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外贸函电实训 2.docx

1、外贸函电实训 2Letters of inquiries1、 Turn the following letter of inquiry into English、敬启者:我方从纺织品有限公司获悉贵公司制作了一系列款式新颖的各类真皮手工制的手套。本公司经营高档零售业务。虽然销量不多,但货品全属优质高价。现恳请惠寄货品图解目录、最新价格表与付款方式细则。此外,如蒙提供各类真皮样本,我方将不胜感激。经理Henry Simon 谨上2、 Situational letter writing、Today you have read an advertisement about carpets on th

2、e Internet put by Atlantic Carpet Led、 (99Main Street, Dallas, Texas, USA) You are Sandra Jones, the sales manager of Murphy Stores PLC (10High Street, Clapham, London,UK)、Your letter should cover the following points: Quote you the lowest prices CIFC5 London Indicate the respective quantities of va

3、rious sizes of the stock available Inform y9u of the earliest delivery date, payment terms and discounts for regular purchases Forward representative samples Express yor desire for regular orders in great numbers Introduce your company as a leading importer of carpets5 Business letters and envelops1

4、、 Situational letter writing、Study the information given and compose a letter in the fully blocked layout、You are Angelo Bonetti, sales manager of Modern Shoes Fashions (address: 78 Via Appia, Rome, Italy; telephone: 4644656; fax: 7894564; e-mail: MSFA)、 You need to write a reply to Mr、 Robert Bold,

5、 export manager of Moda Shoes Corporation (address: 55 Western Road, Highbury, London, UK; telephone: 4651321; fax: 746413; e-mail: )、Your letter should cover the following points: Acknowledge the receipt of Mr、 Robert Bolds letter of March 5、 which suggested working as the sole agency for your shoe

6、s Regret to say that such an arrangement would be premature Show willingness to engage ina trial collaboration with Moda Shoes Corporation Ask Moda Shoes Corporation to test the market for your company Make sure to enclose a price list in the letter2、 Write the envelopes for the following two letter

7、s、1) Coopers Products PLC公司的采购部经理W、 K、 Parker先生写信给Universal Imp、 & Exp、 Co、公司的销售经理Helen Wallace女士。前者的地址为英国伦敦Sunyvelle大街980号。邮编为N98ST。后者的地址为美国旧金山市林肯大街980号。邮编为654121。2) 上海邯郸路220号复旦大学历史系的赵密教授写信给美国Kansas州Pittsburgh市匹兹堡州立大学历史系William Jason教授。前者邮编为200433。后者为72555Letters of establishing business relations1

8、、 Translate the following sentences on establishing business relations into Chinese、1) On the recommendation of Messrs、 J、 Smith & Co、, Inc、 in New York, we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you、2) We have heard from China Counci

9、l for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for air-conditioners、3) We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese silk, which comes within the frame of our business activities、4) We are interested in the possibility of tracing sources of supply of crud

10、e oil from your country、5) In order to give you some idea of the qualities of the various handicrafts we carry, we have the pleasure in forwarding you by are a copy of our catalogue and a few sample books for your perusal、6) Your letter addressed to World Trading Co、 has been forwarded to us for att

11、ention, as the export of this article is exclusively handled by us、7) Having had your name and address from the Bank of China in London, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you、8) We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to bu

12、ilding up business relations with your firm、9) This is to introduce ourselves as the main Chinese exporter of computers, having had many years experience in this particular line of business, and we hope to establish trade relations with you、10) With reference to your letter of July 10, 2006, we are

13、glad to learn that you hope to enter into trade relations with us in the line of washing machines、2、 Turn the following letter of establishing business relations into English、敬启者:承蒙香港商会介绍,我方得知贵方的名称与地址,同时获悉贵方想要购买照相机。我方就是国内生产照相机的大型厂家之一,经营各种产品已达12年之久。我方今特与贵公司联系,想建立业务关系,以期通过我们的共同努力,扩大我们的业务范围。为使贵方熟悉我方的经营

14、范围,现附寄一份插图目录,介绍我方目前可提供的主要产品。若对某产品感兴趣,请传真告知,我方将报最低价并尽力满足贵方要求用户对我方产品及售后服务非常满意,我方相信,经过互相交往,贵方会有同感。我方银行就是香港花旗银行,她们可向贵方提供我方商业及资金状况的信息。若蒙贵方及时回复,将不胜感激。经理Mary Robert 谨上Establishing business relations 1、 Translate the following sentences into English:1) 我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。2) 我们愿为发展双方贸易往来提供机会。3) 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望

15、与贵方建立商业关系。4) 根据您公司一月一三日的来函要求,现附目录一份。5) 对您公司为我公司产品开拓市场,深表感谢。6) 我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。7) 我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分重视。8) 殷切盼望早日来函。2、 Translate the following letter into Chinese:Dec、 23, 2006Dear Manager:Our corporation is established for the purpose of importing and exporting as well as other activities in c

16、onnection with foreign trade、We are active in the trade and financial circles of various countries and districts、 We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of technology with foreign countries, and well utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way、A bookl

17、et including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference、 We welcome your inquiries、 Sincerely、3、 Translate the following letter into English:格林先生:本公司专营电子产品进出口业务,行销世界各地。特函联系,愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。如贵公司有意与我建立该商品的业务往来,请提出具体要求,以便寄上样品、目录及详细说明。对于贵公司任何询问,我们将给以充分关注,并

18、希望早日惠复。黎明谨上2007年3月18日星期日Inquiries and offers1、 Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) We are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet、2) We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date、3) As soon as we have received your inquiry, we will immediately mail you the samples and

19、offer you our most favorable prices、4) If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to place large orders of mens shirts、5) Please quote as requested in our inquiry sheet your lowest prices and state the earliest delivery date、 6) If you are interested in our electronic products、 Please let us kno

20、w with a specific inquiry、7) We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within five days、8) If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please fax us immediately for our confirmation、9) The above offer is subject to our final confirmation、10) Please quote us CIF New

21、 York including 3% commission、2、 Translate the following sentences into English:1) 如果您方报价具有竞争性,交货期可以接受的话,我们愿意向您方订货。2) 一旦收到您方具体询价,我们将电告报价。3) 如果您方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。4) 此报价为实盘,以您方在本月底前复到有效。5) 我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,即日将给予明确答复。6) 鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特此还盘。7) 这就是我方最新价格单,您会发现我方价格具有竞争性的。8) 如果您方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。3、 Translate the f

22、ollowing letter into English:先生:事由:纺织品本公司就是纽约最大的纺织品进出口商之一,我们切盼与贵公司建立贸易关系,发展我们两国之间的贸易。随函附上第201号询价单一份,盼望您方早日给我们报纽约到岸价,包括我方百分之五的佣金。报价时请说明最早交货期与可供数量。倘若您方报价具有竞争性的话,我们打算大量成交。如蒙早日复信,不胜感激。谨上Offers and counter-offers1、 Translate the following useful sentences on offers and counter-offers into Chinese:1) In r

23、eply to your inquiry of June 2, we have the pleasure of offering you childrens bicycles as follows、2) We appreciate the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even for products of this quality、 We regret that at these prices we cannot place an orde

24、r、3) We are very pleased to receive your inquiry of August 1 and now we would like to confirm our cabled offer of this morning as follows、4) The offer made in the letter will remain firm until October 15、 Beyond that date the terms and prices should be discussed anew、5) On condition that you take mo

25、re than 1,000 sets, we are prepared to offer this special price of $10、50 per set, at 5% discount、6) You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer、 We are anticipating a large order from Japan, and that will cause a sharp rise in price、7) As business has been done extensively

26、in your market at this price, we regret that we can not accept your counter-offer、 It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and let us know your decision as quickly as possible、8) As your counter bid is not up to the present market level, we are sorry that we have to give you a negative r

27、eply、9) Your counter-offer is too low and groundless; therefore it cannot serve as a basis for further negotiation with our manufacturers、10) Im afraid we can not reduce our price to the level you have indicated、 To be frank with you, your counter-offer can barely cover our production cost、11 if you

28、 can supply the selling machine of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities with you、12we find that the selling prospects for your color TV of Meijia brand in our country are very good and look forward to receiving your samples and quotations as soon as possibl

29、e、13 Please let us know on what terms you can supply the above goods、14If you are in a position to meet our demand, we shall place a large sum order from you、15 Though the quality of your textiles is satisfactory for us, your quotation is not quite in line with the present market、16As our market is

30、now somewhat dull and prices are generally low, you are very fortunate in making purchases at this time、17we addressed our inquiry to the firm、18we would appreciate it if you will please let us know the ruling price of the goods、19I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quot

31、ation、20 the article we require should be durable in quality, bright and attractive in color2、 Turn the following letter of a firm offer into English:敬启者:西门子电冰箱贵方三月二十三日要求我方发盘标题下的商品的传真已立刻受到我方关注。非常高兴贵方对我方产品感兴趣。captioned兹答复贵方询盘,我方报盘如下,以贵方在七日内送达我方为有效。规格数量价格(美元) KG20EOOTI 1,500 410、00 KK21UOOTI 1,000 425、00

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