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1、高职考外贸试题学校_ 班级_姓名_考号_-装-订-线-浙江省2005年高等职业技术教育招生考试外贸大类专业理论)试卷题 号第一部分第二部分第三部分总 分积分人八九十十一十二十三十四十五十六十七十八得 分考生注意:本试卷共三大部分,满分250分。第一部分商务英语函电满分100分);第二部分国际贸易基础知识满分50分);第三部分进出口贸易实务满分100分)。考试时间150分钟。用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上,答卷前将装订线内的工程填写清楚。b5E2RGbCAP第一部分 商务英语函电.p1EanqFDPw1. If the price isus, we would sign a long-term c

2、ontract with you.DXDiTa9E3dA. accept by you B. received by C. reached to D. acceptable to RTCrpUDGiT 2. With a viewthe market in your place, we have offered you our bottom price.5PCzVD7HxAA. to promoting B. to promote C. of promote D. into promotingjLBHrnAILg 3. We are prepared to reduce your priceU

3、SD125 per set FOB Shanghai.xHAQX74J0XA. at B. to C. of D. for 4. Your suggestion is quiteus.A. of satisfaction B. satisfied with C. satisfy D. satisfactory toLDAYtRyKfE 5. Pleasethat the L/C stipulations are in accordance with those of the sales confirmation.Zzz6ZB2LtkA. see to it B. seeing C. see D

4、. to see.6. After the shipment is effected, a draft will be drawnyou for the expenses we have paid as instructed.dvzfvkwMI1A. on B. for C. against D. of 7. The term CIF should be followed by named .A. port of shipment B. port of origin C. port of destination D. port of loadingrqyn14ZNXI8. We draw yo

5、ur attention to the factthe L/C covering your order No.123 has not reached us in spite of our repeated requests.EmxvxOtOcoA. what B. that C. where D. there9. Your prices are somewhatthe high side as compared with those of other suppliers.SixE2yXPq5A. in B. at C. on D. of.10. We regret to say that yo

6、ur prices arewith the current market level.6ewMyirQFLA. in line B. out of line C. in the line D. out of the linekavU42VRUs 11. It is true that improper packing willgreat losses.y6v3ALoS89A. arouse from B. result from C. lead in D. result inM2ub6vSTnP12. The prices for the same quality have dropped3%

7、 in the market here.0YujCfmUCwA. another B. other C. one D. a13. We confirmyour order No.718 dated April 31, 2005.eUts8ZQVRdA. to have received B. to receive C. having received D. receivingsQsAEJkW5T14. There is a steady demand hereleather gloveshigh quality.GMsIasNXkAA. for , for B. of , for C. for

8、 , of D. with , ofTIrRGchYzg 15. We havea claimthe seller for the shortage of shipmentS.S. East Wind.7EqZcWLZNXA. filed , for , ex B. lodged , against , exC. lodged , with , at D. filed , against , at16. If we had received your L/C , wethe shipment.A. will effect B. have effectedC. would have effect

9、ed D. had effected17. Not until yesterdayyour delayed letter of credit.lzq7IGf02EA. have we received B. did we receiveC. received we D. we had received18. We have the pleasure of writing toyou in the hope of doing business with youzvpgeqJ1hk .A. get in touch , in this line B. contact , in this lineN

10、rpoJac3v1C. get on , in this trade D. connect with , in this trade1nowfTG4KI 19. the payment terms, we have satisfactorily traded with you on confirmed, irrevocable sight L/C basis in the past.fjnFLDa5ZoA. As to B. But for C. Owing to D. Because of.tfnNhnE6e520. We regret to inform you thatis diffic

11、ult for us to fulfill the shipment before July.HbmVN777sLA. / B. there C. here D. it得分评卷人. Translate the following terms from Chinese into English (1.5 points each, 15 points in all.V7l4jRB8Hs1中国出口商品交易会2专营3付款方式4形式发票5付款行6跟单信用证7装箱单8运费预付9净重10以你方为受益人得分评卷人 . Translate the following terms from English int

12、o Chinese (1 point each,10 points in all.83lcPA59W91. business scope 2. the lowest quotation 3. blank endorsement4. invoice value5. D/D 6. FPA 7. a voluntary offer8. shipping advice9. a prospective market 10. conclude the transaction得分评卷人 . Complete the following sentences (4 points each, 20 points

13、in all.mZkklkzaaP1. We are one of the leading firms in the country andAVktR43bpw在该行业上经验丰富)2. We will be much obliged for若蒙介绍一家可靠的经销商业机器的进口商)3. We regret to say that we cant come to terms除非你我们降价4%)because of the weak market.4. As the prices of materials have risen a lot recently,ORjBnOwcEd我们只有调整价格来弥补

14、上涨的成本) 5.gIiSpiue7A1. Be sure to book the shipping space in time and get everything ready before September.uEh0U1Yfmh2. Owing to large commitments, at present we cant accept any fresh orders.IAg9qLsgBX3. You may rest assured that there is no risk in accepting our proposal for D/A payment.WwghWvVhPE4

15、. We agree to extend the L/C to June 30 in response to your request.asfpsfpi4k5. Please note that our quotation is inclusive of your 3%commisson.ooeyYZTjj1得分评卷人 . Read the passage and try to find the best answer to complete BkeGuInkxIeach of the following sentences (2 points each, 10 points in all.P

16、gdO0sRlMoDear Sirs,Our Order No.14478We are writing to you to complain about the shipment of sweaters we received yesterday on the above order.3cdXwckm15The boxes in which the sweaters were packed were damaged, and looked as if they had broken open in transit. From your invoice No. 18871 we estimate

17、 that thirty garments have been stolen to the value of $150. And because of the rummaging.DJ8T7nHuGTKey words: producer, notebook computer, be interested in, current price, herewith, catalogue, price list, command a good market, portability, high quality, reasonable price, trial order, competitive,

18、look forward to.QF81D7bvUA执事先生:最近我们从厂商处购进了一批笔记本电脑。你们也许会对这些产品的时价感兴趣。在此我们给你们寄去一本商品目录和价目表。4B7a9QFw9h这些产品由于携带便利、质量好、价格合理,现在深受欢迎。我们相信试订后, 你们会注意到我们的产品很有竞争力。ix6iFA8xoX期待早日收到你方订单。第二部分 国际贸易基础知识满分50分)得分评卷人八、名词解释本大题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分)1国际贸易地理方向2无条件最惠国待遇3关税同盟4技术性贸易壁垒得分评卷人九、填空题本大题共10小题,20空, 每空0.5分,共10分)1对外贸易的产生必须具备两个

19、基本条件,一是,即随着社会生产力的发展能够提供交换用的剩余产品,二是即开始出现各自为政的国家实体。wt6qbkCyDE2外贸依存度是指一国在一定时期内与之比。3是国际分工产生与发展的基础,是国际分工形成与发展的决定性因素。4世界贸易总额通常是指在一定时期内之和。5一国的对外贸易政策一般由、 三方面内容构成。6是由凯恩斯的“投资乘数理论”在对外贸易方面的应用。7普惠制的主要原则是、和。8从对进口限制的作用上分类,非关税壁垒可分为和两大类。9出口方银行直接向外国的进口厂商即买方)或进口方银行提供的贷款称为。其附带条件是贷款必须用于购买债权国商品,这就是所谓的。Kp5zH46zRk10世界贸易组织与

20、和通常被称为战后世界经济的“三大支柱”。得分评卷人十、单项选择题在每小题的四个备选答案中,只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其号码填写在题后的括号内,本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、能比较准确地反映一国对外贸易实际规模的指标是 )A. 进出口总额 B. 对外贸易额 C. 对外贸易量 D. 货物贸易额2、战后国际分工主要是在 )之间展开的。A. 发达国家与发达国家 B. 发达国家与发展中国家C. 工业国与农业国 D. 宗主国与殖民地3、某国对进口电视机、显像管分别征收20%和10%的从价关税,现该国进口一些电视机,价值10万美元,其中显像管价值4万美元,则电视机的有效关税保护率为 )。Y

21、l4HdOAA61A. 20% B. 26.67%C. 40%D. 47.52%4、“自动”出口配额制是一种 )。A. 鼓励进口的手段 B. 限制进口的手段C. 鼓励出口的手段 D. 自愿限制出口的手段5、以发展转口贸易为主的经济特区是 )。A. 自由边境区 B. 出口加工区 C. 过境区 D. 自由贸易区6、晚期重商主义也称贸易差额论,其主要政策主张是 )。A. 禁止货币出口 B. 禁止贵重金属外流C. 奖出限入,保证贸易出超 D. 国家不要干预对外贸易7、目前世界上经济一体化程度最高的组织是 )。A. 美加墨自由贸易区 B. 欧洲联盟C. 亚太经合组织 D. 东南亚国家联盟8、既是海关征收

22、关锐的依据,又是关税政策具体体现的是 )。A. CCCN B. HS C. 税则号列 D. 海关税则9、管理贸易不同于自由贸易在于 )。A. 管理贸易有人为干预因素 B. 管理贸易只关心本国利益C. 管理贸易只是干预贸易关系 D. 管理贸易使用的是强制性手段10、2004年我国进出口贸易总额突破万亿美元大关,位居世界第 )位。A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四得分评卷人十一、判断题对的打“”,错的打“”,本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、总贸易是指以关境为标准划分和统计的进出口贸易。 )2、国际贸易商品结构可以反映出整个世界的经济发展水平、产业结构状况和科技发展水平。 )3、对于

23、接受出口国财政补贴的倾销商品,进口国可以既征收反倾销税,又征收反补贴税。 )4、国际纺织品贸易是乌拉圭回合谈判中第一次被列入多边贸易谈判的三项新议题之一。 )5、无形贸易不显示在海关的贸易统计上,也不是国际收支的组成部分。 )6、在本国货币贬值的情况下,从价税的保护作用要大于从量税的保护作用。 )7、对于进口配额制项下的商品,进口商在进口该商品时都必须提供原产地证明书。 )8、以增加财政收入为目的而征收的关税,其税率愈高,就愈能增加财政收入。 )9、如果TOT大于1,表明该国贸易条件好转,即出口一个单位的产品能换回超过一个单位的进口产品。 )ch4PJx4BlI10、李斯特的保护贸易理论是积极

24、的,其保护的对象以将来有前途的幼稚工业为限,他主张以保护贸易为过渡时期,而以自由贸易为最后目的。 )qd3YfhxCzo得分评卷人十二、简答题本大题共3小题,每小题4分,共12分)1、简述大卫李嘉图的“比较成本”理论。2、简述新贸易保护主义的政策特点。3、简述商品倾销和外汇倾销的区别。第三部分 进出口贸易实务满分100分)得分评卷人十三、填空题本大题共10分,20空,每空1分,共20分)1、在买卖合同中,商品品质若以卖方样品为准时,一般情况下卖方在对外寄出样品的同时,都应留有,以备作交货或处理品质纠纷时核对之用。E836L11DO52、循环信用证按照循环方式,可划分为、和三种不同的循环信用证。3、国际贸易术语解释通则是由于1936年首次公布的,而1932年华沙一牛津规则是由于1932年修订的。S42ehLvE3M4、运价表内的货物名称后标有“W/M”字样的,表示由船公司在与两者之间从高计收运费。5、汇票按照有无随附商业单据,可分为和两种,其中银行汇票多为。6、在现行中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险条款中,基本险包括、和。7、发盘的有效期是指可供受盘人对发盘作出接受的时间或期限,它既是对发盘人的,也是对发盘人的。8、托运人在向船公司办妥订舱手续后,船公司将签发给托运人,然后托运人 凭此

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