Pools Mirroring the Moon The largest isle in the West Lake, It is also called the Lesser Yingzhou Isle, the namesake after a legendary Islet in the depth of the Eastern China Sea. The isle is elegant, harmonizing nature and man-made landscape. The isle is one of t

27、he top ten Westlake Scenic attractions for centuries. The beauty of the scenic spot is the moon in the sky, in the water and in the heart of onlookers. The three stone miniature pagodas standing in the lake off the isle are presumably the best place for moon viewing. These pagodas produce many magic views of the moon in the water, making people nostalgic and reminiscent of the woebegone days and happy moments in the past. On the night of the Autumn Moon Festival, the isle and its three miniature pagodas are the best attraction for moon spectators.

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