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1、7AUnit1教案设计课题7A Unit 1 This is me总第 1 课时三维教学目标1、知识目标: 1)、会用本课时的四会单词。 2)、词组 look after good morning good afternoon good evening good night3)、句型 Whats your name? How to look after your e-dog?2、能力目标:1)、学会介绍自己。 2)、学会使用适当的问候语。3、情感目标:通过自我介绍了解全班同学,并与他们成为好朋友。重点、难点1、重点:运用一些简单的句式进行自我介绍。2、难点:They are introduci

2、ng themselves to each other.教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记录个人修改记录Step I 呈现1. 教师与全班学生对话:How are you? 全班学生回答:Fine, thank you.2. 教师走到学生身边与他们对话:Good morning. Im Miss/Mr My English name is Whats your name? 引导学生回答:Good morning. Miss/Mr Im /My name is Do you have an English name? What is it?(Ask more than on

3、e student) 并把这些句型写在黑板上。对学生说:Look at the blackboard and read after me. 让学生跟读两遍。Step II 练习1. 安排学生两人一组用这些句型互相介绍:Boys and girls, its time for you to practise now. Please greet your partner. Ask for your partners name. Dont forget to say Good morning. before you ask.2. 教师巡视,适时鼓励:Good. / You are great.Ste

4、p III 呈现1. 告诉同学们我们今天要认识北京阳光中学的几个朋友,让学生打开书,看他们在第一节英语课上是怎样互相介绍的:Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at page 7 and read aloud what the students say. (read it with the teacher) 然后叫学生起来回答问题:Whats the girls name?

5、Whats the boys name? 接下来老师教这六个人名:Amy, Simon, Millie, Kitty, Sandy, Daniel 老师把这些人名写在黑板上并且标出其中的元音音标。带学生朗读这些单词。老师领读文中对话。学生齐读。Step IV 表演1. 学生两人一组练习这些对话,然后将它表演出来。Step V 游戏1. 呈现实物:时钟。把时间拨到下午某个时间,问学生在这个时间应该怎样和老师或同学打招呼:At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner?引导学生回答Good afternoon,

6、教师大声肯定、重复并将正确答案写在黑板上,让学生跟着教师大声说几遍。再把时间拨至傍晚和夜晚的某个时间,教师重复以上步骤并板书Good evening.和 Good night.这两个句子。2. 学生用纸片自制时间卡,并以卡片上的时间为参照互相问候。Step VI 呈现1. 让学生看幻灯片,老师问:Whats the time? 学生回答后教师接着问:教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记录个人修改记录Is it in the morning or in the afternoon? 引导学生回答:Its in the afternoon. 然后引导他们说:Good after

7、noon.引导学生完成书上Greetings的练习。2. 注意时间的两种写法,如:14:45=2.45pmStep VII 游戏1. 在小纸片上写上每个学生的学号。把所有的纸片放进一个小袋子,并且把他们打混。老师先从小袋子里抽出一张学号,那个学号对应的学生要进行自我介绍,比如: Good morning, Im 完成自我介绍后,那个学生再抽出下一个学号。Step VIII 呈现1. 教师让学生看幻灯片,同时提问:What is it? 引导学生回答出动物的名字。然后老师问:Do you have an animal in your family? For example, a dog, a c

8、at, a duck and so on. Ss: Yes. T:What is it? Ss: Its a dog./ T:She is the dogs master. She looks after the dog. 将master和look after写在黑板上。然后老师领读这两个单词词组以及这两句话。2. 告诉学生今天要认识两个新朋友,学生听录音并回答两个问题:They are our new friends. Listen carefully and answer my questions. Whats the two dogs names? Whos the master? Is

9、 Hobo a dog?3. 播放录音后,学生回答。 The two dogs names are Hobo and Eddie. Eddie is the master. Yes, Hobo is an e-dog.4. 呈现图中的文字部分,播放录音,学生跟读:Please look at the comic strip and read after the tape.5. 一遍结束,全班分成两组,分角色进行朗读,互换角色再读一遍:Now, boys are Eddie and girls are Hobo. Read again. One, two, begin!Step VIIII 表演

10、1. 学生表演。同桌互换角色表演对话,鼓励学生根据自己的想象添加适当的语言:Work in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. You can add your own words.2. 随意选几组同学上台表演,并在表演结束后给予鼓励和表扬:Ok, I will ask some of you to come here and role-play the dialogue for us. Volunteer, please.Step X 家庭作业1. 熟读今天所学内容。2. 记忆黑板上写的词语和句型。3. 完成补充习题

11、上的练习。板书设计教学反思课题7A Unit 1 This is me Reading (I)总第 2 课时三维教学目标1. 知识目标1) 词汇:能够理解本课的四会单词。2) 词组:years old; the Reading Club; be born in; long black hair; come from; listen to music; short hair; wear glasses; play computer games; after school3) 句型:I love playing football after school. He enjoys playing co

12、mputer games. She is good at swimming.2. 能力目标 通过阅读了解文中所出现的北京阳光中学四个学生的基本情况。3. 情感目标 利用所学内容,激发学生在课堂活动中更多地了解新同学新老师,增进师生、生生之间的感情。重点、难点1. 重点:理解文章的大意。2. 难点:Simon was born in Shanghai but he lives in Beijing now. He enjoys playing computer games.教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记录个人修改记录Step I 表演1. 学生以表演的形式复习Hobo与

13、Eddie的对话。2. 学生以问候的形式互相确认同学姓名:Good morning/afternoon.My name is Whats your name?Step II 阅读1. 出示挂图,呈现4个小伙伴的图片:They are students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. They are our new friends. 让学生快速阅读课文:Now lets meet them one by one.然后问:Whats his/her name?2. 听录音,完成幻灯片上的表格。Listen to the tape carefully,

14、try to finish the form on the screen.3. 告诉学生我们先来认识Millie.播放录音,呈现幻灯片:Now, lets meet Millie first. Listen and read her speech bubble carefully. Pay attention to the new words in her speech bubble. Then answer my questions: How old os Millie? Does she like reading?学生做出简单回答就可以。4. 第一段结束,请学生指出课文中的生词:Now p

15、lease tell me the new words you dont know.写在黑板上,带读2至3遍。同学之间开展合作,两人一组互相帮助学习生词:Now work in pairs and learn the new words in this passage.直到生词全部解决。5. 总结Millie的自我介绍。6. 继续学习Simon和Sandy的自我介绍,重复以上步骤。问以下问题: Whats the boys name? Does he like playing football? Where does Sandy come from? Does she like listeni

16、ng to music?教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记录个人修改记录7. 最后集中学习Simon,Sandy和Daniel的简介:Now lets meet Simon, Sandy and Daniel.以同样的步骤学习生词和课文。回答一下问题:Does Simon like sports? (Yes, he does.) Is Sandys hair short ? (No, it isnt.) Is Daniel good at Maths? (Yes, he does.)Step III 练习1. 要求学生再次阅读课文:Now please read agai

17、n and finish Part B on page 9.让学生首先完成B1部分(看幻灯片完成),向学生解释语境:Mr Wu, their English teacher, wants to know the students better. What activities do his students like? Please help him put the correct letters in the boxes.及时核对答案。2. 学生完成True or False questions,要求他指出错在哪,怎么改正。Can you point out mistakes?How can

18、 we say it correctly?3. 检查核对:Good./You are right./Good job./Im sorry, its not correct. Please read again.4. 完成表格。告诉学生:Now I am sure you know our new friends better. Our first friend is Millie. She is now making notes about her new classmates. Please talk about the information and then help her compl

19、ete her notes . Work in pairs.Step IV 家庭作业1. 朗读课文,注意语音语调。并尝试根据关键词复述课文。2. 记忆生词。板书设计教学反思课题7A Unit 1 This is me Reading ()总第 3 课时三维教学目标1. 知识目标1) 词汇:能够运用本课的四会单词。 2) 词组:years old; the Reading Club; be born in; long black hair; come from; listen to music; short hair; wear glasses; play computer games; aft

20、er school3) 句型:I love playing football after school. He enjoys playing computer games. She is good at swimming.2. 能力目标学会运用本课所学的主要词汇、句型用英语进行自我介绍或介绍他人。重点、难点1. 重点: 运用本课的四会单词、词组和句型。2. 难点:Simon was born in Shanghai but he lives in Beijing now. He enjoys playing computer games.教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记

21、录个人修改记录Step I 复习1. 回顾所学课文内容。巩固学习课文中的重点部分:We know something about Millie, Simon, Sandy and Daniel now. Do you still remember them? Lets do the following exercises. Please finish the exercise quickly. You may read the text on page 8 again when necessary. First lets do T or F questions. (看幻灯片)2. 回答课文有关

22、问题。 1.Does Millie have a dog? Yes.2.Whats the name of the dog? Eddie.3.Does Simon like football? Yes.4.Is Sandy tall and slim? Yes.5.What does Sandy like? Music.6.Who wears glasses, Simon or Daniel? DanielStep II 练习1. 呈现词组,让学生完成词组与解释的配对,以检查学生对词组的理解:Here are some phrases. Please match them with their

23、 explanations. Lets see who will finish the exercise correctly first. years old be from the reading club age, time of life be born have glasses on the eyes come from have good manners and always ready to help wear glasses a group of people who meet regularly for reading polite and helpful be brought

24、 into the state of life2. 做有关词组的练习,根据括号中的汉字写出英文:Now here are some more exercises. Please complete the following sentences according to the Chinese words in brackets. Lets work them out. 1) Millie is 12 _(岁数). She is _(擅长) English. (years old; good at) 2) Millie loves reading. She is in _(读书俱乐部). (th

25、e Reading Club) 3) Sandy_(来自) Beijing. She has_(又长又黑的教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记录个人修改记录头发). (comes from;long black hair) 4) Miss Li is _(又高又苗条). She has _(短发). (tall and slim; short hair) 5) Daniel _(戴眼镜). 3. 句型呈现。指导学生再次阅读短文,并将重要的地方用红笔标出来:Now we have some important sentences to learn. Do you know h

26、ow to use them? 教师逐一解释本课重点句型。4. 有关句型的练习:Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words. 1) She likes _ (read) books on Sundays. (reading) 2) The boy loves _ (play) football after school. (playing) 3) Children enjoy _ (watch) TV in the evening. (watching) 4) Amy is good at _ (swim). (swimming)

27、 5) Lets _ (meet) Daniel after school. (meet) 6) Miss Lin _ (love) her students. Her students _ (like) her, too. (loves; like)6. 以下是翻译练习:Now please turn these sentences into English. Pay attention to the language points we have learnt. 1) Millie喜欢照看Eddie. (Millie likes looking after Eddie.) 2) 我们有一个

28、新朋友,Hobo。它有一个主人,Eddie。 (We have a new friend, Hobo. He has a master, Eddie.) 3) Daniel擅长玩电脑游戏。 (Daniel is good at playing computer games.) 4) 鲍勃的表哥在校篮球队. (Bobs cousin is in the school basketball team.) 5) 他的同桌是从哪里来的?她从上海来. (Where is his deskmate from?/Where does his deskmate come from? She is /comes

29、 from Shanghai.)7. 完成第10页C2部分(也可以看幻灯片),然后写出每句话相对应的问句:Now turn to page 10. Lets complete the exercise in Part C2, and then try to write out the question for each sentence. Write something about yourself.8. 学生复述课文,然后练习自我介绍:Now its time for us to retell the story. Please look at the blackboard and use

30、the phrases on the screen to say something about each of our new friends.9. 做出鼓励或欣赏性评价:Good/Wonderful!10. 学生开展四人小组活动,进行自我介绍,能力较强的学生和能力较弱的学生搭配,教师巡视,要求人人动口,能力较弱的同学可以记笔记:Now its time for you to introduce yourselves. Please work in groups and help each other. Now lets start.学生在小组内介绍完以后,告诉学生:Please volunteer to come to the front and tell the class about yourself.11. 选择能力不同的学生分别表演,做出适当评价,以鼓励为主。Step III 家庭作业1. 熟读复述课文。2. 记忆生词、词组、句型。板书设计教学反思课题7A Unit 1 This is me Grammar 总第 4 课时三维教学目标1. 理解动词to be的一般现

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