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1、HND演示技巧docxv1.0 可编辑可修改Presentation SkillsF84E 35(Outcome one)Name:SCN:CLASS:00v1.0 可编辑可修改Content pageIntroduction 2Findings 2Presentation to banchory residents 2Presentation to parents and teachers group 5Presentation to Local councillors 9Conclusion 12Reference 1211v1.0 可编辑可修改IntroductionThis repor

2、t describes 6 ways of speaking, and the analysis of the combination of scenes. PPT, CD-ROM, photographs and pictures, videos , graphs and charts ,objects and models.FindingsPresentation to banchory residentsTwo methods chosen2. CD-ROMHow to use the two methods1.Put pictures,videosandinformationinto

3、thePPT, soastofacilitatetheaudiencemoreintuitiveunderstandingof thecontentof the speech. Before the banchory residents into green and new housestyle are made into a video on ppt. Enterprise speakers can watch thevideo and residents banchory to explain, so that residents banchorycan be very clear to

4、get the answer to the question. Then the roadimprovement and the issue of housing density through the picture intothePPT,theenterprisespeaker throughthe banchoryresidentsPPTthrough the picture and explain, so that residents can be very clear to get the answer to the question.22v1.0 可编辑可修改2.Residents

5、 banchory consider the problem, you can go to find the problem has been solved CD-ROM, so that residents banchory understanding of the problem can be easily solved. This can make residents banchory more simple to understand the content of thespeech. The enterprise can make banchory residents look at

6、 thespeaker and illustrate that banchory residents can get the answer is very clear.Why these have been selectedpurpose of the presentationCompany representativesand residentstogetherdiscussproposedproblems: density of housing for each site, the new housing fittinginwithexistingstyles,accessandroadi

7、mprovementsandlandscaping and boundary issues. The purpose of the presentationisto allay fears, answer questions, provide details of proposed housingstyles andpresentanillustrationofhowthevillagewill lookattheend ofthe developmentwork.PPT andCD-ROMthetwospeechcanalleviate the concerns of banchory re

8、sidents, because offocus havepresented the problem to the banchory residents of these two ways canbeclearly,letbanchoryresidentscangetaclearerand morecomprehensive answer.2. The nature and the size of the audienceThe number of local residents -150 is 100 people banchory, belongingto a large-scale sp

9、eech. PPT and CD-ROMcan use big screen to make the presence of all the banchory residents are heard and seen speech33v1.0 可编辑可修改content, and the CD-ROMdata to more convincing, can take care ofevery one in the presence of local banchory residents. The audienceall belong to the local residents banchor

10、y, and the number of peopleare more, all of the degree of every culture has. And CD-ROM PPT cantake care of people in every level of education, because residentscan be through photos and videos to understand the situation.Residents banchory can make a better understanding of the content of the speec

11、h.3. The venue of the presentationThis presentation of the site is the village hotel banquet hall cansit 100-150, speech is relatively large site. In the extensive fieldspeech are most worried about is the audience the audience canclearly hear presentations, PPT and CD-ROM wouldnt have suchproblems,

12、 because the PPT and CD-ROMcan use big screen playing tothe audience the audience clearer and better understanding to all of the content and the answers.AdvantagesPPT has the speaker does not move back and forth.advantage that can make the content more rich, because PPT can put a lot of different kn

13、owledge, such as photos and videos.3.PPT advantage that can combine the sound.4.PPT advantage is convenient and quick.44v1.0 可编辑可修改5.Advantage of the CD-ROM it is convenient to copy computer data to CD.6.Advantage of the CD-ROM is a large amount of data. Disadvantages1.The disadvantage is that ppt c

14、omputer emergency situation is not good control.2.ppt drawback is dark environment.3.The disadvantage of CD-ROM is that CD-ROM can only use the content, can not be modified.4.The disadvantage of CD-ROM is that it is easy to be damaged, andthe data is gone.Presentation to parents and teachers groupTw

15、o methods chosen1.photographs and pictures2.videosHow to use the two methods1.Enterprise speaker can advance the picture of the planning area to see parents and teachers group, which can be more intuitive and realaudience to understand the contents of the speech. Each speaker cangive the audience a

16、picture made, every listener can be more detailed55v1.0 可编辑可修改and comprehensive picture of the learned new classrooms and new playground look. Parents and teachers group to see the pictures, youcan integrated the various aspects to make recommendations, companies can put proposals to modify the reco

17、rd.2. Enterprise speaker can give parents and teachers group videos toexplainthecontentsof the videos in theaudiencecanquicklygetthe point.Inhisspeech,parentsandteachersgroupneedsmoreintuitive, so use videos to presentations more persuasive. Enterprisespeakercanput new classroomsandnewplaygroundanal

18、og videospresentedtoparentsand teachersgroup,so parentsandteachersgroup can beverydetailedtowatchthespeechfocusandmakerecommendations.Why these have been selected1. The purpose of the presentationCompany representatives,parentsand teachersgatheringtogetherdiscuss the construction of the new adventur

19、e play area, new wildlifegarden,includinga pond,andupdatingschoollibrarywithmorequiet zones and 15 new computers. The aim of this presentation isto present to parents and teachers the proposed plans for these areasand to encourage them to recommend ideas and suggestions. The localcouncilisalsotaking

20、thisopportunitytoupgradeexistingfacilitiesintheschool.photographsandpicturesandvideosofthese two methodscanbefullyspeechtotheaudiencetoprovidecomprehensiveanddetailedinformationthatallowsparentsandteachersgroup fullyunderstandthenewclassroomsandanew66v1.0 可编辑可修改playground, detailed pictures and vide

21、os can make listeners Presentations more understanding. Clarity, better advice.2. The nature and the size of the audienceThe number of listeners initially set at 18 people, which is a small-scale presentations, the speakers and audience interaction is veryimportant. photographs and pictures and vide

22、os of these two speechesare suitable for small-scale ways of speech, Because corporatespokesman and let parents and teachers group to better face to facecommunication, making communication more accuracy. The speaker canuse pictures and videos to answer audience questions, you can alsointeract with t

23、he audience, take advice.3. The venue of the presentationSpeech venue is a large classroom, the size of the classroom is limited, so the site will not be very broad. And the equipment of theclassroom is very comprehensive, so the speaker with videos and photographs and pictures these two kinds of sp

24、eech is veryappropriate. These two methods are more convenient for the interaction between the speaker and the audience. Can maximize the effect of the speech, and be able to absorb better recommendations.Advantages1.The advantage of photographs and pictures is to give people the impression deeply,

25、the effect is good.77v1.0 可编辑可修改2.The advantage of photographs and pictures is that the picture is vivid and concise.3. Photographs and pictures advantage is high, the picture can be better reflected.4.The advantages of photographs and pictures is a high concrete, pictures can take the language spec

26、ific presentation in front of theaudience.5. Videos advantage is high efficiency and improve the effect ofspeech.6.Advantage of videos is real high, real videos are shot. Disadvantages1. The disadvantage photographs and pictures it is inconvenient totake notes.2.The disadvantage photographs and pict

27、ures that the audience will feel boring.3.The disadvantage is inconvenient to record videos.4.The disadvantage is that videos during playback, may cause the listeners attention is not focused.88v1.0 可编辑可修改Presentation to Local councillorsTwo methods chosen1.graphs and charts2.objects and modelsHow t

28、o use the two methods1.Enterprises can use the speakers in detail and charts to explain the content of the speech to local councillors, so you can make the audience better understand the content of speech. To speak to localcouncillors is very formal, the graphs and charts presented to thelocal counc

29、illors is more appropriate. Business speaker in the form of a chart to the traffic survey data presented to the audience, the audience focus on the content can be found in the chart.2.Corporatespeakers canbecarriedout afterthegraphmodelentitiestoexplain thecontentto localcouncillors,allowingtheaudience clearly see and feel the expansion of the village simulation.Andgive localcouncillorsveryformal

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